Seems legit. Going against the grain.



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    Yep refreshes and chromium pulls chasing Rey and Barriss. I'm down to only missing 4 heroes.
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    Oh well. It's interesting to finally see some ppl from our server. Hopefully darkdraka introduces himself in this thread!

    I agree! Greetings and salutations :)

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    I like your jedi team.
  • WayoftheGods
    138 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Thanks! I am feeling I need to replace anakin with someone else, with the incoming level cap increase. I haven't quite decided who should get the spot yet though.
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    Haha I'm glad there ended up being a point to this thread. Definitely looks like a modified app. There have been a number of these in the wild already. Everyone from this server needs to report this guy as a cheater.
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    He's so easy to snipe/overtake though!
    Tekken 7
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    I fought him twice just now, once for 3rd and again for 1st on Auto. Definitely something wrong there considering that it's an effort for me to beat the usual crew in the top 20 and I often lose.

    Anyway, have fun knocking me back down, I subbed Aayla for GS to see if I can hold on any better.
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    Oh you hit first place. Nice one!
    Tekken 7
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    Wish I had an Aayla to sub in! Congrats on 1st
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    @WayoftheGods @nfmus

    Hey guys,

    In light of the recent news about guilds, I was thinking of making a thread in the PVP and rivalry section for our particular server. And afterwards discuss about making a guild if we want to venture down that route. Just think it would be a bit more interesting to be guild mates with people from the same arena server.

    It actually may not work out if timezone becomes a crucial factor but a thread for our server would still be cool regardless.

    Tekken 7
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    How does this game not have the ability to check for hack programs? I play on a game with my PC that has a .dll file which finds any and all hacks, or so I am told.
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    @WayoftheGods @nfmus

    Hey guys,

    In light of the recent news about guilds, I was thinking of making a thread in the PVP and rivalry section for our particular server. And afterwards discuss about making a guild if we want to venture down that route. Just think it would be a bit more interesting to be guild mates with people from the same arena server.

    It actually may not work out if timezone becomes a crucial factor but a thread for our server would still be cool regardless.


    I would be ok with that!
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    I'm in as well for a server guild. Nice to see some familiar names/allies on the forums. Was starting to think others from my shard didn't post.
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    Seems legit.
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    Ramboni173 wrote: »
    It is clearly the hack program. My buddy and I tested it on a new account to see if it really works and it does. However, it does remove any/all fun from playing because it makes the toons invincible and do insane damage. You cant lose at all,a team of L1 will smash your best endgame team. EA can and will ban the account as they did after we put it in the top 10 arena. The huge difference in power and characters on the team make it a dead giveaway as the hack program. After enough players submit a ticket for cheating that player will be banned. The smart cheaters stay within their power realm in arena til they have the same characters as everyone else then you can't tell they are cheating and not likely to get caught either. There is always going to be cheating in any game out there. Reminds me of the old days with auto headshot in Half Life.

    Hacker program is actually legal. It's called Dooku lead. Makes all chars hit harder and become impossible to hit!
  • Baggodi
    404 posts Member
    I wanna play on that server! There are people in the 300's who ware about the same as the 2 and 3 spot in that picture. I could dominate. Lol.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    the picture in the OP link was uplaoded 19 days ago, is the 2nd picture posted in this thread more recent ? if so, he didnt improve much in 19days

    edit: i/m an ****, responding to an old thread :)
    Save water, drink champagne!
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