Cara dune

I can't remember for sure, the mandolrian, greef and Cara were all made farmable same day?


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    Thanks couldn't find it in the forums. Cara's drop rate is abysmal for me, I've been farming all three since I could, no refreshes on any, just the 5 a day I can. Mando is 24/65, greef 10/65 and Cara has been stuck at 13/30. Haven't gotten one shard for her this week. Wondering if anyone is experiencing this with her?
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    Thanks couldn't find it in the forums. Cara's drop rate is abysmal for me, I've been farming all three since I could, no refreshes on any, just the 5 a day I can. Mando is 24/65, greef 10/65 and Cara has been stuck at 13/30. Haven't gotten one shard for her this week. Wondering if anyone is experiencing this with her?

    I'm at Mando: 19/65, Cara: 13/65, and weird outlier is Greef: 29/65.
  • khdelboy
    754 posts Member
    edited August 2020
    It’s just bad luck. Just perverse and you’ll get the shards.

    In before TVF saying it’s 33% drop rate and it’s not common to be on a bad run(!)
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    I'm at Mando 21/65, Greef 26/65, Cara 13/65.

    I've done the same as you, 5 each per day since farmable.
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    I guess I stole all your Cara shards. I've been doing them evenly as well.

    Greef 46/85, Mando 42/85, Cara 67/85.
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    5 attempts per day since July 9

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    Mando 98/290
    Greef 94/290
    Cara 99/290

    32.4% - 34.1%.

    Looks fine to me.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    khdelboy wrote: »
    In before TVF saying it’s 33% drop rate

    Why? Are you allergic to facts or something?
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    I guess I stole all your Cara shards. I've been doing them evenly as well.

    Greef 46/85, Mando 42/85, Cara 67/85.

    Greef - 58/85
    Mando - 61/85
    Cara - 62/85

    I'm doing 15 sims each, but occasionally do an extra 5 on Greef every 2-3 days if I have 100 energy piled up before the reset
  • MasterSeedy
    5215 posts Member
    edited August 2020
    Why? Are you allergic to facts or something?

    Allergic to facts and not wanting to hear someone announce, "You know what everybody? The sky is blue! BLUE, I say!" for the 754th time this year are not the same thing.

    Yes the sky is blue.

    Yes the drop rate is identical for all toons and is almost certainly either 30% or 33%.

    That doesn't mean we want someone rushing in to the middle of the room and saying it over and over again.

    Even the people who start these mostly fruitless threads are familiar with what the drop rate is supposed to be. When you get a bad run on your shard luck for a toon, you know that's possible. You know what the rate should be. And yet, it's very human to just check in and make sure this isn't a bug of some kind, because if it did happen to be a bug - unlikely, but possible - we couldn't identify it without talking about it first. If everyone just thought, "Meh, bad luck for me," and failed to bring it up on the forum, the bug would never be identified.

    While there are a few conspiracy theorists, this OP isn't one. The OP was just checking in, effectively communicating, if I may paraphrase, "This is bad luck, right? Don't have to worry about a bug, right?"

    Replying, "Drop rate is 33%" would help no one in this thread, and framing their brief and reasonable request for info on Cara's release date and others' experiences as a fact allergy just shows you don't understand your fellow human beings.
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    Can also chime in that cara has been dropping normally for me
    I’ve done 450 sims of each of those characters (I did forget to check where Y-wing was when they added it - so I haven’t been tracking that).
    Cara 157/450 (7 above expected)
    Mando 162/450 (11 above expected)
    Greef (144/450 (6 below expected)
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    It’s always fun when multiple characters drop on the same day and you can farm them all simultaneously. It’s like a race to see which one finishes first!

    I started Cara a couple weeks after she dropped, had to finish up New Finn first. So I’m at something like 15/30 for her, but Mando and Greef are 20 and 30 out of 65. Right now Greef’s ahead, but it’s a marathon, not a sprint, so it’s still anyone’s game!
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    Why? Are you allergic to facts or something?

    Allergic to facts and not wanting to hear someone announce, "You know what everybody? The sky is blue! BLUE, I say!" for the 754th time this year are not the same thing.

    Yes the sky is blue.

    Yes the drop rate is identical for all toons and is almost certainly either 30% or 33%.

    That doesn't mean we want someone rushing in to the middle of the room and saying it over and over again.

    Even the people who start these mostly fruitless threads are familiar with what the drop rate is supposed to be. When you get a bad run on your shard luck for a toon, you know that's possible. You know what the rate should be. And yet, it's very human to just check in and make sure this isn't a bug of some kind, because if it did happen to be a bug - unlikely, but possible - we couldn't identify it without talking about it first. If everyone just thought, "Meh, bad luck for me," and failed to bring it up on the forum, the bug would never be identified.

    While there are a few conspiracy theorists, this OP isn't one. The OP was just checking in, effectively communicating, if I may paraphrase, "This is bad luck, right? Don't have to worry about a bug, right?"

    Replying, "Drop rate is 33%" would help no one in this thread, and framing their brief and reasonable request for info on Cara's release date and others' experiences as a fact allergy just shows you don't understand your fellow human beings.

    How much rent do you charge TVF to live in your head? I’m paying $2514.75 a month for a 3bd/2ba apartment in the Bay Area and your head seems more spacious, but I don’t know about the rent.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    How much rent do you charge TVF to live in your head?

    Bwuh? I didn't bring up TVF. Even after someone brought up TVF I don't think I mentioned TVF by name until this comment.
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    How much rent do you charge TVF to live in your head?

    Bwuh? I didn't bring up TVF. Even after someone brought up TVF I don't think I mentioned TVF by name until this comment.

    No, but you responded in the defense of someone who did, as if you were them, or knew what they intended. You can see why someone might get you confused.
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    Why? Are you allergic to facts or something?

    Allergic to facts and not wanting to hear someone announce, "You know what everybody? The sky is blue! BLUE, I say!" for the 754th time this year are not the same thing.

    Yes the sky is blue.

    Yes the drop rate is identical for all toons and is almost certainly either 30% or 33%.

    That doesn't mean we want someone rushing in to the middle of the room and saying it over and over again.

    Even the people who start these mostly fruitless threads are familiar with what the drop rate is supposed to be. When you get a bad run on your shard luck for a toon, you know that's possible. You know what the rate should be. And yet, it's very human to just check in and make sure this isn't a bug of some kind, because if it did happen to be a bug - unlikely, but possible - we couldn't identify it without talking about it first. If everyone just thought, "Meh, bad luck for me," and failed to bring it up on the forum, the bug would never be identified.

    While there are a few conspiracy theorists, this OP isn't one. The OP was just checking in, effectively communicating, if I may paraphrase, "This is bad luck, right? Don't have to worry about a bug, right?"

    Replying, "Drop rate is 33%" would help no one in this thread, and framing their brief and reasonable request for info on Cara's release date and others' experiences as a fact allergy just shows you don't understand your fellow human beings.

    Maybe if people didn’t constantly complain about the sky being polka dot people wouldn’t have to remind them of facts. And stating the drop rate is confirming it’s just variance
    NicWester wrote: »
    Why? Are you allergic to facts or something?

    Allergic to facts and not wanting to hear someone announce, "You know what everybody? The sky is blue! BLUE, I say!" for the 754th time this year are not the same thing.

    Yes the sky is blue.

    Yes the drop rate is identical for all toons and is almost certainly either 30% or 33%.

    That doesn't mean we want someone rushing in to the middle of the room and saying it over and over again.

    Even the people who start these mostly fruitless threads are familiar with what the drop rate is supposed to be. When you get a bad run on your shard luck for a toon, you know that's possible. You know what the rate should be. And yet, it's very human to just check in and make sure this isn't a bug of some kind, because if it did happen to be a bug - unlikely, but possible - we couldn't identify it without talking about it first. If everyone just thought, "Meh, bad luck for me," and failed to bring it up on the forum, the bug would never be identified.

    While there are a few conspiracy theorists, this OP isn't one. The OP was just checking in, effectively communicating, if I may paraphrase, "This is bad luck, right? Don't have to worry about a bug, right?"

    Replying, "Drop rate is 33%" would help no one in this thread, and framing their brief and reasonable request for info on Cara's release date and others' experiences as a fact allergy just shows you don't understand your fellow human beings.

    How much rent do you charge TVF to live in your head? I’m paying $2514.75 a month for a 3bd/2ba apartment in the Bay Area and your head seems more spacious, but I don’t know about the rent.

    How on earth did you find such a cheap rent??
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
  • TVF
    36798 posts Member
    Drop rate is 33%
    I need a new message here.
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    TVF wrote: »
    Drop rate is 33%

    But what about the sky?
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    khdelboy wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Drop rate is 33%

    But what about the sky?

    despite repeated reports, drop rate is 0
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
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    Gifafi wrote: »
    khdelboy wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Drop rate is 33%

    But what about the sky?

    despite repeated reports, drop rate is 0
    Chicken licken confirmed!!!
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    Gifafi wrote: »
    How on earth did you find such a cheap rent??

    DUDE FOR REAL I DON'T EVEN KNOW! We even have a garage space instead of a carport spot! I share it with two roommates, one of whom I legit hate, but for a bit over $800 a month I'll take it!
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    NicWester wrote: »
    Gifafi wrote: »
    How on earth did you find such a cheap rent??

    DUDE FOR REAL I DON'T EVEN KNOW! We even have a garage space instead of a carport spot! I share it with two roommates, one of whom I legit hate, but for a bit over $800 a month I'll take it!

    I'm legit getting angry, hopefully this thread gets back on topic so I don't break something lol
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
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    Is Cara actually any good? I see her on various YouTube videos and she seem to hit so weak.
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    Just thinking about the drop rate comments - you have a 67 to 70% of not getting a its more likely that 7/10 tries will not get you anything...thinking like this means you get excited when you get a shard! I'm easily pleased in these I got 5 ARC trooper shards out of 10 tries - that's 50% today, yesterday though I got 1/10 - so it all balances out somewhere, maybe in that galaxy, far, far away!!
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    FofoBett wrote: »
    Just thinking about the drop rate comments - you have a 67 to 70% of not getting a its more likely that 7/10 tries will not get you anything...thinking like this means you get excited when you get a shard! I'm easily pleased in these I got 5 ARC trooper shards out of 10 tries - that's 50% today, yesterday though I got 1/10 - so it all balances out somewhere, maybe in that galaxy, far, far away!!

    ^ this. I do the same thing on hard node farms. If I do the 5 sims, no refreshes, I think 0 is a bad day, 1 is an average day and 2 is a good day. Once, just once in 2 years I had a phenomenal day and got 5. And as FofoBett is right, it all evens out in the end.
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    TVF wrote: »
    Drop rate is 33%

    Hold on a sec...(you could be sarcastic here but still) if you mean drop rate is 33% per Single Sim and valid for every (farmable) character in game... yeah no, I don't think so; it can't be.
    Simming 15 in one go and getting 0 shards more than once, highly unlikely the drop rate is ~30%.
    It could be that but it certainly is not PER SIM; it's calculated to reach that percentage average over a certain period of time...somehow... but nobody knows because they are not being transparent over this.
    How many times do you sim 5 and get 1 shard or 0? - for me, on a daily basis.
    How many times do you sim 5 and get 5 shards? - for me, once every few months.
    And that's for the past 4,5 years...
    30% is a pretty high drop rate to get the above crap, constantly.

    If the drop rate would be that, we would not have some many people complaining over the years.
    It's blatantly obvious, we just can't prove it.

    You know, they had to introduce a law in order to make game companies state the drop probabilities on the loot boxes / packs etc. Just because they all have been very honest and transparent about it...

    Just look at that they've done over the years with their player base, where do their interests lie and tell me you honestly believe them.
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    Preto wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Drop rate is 33%

    Hold on a sec...(you could be sarcastic here but still) if you mean drop rate is 33% per Single Sim and valid for every (farmable) character in game... yeah no, I don't think so; it can't be.
    Simming 15 in one go and getting 0 shards more than once, highly unlikely the drop rate is ~30%.
    It could be that but it certainly is not PER SIM; it's calculated to reach that percentage average over a certain period of time...somehow... but nobody knows because they are not being transparent over this.
    How many times do you sim 5 and get 1 shard or 0? - for me, on a daily basis.
    How many times do you sim 5 and get 5 shards? - for me, once every few months.
    And that's for the past 4,5 years...
    30% is a pretty high drop rate to get the above crap, constantly.

    If the drop rate would be that, we would not have some many people complaining over the years.
    It's blatantly obvious, we just can't prove it.

    You know, they had to introduce a law in order to make game companies state the drop probabilities on the loot boxes / packs etc. Just because they all have been very honest and transparent about it...

    Just look at that they've done over the years with their player base, where do their interests lie and tell me you honestly believe them.
    I believe them.

    I don’t believe half-baked rambling posts like this from someone that obviously doesn’t actually track their drop rates. Especially posts that suggest that the “per sim” drop rate is in some way different from the overall drop rate.

    And please don’t try to tell me that all the other posts complaining about drop rates - that all look exactly like yours - are proof of anything other than the existence of confirmation bias and a persecution complex in tinfoil hat wearers.

    I track mine, and here’s the data for the only 4 farmable things I don’t have at 7*:

    Cara: 118/340 (34.7%)
    Mando: 119/340 (35%)
    Greef: 109/340 (31.1%)
    Ywing: 65/200 (32.5%)

    Try keeping proper data like this. Not vague memories.
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