Please extend this Yoda event (Yoda Event merged threads)


  • Barrok
    1754 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    Qeltar wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    Wow, for the last week a thread has been going about Yoda never coming back.. and they bring him back and people complain.

    Geez, the internet is amazing!

    You are smarter than this. You know what the issue is.

    Lol. Sure. There is a thread complaining about it not coming back... and they bring it back and you whine. You should be happy it is back! You think these guys should be tied to some schedule the great grandmaster Qeltar creates... but it doesn't work like that. They never claimed that it would follow a rigid schedule. Geez, you need to settle down and be glad it's back and work to get your Yoda. If you don't get it this time you will get it next time. It's a game dude...

    WTH? Really?? You're usually better than this.

    It is obvious what the problem is - the "as usual" lack of communication by CG/EA.

    Of course the lack of communication is a problem. But seriously, up to yesterday people weren't even sure it was coming back soon. If they would have came out yesterday in the patch notes and said... Yoda is coming back tomorrow for a week! Think people would change their tune? Doubtful. People want things to follow their schedule when they don't they are upset. There are plenty of people who will benefit greatly from Yoda coming back, but we aren't happy for them. We are selfishly unhappy because it doesn't match our schedule!

    Come on guys, the community has to be better than this.

    Edit: There are a million things to complain about in this update, this just seems like the low man on the totem pole.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Barrok wrote: »
    Lol I wish I could ignore your posts, but your whines are spread out all over this forum. Can't read a thread without running into them :(

    Actually I've cut back on my posting over the last month. And when I do post a complaint, I try to make it constructive and reasonably expressed.
    I think this complaint is valid, as evidenced by many people who have chimed in with the same issue. It's a simple issue, it makes logical sense, and it's easily solved: if they wanted this to be a positive surprise, simply let him stay around longer so people can catch up.
    You are apparently trolling me for a reaction. You're not going to get it. Consider this the end of our exchange on the matter.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • TMK
    700 posts Member
    6 days and 18 hours left. Missing last, 5th, character to get at least 5* Yoda.

    The characters I have pending are:

    IGD 4*, 36/65 - have both nodes opened.
    AT (25/25 not activated yet) - have all her nodes opened.
    Barriss Offee (23/80 can't activate her) - have 2 of her nodes opened.

    What should I do? Pursue IGD and hope I come on top? Will I get enough shards in less than 7 days for Yoda fight?

    Let me hear your opinion(s).
  • Options
    Guess I'll have to wait until May now.
  • Barrok
    1754 posts Member
    Qeltar wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    Lol I wish I could ignore your posts, but your whines are spread out all over this forum. Can't read a thread without running into them :(

    Actually I've cut back on my posting over the last month. And when I do post a complaint, I try to make it constructive and reasonably expressed.
    I think this complaint is valid, as evidenced by many people who have chimed in with the same issue. It's a simple issue, it makes logical sense, and it's easily solved: if they wanted this to be a positive surprise, simply let him stay around longer so people can catch up.
    You are apparently trolling me for a reaction. You're not going to get it. Consider this the end of our exchange on the matter.

    You cutting your posting back is like an overweight person only eating 4 big macs instead of 6. I still see your posts all over the place (mostly whining) and I can't do anything about it. Look at your post history.

    Again, your complaint is selfish. If you had your jedi's ready for 7* yoda right now, you would be in yoda heaven (as I bet plenty of people are). But because it doesn't matchup with your schedule then you are unhappy.
  • Options
    Yeah personally it's a 50-50 for me.
    50% happy that he came back and that some are able to finish him up.
    50% unhappy that they didn't just, you know, tell us. I fear that a few players may now be painfully close to a 7*, but will come up maybe 50-60 shards short.

    Personally I did the math and I can hit 6* Yoda easily. 7* Yoda would require me to farm 24~ shards/day for Bariss - and I don't see that happening nor will I refresh cantina for 400 crystals.

    So, it is what it is. GGWP.
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
  • Options
    19 shards to 7* Anakin! I should make it but I need to have time to beat it! I heard it can be tough!
  • Kosar
    84 posts Member
    So the, I'm sure, unforseen consequence of Luminara's heal now being a dispellable buff is her inability to go into this Yoda fight. Once you inevitably heal with her, Yoda starts spamming his aoe trying to steal it. He apparently can't steal it, but it doesn't stop him from trying by using it every other turn... Which is a lot of turns... Yoda was already a mess, but watching that happen to my buddy was hilarious for the sheer fact it proves you can fix one thing in any game but you'll inevitably break another.
  • Options
    Lol I agree. I'm 70 shards short for quigon. With a 100 shards a day I'll only get half of what I need.
  • Options
    Barrok wrote: »
    Qeltar wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    Lol I wish I could ignore your posts, but your whines are spread out all over this forum. Can't read a thread without running into them :(

    Actually I've cut back on my posting over the last month. And when I do post a complaint, I try to make it constructive and reasonably expressed.
    I think this complaint is valid, as evidenced by many people who have chimed in with the same issue. It's a simple issue, it makes logical sense, and it's easily solved: if they wanted this to be a positive surprise, simply let him stay around longer so people can catch up.
    You are apparently trolling me for a reaction. You're not going to get it. Consider this the end of our exchange on the matter.

    You cutting your posting back is like an overweight person only eating 4 big macs instead of 6. I still see your posts all over the place (mostly whining) and I can't do anything about it. Look at your post history.

    Complaints are usually justified.
    The majority of people tend to agree with Qeltar
    And, well, if you don't like him posting, why engage with him? That's just gonna make him post more - directly towards you - peeing against the wind etc.
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
  • Powda
    525 posts Member
    Kosar wrote: »
    So the, I'm sure, unforseen consequence of Luminara's heal now being a dispellable buff is her inability to go into this Yoda fight. Once you inevitably heal with her, Yoda starts spamming his aoe trying to steal it. He apparently can't steal it, but it doesn't stop him from trying by using it every other turn... Which is a lot of turns... Yoda was already a mess, but watching that happen to my buddy was hilarious for the sheer fact it proves you can fix one thing in any game but you'll inevitably break another.

    I hope this is SO true... :smiley:
  • DV_27
    967 posts Member
    Yeah personally it's a 50-50 for me.
    50% happy that he came back and that some are able to finish him up.
    50% unhappy that they didn't just, you know, tell us. I fear that a few players may now be painfully close to a 7*, but will come up maybe 50-60 shards short.

    Personally I did the math and I can hit 6* Yoda easily. 7* Yoda would require me to farm 24~ shards/day for Bariss - and I don't see that happening nor will I refresh cantina for 400 crystals.

    So, it is what it is. GGWP.
    I need 71 barriss shards. Do you think it can be done with 2 refreshes and her hard nodes
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    I healed 5 times and he tried to take it every time lol. He got nothing but evasion from Lumi
  • Options
    My Jedi will be ready for when Yoda was supposed to drop (next week).

    Please extend for a positive customer experience.
  • Barrok
    1754 posts Member
    Barrok wrote: »
    Qeltar wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    Lol I wish I could ignore your posts, but your whines are spread out all over this forum. Can't read a thread without running into them :(

    Actually I've cut back on my posting over the last month. And when I do post a complaint, I try to make it constructive and reasonably expressed.
    I think this complaint is valid, as evidenced by many people who have chimed in with the same issue. It's a simple issue, it makes logical sense, and it's easily solved: if they wanted this to be a positive surprise, simply let him stay around longer so people can catch up.
    You are apparently trolling me for a reaction. You're not going to get it. Consider this the end of our exchange on the matter.

    You cutting your posting back is like an overweight person only eating 4 big macs instead of 6. I still see your posts all over the place (mostly whining) and I can't do anything about it. Look at your post history.

    Complaints are usually justified.
    The majority of people tend to agree with Qeltar
    And, well, if you don't like him posting, why engage with him? That's just gonna make him post more - directly towards you - peeing against the wind etc.

    Aren't you the individual who created the thread suggesting it might not come back soon?

    Thats the only reason I am even saying anything. That thread was huge! Tons of posts. People suggesting all sorts of things about if and when it would come back. I can't see how Yoda coming back is anything but a positive for the majority of the players. Sure, certain individuals will be unhappy because there is always that crowd, but if you remove being selfish from the equation then this is great. More people getting yoda the better!
  • Ciel_6
    178 posts Member
    MrClean621 wrote: »
    19 shards to 7* Anakin! I should make it but I need to have time to beat it! I heard it can be tough!

    Keep refreshing those nodes! Refresh refresh refresh... It'll be close!

    I might be able to just sneak in barriss, but no chance for JC. With barriss at 7*, I'd have a full team but I'd be missing the extra heal. Lumi, Anakin, Ahsoka, QGJ and barriss.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    DV_27 wrote: »
    I need 71 barriss shards. Do you think it can be done with 2 refreshes and her hard nodes
    On average that is good for 12 shards per day. So in theory yes. You can also splurge on an extra refresh or two if you need, or watch for her in the shard shop or shipments.
    Does only give you 1 or 2 days to actually do the fight. I will be in the same boat, and that's only if Anakin is a good boy.. and Anakin doesn't like to be a good boy. :)
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • Options
    Asic wrote: »
    My guess is they want to make yoda challenge more difficult before everyone gets to level 80. People would be better off in 7 days but now you have been done a favor for earlier opportunity. They can test and make it more difficult the next update in a month.

    Not sure, what's the point then.
    Yoda event pretty much a reward for playerbase(as someone mention on the other thread/time) so there's no reason to increasing difficulty thus giving same reward, or no reward for player which already done that.
    But yeah, maaaaybe that could happen. Who knows.
    the cake is a lie
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    It looks unlikely as I only see 4 half the way through! Nevertheless, you should go for it if you really want yoda, anyway the event will eventually come back!
  • Heisen
    364 posts Member
    Barrok wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    Qeltar wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    Lol I wish I could ignore your posts, but your whines are spread out all over this forum. Can't read a thread without running into them :(

    Actually I've cut back on my posting over the last month. And when I do post a complaint, I try to make it constructive and reasonably expressed.
    I think this complaint is valid, as evidenced by many people who have chimed in with the same issue. It's a simple issue, it makes logical sense, and it's easily solved: if they wanted this to be a positive surprise, simply let him stay around longer so people can catch up.
    You are apparently trolling me for a reaction. You're not going to get it. Consider this the end of our exchange on the matter.

    You cutting your posting back is like an overweight person only eating 4 big macs instead of 6. I still see your posts all over the place (mostly whining) and I can't do anything about it. Look at your post history.

    Complaints are usually justified.
    The majority of people tend to agree with Qeltar
    And, well, if you don't like him posting, why engage with him? That's just gonna make him post more - directly towards you - peeing against the wind etc.

    Aren't you the individual who created the thread suggesting it might not come back soon?

    Thats the only reason I am even saying anything. That thread was huge! Tons of posts. People suggesting all sorts of things about if and when it would come back. I can't see how Yoda coming back is anything but a positive for the majority of the players. Sure, certain individuals will be unhappy because there is always that crowd, but if you remove being selfish from the equation then this is great. More people getting yoda the better!

    Yoda was supposed to be a regular thing. Removing the timer then bringing it back as a "surprise" is hardly a positive thing. It was a really lame, cheap excuse to reuse old content to make it seem like they are doing something for goodwill.
  • Jaxs
    49 posts Member
    I have four 7* Jedi, QGJ, Luminara, Eeth Koth, and JC all level 70 and only QGJ and Luminary max abilities. JC is decent on abilitites. Koth only up to level 3 on abilities and all 4 are max gear. my 5th jedi is Mace who is sitting at lvl 70 5* 74/85 shards from 6* this event came back 2 weeks too soon. So I guess i'll get my 6* yoda while the event is going on , but I'm not so sure i can get Mace to 7* before these 7 days is up. If they had just waited 1 more week I would have had mace to 7* thank you EA/CG/DEVS
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    First off, I'm happy the event is back as I got my last jedi to 5 stars a few days after it went last time so I can finally unlock yoda this time around.

    What I'm disappointed with is the communication - why remove the 'returning soon' timer? It seems a bit pointless and messes with people's plans. Communication is seriously lacking both in game and on the official forum. It could have even been leaked in last week's community update by @EA_Jesse but it wasn't. Why spring it on us - if it's supposed to be a regular event - keep it regular like clockwork. Either every x weeks or first/second/last week of the month. Please please please get the simple things right!!!
    UK/Euro guild - GrievousGenerals recruiting - lv85+ Discord @Starjumper#8384
  • Barrok
    1754 posts Member
    Heisen wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    Qeltar wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    Lol I wish I could ignore your posts, but your whines are spread out all over this forum. Can't read a thread without running into them :(

    Actually I've cut back on my posting over the last month. And when I do post a complaint, I try to make it constructive and reasonably expressed.
    I think this complaint is valid, as evidenced by many people who have chimed in with the same issue. It's a simple issue, it makes logical sense, and it's easily solved: if they wanted this to be a positive surprise, simply let him stay around longer so people can catch up.
    You are apparently trolling me for a reaction. You're not going to get it. Consider this the end of our exchange on the matter.

    You cutting your posting back is like an overweight person only eating 4 big macs instead of 6. I still see your posts all over the place (mostly whining) and I can't do anything about it. Look at your post history.

    Complaints are usually justified.
    The majority of people tend to agree with Qeltar
    And, well, if you don't like him posting, why engage with him? That's just gonna make him post more - directly towards you - peeing against the wind etc.

    Aren't you the individual who created the thread suggesting it might not come back soon?

    Thats the only reason I am even saying anything. That thread was huge! Tons of posts. People suggesting all sorts of things about if and when it would come back. I can't see how Yoda coming back is anything but a positive for the majority of the players. Sure, certain individuals will be unhappy because there is always that crowd, but if you remove being selfish from the equation then this is great. More people getting yoda the better!

    Yoda was supposed to be a regular thing. Removing the timer then bringing it back as a "surprise" is hardly a positive thing. It was a really lame, cheap excuse to reuse old content to make it seem like they are doing something for goodwill.

    Hmm, tell me where they posted that it would come back at an exact time every single month and only last for an exact amount of days? They didn't. There is no set schedule. Man, never mind. I guess Yoda coming back is a negative thing.. my bad. Wish he would have stayed away!
  • InternetSwag
    2658 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Barrok wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    Qeltar wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    Lol I wish I could ignore your posts, but your whines are spread out all over this forum. Can't read a thread without running into them :(

    Actually I've cut back on my posting over the last month. And when I do post a complaint, I try to make it constructive and reasonably expressed.
    I think this complaint is valid, as evidenced by many people who have chimed in with the same issue. It's a simple issue, it makes logical sense, and it's easily solved: if they wanted this to be a positive surprise, simply let him stay around longer so people can catch up.
    You are apparently trolling me for a reaction. You're not going to get it. Consider this the end of our exchange on the matter.

    You cutting your posting back is like an overweight person only eating 4 big macs instead of 6. I still see your posts all over the place (mostly whining) and I can't do anything about it. Look at your post history.

    Complaints are usually justified.
    The majority of people tend to agree with Qeltar
    And, well, if you don't like him posting, why engage with him? That's just gonna make him post more - directly towards you - peeing against the wind etc.

    Aren't you the individual who created the thread suggesting it might not come back soon?

    Thats the only reason I am even saying anything. That thread was huge! Tons of posts. People suggesting all sorts of things about if and when it would come back. I can't see how Yoda coming back is anything but a positive for the majority of the players. Sure, certain individuals will be unhappy because there is always that crowd, but if you remove being selfish from the equation then this is great. More people getting yoda the better!

    Fair enough, I see your point. Yeah the thread was huge, but 60% of it was basically people making fun of the situation and how Yoda would come back as DLC (myself included). We also don't know if he returned because of our 'whining' for him to return. Could just have been that CG caved in without telling us, basically turning the entire thing into a meme.

    I am happy about his return though.
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
  • Options
    I stopped farming my Jedi to 7 due to the fact my dark side was slacking. No way I'm going to pump my resources into this in hopes I maybe get 3 to 7. All 3 of them are 6 star half to seven but still. I bet yodas 80 anyways which means I'd waste my time. Worst surprise ever. Games dying, good job EA.
  • DV_27
    967 posts Member
    Qeltar wrote: »
    DV_27 wrote: »
    I need 71 barriss shards. Do you think it can be done with 2 refreshes and her hard nodes
    On average that is good for 12 shards per day. So in theory yes. You can also splurge on an extra refresh or two if you need, or watch for her in the shard shop or shipments.
    Does only give you 1 or 2 days to actually do the fight. I will be in the same boat, and that's only if Anakin is a good boy.. and Anakin doesn't like to be a good boy. :)
    Thanks! I might as well try and go for it since we don't know when he'll be back. And not like I'll be usin crystals for gear farming since we still don't know where to find the new ones as yet
  • Kalo
    123 posts Member
    Thanks, CG! Got my 7* Yoda today. Missed the last event by 2 days. Also on 1st try with JKG and Barris hanging with the green guy. Just lucky or did they perhaps drop the difficulty level?
  • Heisen
    364 posts Member
    Barrok wrote: »
    Heisen wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    Qeltar wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    Lol I wish I could ignore your posts, but your whines are spread out all over this forum. Can't read a thread without running into them :(

    Actually I've cut back on my posting over the last month. And when I do post a complaint, I try to make it constructive and reasonably expressed.
    I think this complaint is valid, as evidenced by many people who have chimed in with the same issue. It's a simple issue, it makes logical sense, and it's easily solved: if they wanted this to be a positive surprise, simply let him stay around longer so people can catch up.
    You are apparently trolling me for a reaction. You're not going to get it. Consider this the end of our exchange on the matter.

    You cutting your posting back is like an overweight person only eating 4 big macs instead of 6. I still see your posts all over the place (mostly whining) and I can't do anything about it. Look at your post history.

    Complaints are usually justified.
    The majority of people tend to agree with Qeltar
    And, well, if you don't like him posting, why engage with him? That's just gonna make him post more - directly towards you - peeing against the wind etc.

    Aren't you the individual who created the thread suggesting it might not come back soon?

    Thats the only reason I am even saying anything. That thread was huge! Tons of posts. People suggesting all sorts of things about if and when it would come back. I can't see how Yoda coming back is anything but a positive for the majority of the players. Sure, certain individuals will be unhappy because there is always that crowd, but if you remove being selfish from the equation then this is great. More people getting yoda the better!

    Yoda was supposed to be a regular thing. Removing the timer then bringing it back as a "surprise" is hardly a positive thing. It was a really lame, cheap excuse to reuse old content to make it seem like they are doing something for goodwill.

    Hmm, tell me where they posted that it would come back at an exact time every single month and only last for an exact amount of days? They didn't. There is no set schedule. Man, never mind. I guess Yoda coming back is a negative thing.. my bad. Wish he would have stayed away!

    Once again, it seems the point just flies over your head.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    Heisen wrote: »
    Once again, it seems the point just flies over your head.

    It's deliberate, don't waste your time. You can't possibly reason with anyone who uses straw man "logic" like "a couple of people thought 'RETURNING SOON' meant never, so there's no reason to complain about bringing him back when many people aren't ready for the event". Might as well bang your head on a wall.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • Ciel_6
    178 posts Member
    Kalo wrote: »
    Thanks, CG! Got my 7* Yoda today. Missed the last event by 2 days. Also on 1st try with JKG and Barris hanging with the green guy. Just lucky or did they perhaps drop the difficulty level?

    Congrats! What was your team?
This discussion has been closed.