Or it is good that Lumi healing over turn is possitive effect??



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    I see what you mean as there are toons such as QGJ, Ventress and Akbar that benefit from dispels.

    I guess it might mean a change in strategy - kill the dispeller pre heal. (this would also mean if you had a team of say rey, FOTP, akbar, QGJ, daka - it makes it pretty hard to decide who to take down first of you want to use lumis heal)

    Lumi is technically classed as an attacker so maybe people will use her for that more.
    UK/Euro guild - GrievousGenerals recruiting - lv85+ Discord @Starjumper#8384
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    Trevor wrote: »

    Grammar and speling is most important and you would be so arrogant that you wouldn t speak with those who makes mistakes althought they don t need to use language in regular basis.

    Dude you cannot even spell the character names correctly. If I were you, I would at least apologize and try to use a translator when necessary. Not to mention that instead of this constant whining about this Lumi "nerf", you could try perfecting your "4th" language.

    Also I have some real life news for you: when you type, you need grammar skills not accent, so next time find a video that can teach you how to spell correctly, instead of one that invent excuses for people like you.
  • Irrlicht
    471 posts Member
    Right now it's difficult to judge whether this "nerf" (and technically, it's doubtless the nerf, since it gives no benefits to Lumi but provides with some additional ways to counter her) is necessary. But in fact I appreciate approach that every lasting positive effect that comes from one character to effect another (besides leader abilities) shall be regarded as buff/debuff.

    P.S. Evil grammar ****. Evil grammar **** are everywhere!
    *swears in Ukrainian and Russian , trying to find the Ukrainian-English dictionary and some grammar textbooks, then checks whether spelling check plug-in in his browser works fine, in order to avoid mass repressions*
  • theHejiN
    659 posts Member
    No there is others toons OP
    If the designers didn't want to nerf her, but still want the HoT to appear as a buff, then they would have decided to reduce the heal cooldown by one. Probably...
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