How to get to number 1, or at least top 10.

585 posts Member
edited April 2016
This is my squad, I have been ending #18 and #17 but with one refresh, around #60 with no refresh. It seems hard for me to get to higher ranks, so any help is appreciated. This is my squad (PLEASE HELP ME :D):
Luminara 7* (Level 72, gear 8)
Sidius 7* (Level 72, gear 8)
Greedo 7* (Level 72, gear 9)
Dooku 7* (Level 72, gear 8)
Phasma 7* (Level 72, gear 8)
QGJ 7* (Level 72 gear 8)
JC 5* (Level 64, gear 8)
ST Han 3* (New project, gear 8)
IG86 5* (Half way to 6*, level 61, gear 6)
Vader, Lando (level 69, gear 7), Fives (level 52, gear 6), Talia and HRS 4*
Other who might be important:
IG88 4* (Level 33, gear 4)
GS 1* (level 12, gear 2)
Who should I farm? What should I do??
I am COMPLETELY FTP and do NOT plan to farm Rey, RG, FOTP which are too long to farm for a FTP.
Post edited by TheDukeofDukes22 on


  • WildGrunt
    1230 posts Member
    I love that your IG86 will go straight from 5 to 7, mine didn't do that :/
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    @WildRile just edited! Thanks for all the feedback and help!
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    You're welcome!
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    Levels and gear?
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    @Plague_Inc I thought no one would like to read the post if I added that. But I see anyways no one is answering so give me a second and I will add them!
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    @Plague_Inc done!
  • Plague_Inc
    451 posts Member
    edited April 2016

    Great thanks. What's your current composition? I don't want to say what you're using now.
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    Dooku (leader), phasma, luminara, sidius and QGJ
  • Irrlicht
    471 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    First of all, level and stars are less important than gears. I assume that your characters have max gear level.
    Right now it seems like the best team for you is:
    Dooku (L), QGJ, Greedo, Sid and Lumi.
    Due to Evasion Up (Greedo and Lumi) and Passive evasion against jedies, we have nice synergy here for Dooku's leading. The first character to be substituted in this team is Sid. I'd suggest to substitute him for IG-86 once he is 7*, but it might not be the best idea, since Sid's speed is often important. GS would be the best solution, but it will take a month to bring him to decent level. Lumi is also not the best choice for Arena now. Her heal over time effect became a buff. When she casts it, enemy's QGJ says "yami-yami" targets someone with low potency and you're fighting against team with Offence Up now.
    Once again, I'm not gonna advise you to farm someone for the far-reaching prospects, because some changes in game mechanic were announced and trends can be changed sufficiently in the nearest future. Moreover, I'd advise you NOT to farm characters from Cantina shipment right now and stockpile cantina credits instead. When the new meta appears, you will be able to farm the convenient character pretty fast (20 shards per day for four shipments), while there is a chance that the one you can start farming now will happen to be garbage at that moment. And the new meta may demand either Fives (HP), or Daka (stuns/revives), or HR Scout (TM manipulations), or (Crit Damage), or Poe (fast tanks). We cannot even exclude the possibility that current 'rubbish' characters like Jedi Guardian and Mob Enforced might be changed to become useful or even vital as it happened with Royal Guard.
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    Dooku (leader), phasma, luminara, sidius and QGJ

    With your current toons there isn't any other option really. Depending on the team you face, you may need need extra speed. At those times, make QGJ your leader.

    Of all your others I would also focus on 86. He's easily to level and hits like a truck
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    Irrlicht wrote: »
    First of all, level and stars are less important than gears. I assume that your characters have max gear level.
    Right now it seems like the best team for you is:
    Dooku (L), QGJ, Greedo, Sid and Lumi.
    Due to Evasion Up (Greedo and Lumi) and Passive evasion against jedies, we have nice synergy here for Dooku's leading. The first character to be substituted in this team is Sid. I'd suggest to substitute him for IG-86 once he is 7*, but it might not be the best idea, since Sid's speed is often important. GS would be the best solution, but it will take a month to bring him to decent level. Lumi is also not the best choice for Arena now. Her heal over time effect became a buff. When she casts it, enemy's QGJ says "yami-yami" targets someone with low potency and you're fighting against team with Offence Up now.
    Once again, I'm not gonna advise you to farm someone for the far-reaching prospects, because some changes in game mechanic were announced and trends can be changed sufficiently in the nearest future. Moreover, I'd advise you NOT to farm characters from Cantina shipment right now and stockpile cantina credits instead. When the new meta appears, you will be able to farm the convenient character pretty fast (20 shards per day for four shipments), while there is a chance that the one you can start farming now will happen to be garbage at that moment. And the new meta may demand either Fives (HP), or Daka (stuns/revives), or HR Scout (TM manipulations), or (Crit Damage), or Poe (fast tanks). We cannot even exclude the possibility that current 'rubbish' characters like Jedi Guardian and Mob Enforced might be changed to become useful or even vital as it happened with Royal Guard.

    Thank for your response! But another question: what about QGJ? I am still farming him on the cantina shipments.
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    @wettshoes1 I have been ignoring him really. Now that to people suggest that he is good, I will give him a chance!
  • Irrlicht
    471 posts Member
    Thank for your response! But another question: what about QGJ? I am still farming him on the cantina shipments.
    Yes, he should be finished, no doubts. I was talking about new farms. QGJ seems to be viable almost in any possible meta.
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    Finish up QGJ in the cantina, even if the new update makes him less useful he's still going to be a solid toon. Imo, when your are done with QGJ get Daka. You can use her in GW and arena - and is a must for high level dark side battles. You can stockpile too, but I think you are going to want Daka no matter what.

    Also, I wouldn't currently use greeto in the arena, Phasma (even without being leader) is better.
  • WildGrunt
    1230 posts Member
    @WildRile just edited! Thanks for all the feedback and help!
    Who is WildRile :/? @TheDukeofDukes22
  • WildGrunt
    1230 posts Member
    Anyway to answer your question, I'd go with Dooku (L), QGJ, Greedo, Luminara and Sidius
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    WildGrunt wrote: »
    @WildRile just edited! Thanks for all the feedback and help!
    Who is WildRile :/? @TheDukeofDukes22

    As you were not trying to help you did not deserve to be mentioned, so I mentioned your brother @WildRile (smiley with tongue out)
    wettshoes1 wrote: »
    Finish up QGJ in the cantina, even if the new update makes him less useful he's still going to be a solid toon. Imo, when your are done with QGJ get Daka. You can use her in GW and arena - and is a must for high level dark side battles. You can stockpile too, but I think you are going to want Daka no matter what.

    Also, I wouldn't currently use greeto in the arena, Phasma (even without being leader) is better.

    Ya sure bro?
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    WildGrunt wrote: »
    Anyway to answer your question, I'd go with Dooku (L), QGJ, Greedo, Luminara and Sidius

    Ok now I mention you @WildGrunt :smiley: tks for the help!
  • wettshoes1
    271 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    wettshoes1 wrote: »
    Finish up QGJ in the cantina, even if the new update makes him less useful he's still going to be a solid toon. Imo, when your are done with QGJ get Daka. You can use her in GW and arena - and is a must for high level dark side battles. You can stockpile too, but I think you are going to want Daka no matter what.

    Also, I wouldn't currently use greeto in the arena, Phasma (even without being leader) is better.

    Ya sure bro?

    Defiantly sure on greeto lol
    Use him in GW but Phasma has good HP and her specials give advantage, turnmeter gain, speed down. These are useful.

    Once you have 86 geared/stared up I would consider using him.

    Can't be 100% on QGJ until the update - but I'm guessing he will still be useful. Daka is a safe bet. Her stuns are awesome and you need her healing for dark side battles. You can wait on farming her but I'm sure you will farm her eventually lol
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    @WildGrunt and @Irrlicht Why greedo? @wettshoes1 disagrees LOL!
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    Greedo is good on offense but he is terrible on defense because the AI always uses his thermal detonator first and essentially wastes his first turn. If you use Greedo on offense, make sure you switch him out for a different toon when you fight your last battle of the day. That should help keep you from dropping as much in rank overnight and you won't have to climb back as much in the morning, so you'll be able to use more of your battles to try and finish in a better spot.
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    @furious you also say greedo! But change him for whom?
  • Irrlicht
    471 posts Member
    For DS battles Daka can be borrowed, so if someone appears to be a game-changer in future, they should get him first in Arena if they are concentrated on Arena performance.
    As for Greedo/Phasma: in that team there are not enough damage dealers. When QGJ is killed (and he will be dead before his turn and moreover - before Phasma turn), who are going to kill foes? Sid is rather debuffer than attacker, Lumi is also on the border between support and attacker, Dooku is support and debuffer... Adding one more support for this team seems too much.
    Greedo, on the other hand, is good if QGJ calls him for assist, he has decent damage and solid basic attack (chance of double attack and Evasion Up that stacks well with Dooku leading).
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    @furious you also say greedo! But change him for whom?
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    @furious you also say greedo! But change him for whom?

    Anyone. Greeto in the arena is like having a "kick me" sign on your nutz lol :p

    Seriously - Phasma for defense at least ... And I would try her on offense - use her specials for the turn meter gain/advantage and her Aoe to slow the over team down. See who you like better ...

    If you level 86 I would use him. He's slow but has enough HP to take a hit. If Phasma gives him advantage of he evades with a Dooku lead, his basic and especially his assist special do huge damage.

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    Irrlicht wrote: »
    For DS battles Daka can be borrowed, so if someone appears to be a game-changer in future, they should get him first in Arena if they are concentrated on Arena performance.
    As for Greedo/Phasma: in that team there are not enough damage dealers. When QGJ is killed (and he will be dead before his turn and moreover - before Phasma turn), who are going to kill foes? Sid is rather debuffer than attacker, Lumi is also on the border between support and attacker, Dooku is support and debuffer... Adding one more support for this team seems too much.
    Greedo, on the other hand, is good if QGJ calls him for assist, he has decent damage and solid basic attack (chance of double attack and Evasion Up that stacks well with Dooku leading).

    You have a point there... though phasma's Victory March can come REALLY in handy...
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    For what I have heard I am deciding that I will try Greedo on offense, keep Phasma on deffense and level up IG86 as quick as possible.
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    Irrlicht wrote: »
    For DS battles Daka can be borrowed, so if someone appears to be a game-changer in future, they should get him first in Arena if they are concentrated on Arena performance.
    As for Greedo/Phasma: in that team there are not enough damage dealers. When QGJ is killed (and he will be dead before his turn and moreover - before Phasma turn), who are going to kill foes? Sid is rather debuffer than attacker, Lumi is also on the border between support and attacker, Dooku is support and debuffer... Adding one more support for this team seems too much.
    Greedo, on the other hand, is good if QGJ calls him for assist, he has decent damage and solid basic attack (chance of double attack and Evasion Up that stacks well with Dooku leading).

    Borrowing Daka?? Easier said than done lol

    Personally I say dump greeto and Phasma and use 86 once you level.

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    @wettshoes1 yes yes! I will probably do that but until then I will do what I said in my previous post.
  • Irrlicht
    471 posts Member
    wettshoes1 wrote: »
    Borrowing Daka?? Easier said than done lol
    Make a topic on forum "need your Daka" and you will have several allies with Daka in an hour. I've personally sent ally requests to dozen of guys who asked for her here on forum.
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