FTP 7 Star Yoda!!!


  • bbmiLo
    378 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    All of you are claiming TWO refreshes a day, thats 300 crystals.

    Without a serious arena presence, F2P doesnt have this kind of income.

    it depends on your server. i started playing middle of december. i was top 50 with Phasma(L), Sid, Lumi, JC, Poe. then top 20 after replacing JC with GS. then top 10 when using QGJ lead at only only 5* replacing Phasma. in past 1.5 months i am #1 most of days with QGJ(L), Yoda, GS, Lumi, Poe.
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    bbmiLo wrote: »
    Mo_liza wrote: »
    lol thinks other people are having hard time because their Jedi aren't leveled up. Then shows team of jedi with level 3 abilities.

    because you do not use special ability against yoda, so no need to level up those abilities.

    Exactly this
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    Snake wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    You 7* QGJ from nothing since his F2P release, without spending money?

    Not possible without shipment AND cantina energy refreshes.

    Your roster isnt top 10 arena.

    You MUST have bought crystals.

    It would take 61 days at most to unlock and seven star qgj through cantina shipments only with only 1 refresh per day (100 crystals). It's been 68 days since he was released to shipments. 'Nuff said.

    Congrats on your accomplishments op. I hope to join you next time yoda comes around again

    Exactly this. Thanks
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    The_Jam wrote: »
    Congrats bud this will be the second time for me trying to get 7 star Yoda as on the last event I had my 5 gear 8 7 star Jedi but after in excess of 200 tries he continually did so much damage that my team died without even killing him once. I don't use special attacks I focus all fire on the superstar destroyer but alas it always ends the same way here's my team any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    Lumi(lead) QGJ Asoka Mace JC

    What levels are your Jedi's abilities? All maxed? For that setup, all basics should be level 7, Luminara should also have her healing and leader ability at level 7, QGJ should also have his Harmonious Assault at level 7, and JC should also have his healing at level 7. I posted pictures of the Jedi I used to show everyone that not all of the Jedi's abilities need to be leveled up, but the ones I mentioned above are a must. I do have some of the other Jedi abilities maxed, but that is because I use them on a daily basis in GW.

    I'm not familiar with Asoka, but I used only basic attacks against Yoda with the exceptions of using QGJ's Harmonious Assault and healing as needed. I would imagine that Yoda having no teammates that could heal him also helped me focus him down so I would try that if you are going to focus fire on him.

    I hope that you are able to get him before the current event expires.
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    I got yoda last go around with the same team as the OP, unfortunately it took me about 30 tries instead of two. I had about 3 hours to spare before the last event closed.

    The only way I was able to do it was being in the top 5 for the last few months. You can really move quickly on this game when you are pulling in 350-550 crystals a day. To do this doesn't require the most amazing arena team, just being able to snipe at the right time.
  • Motoko
    92 posts Member
    Not sure why an "avid reader" would make a post that many other FTP players have made with the exact same team composition saying they've beaten yoda.

    Aka welcome to the club, you're late to the party
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    I finally got 7* today with my f2p team... It was so frustrating..... Lol he kept going 4-5 times before I could move and always had a invade effect on so I had to hit twice to damaged him once... I had Lumi as my leader but he seemed to dodge more than I did. So I was ****... But I finally did it...
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    double post
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Well done op. Nice write up and pep talk for f2p who may be struggling! Don't let a certain poster bring you down and don't allow him to derail your thread. Have fun putting Yoda to work, he's one of the most versatile toons in the game.

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    Good Luck with your pending Dooko max I'm still 1.5 star away :)
    Quote of the Day "Put that
  • Jsnazz
    349 posts Member
    OP must had been going back in time and invest his characters unlock because a lot of us seem to unlock the wrong character and waste all our resources on them.

    It would also be nice to see your purchase history OP, just to add layer of pride for the FTP community.
  • XCOM
    250 posts Member
    TheSPEO wrote: »
    I've been an avid reader on this site for a while now and I finally decided to break my silence because I just got Yoda to 7 stars! My totally FTP Jedi team that I used consisted of Luminara Unduli (L), Eeth Koth, Mace Windu, Qui-Gon Jinn, & Jedi Consular. It only took two tries to do it! On my first try, the little green goblin decimated me as I tried to take out his teammates first, which was a mistake. If you are going to take him out (without that health equalization trick with Barriss Offee as his teammate), focus solely on Yoda until he is gone, then mop up his teammates, which is definitely not hard when Yoda is gone. On my second try, Yoda's teammates consisted of Ima-Gun Di & Mace Windu. I took out Yoda first, which left me with a 3-2 advantage, and then I had no problem taking out the remaining Jedi.

    I'm posting this to reassure my FTP brethren that their time and effort will not be wasted as they too can get Yoda to 7 stars without having a complete all-star caliber Jedi team.

    Also, I really don't understand why it would take people 100-500 tries just to get a 7 star Yoda. The only things that I can think of that they are doing wrong is:

    1) They didn't fully train, equip, and level up the important abilities (i.e. basic attack, healing, leader ability for the leader, Harmonious Assault for Qui-Gon Jinn, ect...) for their Jedi because they didn't want to waste resources
    2) They tried to take out Yoda's teammates before him (good strategy on any other part in this game, but not for the Yoda event because the longer he is alive, the less likely your team will be)

    Maybe I got lucky (Yoda didn't have any healers for teammates) and RNG was on my side, but anyone can beat him if they are smart about it.

    Lastly, I am totally FTP (have not spent a single penny) and have played daily since it was released to the public back in November. I've made a lot of bad decisions along the way (wasted time on Chewbacca to name one) and I dropped everything I was doing in order to farm Jedi so I could get Yoda. I'm glad it went the way it did because I have had a lot of fun and I think I will continue to do so as long as the developers keep on refining the game and adding new content. In case you are wondering, I typically place between 100-400 in the Arena (I'm perfectly content with that and I don't even use all 5 tries), I complete GW daily (hasn't been too difficult for me), and I also complete all my dailies everyday, which has allowed me to do one Cantina refresh and one or two regular energy refreshes everyday.

    Anyway, good luck to all of you that are still on your quest to get a 7 star Yoda. You will eventually get him.


    Stop it! Nothing worse than a **** like you devaluing others achievements. You GOT LUCKY! Simple... There is no way "you just did it right." I had all my team maxed out (minus maybe one gear on each character.) some of my attempts, I would lose two characters before making a move! So please be humble and just say you did it. Congrats btw! It's already impressive since you are FTP.
  • Aselith
    12 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    TheSPEO wrote: »
    Also, I really don't understand why it would take people 100-500 tries just to get a 7 star Yoda. The only things that I can think of that they are doing wrong is

    If you don't understand why some people are struggling, apparently you haven't thought much about how extremely important harmonious assault is for this fight where Yoda constantly puts up an attack blocker. Harmonious Assault is HUGE here so for people who don't have QGJ that is a huge problem.

    Simply put, it's a terribly designed encounter that favors certain abilities highly while abilities like Mace has where it buffs the enemy and you *cannot stop it from happening* are hugely detrimental. Whoever made this just turned everything up to 11 and didn't think at all about the encounter.
    Post edited by WillowStar on
  • bbmiLo
    378 posts Member
    Motoko wrote: »
    Not sure why an "avid reader" would make a post that many other FTP players have made with the exact same team composition saying they've beaten yoda.

    Aka welcome to the club, you're late to the party

    this is the first post about this particular lineup beating 7* Yoda AFTER the update.

    i personally have been wondering if Yoda's difficulty is adjusted higher due to level cap increase, if i could beat him with this line up. so to me this is a very useful post.
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    I simply can't understand how people are getting this in such a few amount of tries. I never had much trouble with any of the other star levels but this 7* one is driving me crazy! I'm running QGJ, Lumi, Anakin, JC, Tano. Only Anakin is gear level 7 (I need a few more laptops. Should have them sometime today). All have maxed abilities, except A couple abilities that are a tier away.

    I have been trying all day. I tried the Barris method. I tried going after only Yoda first. I'm not using specials. Anakin is hindering me bad I think. As soon as Yoda kills someone Anakin procs offense up, Yoda steals it, and then it's over. Plus Anakin tries to debuff with his basic. I have tried having him only hit the guards so that Yoda doesn't gain TM but I have still been unsuccessful. I had Yoda in the red a couple of times but when he gets near death his TM goes crazy. Plus his TM fills up whenever he gets a finishing blow. So I get him close. Then he takes all my toons out one after the other without me getting to move. I have tried all 4 different leaders. I have tried a bunch of different combinations of guards.

    Getting very frustrated!
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    I am a complete F2P player, not a penny spent, I had QGJ to a 7 a couple weels ago, if you rank high enough in the arena, complete GW everyday, do your dailies, that's more then enough crystals for 2 cantina refreshes a day, I have been 2 a day for a while now, probably before QGJ was available to get in the shipments

  • darkensoul
    1309 posts Member
    Congratulations! Well played!
  • El_Duderino
    413 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Timitock wrote: »
    You 7* QGJ from nothing since his F2P release, without spending money?

    Not possible without shipment AND cantina energy refreshes.

    Your roster isnt top 10 arena.

    You MUST have bought crystals.

    Your assumption is patently false.

    I have a F2P account that has had 7* QGJ for a couple weeks now. I've been refreshing cantina once a day-- I don't remember refreshing twice, although I may have a few times. Again, haven't spent a dime on crystals or chromiums with that account- only thing I bought was $5 dark side starter for Dooku. I've won some top-5 arena matches, but tbh, you wouldn't even need to win much at all in arena to complete QGJ by now.
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    MrClean621 wrote: »
    I simply can't understand how people are getting this in such a few amount of tries. I never had much trouble with any of the other star levels but this 7* one is driving me crazy! I'm running QGJ, Lumi, Anakin, JC, Tano. Only Anakin is gear level 7 (I need a few more laptops. Should have them sometime today). All have maxed abilities, except A couple abilities that are a tier away.

    I have been trying all day. I tried the Barris method. I tried going after only Yoda first. I'm not using specials. Anakin is hindering me bad I think. As soon as Yoda kills someone Anakin procs offense up, Yoda steals it, and then it's over. Plus Anakin tries to debuff with his basic. I have tried having him only hit the guards so that Yoda doesn't gain TM but I have still been unsuccessful. I had Yoda in the red a couple of times but when he gets near death his TM goes crazy. Plus his TM fills up whenever he gets a finishing blow. So I get him close. Then he takes all my toons out one after the other without me getting to move. I have tried all 4 different leaders. I have tried a bunch of different combinations of guards.

    Getting very frustrated!

    Yes, frustrating, but I got 7* today after 7 attempts.
    When I went for his partners the first 3 times and he smoked me.

    The next three weren't really close, I lost pretty bad.
    Next try, he had Aayla and Old Ben, and I got some hits on him rather than him dodging.
    Part of it is luck, so you have to keep trying.
  • Calus_78
    504 posts Member
    Congratulations, the 7* Yoda event is one of the best achievements and feelings you get when playing the game. The rest is just grind.

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    Congrats! I got mine a couple of hours ago. I believe it's the biggest challenge the game has to offer so far. Sometimes it gets incredibly annoying as Yoda just doesn't stop to attack,killing your toons In just a few seconds.
    I think you got extremely lucky,getting him on your second try which might made you a little cocky ("I don't understand why it takes so much tries"). I got him in my 40th-45th try (I lost counting lol) but I could easily get him either in my 1st or 200th,so yeah I can sympathise with most. You just wait for the right tune,based on some critical points,as you stated correctly:

    1. Yoda shouldn't be accompanied by any healer! The Barriss strategy is a good one,but not the most effective. I quit following it after I tried 5-6 times.
    2. Luminara is the most suitable leader for the event.Her evasion is a life saviour,as well as the health regain each and every turn (my JC was left with tiny health before using his heal,which proved critical for my victory).Far better than QGJ,true.
    3. Focus on Yoda from the very beginning.Knock him with everything you 've got and time your heals wisely. Having 3 healers helps a lot. I beat the challenge with Lumi(best healer in my opinion plus a great attacker)leader, QGJ,Eeth, JC and Ashoka(very good attacker with a strong heal and greatly improved after latest updates). DO NOT waist specials on his foresight.

    Of course, as you also said, anyone who wants to have a chance should gear up to level and upgrade most their heroes ability to 7.

    Good luck to all.Patience and in the end you ll get him.
  • Motoko
    92 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    bbmiLo wrote: »
    Motoko wrote: »
    Not sure why an "avid reader" would make a post that many other FTP players have made with the exact same team composition saying they've beaten yoda.

    Aka welcome to the club, you're late to the party

    this is the first post about this particular lineup beating 7* Yoda AFTER the update.

    i personally have been wondering if Yoda's difficulty is adjusted higher due to level cap increase, if i could beat him with this line up. so to me this is a very useful post.

    Except it's been stated multiple times that the yoda challenge was not modified at all from the update. The only thing that changed is you can level higher now. No new characters or nerfing of those characters in that line up.

    Looks like my original post still stands.

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    Flyer00jay wrote: »
    MrClean621 wrote: »
    I simply can't understand how people are getting this in such a few amount of tries. I never had much trouble with any of the other star levels but this 7* one is driving me crazy! I'm running QGJ, Lumi, Anakin, JC, Tano. Only Anakin is gear level 7 (I need a few more laptops. Should have them sometime today). All have maxed abilities, except A couple abilities that are a tier away.

    I have been trying all day. I tried the Barris method. I tried going after only Yoda first. I'm not using specials. Anakin is hindering me bad I think. As soon as Yoda kills someone Anakin procs offense up, Yoda steals it, and then it's over. Plus Anakin tries to debuff with his basic. I have tried having him only hit the guards so that Yoda doesn't gain TM but I have still been unsuccessful. I had Yoda in the red a couple of times but when he gets near death his TM goes crazy. Plus his TM fills up whenever he gets a finishing blow. So I get him close. Then he takes all my toons out one after the other without me getting to move. I have tried all 4 different leaders. I have tried a bunch of different combinations of guards.

    Getting very frustrated!

    Yes, frustrating, but I got 7* today after 7 attempts.
    When I went for his partners the first 3 times and he smoked me.

    The next three weren't really close, I lost pretty bad.
    Next try, he had Aayla and Old Ben, and I got some hits on him rather than him dodging.
    Part of it is luck, so you have to keep trying.

    Yeah I really think I may have screwed up with Anakin. I have had him close to dead on several occasions (I gotta be pushing up on 100 attempts), but everytime he kills someone other than Ani. Then Ani procs offense up, Yoda steals it, and then makes mince meat of my squad. With an extra 50% offense he can pretty much single shot every toon.

    I'm going to keep trying but something tells me I'm not going to get him this time and that is going to really make me mad. My next closest Jedi is old Ben and he is 90+ shards away. Barris is only 5*.
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    MrClean621 wrote: »
    I'm going to keep trying but something tells me I'm not going to get him this time and that is going to really make me mad. My next closest Jedi is old Ben and he is 90+ shards away. Barris is only 5*.

    You could always try to get Barriss to 7* and try next time. That's what I plan on doing because I wouldn't have the patience to do this 100 times without raging.

  • GuinUK
    65 posts Member

    As a FTP I appreciate your post - it has given me hope.

    That being said I am doing the identical thing that you suggested without any luck whatsoever. I don't think you realize how fortunate you were.

    Literally I get the little furry swine down to almost red, with 5 Jedi on full health (same team as yours) before either RNG or something I'm doing wrong happens and literally he one-hit kills all 5 of my Jedi without me having a move.

    It's unbelievably frustrating.

    I am using no specials with exception of QGJ's harmony and the heals from JC and Lumi.

    He just goes psycho at about 20%.
    http://swgoh.gg/u/GuinUK - 0otini - 688-542-619 - A word of advice - never read a pop-up book about giraffes.
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    LeoRavus wrote: »
    MrClean621 wrote: »
    I'm going to keep trying but something tells me I'm not going to get him this time and that is going to really make me mad. My next closest Jedi is old Ben and he is 90+ shards away. Barris is only 5*.

    You could always try to get Barriss to 7* and try next time. That's what I plan on doing because I wouldn't have the patience to do this 100 times without raging.

    Yeah I know... Trust me... I'm raging lol! It just sucks to farm my butt off in time to make it for the event only to realize that I might have the wrong team.

    I have until Thursday but this thing called work is going to seriously cut into my attempts lol!

  • GuinUK
    65 posts Member
    Finally did it.

    Lumi (L)

    Took seriously 200 attempts but got him.
    For this f2p team I found I had a lot more chance with using the Bariss equalisation trick.

    Took QGJ out instantly then went to work on Bariss. She equalised and I opened fire.
    I used stuns, force blast and humblin blow. The whole shabang. Decided he was getting 3 goes between my goes anyway.

    Still think the RNG plays a bigger part than skill but there we are :)
    http://swgoh.gg/u/GuinUK - 0otini - 688-542-619 - A word of advice - never read a pop-up book about giraffes.
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member

    MrClean621 wrote: »
    LeoRavus wrote: »
    MrClean621 wrote: »
    I'm going to keep trying but something tells me I'm not going to get him this time and that is going to really make me mad. My next closest Jedi is old Ben and he is 90+ shards away. Barris is only 5*.

    You could always try to get Barriss to 7* and try next time. That's what I plan on doing because I wouldn't have the patience to do this 100 times without raging.

    Yeah I know... Trust me... I'm raging lol! It just sucks to farm my butt off in time to make it for the event only to realize that I might have the wrong team.

    I have until Thursday but this thing called work is going to seriously cut into my attempts lol!

    Good luck. I hope to get 6* by Thursday and I'll get 7 whenever. Maybe when I'm on level 80 (hope they don't scale him up)...
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    GuinUK wrote: »
    Finally did it.

    Lumi (L)

    Took seriously 200 attempts but got him.
    For this f2p team I found I had a lot more chance with using the Bariss equalisation trick.

    Took QGJ out instantly then went to work on Bariss. She equalised and I opened fire.
    I used stuns, force blast and humblin blow. The whole shabang. Decided he was getting 3 goes between my goes anyway.

    Still think the RNG plays a bigger part than skill but there we are :)

    Just got him as well , it was my last attempt of the evening and it took at least 300 plus . I used barris , jc, qgj , lumi, and ahshoka .
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    Ollie... That was funny.
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