PSA: Bariss does not "trivialize GW".


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    Yudoka wrote: »
    I don't yet have Barriss and really the only reason I might get her is to get my 7* Yoda (even then, I'm considering leveling a different Jedi). Her lack of any offense is just a huge turn off for me for the amount of time I'd have to invest into her. I just don't see myself using her in her current form for anything outside of the Yoda event.

    Exactly, the only reason I have Bariss is because she was recommended for the Yoda event and I figured I already had 4 Jedi, why not try to get Yoda.
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
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    But you're meant to put Barriss + Lumi + JC for the holy grail of healness. And now you can even add Ahsoka for even more heals.

    You could, but in that example Bariss is overkill. For about 80% of GW you won't even need her and she could be replaced with another toon.

    Of course, it's your choice how to do GW. :)
    Qleak wrote: »
    But you're meant to put Barriss + Lumi + JC for the holy grail of healness. And now you can even add Ahsoka for even more heals.

    Lol Sid and Dooku can be a bit more problematic with that many jedi.

    I personally prefer rebels + a healer for GW. Occasionally substitute daka or JC in. I don't even have Bariss and i clear quite regularly

    @InternetSwag nice post, especially the Bariss lightsaber photos lol

    I don't even have Barriss, my JC is only 5* and yet I finish GW whenever I feel like it. (sometimes real life > GW) Thing is, with Barriss my main strategy would be: enter battle, press auto, collect rewards. This doesn't apply for Droids and/or stages 10-12 obviously.

    Sid and Dooku aren't that bad in GW where you can just retreat after a bad thing happens. Current team is Lumi, JC, QGJ, Ahsoka, Sid/Dooku and all it takes is some retreating to get around Heal Block.
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
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    Nonemo wrote: »
    I love how "hits like a wet noodle" has just stuck with the community. While it is entertaining, we seriously need to expand our range of colloquial expressions a little.

    Lately I've made it just fine through GW using only Barriss as healer, and Ahsoka as secondary healer, spending half the time on the bench. You just need toons with plenty of HP. That makes Barriss' heal super effective.

    Huh, well that's interesting. Now if you could take only 1 healer (Bariss/whoever) and have a team that synergies enough to live off of 'other heals' (for lack of better term) like Ahsoka, well then that's most likely more optimal.
    I've seen your roster though, you could probably auto through GW and just replace anyone who dies.
    That would actually make in interesting vid to watch sped up at 2 or 3x speed.
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
  • Oked
    16 posts Member
    I roll with hk47 leader, both ig droids and jc and lumi, if need be i swap out usually jc for poogle or phasma to drop a team quick
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    I use qgj, yoda, sid, lumi, and jc for gw and I'm able to finish everyday with them all up til the last battle (I do retreat a few times);when I don't care if they die anymore
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Luminara + Barriss + Ahsoka comes pretty close to trivializing it for me...
    • Lists 3 heroes
    • Draws correlation to OP somehow
    • Nope

    - Tries to belittle me
    - Fails
    - Looks foolish
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Bariss lead +yoda + lumi + jc + qgj = auto battle all of gw..

    This, but I use Ahsoka instead of JC
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    I use:
    Barriss (Lead)
    All max star, level and gear. It's extremely easy to finish with this group from start to end.

    This, as well.
  • Olle
    501 posts Member
    I use daka taila RG combo. Works fine you don't need LS healers
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    I don't even have bariss unlocked
  • SDziad
    150 posts Member
    From my experience, Barriss is a bit underrated because of her noodles. Personally, I never understood why everyone are complaining about her damage. Okay, maybe her 2,5K aren't too much, but: 1. It's comperable with rest of the toons, 2. She's getting +15% Damage at Level 8, so it won't be wet noodle anymore. In worst situation, a power of not fully inflated ball. If that won't help give her a Poggle.
    After all, she does her work pretty well even as a lone healer (+10/20% Health with healing from leader + basic is most times enough for me). Imo, combinating Barriss with Lumi has a bit more sense because of healing anyone who need it, and if devs will ever made master/apprentince synergies, they will do really great work together.

    But, @InternetSwag great OP, especially part of Barriss sexy standing with that lightsabres. (BTW great avatar, I really like it) :)
  • Arube
    1026 posts Member
    Good read but I'm confused as to what dispute resulted in this thread - what is it about? I understood as much that people undermine Barriss because she is incredibly weak.
    The significance of Critical-Utopian Socialism and Communism bears an inverse relation to historical development.
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    I was running it without Barriss. QGJ lead. JC and Lumi for healing. I'd find that fairly often, the enemy would hit me like a freight train to use up my heals. Then they'd drop like a house of cards before I could burn off my cooldowns. Yesterday, I swapped out Sidious for Barris and put her in the lead. The lower damage meant that it was easier to get my heals available again by the end of the match.
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    Nonemo wrote: »
    I love how "hits like a wet noodle" has just stuck with the community. While it is entertaining, we seriously need to expand our range of colloquial expressions a little.

    Lately I've made it just fine through GW using only Barriss as healer, and Ahsoka as secondary healer, spending half the time on the bench. You just need toons with plenty of HP. That makes Barriss' heal super effective.

    Huh, well that's interesting. Now if you could take only 1 healer (Bariss/whoever) and have a team that synergies enough to live off of 'other heals' (for lack of better term) like Ahsoka, well then that's most likely more optimal.
    I've seen your roster though, you could probably auto through GW and just replace anyone who dies.
    That would actually make in interesting vid to watch sped up at 2 or 3x speed.

    That sounds like a fun project! I should do that!
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    FWIW, one of the last 3 nodes is always a rough matchup. Not trivial at all.

    Barris lead ensures your bench is still full for that fight, just in case.

    She trivializes about 90% of GW, which is a good thing. GW can be time consuming otherwise.

    Is she necessary? No
    Does she save you time and resources? Yes
  • Vampire_X
    1435 posts Moderator
    The jedi heal synergy is good for gw until you hit the no heal teams (taunt/aoe) when you need your b team otherwise any good synergy team is going to do well as gw is a marathon not a sprint so you need heals
    Wicked Sith Queen with the Pink Saber
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    I roll my eyes every time I see someone post this.

    Yes, she makes GW easier, duh, she's a healer. Arguably the best for GW? Maybe, but probably tied with Luminara. They're different enough that they can co-exist. (Bariss being better for Sid, Lumi being better for HOT's and Lumi hits like a truck with her special).

    But if you already have no issues clearing GW she's a hindrance not a 'trivialization' because she, as the forum so eloquently puts it, "hits like a wet noodle".
    asd.jpg(Actual footage of Bariss' lightsaber.)

    She's gonna heal and then... what? Stand there looking sexy (see avatar).
    Personally I've always preferred JC/Lumi setup because JC has a short cooldown and decent damage, where as Lumi can ability block and crit for 9k+. I don't think I've failed a GW in the last two months (started in Feb).

    That being said, if you prefer Bariss then go for it, she's got the penultimate way of getting past HI. But new players especially, do not see Bariss as this 'holy grail' of GW 'trivialization'.

    (This is coming from a Bariss fan - see sig/PP)

    Penultimate means next to last, it's the wrong word to use in this context.

    Ally Code: 945-699-762
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Luminara + Barriss + Ahsoka comes pretty close to trivializing it for me...
    • Nope

    This 100% sums up all his posts.

    That being said, I'm not sure how anyone trivializes GW..... People have somehow invented this idea that GW is supposed to be THE epitome of endgame content in this game. As such some expect the difficulty of endgame content they'd experience in MMOs, for example. GW was never designed for that, and even John Salera has confirmed this in the past. It is mid level to end game content that's designed to have scaling difficulty that matches player capability based on arena power.

    Players who have deep benches will, of course, be able to complete it much easier. Those with fewer toon to draw on will struggle.

    My experience is different than many in that I found GW to be easier without Barris. Due to most of my mid to end level nodes being comprised of meta teams, Barris brought too little to the table to be worthwhile. QGJ or Dooku lead with Lumi and JC, while filling the other two spots with meta DPS, allowed me to clear nodes with fewer retreats and less overall DPS taken due to my ability to kill the other team faster.
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    • Barriss (L) increases HP and therefore increase effectiveness of heal since it is in percentage relation to amount of HP.
    • She heals with her ordinary.
    • She heals through heal immunity allowing you not to concentrate on Sid at the very beginning.
    • She takes away DoTs and other nasty things from your jedies.
    • Even her... eh... "hits like DRY noodle" is a benefit since you don't do too much damage and having killed all damagers can slowly finish off tanks with your regulars attack restoring your cooldowns and getting heals from her leader ability and basic attack.
    Barriss is really nice tactic for GW, but...
    Fast attackers are your another option. QGJ+RP+GS+Lumi+JC works pretty as good as Barriss team. Just because your opponent doesn't manage to do you some sufficient damage.
    Moreover, we can collect a team of extremely well self-healed characters like Sid, Asajj, NS Acolyte, Talia and Chewie and I guess they will win GW hands down (just in theory, I don't have such a team).
    So, Barriss is awesome and she really provides an easy tactics to win GW, but she is certainly not a panacea.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Telaan wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Luminara + Barriss + Ahsoka comes pretty close to trivializing it for me...
    • Nope

    This 100% sums up all his posts.

    That being said, I'm not sure how anyone trivializes GW..... People have somehow invented this idea that GW is supposed to be THE epitome of endgame content in this game. As such some expect the difficulty of endgame content they'd experience in MMOs, for example. GW was never designed for that, and even John Salera has confirmed this in the past. It is mid level to end game content that's designed to have scaling difficulty that matches player capability based on arena power.

    Players who have deep benches will, of course, be able to complete it much easier. Those with fewer toon to draw on will struggle.

    My experience is different than many in that I found GW to be easier without Barris. Due to most of my mid to end level nodes being comprised of meta teams, Barris brought too little to the table to be worthwhile. QGJ or Dooku lead with Lumi and JC, while filling the other two spots with meta DPS, allowed me to clear nodes with fewer retreats and less overall DPS taken due to my ability to kill the other team faster.

    So your advice is DON'T use Barriss?
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    I run Lumi and JC and always complete GW. Sometimes it's close, though...I might lose JC in round 10 or 11. I wouldn't spend time farming for Barriss, but if I pulled her from a Bronzium, I might invest getting her to a 5* as GW insurance.
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    I run Barris lead with JC, Lum, QGJ, Lum for GW and clear without a death

    You run lumi twice?
    IGN: Malmsteen's Comet
  • medetec
    1571 posts Member
    She doesn't trivialize it on her own, but the right squad can make your life much easier from what I've seen. I run Barriss (L), Ahsoka, Luminara, QGJ and Dooku. I occasionaly lose Dooku along the way and replace him with RP. A handful if any retreats per GW.

    She's not the be all end all fix, but Barriss is undeniably good for GW. Also Ahsoka totals ~4k personal regen a turn while Barriss is lead, basically unkillable. It's not super important for the most part with its pretty funny having Ahsoka regen 1/3 of her life per turn.
  • Options
    Nonemo wrote: »
    I love how "hits like a wet noodle" has just stuck with the community. While it is entertaining, we seriously need to expand our range of colloquial expressions a little.

    Lately I've made it just fine through GW using only Barriss as healer, and Ahsoka as secondary healer, spending half the time on the bench. You just need toons with plenty of HP. That makes Barriss' heal super effective.

    Barriss hits like a flaccid ****.
    IGN: Malmsteen's Comet
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    Does anyone else wish there was an ignore button that you could use on certain people in the forum?

    Chondrosarcoma- Chondro3150#0907
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    While on the way to finishing first again in Arena on my hard launch server, I came across a Barriss led team in 9th place and I couldn't beat with my QGJ (L), Daka, RG, 86 and GS squad.

    The team was Barriss (L), QGJ, Yoda, Sid and RG. The fast Jedi hid behind RG'S taunt while soaking up health from Barriss, it was a very good team defensively, so I just went around them through a couple of Dooku squads instead.
    If I had to face them again I'd bring 88 instead of 86 as the AoE would largely solve the problem but it just goes to show that any toon can be viable with the right companions.

    Ally Code: 945-699-762
  • Randall
    1001 posts Member
    Not that I have Barriss unlocked, or any trouble with GW (about 107 in a row now), but hitting like a wet noodle is an advantage. At some point you want to slow the fights down so you can reset cool downs, or get off a JC heal before the end of the fight.
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    i don't see how barriss trivializing or not trivializing gw matters...those that use her and clear gw daily like myself definitely see her use. those that don't use her and clear daily don't need her. I guess I'm confused by this thread lol
    mighty chlorians
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Its a "Dont diss mah gurl" thread.
  • bbmiLo
    378 posts Member
    Pulled a Barriss from bronze, sitting at 1* L1 untouched.

    For GW, I use JC mainly, because of the short cooldown. QGJ(L), GS, Rey, IG86, JC, going for speed and damage, JC is there to heal once per battle. For the tough nodes I bring in Lumi to sub IG86, for extra healing power.
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