Conquest is broken

25 posts Member
edited November 2021
1400 dots 1100 thermals and still couldnt finished the match.
Post edited by Kyno on


  • Rebmes
    376 posts Member
    edited November 2021
    You would have to let her take a turn.

    Edit: I had the same thing happen with Paploo, so watch out.
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    I tried after kylo took his turn wiped 1300 dots and 800 thermals and no damage done. Ran it on auto, then place my Vader in the next round.
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    It could be his unquie.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    edited November 2021
    Nests unique is a pain if you do not understand it. This is not Conquest, just his kit.

    Kru can be equally painful, especially when trying to use DoTs, due to his kit negating that type of damage.
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    It would be if I was facing nest lol
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    edited November 2021
    AΣΣ wrote: »
    It would be if I was facing nest lol

    My bad. Edited.
  • UdalCuain
    5050 posts Member
    edited November 2021
    Kyno wrote: »
    Nests unique is a pain if you do not understand it. This is not Conquest, just her kit.

    Kru can be equally painful, especially when trying to use DoTs, due to his kit negating that type of damage.

    Finished fixing it.
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    Thermal detonators and dots do less damage to kru than he heals from each one. He will never die from them.

    Try something else.
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    Like just one healing immunity debuff.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    UdalCuain wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Nests unique is a pain if you do not understand it. This is not Conquest, just her kit.

    Kru can be equally painful, especially when trying to use DoTs, due to his kit negating that type of damage.

    Finished fixing it.

    I changed that to him as I am now taling about Kru, unless you know something we dont :blush:
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    OP’s title is still correct at least
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
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    Kyno wrote: »
    UdalCuain wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Nests unique is a pain if you do not understand it. This is not Conquest, just her kit.

    Kru can be equally painful, especially when trying to use DoTs, due to his kit negating that type of damage.

    Finished fixing it.

    I changed that to him as I am now taling about Kru, unless you know something we dont :blush:

    Sorry Kyno. Reading fail. I'll be on the naughty step if I'm needed.
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    Jango, Nest, KRU maybe others could've done the same in right cases against CLS.


    Fix that ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  • jr8972686
    177 posts Member
    edited November 2021
    Those are rookie numbers, gotta pump them up. My phone froze at this point because Nest was supposed to take a turn and I would hazard a guess that the game engine cant handle calculating damage from over 4000 detonators and over 2000 DOTs.

  • Options
    jr8972686 wrote: »
    Those are rookie numbers, gotta pump them up. My phone froze at this point because Nest was supposed to take a turn and I would hazard a guess that the game engine cant handle calculating damage from over 4000 detonators and over 2000 DOTs.


    Lol that's hilarious
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    Try talking a DV lead against the Moff in sector 5. Game pauses for about 10 seconds between moves as it reapplies all the dots per character, then the first dot does damage, then the game goes through removing all the dots, seems like one per second. It gets worse as the battle goes on making it so that you only get about 3 minutes of actual battle, the other 7 taken up by the game thinking about itself.

    I didn't realise that each dot would individually apply its damage sequentially until trying this. Thought once you got to 50 dots they would kill themselves, but no.
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