PSA: Bounty Hunter Modifier Bugged


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    Finally pls....
  • PumaK
    301 posts Member
    And still broken after the maintenance.
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    Suck it CG! I finally managed to beat your inept programming skills! R5 Bossk, R8 Boba, R6 Jango, R3 Mando, g12 Greef…… I fully expect you to simply cancel this round and tell us…..oh wait you won’t tell us anything 😂
  • PumaK
    301 posts Member
    edited March 2022
    After more Than 24 Hours, still broken
    @CG_Tusken_Meathead i would like to know what Are The compensation planned??? Because a lot of companies when the launched content have bugs and issues, give compensation to the users.
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    Suck it CG! I finally managed to beat your inept programming skills! R5 Bossk, R8 Boba, R6 Jango, R3 Mando, g12 Greef…… I fully expect you to simply cancel this round and tell us…..oh wait you won’t tell us anything 😂
    Same, I finally beat it when stars aligned (JKR didn't focus Bossk nor Mando and I could get PO quickly).
    Mando is the MVP thanks to his one shot
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    so err crumb did not even acknowledge it?
    let alone fixing
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    so err crumb did not even acknowledge it?
    let alone fixing

    The event will be long over before their standard response time to bugs that hurt players...
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    I expect that they have way more important issues to resolve than something that's stopping players get 1 or 2 crates more than they can currently get. At the same time it's probably easier to issue an update for lost/missed rewards rather than fix mid flight.

    I managed crate 9 and might play the RNG game to see if I can get crate 10 but I'm not holding my breath.

    See @BobaFettish86 comments for kill order.
    This is the Way
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    seriously, how come there hasn't been a bug fix for this yet? @CG_SBCrumb_MINI
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    Natetiffer wrote: »
    I expect that they have way more important issues to resolve than something that's stopping players get 1 or 2 crates more than they can currently get. At the same time it's probably easier to issue an update for lost/missed rewards rather than fix mid flight.

    I managed crate 9 and might play the RNG game to see if I can get crate 10 but I'm not holding my breath.

    See @BobaFettish86 comments for kill order.

    Bold of you to assume CG will give us any lost/missed rewards. What is more likely is nothing happens and CG pretends nothing ever happened.
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    I think most reputable companies would compensate players by giving them the red crate (which THEIR bug prevented players from obtaining).

    What about the people who may have invested resources to complete this event, only to be prevented from succeeding by the company’s poor coding? If that was me, I’d be furious.

    We’ll see how much CG has learned recently, and if this can or a positive step towards regaining some good will with the community.
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    Sucks that it's bugged, but take out Mission asap and then disintegrate Revan and it's very possible to complete for the red crate. I didn't move mods but have relics on the BHs.
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    And after lots of RNG, r7 boskk(L), r8 boba, g12 mando, g12 greef and g11 Fennic pulled off the final tier.
    Fennic helps gets the contract on boskks first swarm on mission.
    disintigrate revan, fennics special on zaalbar.. the armor shredx4 helps take him down eventually... I think the swarms actually took him down.
    mission when possible, zaalbar ASAP. leaves bastilla and jolee... hit bastilla until disintegrate comes up again, and take out jolee.
    The successful run (after maybe 40?) had all but fennic surviving. if you don't get the contract right off the bat, or anyone gets killed early, abort! I started with tier 8 and then went to 9 and finally to 10 to get the order down
    it is a galactic *CHALLENGE* after all :-)
  • Kripty
    202 posts Member
    So it’s announced that it’s been “Reported” but is there a plan to fix this? Or compensate people that cannot complete it due to the bug?
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    Natetiffer wrote: »
    I expect that they have way more important issues to resolve than something that's stopping players get 1 or 2 crates more than they can currently get. At the same time it's probably easier to issue an update for lost/missed rewards rather than fix mid flight.

    I managed crate 9 and might play the RNG game to see if I can get crate 10 but I'm not holding my breath.

    See @BobaFettish86 comments for kill order.

    Bold of you to assume CG will give us any lost/missed rewards. What is more likely is nothing happens and CG pretends nothing ever happened.

    I just said easier, not likely 😉
    This is the Way
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    And after lots of RNG, r7 boskk(L), r8 boba, g12 mando, g12 greef and g11 Fennic pulled off the final tier.
    Fennic helps gets the contract on boskks first swarm on mission.
    disintigrate revan, fennics special on zaalbar.. the armor shredx4 helps take him down eventually... I think the swarms actually took him down.
    mission when possible, zaalbar ASAP. leaves bastilla and jolee... hit bastilla until disintegrate comes up again, and take out jolee.
    The successful run (after maybe 40?) had all but fennic surviving. if you don't get the contract right off the bat, or anyone gets killed early, abort! I started with tier 8 and then went to 9 and finally to 10 to get the order down
    it is a galactic *CHALLENGE* after all :-)

    I got there eventually too. 4 relic BH , Bossk, BF, JF, Mando and G12 Greef. Didn't change mods.

    For no tank JKLS Jedi Squad
    This is the Way
  • Monel
    2789 posts Member
    There are lot of people that need to work on the amazingly good bh faction.
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    Yeah, for me it's not the faction in general - I can make many good BH squads - but I never relic'd Mando or Greef as I had other priorities. (They're good toons, but I was trying to finish all the GLs.) There are lots of PvE events where Greef for quick contract + Mando for disintegrate is the key to winning, this is just one more. Since my Mando is g12, and Greef stealths, if the player modifier was working I'm sure this wouldn't be a problem.

    But it's not working, and I'm not taking Greef g9=>g12 just for this, so I'll settle for gold rather than banging my head against the wall.
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    Monel wrote: »
    There are lot of people that need to work on the amazingly good bh faction.

    and CG apparently needs to work on their coding abilities.
  • BobaFettish86
    611 posts Member
    edited March 2022
    And after lots of RNG, r7 boskk(L), r8 boba, g12 mando, g12 greef and g11 Fennic pulled off the final tier.
    Fennic helps gets the contract on boskks first swarm on mission.
    disintigrate revan, fennics special on zaalbar.. the armor shredx4 helps take him down eventually... I think the swarms actually took him down.
    mission when possible, zaalbar ASAP. leaves bastilla and jolee... hit bastilla until disintegrate comes up again, and take out jolee.
    The successful run (after maybe 40?) had all but fennic surviving. if you don't get the contract right off the bat, or anyone gets killed early, abort! I started with tier 8 and then went to 9 and finally to 10 to get the order down
    it is a galactic *CHALLENGE* after all :-)

    That's definitely not the best kill order. It's much easier if you kill Mission after JKR as she can destroy half your squad with that aoe. I'm surprised your Fennec and Greef lasted long enough to kill Zaalbar first.
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    Monel wrote: »
    There are lot of people that need to work on the amazingly good bh faction.

    I think it's more like people need to work on Mandalorian. I have pretty good Bounty Hunters, but without Mando's Disintigrate I can't red box this without the faction buff. I'm able to gold box it, barely, so I'll get the omicrons I need. I figure I'll work on Greef and Mandalorian eventually, but right now there are other more-pressing concerns.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • jonnysiniwal
    675 posts Member
    edited March 2022
    I had the time so I beat it. Bossk r5, boba r8, greef r4, Mando r4, fennic g11.

    Was it fun? No. Do I think they will compensate for the bug? No. Do I even think they will fix it before the next BH challenge? No. Should you waste time trying to complete it? Not unless you do it out of pure spite. I guess it made me feel better?
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    Of course they didn’t fix anything. How these people still have a job is totally over me.

    Oh wait, it’s because you keep pouring money into it, no matter what. Well done everybody!
  • PumaK
    301 posts Member
    Monel wrote: »
    There are lot of people that need to work on the amazingly good bh faction.

    And with a proper working modifier maybe it's possible. No way this it's happening When user get handicapped with a broken modifier, it works When you fight BH on conquest, like the One used by CPU team, but it's broken for the user....

    These type of bugs and the silence around that always happens It's a very bad image.
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    Yes it does suck that the faction buff doesn't work, but it is still possible to complete with well geared BHs, including some below Relic level. It requires RNG to bless you, and the right kill order. Greef and Mando do make it easier if they can survive. Bossk will likely die, but it can still be done.

    However, if you were expecting the buff to help you complete it with just G11/12 BHs then surely you were being unrealistic given the enemies are R7?
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    Rantcor wrote: »
    Of course they didn’t fix anything. How these people still have a job is totally over me.

    Oh wait, it’s because you keep pouring money into it, no matter what. Well done everybody!

    And, yet, here you are, still playing. 🧐
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • SemiGod
    3001 posts Member
    NicWester wrote: »
    Rantcor wrote: »
    Of course they didn’t fix anything. How these people still have a job is totally over me.

    Oh wait, it’s because you keep pouring money into it, no matter what. Well done everybody!

    And, yet, here you are, still playing. 🧐

    Playing = Paying apparently
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    SemiGod wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    Rantcor wrote: »
    Of course they didn’t fix anything. How these people still have a job is totally over me.

    Oh wait, it’s because you keep pouring money into it, no matter what. Well done everybody!

    And, yet, here you are, still playing. 🧐

    Playing = Paying apparently

    well if they got there wish and everyone stopped paying then there would be no more game so
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    SemiGod wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    Rantcor wrote: »
    Of course they didn’t fix anything. How these people still have a job is totally over me.

    Oh wait, it’s because you keep pouring money into it, no matter what. Well done everybody!

    And, yet, here you are, still playing. 🧐

    Playing = Paying apparently

    well if they got there wish and everyone stopped paying then there would be no more game so

    Maybe... if that happened EA would have 2 choices:
    1, work harder to earn people's money, have a thinner profit margin
    2, give up and walk away

    Knowing EA, I wouldn't be surprised if they went the path of #2, but that alone is depressing.
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