We don’t want datacrons


  • marxuke
    163 posts Member
    Nice, it doesnt wonder me any more that they come out with dumb ideas so often
  • Revanfan
    36 posts Member
    I want datacrons. I think its a good idea.

    For me, its irrelevant, because as a f2p, I don't play competitive anyway.

    But when viewing streams of competitive players (eg ahnaldt101 or playbook), this would certainly spice things up and make the shows even more entertaining.
  • Mucro
    111 posts Member
    They are onto a decent idea; boosting bad squads is going to help the meta. But the way this has been drafted is absolutely awful... this will help nobody but the biggest whales, and the casual players will suffer for it.

    I'd rather they implemented permanent datacrons, that should be time consuming, but not difficult or expensive, to obtain (like omicrons, but maybe even longer). Make them interchangable like the data discs in conquest, but limit the amount of datacrons that can be active at any given time. This way the casual players won't fall too far behind, and the system can still be monetized by allowing players to acquire them faster by paying up.

    To make their "seasonal power" idea work they could just rotate which datacrons can be active during certain windows. Just don't completely dismantle/remove the non-active ones during this window, let the players keep them for when they are in season again. I guarantee you I'm much more inclined to spend money on something I get to keep over something that will be removed from me.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    It might be a good idea if the datacrons just rerolled or transformed at the end of their duration, instead of disappearing completely. That way, we wouldn't constantly lose our investment and it would open the door to stuff like locking the ones we like for an adequate price.
  • Ausugn
    8 posts Member
    CG would be wise to reconsider this entire datacron system. This seems like the final straw for many people.
  • zatho
    747 posts Member
    First they should rework their UI so that it is easier to compare stats like speed between yours and the enemy's squad. With more modifiers it becomes either a pure gamble or you need a full-time study before each battle. It is already complicated enough with all that Lead and unique abilities
  • Options
    Revanfan wrote: »
    I want datacrons. I think its a good idea.

    For me, its irrelevant, because as a f2p, I don't play competitive anyway.

    But when viewing streams of competitive players (eg ahnaldt101 or playbook), this would certainly spice things up and make the shows even more entertaining.

    I don't play the game anymore, so Id love datacrons. And while they're at it why dont they introduce a mandatory subscription fee of 50$ a months to access the game to keep people commited.
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    I’m just baffled at how tone deaf CG continues to be.

    A whole new progression system while they still haven’t fixed the gear economy like they promised to. Not only a new progression system, but one where your hard earned resources disappear and you get a fraction of the materials back….and under the guise of keeping the meta fresh?! Lmfao, the only thing they want to keep fresh is the money that comes in. Anyone that spends money on this new system is beyond foolish. Ahnald said it best, you’re paying to lease materials and the game. You don’t even keep what you buy. Foolish…foolish on someone paying hundreds for renter polygons and shameful for CG to be THAT greedy and tone deaf.
  • LordDirt
    5149 posts Member
    Ausugn wrote: »
    CG would be wise to reconsider this entire datacron system. This seems like the final straw for many people.
    It is always the end of the game yet here we are.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
  • MaruMaru
    3338 posts Member
    LordDirt wrote: »
    Ausugn wrote: »
    CG would be wise to reconsider this entire datacron system. This seems like the final straw for many people.
    It is always the end of the game yet here we are.

    We are far less than what we used to be. Just look at the total amount of activity in the forums.
  • TVF
    36767 posts Member
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    LordDirt wrote: »
    Ausugn wrote: »
    CG would be wise to reconsider this entire datacron system. This seems like the final straw for many people.
    It is always the end of the game yet here we are.

    We are far less than what we used to be. Just look at the total amount of activity in the forums.

    So it's a good thing then.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • StarSon
    7521 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    I want Datacrons. Sounds fun.

    i dont think ive ever seen you not want what ea/cg is pushing. majority of the player base isnt going to agree with you on this one.

    If that's the case I don't think you pay close enough attention to my posts. I'm a launch player, so obviously I enjoy the game, but I have a very negative view of CG as the studio creating the game.

    Although, I did also enjoy (and still miss) OG mods, so there's that.
  • MaruMaru
    3338 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    LordDirt wrote: »
    Ausugn wrote: »
    CG would be wise to reconsider this entire datacron system. This seems like the final straw for many people.
    It is always the end of the game yet here we are.

    We are far less than what we used to be. Just look at the total amount of activity in the forums.

    So it's a good thing then.

    Can't dispute that.
  • Stish
    31 posts Member
    The biggest issue I have with this is wasting resources on something that is temporary. As if our current gear situation/mat isn’t bad let’s just add something else. Personally, I will never spend resources on something that will just get taken away in a couple months.
  • WookieWookie
    1460 posts Member
    edited May 2022
    We had a way to keep the meta fresh - we used to have faction/toon bonuses in TW. They could just extend those 'season bonuses' to all modes, but the issue with that system of 'keeping the meta fresh' was is that it cannot be monetized.

    They stopped the TW bonus system because players didn't like it and it didn't make money.

    This is worse than the old TW bonus system because (especially for guild officers) it is unique per player, so it adds tedium to TW/GAC by having to check not just mods but also how datacrons match up, in addition to disrupting established counters.

    This is worse than the old TW bonus system because it costs players resources. We already didn't like temporary bonuses, and now CG is asking us to pay for them.

    This is worse than the old TW bonus system because it's yet another paid progression system, when CG has still failed to make good on the finishing the phase 1/starting the phase 2 gear economy changes they promised, what, 8 months ago?

    If the old TW bonus system was cancelled due to unpopularity, please, someone at CG that was around to witness that dumpster fire of a PR nightmare, please cancel this strictly worse system before its release and an even worse PR dumpster fire.

    In addition to a broken, more tedious CONquest releasing on May 4, which should have be a celebration, this leak/confirmation is not at all what the playerbase needs right now. I know you are all about your bottom line, but you need players to sell packs to and right now you really need a PR win (like finishing the gear economy changes and cancelling this dumpster fire) right now, not another blow to player moral and increase in tedium.
    Post edited by WookieWookie on
  • Bearda
    27 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »
    Bearda wrote: »
    I know I had mentioned that earlier, that I do not want to have to figure out what flavor of the week every opponent in GAC has and territory wars are going to be hot garbage nightmares because you have to keep track of the 50 enemy datacrons and then your own guild's 50 datacrons and I don't want to have to go ' hey player 32 you have the FO datacron we need to fight this one datacron this month can you get on'
    Its going to be 3 faction bonuses at most, and its the same factions for everyone, the first faction bonus expires when the new one comes in, so its going to be easier to keep track of

    So not *quite* as awful as I understood it. But at that point I would prefer they just make them temporay bonus's everyone gets rather then another farm that vanishes. The other thing I had mentioned in an earlier thread is this is a game about progression and the face your roster could become mathmatically worse than it was last month goes against the entire point of the game IMO. If it is some modifier you had no control over you lost nothing in a manner of speaking but if you put time and effort and then became worse the next month when it goes away that is just disheartening.
  • PtmLords
    63 posts Member
    If this happens I’m done playing this game. I already hate it most days but this will be the tipping point. CG is just greedy AF and it’s ruined this game. It’s really disappointing.
  • PumaK
    301 posts Member
    edited May 2022
    I was tempted on purchasing the HDB, but after seeing the conquest feats and this leak, all the temptation just vanished completely.

    So thanks, that leak talk about why GEC P1 remain doesn't have any progress and why P2 also it's still un-announced.
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    Yeah this will cause more people to leave and more guilds to break up
  • TVF
    36767 posts Member
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Yeah this will cause more people to leave and more guilds to break up

    Everything does that though.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • WookieWookie
    1460 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Yeah this will cause more people to leave and more guilds to break up

    Everything does that though.

    Eh, I think the vast majority of the player base loved Conquests 1-6. Also back when they developed raids, those would really generate engagement. They did cause some guilds to shuffle around, but overall most actual PVE content they've delivered that comes with rewards is well-received.
    TVF wrote: »
    Every new progression system does that though.

    Is more accurate. This is compounded since we've had progression systems dumped on top of us over and over recently. R8, R9, Omicrons, and now Datacrons, without any relief in the form of new PVE content that rewards gear, the promised gear economy changes, etc.
  • TVF
    36767 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Yeah this will cause more people to leave and more guilds to break up

    Everything does that though.

    Eh, I think the vast majority of the player base loved Conquests 1-6.

    That's true, pretty much everyone but @Gifafi.

    Disagree on raids though, HSTR was a daily forum slog of complaints how it was killing guilds.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • StarSon
    7521 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Yeah this will cause more people to leave and more guilds to break up

    Everything does that though.

    Eh, I think the vast majority of the player base loved Conquests 1-6. Also back when they developed raids, those would really generate engagement. They did cause some guilds to shuffle around, but overall most actual PVE content they've delivered that comes with rewards is well-received.
    TVF wrote: »
    Every new progression system does that though.

    Is more accurate. This is compounded since we've had progression systems dumped on top of us over and over recently. R8, R9, Omicrons, and now Datacrons, without any relief in the form of new PVE content that rewards gear, the promised gear economy changes, etc.

    The problem with this game has always been CG's reluctance to get rid of old bottlenecks. They have added many new bottlenecks (kryo, g12+, g13, relics) since the game's inception, but we're all still hung up on mk3 carbs and g8. Makes it hard to follow through on economy changes when they don't know how to economy properly.
  • StarSon
    7521 posts Member
    edited May 2022
    TVF wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Yeah this will cause more people to leave and more guilds to break up

    Everything does that though.

    Eh, I think the vast majority of the player base loved Conquests 1-6.

    That's true, pretty much everyone but @Gifafi.

    Disagree on raids though, HSTR was a daily forum slog of complaints how it was killing guilds.

    Not sure which was worse: threads about HSTR killing guilds or threads about NAAT taking months to complete a single raid.
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Yeah this will cause more people to leave and more guilds to break up

    Everything does that though.

    Eh, I think the vast majority of the player base loved Conquests 1-6.

    That's true, pretty much everyone but @Gifafi.

    Disagree on raids though, HSTR was a daily forum slog of complaints how it was killing guilds.

    Well the complaints were because they overtuned the stats off the bat and the constant issue with the rewards. NAAT was so ridiculously overtuned for health they had to drastically drop it.
  • TVF
    36767 posts Member
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Yeah this will cause more people to leave and more guilds to break up

    Everything does that though.

    Eh, I think the vast majority of the player base loved Conquests 1-6.

    That's true, pretty much everyone but @Gifafi.

    Disagree on raids though, HSTR was a daily forum slog of complaints how it was killing guilds.

    Well the complaints were because they overtuned the stats off the bat and the constant issue with the rewards.

    Doesn't matter why. It killed all the guilds and the game.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • Options
    FTP players saying it doesn't affect them are wrong - it will effect your GAC and therefore your crystal income for starters. Everything new in the game effects every player in some shape or form. These progressions become required as the game goes on, so you might not be impacted immediately but shortly down the line it will curb your progression significantly.

    The only way I think seasonal resources would be acceptable is if its linked to a new currency(s). That are accessible to all, can be whaled on for the top end players but is also accumulated through a mode or event. If it uses crystals or needs gear, materials etc to level up then it puts everyone further back which is already a mountain for most players. Most players don't have the resources to be able to keep up at that level which makes seasonal content so awful, that even with any promised gear changes we wouldn't actually be any closer to catching up-which is what they've made clear is there intention.
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Yeah this will cause more people to leave and more guilds to break up

    Everything does that though.

    Eh, I think the vast majority of the player base loved Conquests 1-6.

    That's true, pretty much everyone but @Gifafi.

    Disagree on raids though, HSTR was a daily forum slog of complaints how it was killing guilds.

    Well the complaints were because they overtuned the stats off the bat and the constant issue with the rewards.

    Doesn't matter why. It killed all the guilds and the game.

    I mean the game killing was a bit over the top but it was causing many guilds to break apart and fracture to get the rewards
  • StarSon
    7521 posts Member
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Yeah this will cause more people to leave and more guilds to break up

    Everything does that though.

    Eh, I think the vast majority of the player base loved Conquests 1-6.

    That's true, pretty much everyone but @Gifafi.

    Disagree on raids though, HSTR was a daily forum slog of complaints how it was killing guilds.

    Well the complaints were because they overtuned the stats off the bat and the constant issue with the rewards.

    Doesn't matter why. It killed all the guilds and the game.

    I mean the game killing was a bit over the top but it was causing many guilds to break apart and fracture to get the rewards

    CG has been very straightforward with the fact that guild content is *intended* to break up guilds, so no sure why that's suddenly a revelation that a raid broke up guilds.
  • Revanfan
    36 posts Member
    FTP players saying it doesn't affect them are wrong - it will effect your GAC and therefore your crystal income for starters. Everything new in the game effects every player in some shape or form. These progressions become required as the game goes on, so you might not be impacted immediately but shortly down the line it will curb your progression significantly.

    Um, no. My f2p opponents will have only the same amount of datacrons as I will.
    Nothing changes there.

    Against the p2win opponents, well, they already beat me because they have more gear, more characters, more gls.
    No changes there either.
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