HAs anyone gotten Yoda since level 80 update?/log of my attempts

292 posts Member
edited April 2016
It seems pretty far out of reach for me to be able to even come close to getting him right now. I only beat 1 toon out of 25 tries so far today and am routinely getting 1 toon killed before |I have a turn.

And Yoda is routinely going 3-5 turns in a row with no cooldowns on his specials.

I understand that it needs to be hard to get, but I dont think I have a chance with my level 71, gear 7, 7* jedi I am using.

Lumi - L
Post edited by Snoochiebear on


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    You can do it. I have the exact same Jedi team, maxed out. It took a few tries, but if you can get Yoda flanked by Barriss and another weak hitting Jedi, you take them out first and concentrate on lil' homie.

    When I say "few", I mean about 20 tries, but it's still a few compared to the 200-300 tries I've read about.
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    I did.

    You may find plenty of posts from me that says "I will not bother" when the event came the second time around. My Jedi team is Lumi (L) - Koth - Ahsoka - JC - QGJ. It did not seem possible at all.

    Managed to get him 7* the third time the event came around. My squad remained the same, only Level 72. Yoda was being Yoda again, attacking multiple times. To be honest you truly need the RNG to be in your favor, and you truly need Bariss to be one of Yoda's companions. In my case it was Bariss and Plo Koon. Good luck.
  • Manicmouse
    65 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Seems most use Barris as their leader, the extra health must help a lot.

    I'm gambling on it :p Swap Mace for Barris and that's my team! Just got 6* Yoda.

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    I got it on the day of the level cap release. I don't think they increased the difficulty at all (but it's not easy even with a good lineup). You are going to have problems with both EK and Mace until you get really lucky. You're probably best off trying the Barris trick (retreat until yoda's partners are Barris/other, kill the other and get Barris down low and she'll eat half of Yoda's health, do it again and then burn Yoda.

    Never use EK's stun on Yoda. And Mace may give him a lot of extra turns too (and don't use his special either). If you don't get Yoda this time, maybe farm a different jedi for next time (Barris lead is the best, Ashoka is probably good too).
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    Did it after trying for an hour, lol.
    QGJ (L), Lumi, EK, Mace, JC
    Yoda of course, Aayla, Barriss.
    Took down Yoda first, then it was a joke
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    Yes did it in five tries. Yoda fielded (I think) a Jedi Guardian and Plo Koon. I just webt for Yoda at the get go and had three toons left when he dropped. After that it was easy pickings. Didn't get lucky with dodges/evades as far as I remember I think I had just enough healing and brute force hits to bring him down fast enough.

    Qui-Gon Jinn, L72/7* gear VIII, abilities 7/7/7/7
    Luminara Unduli (leader), L72/7* gear VIII, abilities 7/7/7/6
    Ahsoka Tano, L70/7*, gear VIII, abilities 7/6/3/6
    Jedi Consular L70/7*, gear VIII, abilities 5/6/4
    Barriss Offee L70/7*, gear VIII, 5/6/7/5
  • ModeratusImperialis
    353 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Remember not to use specials that Yoda can resist (at least not on Yoda himself) because that is free turns for Lord Yoga Pants
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    Stay away from Ben or Mace! Ben blocks heals, Mace hits like a truck
  • Rex
    38 posts Member
    I beat him with the same team as you did, also with Lumi as lead. All level 7 gear expect LU and EK, who were at 8.

    I ended up with JC and EK as his helpers. I went directly at Yoda and ignored the other two. Ended up taking a chance and throwing EK's stun at him, and got lucky as it stuck. Other than that, I did not use any other specials (maybe Lumi's forceblast, I don't recall).

    I have no idea how many times I tried, probably close to 100??? Felt like it. It is all about getting some lucky dodges and it helps when Yoda does not have foresight when QGJ had a chance for his harmonious assault. Also, never waste his harmonious assault on Yoda if he has foresight, as it also allows him an automatic dodge on the assist.
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    You can do it. I have the exact same Jedi team, maxed out. It took a few tries, but if you can get Yoda flanked by Barriss and another weak hitting Jedi, you take them out first and concentrate on lil' homie.

    When I say "few", I mean about 20 tries, but it's still a few compared to the 200-300 tries I've read about.

    I don't have that line up, but that's how I did it too. Barriss and Eeth were the 2 with him, I took them out first and it was easy.
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    56 tries in so far.

    21 teams consisting of Old Ben and QGJ
    23 teams consisting of Lumi and QGJ
    6 teams consisting of Lumi and IGD
    2 teams consisting of Lumi and JC
    3 teams of Lumi and JKG
    1 team of Bariss and Anakin

    Closest so far was the bariss one, beat anakin, got bariss down to red health, but she never used heal. Yoda went nuts and attacked 19 of 23 times and killed all 5 of my toons.

    Another time got down to just Yoda to yellow health, but he did 8 turns in a row taking out 4 of my team and it was over.

    ****....I aint getting any work done today...lol
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    58 tries, last try was Bariss again, and down to red health but no heal used.
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    56 tries in so far.

    21 teams consisting of Old Ben and QGJ
    23 teams consisting of Lumi and QGJ
    6 teams consisting of Lumi and IGD
    2 teams consisting of Lumi and JC
    3 teams of Lumi and JKG
    1 team of Bariss and Anakin

    Closest so far was the bariss one, beat anakin, got bariss down to red health, but she never used heal. Yoda went nuts and attacked 19 of 23 times and killed all 5 of my toons.

    Another time got down to just Yoda to yellow health, but he did 8 turns in a row taking out 4 of my team and it was over.

    ****....I aint getting any work done today...lol

    if you get a bad matchup just retreat right away to save some time.
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    60 tries....Yoda went for 9 straight attacks and took out 4 jedis....wish he was this good for us players at 7 star....
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    I also notice that he consistently targets my healers, no matter where I place them.

    try 63 down the drain....
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    I did it after the level cap update.

    I completed the Yoda quest on my 3rd try. I was lucky as I read people finished it after 100 over attempts.
    My team was level 72 7 stars gear level 8 (Bariss lead, QGJ, Ahsoka, Lumi and JC) but their skills were level 6.

    The first try I encountered Bariss, Yoda and Jedi Consular. I thought easy piece of cake since everyone said use Bariss heal to half yoda's health. So I hit Bariss with all I got. I used QGJ as lead.Little did I know after his health was halved, Yoda went crazy and I stood no chance.

    The second try I was faced with was Aalya and Eeth Koth with Yoda. So I tried this time to kill Eeth first as I know Aalya has counter Attack properties so I changed leader and used Bariss as lead to get the heals. I managed to kill off Eeth after Ahsoka and QGJ died, but then suddenly Yoda went crazy and had like 7 turns in a row. My 3 remaining toons stood no chance.

    So I learned my lesson. Despite others experience, I decided it does not work for me to kill his in ions first. I decided to focus on Yoda first before he goes berserk. On the third try, I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best.

    The third try, I encountered Mace, Yoda and plo Koon. I focused all my attacks on Yoda and I was lucky cos only Bariss died. The Bariss lead was Super useful as I healed 1700 health per turn. I managed to kill off Yoda with Bariss as the only casualty. But her leader trait remains so I still get healed.

    Then I focussed on Mace cos Plo Koon is very weak and hits like a 5 year old girl (I have a plo koon). It was easy peasy taking out Mace and even easier getting rid of plo. Once Yoda is out, I literally heaved a sigh of relieve.

    My entire endeavour took 30 min.

    So that's my story, hope it helps.

  • gseth
    55 posts Member
    I got yoda after the update, was at level 71, used team was as follows:

    luminara (lead), old ben, ahsoka, jedi consular, qjg

    All at level 71 with gear 8.....and a few for 9.

    Took about 7-8 tries.

    If there is bariss in the yoda team, defeat her first, otherwise she just heals yoda to max health.
  • DV_27
    967 posts Member
    Yup I did it yesterday after about 20 attempts with barriss (l), eeth, qgj, jc and lumi. Yoda had plo and qgj with him so I took out qgj then yoda and plo last
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    I completed it on Tuesday with Lumi (L), JC, QGJ, Ahsoka, and Eeth. Took approximately 15 attempts. Lumi, QGJ, and JC were all level 71. Ahsoka was 69 and Eeth was 65. All were Gear 8 and Eeth only had level 5 abilities.
  • Eibbor_Tharth
    557 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    gseth wrote: »
    If there is bariss in the yoda team, defeat her first, otherwise she just heals yoda to max health.

    Um, no. This is exactly what you shouldn't do. Be nice and do not troll a help seeking fella please.
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    Got him an hour ago, took 6 tries.

    Barris lead
    Old Ben
    E koth.
    I had against me a plo koon and another e koth I ignored them both and just kept hitting yoda. Saving heals for when I needed them. It's all about luck on who gets hit and who doesn't on your team. I got lucky and yoda kept hitting old Ben and old Ben kept dodging
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    I did it after 7*'ing Barriss today. Took about 30-40 attempts, with many of those retreats as soon as possible based on who was with Yoda. My team was:

    Lumi (L) (72)
    Barriss (70)
    JC (71)
    Eeth (70)
    QGJ (72)

    He has Barriss and I think Plo with him. Burned Barriss down to one little red, and...she didn't use her heal. So I decided to burn Plo down to one little red. This worked great, as it knocked Yoda down to less than 50% when Barriss decided to heal on her next turn.

    From there, just focused on Yoda. He didn't pull a ton of foresights, so I was able to land a lot of hits. He did take out JC somewhere in there, but was able to knock him out with four of my team still standing, and with Lumi ready to heal again.

    At that point, it was a breeze. Plo and Barriss were still in the yellow, and my team was full strength.

    But I will say, I got very lucky in that
    1. Barriss didn't heal that first opportunity,
    2. Yoda not getting a ton of foresights,
    3. Yoda going after my nearly full health Barriss after knocking JC down, so she was able to absorb the massive damage he threw at her, and finally
    4. some serious RNG help with a lot of dodges thanks to Lumi leading.

    If any one of those four don't happen, then I would still be working on it.
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    Try 94 (slight break after recharging phone.....)

    Got the pairing of Anaking, Ahsoka and Yoda.

    Defeated Anakin quickly (looking good)
    Got ahsoka into Red (looking really good)

    Yoda went off for 19 of 21 turns killing all five of my team....

  • Bones
    456 posts Member
    i used the same lineup 2 days ago.......Lumi lead, qgj, jc, mace, and eoth koth. I faced plo koon, and eoth koth. Try to get one with no healers. i seemed to have to best luck like that.

    The second part is to only use basic attacks, no matter how much you want to use specials (except heals), and target yoda only, until you beat him.

    Also requires you to have decent rng, so culd take a awhile still. I was able to finish in under 50 tries, with about 75% being restarts to get the right battles i wanted to face.
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    try 99, thought I had it.

    No allies, Yoda in Yellow, all 5 of my Jedis in green....

    Yoda 13 straight attacks...me a lumi heal....Yoda 4 attacks...me dead
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    I got 6* easy on the first try, need to get Barriss and JC to 7* still. Guess I'm not looking forward to the challenge next go around. Seems like there's a huge difficulty gap between 6* and 7*
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  • Slewfoot
    910 posts Member
    I did it on my first try this time around. Qgj (l), bariss, jc, lumi, tano. Tano after the buff is a beast with qgj, essentually 4 fast healers.
  • cosmicturtle333
    5004 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    My guild mate got him second try with Ima Gun Di as lead.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
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    Try 100

    Team of Yoda, Old Ben and Anakin


    Yoda kills 2 of my team before I can....so much hate in him....
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    Try 104

    Yoda goes off for 24 of 29 turns.
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