HAs anyone gotten Yoda since level 80 update?/log of my attempts



  • Bones
    456 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    retreat until you find one with no healers
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    IT HAS BEEN DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Luck number 109

    Yoda, Ima Gunn Di, Plo Kloon.

    Yoda was targeted first, I lost GQJ and Eeth in defeating Yoda, then It was IGD, then Plo
  • Amalthea
    691 posts Member
    IT HAS BEEN DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Luck number 109

    Yoda, Ima Gunn Di, Plo Kloon.

    Yoda was targeted first, I lost GQJ and Eeth in defeating Yoda, then It was IGD, then Plo

    Good job! I'm glad you didn't lose after killing Yoda.

  • DV_27
    967 posts Member
    IT HAS BEEN DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Luck number 109

    Yoda, Ima Gunn Di, Plo Kloon.

    Yoda was targeted first, I lost GQJ and Eeth in defeating Yoda, then It was IGD, then Plo

    Well done :D
  • Aznbala
    29 posts Member
    Just finished it tuesday with the same team as you. Level 72. QGJ, Lumi, JC max gear and abilities.

    took plenty of tries, maybe 50-60 attempts though many were just resets to find the right allies for Yoda. When I killed him, he had Aayla and JC
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    IT HAS BEEN DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Luck number 109

    Yoda, Ima Gunn Di, Plo Kloon.

    Yoda was targeted first, I lost GQJ and Eeth in defeating Yoda, then It was IGD, then Plo

    Nice work. I'm sure I'll make a similar thread when next event rolls around and I'll have enough 7*s
    Sinister Alliance (Leader) - accepting waitlist members - PM for information
  • Kalo
    123 posts Member
    I did it, but a different line up. I used Barriss, QGJ, JC, Lumi and Ahsoka. Fought the green monster, JKG and Barris. JKG went down first, then Barriss and finally the goblin. Barriss never used her heal. I was able to keep my 5 upright with massive heals. Almost had to cycle through them as quick as they came off cool down.
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    I just got my fifth team member up to 6* this morning and completed the 6* Yoda battle in one try. I used Barriss (L), Luminara, Jedi Consular, Qui-Gon, and Mace Windu. All at level 71. All at gear level 8 except Gui-Gon at 7. I used my basic attacks most of the time except once or twice used Qui-Gon's assist move. I healed at nearly every opportunity unless I knew a better heal for the situation was just about to come up. The opponents were two Jedi temple guards.
  • ubn87
    314 posts Member
    I killed yoda first, every try. Got it done after 5 tries. Just back out if you face hard teammates.

    Yoda had Barris and kit when I killed him.
    Also had lumi lead. Exact team as you but ahsoka instead of eeth.
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    I followed the advice to wait for an ally combo to Yoda of Barris and low-hitting Jedi. Kept on hitting the 2 until they were in the red. On the 2nd time Barris executed her health equalizer, thats when I really pounced on Yoda. Barris's special reduces Yoda's health by 30-50%.

    When going after Yoda, avoid specials when he has a buff. Use basic attack. I only used specials when he didn't have buffs.
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    Still stuck despite having all 5 lvl72 with max abilities and gear besides the gear that got updated. Got him red twice with Barriss method while having 4 jedi left but then he crits someone for 10k and kills the whole team in a row
  • Rex
    38 posts Member
    IT HAS BEEN DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Luck number 109

    Yoda, Ima Gunn Di, Plo Kloon.

    Yoda was targeted first, I lost GQJ and Eeth in defeating Yoda, then It was IGD, then Plo

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    I just got him 7* with bo, at, lumi, jc and ek
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    It was a long haul, but I am certainly happy to see the little puppet with 7*s now.

    Only thing though, I never once got a 14 hit combo streak with him yet.............
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    I did exact same team. All maxed and 71. Focused on Yoda first. The heals were key. If you can survive to JCs second round use his heal first. Then use Lumi heal. Then JC again. This was the only way I survived through three heals
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    Oh. And took out Yoda first
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    Yeah I got him yesterday with team of;

    Ahsoka (lead)
    Plo Koon

    Took about 50 attempts but finally beat him with Barris and Mace backing him up
  • lackhand
    83 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I did it this morning with your same team, but QGJ as lead and at level 72 with the speed increase. Others stuck at level 70 because I'm out of credits.

    Fought Yoda, Mace, JC. Took Yoda out first and it was easy from there. But it took probably 25 tries. Feels like you win when Yoda decides to let you, because there were times he just murdered 4 toons in the same turn.

    FWIW I would not recommend Mace for this challenge. Given Yoda's leader ability, Mace's shatter point basically reads "Mace has a 50% chance to give your opponent speed up." Though he did manage to expose Yoda once.
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    Barris is the key, and also was the key (for me)...Leader lumi -barriss-qgj-koth-jc....three healers...three attempts..directly attacked the joda.,and succes...
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    And the other key point is 'foresight'... Do not use special attacks when yoda is foresighted...
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    Yup, first shot. Barriss, QGJ, jc, Ashoka, lumi. Remember to only use basic attack essentially.
  • Akster
    571 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I found it incredibly easy to do the final yoda event with Barris, Qui, Jedi Counsolor, Kit fisto and luminara. Maybe one of those I used ahsoka instead, I can not remember exactly.

    Barris leader buff just gave everyone too much hp to get 1shot by yoda, the other 2 jedi dont do that much damage and can take a beating so i ignored them till last, focusing down yoda first before he gets lucky and kills someone, I think I finished with just one party member dying in the last couple turns.
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    Bariss would definitely make it easier.sadly I started farming the event before her node was unlocked
  • Serya
    334 posts Member
    I spent about 5 hours on the first event with the standard Lumi (L), JC, Mace, Eeth, QGJ.

    Got frustrated and told myself I wouldn't waste any more time until I got Barris to 7*. Finally got her there today and got it on my 3rd try with her as lead....

    It can be done without her but if you are very unlucky it could take a long time!
  • gseth
    55 posts Member
    I am not trolling. Just telling my exprience. Yoda had a bariss in her team, i started concetrating only on him with one bar left she used her healing buff, and i was defeated.

    For the second time when she came I defeated her and then took on yoda and finally the third member of his team.
    gseth wrote: »
    If there is bariss in the yoda team, defeat her first, otherwise she just heals yoda to max health.

    Um, no. This is exactly what you shouldn't do. Be nice and do not troll a help seeking fella please.

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