Make the emperor great again ! video, pictures.

771 posts Member
edited April 2016
Oh yes. this is what you think it is. after lot of people whine about sidious OP (!??!!??!!?!?!?!?!?!) and nerf him, this thread is whining about... Sidious too weak, Buff him.
I know, im a sidious' fanboy, but hear me out :)
sidious is gonna be a toon that lot of us have at 7* maxed gear, but won't be used. its a great mid game toon, obviously, but in end game it become nothing. imagine what will happen after the update -
1) more tanks: Sidious cant land on 50% tenacity tanks like poe rg and han any of his debuffs.
2) Advantage is now crit - so why would anyone use Sid leader ?phasma is better and boba leader with phasma is better.
3) Yodas - a favorite toon on everybody, is gonna flood us more than QGJ... his tencaity will make sidious a disadvantage, since he sid will always give people turn meter. that's how an Anti-Jedi toon become a... Pro-Jedi (??)
So. what we got ? we have the EMPEROR OF THE FREAKING GALAXY as a toon with useless basic atc (low damage, no healing immune), with a useless special (no damage, not much dots), useless leader abi (free crit from phasma), and one great unique. this is not remotely enough for Darth Sidious. he supposed to be ANTI JEDI, and he surely dont feel like one.. he suppose to be strong.. but dont make me laugh -.- Sidious Potency is A HUGE problem, he have to get a buff on potency / change his abilities, or we have another ugnaught.
Pictures of level 70 Sidious, 7*, gear 8, doing nothing to jedi team protected by jedi valor:
that resist tho.

and video of sidious - fastest toon in the match, make his team do 4v5. level 72 sid, 7*, gear 8. KKkqQod.jpg
this is the team, the video going too fast.

i know its gw and its nothing, but the important thing is Sidious unable to do anything vs 4 jedis team. this is NOT anti jedi, his speed is useless, his basic useless, special useless, leader abi gonna be useless.

Sidious need Buff.
Post edited by SidiousIsPikachu on


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    Hear, hear. The one toon everyone has maxed or can max easiest.
  • Qleak
    420 posts Member
    Sid has one of the best anti jedi characteristics in the game. He evades them like he's doing an mc hammer dance. :smile:

    I agree his damage and health are lackluster but if they were much higher he'd be OP.

    I think a fair measure for who needs a buff would be lack of play time. Considering i play against approximately 10 Sid's per day in GW / Arena, I'd say he's well balanced.
  • Usho
    586 posts Member
    Sid is well balanced, with maul/dooku (L) no jedi will ever be able to hit him :D plus his speed is good too.
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    I recently removed Sid from my Arena squad. I EA would just ignore all the whiners calling for nerfs. Nerfing ends up wrecking the game.
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    Usho wrote: »
    Sid is well balanced, with maul/dooku (L) no jedi will ever be able to hit him :D plus his speed is good too.

    nextime i see Sid with dooku, i put jedi team. and his speed dont matter if he not tanky and not doing damage, what the hell can he do ?
  • CPMP
    974 posts Member
    Sid is useless in glass cannon teams.
    Sid is must have in Aoe teams.
    Sid is average in dodge teams.
    Sid is very good in GW.

    Verdict : Sid is balanced. Leave him alone.
  • Usho
    586 posts Member
    Usho wrote: »
    Sid is well balanced, with maul/dooku (L) no jedi will ever be able to hit him :D plus his speed is good too.

    nextime i see Sid with dooku, i put jedi team. and his speed dont matter if he not tanky and not doing damage, what the hell can he do ?

    I dont understand what you're trying to say.
  • Options
    Sid is useless in Arena.
    AoE teams is nothing in current meta.
    Sid is gonna be useless for GW too, and hes good for his own also, have nothing beneficial for team or any synergy. no way that sidious have so many counters to make him nothing.
    he got no damage, he got no hp, and now, he got no potency mean he got nothing to offer.
    from tanks like RG, Han, poe - that disables him completely, and getting no damage from him, through attackers like rey/gs/qgj (probably)/fotp/ig86/ig88/leia/RP/Biggs - that in the same level/gear of him REMOVING HIM in 1 shot. ... removing in 1 hit, and also jedis like aayla, yoda, barris, that as leaders counter the "anti-jedi" lol. and i dont even talk about how weak he is vs counter team.
    for you, @Usho . video of sidious with dooku lead doing nothing vs jedi team -.-
  • Options
    Usho wrote: »
    Usho wrote: »
    Sid is well balanced, with maul/dooku (L) no jedi will ever be able to hit him :D plus his speed is good too.

    nextime i see Sid with dooku, i put jedi team. and his speed dont matter if he not tanky and not doing damage, what the hell can he do ?

    I dont understand what you're trying to say.

    what im trying to say, is that when i see sid with dooku - i did, video in previous reply - i will fight.
    and you said he got nice speed. all this speed dont matter at all, if he cant do something with that speed. he atc second or first most of times, doing 0 dmg, inflict 0 debuffs. so let him atc, let him be fast, let him use the speed.
    This is not the sid you used to from mid-game, when you can win 3v1 vs Jedis. in lategame sid is HORRIBLE, and most toons in game perform better than him. try put a "weak" toon in lvl 70 Max gear 7*, you'll see.
  • CPMP
    974 posts Member
    Sid is useless in Arena.
    AoE teams is nothing in current meta.
    Sid is gonna be useless for GW too, and hes good for his own also, have nothing beneficial for team or any synergy. no way that sidious have so many counters to make him nothing.
    he got no damage, he got no hp, and now, he got no potency mean he got nothing to offer.
    from tanks like RG, Han, poe - that disables him completely, and getting no damage from him, through attackers like rey/gs/qgj (probably)/fotp/ig86/ig88/leia/RP/Biggs - that in the same level/gear of him REMOVING HIM in 1 shot. ... removing in 1 hit, and also jedis like aayla, yoda, barris, that as leaders counter the "anti-jedi" lol. and i dont even talk about how weak he is vs counter team.
    for you, @Usho . video of sidious with dooku lead doing nothing vs jedi team -.-

    It's a video of someone winning vs AI, something that 99% of people do in offence...It doesn't prove anything. Even ewoks can defeat meta teams in offence. If i were to go against this jedi team with my Dooku and Sid, it would be so laughable. GQJ is the only threat and the only serious dps. Other than that, no threats. Dooku can stun him easily, force him to lose a turn and then game is over. Also Sid's heal debuff would make Lumi and JC waste turns trying to heal. I don't think there is anyone with Sid/Dooku that can lose vs jedi team AI.
  • Usho
    586 posts Member
    Bad RNG, sid has 50% dodge against jedis :D plus his damage was good, and you gained offense up which is not really fair and you healed, ofc anyone can beat AI controlled team... Sids just fine in both arena and gw.
  • Usho
    586 posts Member
    CPMP wrote: »
    Sid is useless in Arena.
    AoE teams is nothing in current meta.
    Sid is gonna be useless for GW too, and hes good for his own also, have nothing beneficial for team or any synergy. no way that sidious have so many counters to make him nothing.
    he got no damage, he got no hp, and now, he got no potency mean he got nothing to offer.
    from tanks like RG, Han, poe - that disables him completely, and getting no damage from him, through attackers like rey/gs/qgj (probably)/fotp/ig86/ig88/leia/RP/Biggs - that in the same level/gear of him REMOVING HIM in 1 shot. ... removing in 1 hit, and also jedis like aayla, yoda, barris, that as leaders counter the "anti-jedi" lol. and i dont even talk about how weak he is vs counter team.
    for you, @Usho . video of sidious with dooku lead doing nothing vs jedi team -.-

    It's a video of someone winning vs AI, something that 99% of people do in offence...It doesn't prove anything. Even ewoks can defeat meta teams in offence. If i were to go against this jedi team with my Dooku and Sid, it would be so laughable. GQJ is the only threat and the only serious dps. Other than that, no threats. Dooku can stun him easily, force him to lose a turn and then game is over. Also Sid's heal debuff would make Lumi and JC waste turns trying to heal. I don't think there is anyone with Sid/Dooku that can lose vs jedi team AI.

    +1 leave Sid alone he's fine the way he is :D
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Yea Darth Sidious should be powerful, maybe make him an utility character like Yoda is. Although i don't know if i would like to see him buffed because he will be everywhere (again) since he is in squad arena. GW's gonna get harder...Don't know, on the other side, he is Darth Sidious, on the other, do i really want much pain to comeback? :smile: Because he is a pain in GW for lower levels.
  • SidiousIsPikachu
    771 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    CPMP wrote: »
    Sid is useless in Arena.
    AoE teams is nothing in current meta.
    Sid is gonna be useless for GW too, and hes good for his own also, have nothing beneficial for team or any synergy. no way that sidious have so many counters to make him nothing.
    he got no damage, he got no hp, and now, he got no potency mean he got nothing to offer.
    from tanks like RG, Han, poe - that disables him completely, and getting no damage from him, through attackers like rey/gs/qgj (probably)/fotp/ig86/ig88/leia/RP/Biggs - that in the same level/gear of him REMOVING HIM in 1 shot. ... removing in 1 hit, and also jedis like aayla, yoda, barris, that as leaders counter the "anti-jedi" lol. and i dont even talk about how weak he is vs counter team.
    for you, @Usho . video of sidious with dooku lead doing nothing vs jedi team -.-

    It's a video of someone winning vs AI, something that 99% of people do in offence...It doesn't prove anything. Even ewoks can defeat meta teams in offence. If i were to go against this jedi team with my Dooku and Sid, it would be so laughable. GQJ is the only threat and the only serious dps. Other than that, no threats. Dooku can stun him easily, force him to lose a turn and then game is over. Also Sid's heal debuff would make Lumi and JC waste turns trying to heal. I don't think there is anyone with Sid/Dooku that can lose vs jedi team AI.

    99% winrate for all people ? thats new. nice. i dont think im even close to 90% winrate. I guess im a freaking noob, probably place 6321 in arena.
    it does prove, that sid doing no damage, can be ignored, have no hp, have no sustain, and depends TOTALLY ON HIS EVASION. is that a balanced toon ? my laughable team beated Sid led by dooku, which @Usho said "JEDI CANT EVEN HIT". **** i wasted a fight for this video. I put barris and aayla with 5* for that, and you wanna tell me that sidious, the anti jedi, combined with dooku that is also anti jedi, can't kill even 1 toon in a full jedi team??? sidious is a joke. Put ANY attacker instead of him with the gear he have and stars he have, and you'll see how the team power jumps to the sky. he's bad attacker.
    @Usho make up your mind. now you call bad RNG, gaining Offup isn't fair ? what the ... i'll tell you wahts not fair: Rey getting offUp from Poggle and led by poe. thats not fair. offup on a freaking barris and aayla LOL
    sid maybe "fine" in gw (meh) but in arena he's useless once you enter the top100. there are not much toons i can say this. unused toons. Name more than 2 attackers who's worse than sid.
    give any attacker 72 lvls, 7* and gear 8, you'll see oneshots. sid cant drop some1 below 50%.
    and all of this is gonna be worse when his leader abi will be useless.

    You missing the point guys. You think sid is good since he can survive some useless fights in GW ? my MAXED sidious have 9650 HP (!!!!) you know how squishy that is ? FOTP for example, got 10700, and he's like.. the squishiest.... oh. the difference : FOTP oneshots most toons, Sidious cant kill FOTP with single atc.
    0 potency rofl
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    You say Sid can't be beaten with dooku, i prove wrong.
    now you guys say everyone winning on offense (ROFL) and its easy match even with jedi team.
    Ok blame RNG also, sure.
    please comment when you have serious arguments.
    Sidious is bad offensively and defensively.
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    Tired of sid clones , he is everywhere such a sicking sight to see him everywhere.

    I'd prefer they work on bringing up other characters so we see less of him.

  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    Sid is about the 15th best toon in the game. If you aren't in the bottom 20 you shouldn't be buffed.

    Lore is not a valid reason to buff or need a character. Although in this game just like the movies he is very effective early, as you approach max level he weakens and needs some help and eventually is useless getting tossed out down a shaft.
  • Options
    I don't think Sid is in a bad place. He's still on my arena team at lvl 73 because he dodges against Jedi and has an AoE that comes in handy every once in a while. Plus that heal debuff leads to wasted heals/turns every now and then. And he does the self heal pretty well too. All in all I think he is well placed and certainly better in the current meta than a lot of toons.
  • SidiousIsPikachu
    771 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Greg1920 wrote: »
    Sid is about the 15th best toon in the game. If you aren't in the bottom 20 you shouldn't be buffed.

    Lore is not a valid reason to buff or need a character. Although in this game just like the movies he is very effective early, as you approach max level he weakens and needs some help and eventually is useless getting tossed out down a shaft.

    QGJ, RP, FOTP, Lumi, Rey, IG86, IG88, Phasma, Royal Guard, Barris, Poe, Han, Obi wan kenobi, Dooku, GS, Leia, Yoda. all the known toons that probably all agree that are better.
    HTS, Datcha, Luke, Biggs, Ewok scout , RT, Vader - toons that if you'll bring to Sidious level gear and stars - 7*, 70+, gear 8, you'll see How much stronger than sid.

    and there are much more worse toons than sid i agree obviously, but this is more annoying than making Mace windu weak - since all invested in him so much. if it was like the movies, he was the freaking best, tricking anakin to the dark side, beating yoda...
    i dont want him to be best, i want him to be playable! do damage, or be tanky, or DO put DoT/healing immune. but right now he nothing, and after update, he gonna disappear i believe.
    the potency fix made him very very weak, and unplayable for me, and if they fix some other things: Like barris Unique that i never see that work, and Old ben leader abi, you'll have more jedis that actually make sid nothing. something need to be changed about sidious imo.

    @Mofojokers1992 lol. :)
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    @SidiousIsPikachu Don't compare Sidious with RG and Poe lol. Compare him with other attackers and QGJ. And yes he falls short there. His aoe can't even be used now in arena cause you'll just give offense up to everyone With Dooku lead. Blame Dooku first!
  • Usho
    586 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Ive made up my mind, you know if you like Sidious and he's not the best character that can 1 shot and is not in meta teams, that doesnt make him none viable, my favorite character is darth maul but Im not bragging on forums to buff him because he's useful the way he is, if you cant find use or a synergy for sidious its your own problem, its pretty good f2p character that needs neither buff nor nerf. and yes video above is just bad RNG because luminaras buff is 15% + 15% dooku=30 she dodged more times than sidious, although sidious has 50 % dodge chance against jedis, sid did 1.9k aoe, he does 2-3k no crit single targets overall its viable character that (ill repeat) needs neither buff nor nerf.

    Edit: yes gaining offense up is not fair if you're testing PURE DAMAGE !
    and no one asked you to prove anything and "waste" a match for the vid.
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    you did, with your fail arguments, and i had to prove you wrong. i did, and i'll gladly beat sidious every time i see him.
    and i didnt test pure damage rofl, i tested Sidious vs jedi. combined with dooku and all 5 jedis alive. not much of an anti-jedi. with my normal team i would kill him as last, since he have no threat. and in my normal team i have 3 toons to remove him with 1shot. he's horrible in defense, and poor offensively. So attacker with no damage, no survivability, and you the one that claim he depend on RNG. you still think he's viable ? save me your response, im not gonna bother read even.
    517 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I like him as it is. Good debuffs, and good antijedi survivality. Great speed ao he can debuff almost anyone at the start
    And autoheal/turnmeter
  • Options
    Tired of sid clones , he is everywhere such a sicking sight to see him everywhere.

    I'd prefer they work on bringing up other characters so we see less of him.



    I have only faced him in 4 of 5 arena matches and 12 of 12 arena matches today.

    Yesterday was a combined 17 of 17 matches.

    There is a definite trend downward of Sid usage....lolololol

    Down with sid!!!
  • Options
    @SidiousIsPikachu I normally agree with you 100%, but here... I am not entirely convinced. :open_mouth:

    You're right: Sidious has been pushed out of the top rank teams largely because of Dooku's leadership ability and the rise of other DPS toons (Rey, GS, FOTP...). However, calling for a buff in time for the new update is a bit premature. No-one knows for sure what toons will be the new meta when fortitude and other changes occur. Probably not even the devs ^_^
  • XCOM
    250 posts Member
    CPMP wrote: »
    Sid is useless in Arena.
    AoE teams is nothing in current meta.
    Sid is gonna be useless for GW too, and hes good for his own also, have nothing beneficial for team or any synergy. no way that sidious have so many counters to make him nothing.
    he got no damage, he got no hp, and now, he got no potency mean he got nothing to offer.
    from tanks like RG, Han, poe - that disables him completely, and getting no damage from him, through attackers like rey/gs/qgj (probably)/fotp/ig86/ig88/leia/RP/Biggs - that in the same level/gear of him REMOVING HIM in 1 shot. ... removing in 1 hit, and also jedis like aayla, yoda, barris, that as leaders counter the "anti-jedi" lol. and i dont even talk about how weak he is vs counter team.
    for you, @Usho . video of sidious with dooku lead doing nothing vs jedi team -.-

    It's a video of someone winning vs AI, something that 99% of people do in offence...It doesn't prove anything. Even ewoks can defeat meta teams in offence. If i were to go against this jedi team with my Dooku and Sid, it would be so laughable. GQJ is the only threat and the only serious dps. Other than that, no threats. Dooku can stun him easily, force him to lose a turn and then game is over. Also Sid's heal debuff would make Lumi and JC waste turns trying to heal. I don't think there is anyone with Sid/Dooku that can lose vs jedi team AI.

    99% winrate for all people ? thats new. nice. i dont think im even close to 90% winrate. I guess im a freaking noob, probably place 6321 in arena.
    it does prove, that sid doing no damage, can be ignored, have no hp, have no sustain, and depends TOTALLY ON HIS EVASION. is that a balanced toon ? my laughable team beated Sid led by dooku, which @Usho said "JEDI CANT EVEN HIT". **** i wasted a fight for this video. I put barris and aayla with 5* for that, and you wanna tell me that sidious, the anti jedi, combined with dooku that is also anti jedi, can't kill even 1 toon in a full jedi team??? sidious is a joke. Put ANY attacker instead of him with the gear he have and stars he have, and you'll see how the team power jumps to the sky. he's bad attacker.
    @Usho make up your mind. now you call bad RNG, gaining Offup isn't fair ? what the ... i'll tell you wahts not fair: Rey getting offUp from Poggle and led by poe. thats not fair. offup on a freaking barris and aayla LOL
    sid maybe "fine" in gw (meh) but in arena he's useless once you enter the top100. there are not much toons i can say this. unused toons. Name more than 2 attackers who's worse than sid.
    give any attacker 72 lvls, 7* and gear 8, you'll see oneshots. sid cant drop some1 below 50%.
    and all of this is gonna be worse when his leader abi will be useless.

    You missing the point guys. You think sid is good since he can survive some useless fights in GW ? my MAXED sidious have 9650 HP (!!!!) you know how squishy that is ? FOTP for example, got 10700, and he's like.. the squishiest.... oh. the difference : FOTP oneshots most toons, Sidious cant kill FOTP with single atc.
    0 potency rofl

    Please come back when you get to even top 100... Right now, not to be mean, but you are a noob. Your opinion is not based on experience.

  • Snoochiebear
    292 posts Member
    edited April 2016

    and there are much more worse toons than sid i agree obviously, but this is more annoying than making Mace windu weak - since all invested in him so much. if it was like the movies, he was the freaking best, tricking anakin to the dark side, beating yoda...

    He never beat Yoda, a 900 year old Yoda left the fight before it could be dicided.

    And mace had him to his shatterpoint before Anakin betrayed Mace.

    So if Sid is made stronger, then Mace needs to be made better than Sid.

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    @XCOM sidiousispikachu is consistently ranked #1 on his server...
  • SidiousIsPikachu
    771 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    @Snoochiebear well lol you should be thankful, free wins. ppl still use him cause he maxed. and after the update, you'll see his drops.

    @thecuriousocelot it may be bit premature, but at the moment, i feel "deceived". i threw on my beloved sidious everything he needed, and while other toons leveling and gearing up is getting MUCH MUCH stronger, sid is only getting a bit stronger each time you upgrade him. and when the potency was fixed, he became total useless. if i'd knew that this is how 0% potency is like, i wouldn't upgrade him. -.-
    sidious stayed up wayy wayy behind, and i expect as Anti-jedi to perform much better vs jedis. and from sidious, to perform much better generally. he's dropped even from my GW team due to his poor damage.
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    @XCOM nINRcA1.jpg
    finish #1 daily with no refresh used (as you see, can buy more for 50)
    noob sidiousispikachu, playing on that noob server that cant handle a defensive team !
    .... -.-
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