Fleet Arena Flaws


I'll start by quoting another member from another thread:
In fleet arena, just like in squad arena, you land in a server (we all call it 'shard') based on when you started the game. So you're in a shard of like 10000 people that all started the game roughly at the same time. This ensures that everyone you are competing against has had the same time to build their rosters, for fairness' sake. You don't have to be afraid of being in an arena where others have started multiple years ahead of you. That won't happen. You are stuck with your shard though, so if you take a break for a year or so, then everyone will be a year ahead of you after you decide to come back. Obviously money spent matters too, as heavy spenders will usually be able to progress much faster than light spenders or f2p, so they can have the better teams faster than everyone else. So basically, you will only be competing with those ~10k people in your shard and that's it. It's completely random what kind of shard/people you get allocated with. Some people land in super competitive shards, some land in very quiet shards, some land in friendly shards, some land in toxic shards... So if you're barely falling, maybe you have a quiet shard, or maybe the others just aren't strong enough to push you back :)

So time ago there was a bunch of a big changes, including very fine, new system of GAC. Squad Arena was also changed - the crystals that you could take from there were removed. Until that time I had not problem at all. My server/shard in Squad Arena was not bad and if I was able to play about a 10 times, I had a good chances of taking a top1 rewards. It was easier when I had to play GAS mirrors and harder after a GL came. But I believe I was able to be top1 a few times with my SEE.
Compering to my Squad Arena, my Fleet Arena was terrible - there were a lot of active players, with fleets far superior to mine. At first I could not reach a fine places with my Thrawn (Ackbar was meta then), then when I had a Negotiator (when it still was a meta), I would have to play far more then 10 times to reach a good place. At this very moment I have an Executor 5*. i'm not angry that I'm unable to reach any top places, since there is a lot of 7* Profundity and 7* Executors.

But I'm frustrated for very different reason. As I mentioned, I hav a better shard in Squad Arena then in Fleet Arena. There are many people that have it oposite. It was fair, when a reweards were similar, but it's not fair at all now. A few examples:

1. My ally code is: 462-676-932. My Fleet Arena rank is #129 at the moment with 5* Executor. There are Executors 7*, 6* and a few Profundity 4* even below my top100.

2. My friend, Matty (ally code: 439-815-953). He's a guy, who has shown me that game, and his account is older then mine. He's inactive for 215 days, his rank in Squad Arena is #220 and in Fleet Arena #91 (!). He has a full line up of Negotiator, but without R8+ characters.

3. My guilid mate, Solohan ((ally code: 674-678-879) is #61 in Fleet Arena. What's funny, he's using Chimarea capital ship, with as random ships as Emperor's shuttle, Hound's Thooth, TIE Advanced x1, Anakin's ETA 2, Umbaran Starfighter, TIE Silencer and Slave I.

4. My former guilid member, MINI Howlyy (ally code: 376-636-881) is #83 with full Negotiatr fleet with some good Relics (like GK R8). My account is much older then his,but he's inactive since 55 days.

5. Another example of inactive player - 3Edward9 (ally code: 291-956-265) with a 7* Executor is ranked #110. But he wasn't there since 123 days.

6. Another guilid-mate example - MINI Dommel (ally code: 313-753-859) is ranked #38 with Negotiator line up (including Ebon Hawk, Ghost, Han's Millenium Falcon).

As I said, I'm, not sure if other guys then Matty has older accounts then my or not. I posted them here only to make it clear, that it's not a single Fleet Arena flaw. I guess i could find much, much more.

So, my questions are:

1. Is it considered fair? I'm free to play, perhaps I should not whine at all. But there are guys in my shard, that already have a 7* Profindity. There is more then just few od them. Since I guess, that's it's very hard to make 7* of this capital at this very moment (if even possible at all?), and they has far worse ranking then some ftp players, that were not playing his game since nearly a year.
2. Will it be change somehow? Like in 2023? Are you at least intend to do this?

I have nothing against ships. Ships battles are cool, I wish there would be more ships in this game. There is many options like Dooku's solar sailor or Asajj's Starfighter. Invisible Hand as second Separatist's capital etc. etc. I have nothing against Fleets defending fitrst lines in GAC or TW.


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    5. Another example of inactive player - 3Edward9 (ally code: 291-956-265) with a 7* Executor is ranked #110. But he wasn't there since 123 days.

    @TVF look who retired.
  • TVF
    36799 posts Member
    I hope he spent his gear first.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    I don't think you can generalize. I for example am also f2p and I get #1 every day. It's the nature that you will have to work on your fleets(or squads before) if you want to stay in top positions.

    As for your question: I am very strongly against them changing fleet arena. If they do so, there is almost nothing left for fleets, even if they would bring in something new for ships, it would still be not enough... and Stars Wars without ships isn't Star Wars. 😉

    We are all made of star-stuff
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    Before you answer, you should at least read my post -.-
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    Before you answer, you should at least read my post -.-

    If you mean me: I did read it, that's why I also took your question into my answer and I gave an explanation as to why I disagree with you.

    GAC or TW, even if it were added as first lines is not enough in my opinion.
    We are all made of star-stuff
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    You have 5 GLs but only a 5* Executor? There's your problem, you just don't care enough to do better in Fleet Arena. There's nothing wrong with it.
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    Could you guys read carefully? I'm not frustrated about my rank at all. In my shard there is alot of 7* Exe and 7* Profundity, it's not about my rank at all. But about a rank of inactive player, that started play before me. And many other players, with similar GP and far inferior Fllets, like Negotiators or even Chimaeras. Do you want screen shots how my top arena looks like? It doesn't matter if I have 5 6 or 7 Exe or Profiundity, I would still be able to play like more then 10 matches to be in top 50 perhaps. And perhaps not.

    If every seed would looks like mine, then its OK for me to be like out of top 100. Or even 200 if that matters. But how do you think, 7*Nego or Chimaera is better then 5*Exe? And I posted whole fleets if I considered them as out of synergy.

    People with 7*Profundity, which means that they aren't F2P at all, is lower then inactive guy who has Negotiator or Active player with more then 5mln GP and Chimaera as capital.
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    Of course you are frustrated, you're not getting any crystals otherwise why would you post all this? It's clear that somewhere along the way you decided to neglect fleets and concentrate on something else. And you still don't want to do anything about it at all like investing in ships to be in the top ranks. What do you expect, to sit at number 1 forever and not have to do any battles? It's pointless to compare rankings of inactive players because those players don't get anything at all since they don't login to claim their prize. The only thing that matters is your place when the rewards are given. Get better ships, do a research of your shard to find out when they are active (maybe even change your time settings), choose your battles carefully and it will get better
  • TVF
    36799 posts Member
    What's your gg
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    TVF wrote: »
    What's your gg

    He posted his ally code in the original post
  • TVF
    36799 posts Member
    I want a link lol
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    TVF wrote: »
    I want a link lol

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    In all honesty I would say, spend crystals, climb up to the top and see how far you drop. You might just be idling in an area where people just don't want to do more than five fights a day.
  • Maciek02081988
    7 posts Member
    edited November 2022
    In all honesty I would say, spend crystals, climb up to the top and see how far you drop. You might just be idling in an area where people just don't want to do more than five fights a day.
    Of course you are frustrated, you're not getting any crystals otherwise why would you post all this?

    Because it's unfair, that's why.

    In that case, please don't tell me that I didn't try to climb up on rank. I had Negotiator for a long time, I tried to go for JMK as F2p as soon as I could.So I had that GK R8, my JKA is a R7 as I remember, AT, Clones, all of that - it was all quite not bad. Relicted Bossk was in that line up from time to time as well. My Plo is like g12. I hadd all of that, when Negotiator was META. There were no Executors in that game. And I was unable to reach top50 with 5 battles per day. With 10 battles, I still couldn't be sure that I'll reach at least top20.
    My friend, who was still playing this game at that time, Matty (Ally code posted in point 2 of first post) was like 40 effortlessly with less then 5 battles/day and with Chimaera as his Capital Ship.

    Anyway, aside of that Inactive player Matty, I posted a few other examples like Dommel (active player, quite nice GP, #38 with Nego (with some random ships in squad like Ghost) and Solohan #61 with Chimaera.

    Anyway, for those who ARE actually reading and want a more examples, let's go:

    1. https://swgoh.gg/p/231768676/ - far more then 8mln GP, Exe 5*, #29;
    2. https://swgoh.gg/p/995465867/ - about a 7,5 GP (like mine), Exe 4*, #26 (he was higher then me with Negotiator as well);
    3. https://swgoh.gg/p/725411981/ - about 7,5 GP, Nego, #36
    4. https://swgoh.gg/p/414879529/ - about 7,5 GP, Exe 5*, #20

    Rank like 29, 26, 36, 20 are impossible for me, as there are more then 30 Profundity 7* on my Fleet arena. Add to this twice as much 7* Executors and some Executors and Profunditis with less then 7*.

    You still considers it as fair? Really?

    My inferior fleet is inferior mostly because of this system. Full meta doesn't guarantee me to be in top50, and due to fact that ships are in second line in GA, GL are far more usefull in that matches. So I decided that I'll do more GLs rather then upgrading my fleets. I still go for Profundity at the moment though.
  • Lumiya
    1583 posts Member
    In all honesty I would say, spend crystals, climb up to the top and see how far you drop. You might just be idling in an area where people just don't want to do more than five fights a day.
    Of course you are frustrated, you're not getting any crystals otherwise why would you post all this?

    Because it's unfair, that's why.

    In that case, please don't tell me that I didn't try to climb up on rank. I had Negotiator for a long time, I tried to go for JMK as F2p as soon as I could.So I had that GK R8, my JKA is a R7 as I remember, AT, Clones, all of that - it was all quite not bad. Relicted Bossk was in that line up from time to time as well. My Plo is like g12. I hadd all of that, when Negotiator was META. There were no Executors in that game. And I was unable to reach top50 with 5 battles per day. With 10 battles, I still couldn't be sure that I'll reach at least top20.
    My friend, who was still playing this game at that time, Matty (Ally code posted in point 2 of first post) was like 40 effortlessly with less then 5 battles/day and with Chimaera as his Capital Ship.

    Anyway, aside of that Inactive player Matty, I posted a few other examples like Dommel (active player, quite nice GP, #38 with Nego (with some random ships in squad like Ghost) and Solohan #61 with Chimaera.

    Anyway, for those who ARE actually reading and want a more examples, let's go:

    1. https://swgoh.gg/p/231768676/ - far more then 8mln GP, Exe 5*, #29;
    2. https://swgoh.gg/p/995465867/ - about a 7,5 GP (like mine), Exe 4*, #26 (he was higher then me with Negotiator as well);
    3. https://swgoh.gg/p/725411981/ - about 7,5 GP, Nego, #36
    4. https://swgoh.gg/p/414879529/ - about 7,5 GP, Exe 5*, #20

    Rank like 29, 26, 36, 20 are impossible for me, as there are more then 30 Profundity 7* on my Fleet arena. Add to this twice as much 7* Executors and some Executors and Profunditis with less then 7*.

    You still considers it as fair? Really?

    My inferior fleet is inferior mostly because of this system. Full meta doesn't guarantee me to be in top50, and due to fact that ships are in second line in GA, GL are far more usefull in that matches. So I decided that I'll do more GLs rather then upgrading my fleets. I still go for Profundity at the moment though.

    So you made the choice to neglect fleets in favour of GLs, which is not wrong. There is no right or wrong when it comes to deciding where you wish to spend your resources.
    -But- it was your choice and you knew about the consequences. So even if you will not like my answer: Yes it is fair how it is. You can get counters to the new Meta fleets, if you don't even want ti get a meta ship yourself.

    I also have Executors in my shard, my only GL is SLKR so I decided to go for the Finalizer counter and worked on that. And it gets me #1 every day. Now I am working on Profundity. If I wouldn't have worked on the counter I could not come here after I made that choice and say it is unfair I have all these ships in my shard just because I didn't work on one or a counter myself.
    We are all made of star-stuff
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    You still don't get it. People with GP similar to mine are in far better positions with Chimaera or Negotiator with some random back up. I'm not writing about taking out crystals from Fleet Arena. It might be a solution, but giving them back to Squad Arena might be solution as well. Or some kind of a restart or mix some seeds would be good as well.

    Do you think i should counter Executors or Profunditys with Chimaera? Or Negotiator? Great idea, after your lead I might become master tactician.

    One, last time - it's NOT unfiar that some people with Profuinditys and some counters are top1 and I am out of top100 with my Exe 5*.
    UNFAIR is, that people with acconts similar to mine, can be effortlessly with inferior fleets to mine. Or similar. NOW you do get it? My fleet is not weak because I choose to go for GL, but I choose go for GLs because even with best kind of META I wouldn't be in top5-10 without 10 or 15 battles per day, and played with exact time.
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    Welcome to the shard system.

    My fleet arena shard has well over 150 active players and climbing from well above 50 is normal. It is what it is.
  • Lumiya
    1583 posts Member
    edited November 2022
    You still don't get it. People with GP similar to mine are in far better positions with Chimaera or Negotiator with some random back up. I'm not writing about taking out crystals from Fleet Arena. It might be a solution, but giving them back to Squad Arena might be solution as well. Or some kind of a restart or mix some seeds would be good as well.

    Do you think i should counter Executors or Profunditys with Chimaera? Or Negotiator? Great idea, after your lead I might become master tactician.

    One, last time - it's NOT unfiar that some people with Profuinditys and some counters are top1 and I am out of top100 with my Exe 5*.
    UNFAIR is, that people with acconts similar to mine, can be effortlessly with inferior fleets to mine. Or similar. NOW you do get it? My fleet is not weak because I choose to go for GL, but I choose go for GLs because even with best kind of META I wouldn't be in top5-10 without 10 or 15 battles per day, and played with exact time.

    I got what you mean the first time. Can we take down the aggression a notch please?

    It doesn't matter that others are in more inactive shards and therefor have a higher position. If you would put all those active players together in one shard and leave the inactive players out, the problem you describe/what you think is unfair would then be the exact same, if not even worse. Then you have like 1000 active players with kind of similar fleets. So instead of 10-15 battles you might need even more to get in top positions.

    Edit for autocorrect
    We are all made of star-stuff
  • Maciek02081988
    7 posts Member
    edited November 2022
    And that is okey for me, I don't care of I'm 100 or 250, I just wanted it be fair. And it doesn't need to be one seed at all. It might be like taking out inactive players and roll seeds again. There is a lot of ways to fix this. But at this moment, people who invested far less then I did, still are much higher then me. As I said, I've never been in top Fleet rank, even when I had a strong, META line up. It's natural for me to not be there.

    And one last thing again - you can cut me off out of this. I have Profundity 7* users ranked somewhere near top50. And there are guys that are using Negotiators or Chimaeras, some of them are inactive. And they are still above those Profundity users. Is there an advice for those players as well? Then cannot boost their fleets more, and they wont have even top20 guaranted.

    Sorry for some kind of my attack on you, but things that are unfair really hits me.
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    And that is okey for me, I don't care of I'm 100 or 250, I just wanted it be fair. And it doesn't need to be one seed at all. It might be like taking out inactive players and roll seeds again. There is a lot of ways to fix this. But at this moment, people who invested far less then I did, still are much higher then me. As I said, I've never been in top Fleet rank, even when I had a strong, META line up. It's natural for me to not be there.

    And one last thing again - you can cut me off out of this. I have Profundity 7* users ranked somewhere near top50. And there are guys that are using Negotiators or Chimaeras, some of them are inactive. And they are still above those Profundity users. Is there an advice for those players as well? Then cannot boost their fleets more, and they wont have even top20 guaranted.

    Sorry for some kind of my attack on you, but things that are unfair really hits me.

    All good 🙂

    I understand what you mean, I just might be different concerning that. I don't really care about what others get/if they get more or better rewards. If we are not in the same shard, I just think "Why should it concern me? Good for them."

    Now yes, they might progress faster because of that and one of them might be matched in GAC with you. But if that's the case, I think there are more pressing issues I have with GAC than that.

    If you have a good fleet and there are inactive users above you, when your and others' fleets are strong enough, they/you will kick the inactives down and pass them.

    I also have a guy in my shard whom has an Executor but is more or less inactive. Everyone, whose fleets are good enough to beat him, pass him and he falls. Sometimes he climbs again, but when he is inactive again, he falls as far as people can beat him.

    If you are active and find yourself in a very active shard with good or meta fleets, I understand that it sucks to have to climb so much. As Darjelo said, it is what it is.
    There is of course always the possibility to seek out the discord Server for your shard. It is easier to coordinate and also helps you won't get attacked when you climb before your payout. Just try to contact those in top positions and ask them, if there is a discord and if you can join. If they are not complete aholes they will let you join. If for some reason there isn't a Server, you can open one yourself and invite the others in your shard to join.
    We are all made of star-stuff
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    Not much can be done about it. While you are guaranteed to be on the same fleet shard as players who unlocked fleet shard around the same time as you, what happens next is entirely up to what you and your shardmates do. Some fleet shards just end up being more competitive than others.

    All you can do is to bite the bullet and save the crystals to get your meta fleet to 7-star asap, and climb as high up the rank as your time permits, just like everyone else. The higher you climb, the less you fall.

    Also, you only get crystals when you are in top 50. The rewards for any rank below that, be it rank 83 or rank 129, are barely any different, so there's not much point obsessing over it.

    Don't think CG is going to be shuffling fleet shards soon (I think they did break up a super-competitive launch day fleet shard a long time ago, but it's super rare). I find it more constructive to work on yourself and improve your position.

    p/s: For the record, you can beat 7-star Exec with 5-star Exec (used to do it myself but it was a long long time ago), and 7-star Exec can beat 7-star Profundity.
    Rebel Force Jebat Msia (~460m GP, 34* RotE, 32/39 Reva shards, 80+% TW win) is recruiting! https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/259754/
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    It doesn't seem I'm in a super competitive shard and I'm regularly on top but still have sympathy for the OP's point of view.

    The whole game is based on luck, all the battles are rng driven, most drops are rng driven. But over time, over many battles and over many drops, the good and bad rng offset each other and everybody ends up with the same, "average" luck.

    With the shard though, the good or bad luck is forever. And your luck with competitive or not competitive fleet shard dictates what resources you have available, forever. Considering everything else equal, a player from less competitive shard has an objective chance to progress faster than a player from more competitive shard. By progress I mean number of teams, gear/relic levels, GAC results.

    It is as it is but I believe it's fair to call it unfair.
  • nomad1988
    92 posts Member
    edited November 2022
    It is unfair, but there is a sliver of light ahead. Every time a new fleet meta appears there is a chance for someone to climb from obscurity to the top of the ladder. When executor hit the old meta and any old shard structure was destroyed overnight as 4* exec could beat anything there was previously. I was previously locked out of the top of my shard, as I was slow to get a GET2 fleet, but I was one of the first in the shard to get 7* exec and made it my priority as soon as exec dropped, so have reaped the rewards. Everything else in my game suffered for months, but that’s the choice. There may not be another major fleet meta change for a year or so, but each time there is one is a chance for anyone to break through.
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    Lumiya wrote: »

    I also have Executors in my shard, my only GL is SLKR so I decided to go for the Finalizer counter and worked on that. And it gets me #1 every day. Now I am working on Profundity. If I wouldn't have worked on the counter I could not come here after I made that choice and say it is unfair I have all these ships in my shard just because I didn't work on one or a counter myself.

    Can you please tell me which Ships you use?I am going to unlock Finalizer next month so it would be nice to know. Thanks in advance!
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    I agree 100% @nomad1988. You recognised the opportunity, grabbed it and profited from it.

    But imagine yourself in a parallel universe, where you would be in a less competitive fleet shard that would allow you to reach higher crystal income. You would make the same decision about the Executor, at the same time. That extra income would allow you to reach it faster or to manage also some side project, both of them having snowball effects. Yourself in that parallel universe would still have a chance to progress faster than yourself in this universe due to the one-off luck with the fleet shard. New meta does not change that, even if you would profited from the right decision at the right time in both the cases.
  • Maciek02081988
    7 posts Member
    edited November 2022
    You will find everything on a BitDynasty youtube channel. How to beat Exec 7* with Exec 5* etc. Finalizer vs Exec is there up as well.
    Georgee wrote: »
    I agree 100% @nomad1988. You recognised the opportunity, grabbed it and profited from it.

    But imagine yourself in a parallel universe, where you would be in a less competitive fleet shard that would allow you to reach higher crystal income. You would make the same decision about the Executor, at the same time. That extra income would allow you to reach it faster or to manage also some side project, both of them having snowball effects. Yourself in that parallel universe would still have a chance to progress faster than yourself in this universe due to the one-off luck with the fleet shard. New meta does not change that, even if you would profited from the right decision at the right time in both the cases.

    That's my whole point :smile:
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    Lumiya wrote: »

    I also have Executors in my shard, my only GL is SLKR so I decided to go for the Finalizer counter and worked on that. And it gets me #1 every day. Now I am working on Profundity. If I wouldn't have worked on the counter I could not come here after I made that choice and say it is unfair I have all these ships in my shard just because I didn't work on one or a counter myself.

    Can you please tell me which Ships you use?I am going to unlock Finalizer next month so it would be nice to know. Thanks in advance!

    As another Poster already mentioned, Bit Dynasty is definitely a good dource if you are looking for videos.

    I just very recently got the 7th * for my Finalizer and it already worked with 5*. I used Silencer, Shuttle and Echelon in the start lineup, SF Tie, Plo Koon and EH or Cassian in reinforcements. Now with 7* I can have EH and Cassian in it. Normally I always used the EH before.

    For the Echelon I gave FOO R7 so he can survive the opening attacks, KRU got R8. I don't have the best gozu mods on FOO for example but with R7 it is very rare that I lose him during the battle. The most important thing is to control HT so she can't taunt, with the ability block from Shuttle, stun from KRU, ability block from SF Tie or EH's buff immunity.

    For the order with whom to do what and when I recommend watching the videos, but should you still have any further questions, please feel free to write me a pm 🙂
    We are all made of star-stuff
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    Thank you!
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