Who's on my server: Sean Lee, Smallhams, Suenine, Stbobo, Stefchou, Irong, Johnny Diesel Tsuyopon,

This is Aayla Secura, looking for people on my server.
These are usually the top ten: Sean Lee, Smallhams, Suenine, Stbobo, Stefchou, Irong, Johnny Diesel, Tsuyopon, Mean Gene, Ein mann ohne nammen and the rest...
Would like to finally meet you all.


  • JohnnyDieselNo1
    15 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    great to finally meet someone from our server!
    I like your team. Not too many teams without Dooku lead these days ;-)
    Post edited by JohnnyDieselNo1 on
  • Elinad
    179 posts Member
    On that server I know another great player : Aayla Secura :)

    I'm from there too, Elinad Marcheciel it is. Usually top 20. Dooku lead before it was cool ! Now only one of the crowd though, but working on ... Something better :)
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    Hello Elinad.
    I remember playing against your team and you beating me several times when playing against mine ;-)
    I wonder what teams will be viable after the update. I bet that before I finish my dooku, RG, FOTP and Rey, they wil be already nerfed :-)
  • Elinad
    179 posts Member
    I'm on the latter three as well, and if they get nerfed, I will be mad to have lose time on FOTP and RG, but Rey worth it ♥
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    Great to hear from you guys. Finally!!!
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    Gratz for No.1 today Ayala ;-)
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    Yeah, Johnny diesel,it's fun to compete with you to the top.
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    Eliand, I saw you always hanging around the top 20. We will be much more intelligent when the update comes concerning which characters to upgrade. It's still gonna be a grind :).
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    That number 1 was dicey. He locked it at number 1 and only gave me a minute and a half before payout to reach it. So I took the bait and waited. Was well worth it ;)
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    It is unfortunate we have the same paytime ;-) I wonder who else have. Ein man for sure, maybe Stbobo or Suenine?
    Do you guys remember Ewok Rampage? He was TOP 3 from the beginning for a long time. Do you think he quit?
    It is great you opened this thread Ayala.
  • Elinad
    179 posts Member
    Ewoks Rampage disappeared not long ago... I guess he's taking a break.

    As for me I faced both your squad very often, but since I have a fulltime job I can't really push my squad up at paytime ! Managed to get N2 once, top 4 - 5 a few times, top 10 once a week... Still waiting to grab top 1 once but it will be tricky as of now for me :)

    We could share our rosters here as well, that would be fun !
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    Yeah I am a little worried about the update. It is always the same - I have to improvise with members of my team trying to catch the meta and when I am close to it an update change it :-)
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    The summer time change helped me ;-) Before the payout time was right on my way home from work.
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    I have ewokrampage as my ally he is around 250 at the moment. I think he kinda faded out. Johnny, About the payout I don't mind that much, cause when you go you usually go for 1 or two, and the same for me. So if you get 1 I'll get 2 and vis verse. Ein Mann is for sure on our payout but I don't think so for Suenine and stobo.
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    Hey Elinad, when is your payout time?
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    Hi guys, I'm Sean lee. Nice to know you all. I'm sorry for being the first Dooku lead team in our server and now the whole thing is full of Dookus. My next idea will be totally different. Hopefully we will see more diversity in our server soon
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    Hey Sean Lee,
    Its always pleasure to fight your teams. Always a challenge! Yeah, I knew you were behind the Doku meta ;).
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    I myself never ran Doku, GS or Poe at the time. Looking forward for your new line up, your Anakin is a beast ;).
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    You got some great toons, Aayla. Looking forward to team up with you when the update comes.
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    By the way fellows , I strongly suspect that superfarter is Ewokrampage's second ID.
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    It is possible, he has such a wide range of toons.
  • Elinad
    179 posts Member
    Hey Sean Lee, welcome here !

    I faced your team several times, as well as the other two here... You are a tough one :)

    You think Ewoks Rampage successfully got both his accounts on the same server ? It seems unlikely to me but still possible. (although superfarter is a name that I just can't stand !)

    @Aayla_Secura my payout time is 19:00 GMT+2 but I'm not sure how to compare it to yours.
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    Hey, well mine and Johnny payout time is GMT +1 at 19:00 as well. So there is an hour difference.
    Ha about superfarter, same reason I declined his ally request. The name..... It's just wrong hehe. What would be his point to have 2 accounts on the same server?
  • Elinad
    179 posts Member
    Failed to take down stbobo to get top 10 today ^^ RG + burst team really often gets me. Bah, top 20 it is !
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    Stbobo has a good team.
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    For me it is always a gamble against such teams. But today I was lucky. Well played Ayala again ;-)
  • JohnnyDieselNo1
    15 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    TOP 20 is great Elinad, especially if the timing does not suit you. Congratulations. I am a little bit worried how it will go after the update.
    Post edited by JohnnyDieselNo1 on
  • Elinad
    179 posts Member
    TOP 20 is great Elinad, especially if the timing does not suit you. Congratulations. I am a little bit worried how it will go after the update.

    I'm very curious actually about that update, I really hope it will make for more interesting plays !
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    Hi guys, if you have trouble with stbobo, try QGJ yoda lumi Sid RG or Poe

    Take out his Rey or pilot first then it becomes easy.

    Good luck
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    I agree with Sean, if you get to kill Rey and FOTP without his RG taunting game over for him. Just watch out for Anakin :). But once you figure it out, it's rinse and repeat. I usually just run QGJ, Yoda, Leia, Rey, and RG. When I play, my team is usually has foresight or invisible :smiley:
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