Who's on my server: Sean Lee, Smallhams, Suenine, Stbobo, Stefchou, Irong, Johnny Diesel Tsuyopon,


  • Elinad
    179 posts Member
    Well, sure, but... You need to have those toons maxed first :)

    My QGJ will be 7* in 2 days, but will have to wait for Yoda to pop again to get him 7*. As for RG, he's only 4* 20/65 ATM and it's a long grind ! Leia... Impossible for me :) I P2P a little, but only the 21 days cristals, so no Leia - Aayla - Kit etc...

    My Rey is close to 5* though, and I will continue to farm her even if she's no good in the next meta because... Rey ♥

    Could ST Han make up for Poe or RG ? I have him 6* and could max him easily.
  • Elinad
    179 posts Member
    looks like grinding RG will be easier than expected !
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    Thats good news for sure.
  • Elinad
    179 posts Member
    Hey, mr Quark, I fought you regularly enough to know your team is good enough too ;) Welcome here !
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    Hello Quark. Remember you swaped places with me several times ;-) I was usualy checking if you are not too close to me when the paytime was coming :-)
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    Hey Quark,
    Yeah, I remember when you and ewokrampage were at the top, was always a challange. Great to finally meet you.
    Elinad, as far using RG I remember Sean lee using him only at 5* very effectively. It really depends on the synergy.
    I started as FTP for the first few weeks, but was annoyed at the little amount of charcters I had to play with (and no 4* even). So I spent a few hundred on chromium (but not on charcter packs) and then was again FTP (that's how I got Leia, I was pretty much only getting her from the packs, this was before people knew she was good). Haven't spent a cent in over 2-3 months.
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    The only advantage that the top five players have right now is that they have 7* RG. Once you can farm RG in the cantina, those guys will be easily taken down.

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    To Sean,
    my RG is still 6*. And only recently got him gear 9. He works great at rank 6 even with gear 7 and 8. I remember fighting once your RG 5* and still was difficult. Tanks have so much HP at 5* and their utilities work already.
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    Hello everyone!

    This is Sean Yeo, just discovered the forums, great to see so many people from our server here! Have a lot of fun playing all of your teams (quite a few losses since I'm totally f2p and had to compromise my arena ranking while chasing yoda until recently...)

    Any word on how my team defends, I'm pretty sure it's rubbish as I seem to drop to the low 30s overnight..
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    Hello Sean Yeo. I think without RG we are all easilly beatable. But I like your Daka, messed with me sometimes ;-)
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    Hello Sean Yeo. I think without RG we are all easilly beatable. But I like your Daka, messed with me sometimes ;-)

    Haha I've noticed we swap places pretty close to my payout quite often, im finding that most of the teams in the top10 are giving me RNG related problems. Hopefully the update makes it less chance based!
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    Whais your payout time Sean? Mine is GMT +1.
  • Elinad
    179 posts Member
    Well, the update pretty much makes it impossible to beat RG teams without a decent taunter, I feel. Will drop in Arena for a while !
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    Whais your payout time Sean? Mine is GMT +1.

    My payout time is GMT +8. Dunno why we clash then lol. Do you play normally during the day? I don't start till like 4 local time.
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    To Sean: I start to play in the morning, trying to get close or in TOP 10, not to fall too much during the day.
    Then I start 1-2 hours before payout.
    To Elinad: I have beaten Stbobo today, it was easier than before, but had problems to finnish it in time. And he has no Lumi, that helped. Also succesful humbling blow. The problem is that without RG we will be targeted more often. Luckily mine is close to 5* soon. RG is really a must have now.
    Superfarter has a scary team now: Dooku, RG, FOTP, Rey, Darth Maul.
  • Elinad
    179 posts Member
    @JohnnyDieselNo1 I just maxed my QGJ recently, he replaced my Sidious, it's now easier to me to beat the teams protected by a taunter but RG is still a pain in the... erm... elbow, let's say. My RG is also closing to 5*, hopefully it will go much more faster when I'm level 77 and have access to new cantina battles.

    My Rey just turned 5*, still a long run to get her to be usefull, and my FOTP is half way to 6*, same, it will take forever :/

    As I can see, for now, the biggest rank on our server is still 75... We don't have really big whales, I guess !
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    @Elinad yeah I agree about our server. We have no big whales. Compared to the horror stories I hear on other servers. Ours is pretty relaxed. In some servers F2P have no chance in the top 10 or even 20. What I understood from the recent update that FOTP got nerfed pretty badly. As I don't use him I'm not sure how.
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    @Elinad Fortunately it seems that our whales are reasonable ;-) I try to work on my RG as fast as possible too. Now 5* gearing him up. QGJ and his humbling blow is fabulous. I only wish I had more leveled and geared characters to test several squads.
  • Elinad
    179 posts Member
    I find it fun to try new teams comp, but now that the focus is on leveling, I can't anymore - I don't have enough credit to level more than my main squad when leveling up AND continue to promote new reached stars for other toons (mainly my Jedi squad to try and get Yoda... 4/5, almost there !)
  • Elinad
    179 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    So, did you guys already joined guilds ?
    Post edited by Elinad on
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    I wouldn't worry too much about the guilds as many won't have yet and others will switch between guilds. Also most guilds won't have the 50 members yet.
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    I got my guild sorted!
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    are you on the teamskunk discord server?
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    I go to the LordSkunk channel often and I like hanging out there and meeting people and talking to them on voice chat. But I'm not in the LordSkunk guild.
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    yeah saw someone with your name there, not sure if it was you though
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    Yeah, it was probably me lol
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    @bck_xlash are you in teamskunk?
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    Nice to see we all have a guild :)
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    Hey :)
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