Additive Drops confusion

I'm gathering that the start date in-game (10/19) is wrong based on recent post that says 10/20, but what exactly are the added drops? In game messages for me say Rex shards (LS), Zetas (fleet), Scout shards (cantina) and Drogan shards (Mods). Meathead's post talks about omegas and kyros....?


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    Nevermind, looks like post has since been edited to remove the info on the additive drops, so maybe it was inaccurate. Still looks like actual start date is 10/20
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    I saw the Omega and kyros too, and I hope so after lightspeed.
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    Some in New Zealand where it's the 19th have already started getting the adaptive drops , so not sure what the hot fix will do now lol.
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    wildnz wrote: »
    Some in New Zealand where it's the 19th have already started getting the adaptive drops , so not sure what the hot fix will do now lol.

    They getting omegas? I'm Omega broke.
  • Notthatguyfrombefore
    1111 posts Member
    edited October 2023
    My daily reset just happened. I’m getting : LS Cpt Rex. Mods Drogan. Fleet Kneesa. Cantina Scout trooper.
    Account started June 2020. 100% FTP. 8.2m GP. JMK, JML, SLKR, and SEE. Exe and Levi. Ally code 117-269-921.
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    My daily reset just happened. I’m getting : LS Cpt Rex. Mods Drogan. Fleet Kneesa. Cantina Scout trooper.

    Hopefully the hot fix will include Omega then. I could care less about shards lol
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    Bruminor wrote: »
    wildnz wrote: »
    Some in New Zealand where it's the 19th have already started getting the adaptive drops , so not sure what the hot fix will do now lol.

    They getting omegas? I'm Omega broke.

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    If you have the character at 7* you get the additional additive drop presently. Don’t think that’s changing.

    Rex- omegas kneesa- zetas drogan & scout trooper one of the kyros each.
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    I wish they could do just a little quality control between the forum and in-game announcements. Should I be saving energy from now or wait a day?
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    My daily reset just happened. I’m getting : LS Cpt Rex. Mods Drogan. Fleet Kneesa. Cantina Scout trooper.

    Ok, nice that's what I'm looking for. The bonus additives if you have 7* already are a nice touch too. Not sure what they are going to do if some people are already getting them though . . .
  • StarSon
    7539 posts Member
    CrispyFett wrote: »
    My daily reset just happened. I’m getting : LS Cpt Rex. Mods Drogan. Fleet Kneesa. Cantina Scout trooper.

    Ok, nice that's what I'm looking for. The bonus additives if you have 7* already are a nice touch too. Not sure what they are going to do if some people are already getting them though . . .

    Some people are getting them. They'll do nothing about it. They'll push a hotfix at some point to end the drops, and they'll start back up on 10/20. Those that have them already get a few extra hours.
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    Imagine announcing a bonus drop event 1 week in advance and not less than a day before when ppl alrdy burnt their refreshs and some timezones are having tje reset advantage...

    Yeah, too much to ask for.
    Legend#6873 | YouTube |
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    Drathuk916 wrote: »
    If you have the character at 7* you get the additional additive drop presently. Don’t think that’s changing.

    Rex- omegas kneesa- zetas drogan & scout trooper one of the kyros each.

    That’s actually quite a thoughtful touch on CGs part. I’m just glad for the shards, but I guess this way everyone shares the joy.
    Account started June 2020. 100% FTP. 8.2m GP. JMK, JML, SLKR, and SEE. Exe and Levi. Ally code 117-269-921.
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    My new day starts in 40mins, i horded energy, now nothing will Happen at day-switch? -.-
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    Mogul wrote: »
    My new day starts in 40mins, i horded energy, now nothing will Happen at day-switch? -.-

    If the hotfix doesnt drop before your reset you should be able to take advantage of an extra bonus drop day.
    Legend#6873 | YouTube |
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    I love how their edit puts a random time with no time zone, I am to assume they mean PST?
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    And they are gone for NZ guys, but many got 40-50 shards , Drogan was dropping really well , one guy got 21 shards from 3x50c refs. How hard is it to get this right...
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    The issue was for those that had it going, we were losing natural regen time. Everyone still gets to choose how much energy they hoard. The people who had it active just got to spend what they would have hoarded.
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    Whats with the bait and switch? Firts 19 now 20…
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    Company is ran by monkey's at this point, half the planet gets the drop the other half gets a middle finger whata joke of a company
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    What additional drops are you guys talking about
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    Magruffin wrote: »
    What additional drops are you guys talking about

    There’s a bonus drop event for the new Leia toons, was announced in game as starting 10/19 but then changed to 10/20 with no warning. In true CG fashion even when they’re doing something nice they can’t get it right lol. Kneesa will be on fleet hard nodes only, Rex on LS hard nodes, Scout in Cantina I think and Drogan in mods? I might have mixed one or two of the toons up.
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    Tsfletch wrote: »
    Magruffin wrote: »
    What additional drops are you guys talking about

    There’s a bonus drop event for the new Leia toons, was announced in game as starting 10/19 but then changed to 10/20 with no warning. In true CG fashion even when they’re doing something nice they can’t get it right lol. Kneesa will be on fleet hard nodes only, Rex on LS hard nodes, Scout in Cantina I think and Drogan in mods? I might have mixed one or two of the toons up.

    Thanks, I must have missed that
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    I got them yesterday evening, but I can't get them today? Seems amazing guys
  • Xhedao
    209 posts Member
    edited October 2023
    Burnt crystals for 100er and 200er refreshes before dayshift, because there was written 19th.
    Went to sleep, wake up, and no bonus drops. So crystals burnt.

    But a few players were able to have bonus drops? Are you kidding me? E.g. 43 shards for just 750 crystals.
    I was not even able to get those, because the fix was even before my dayshift.
    Neglect the crystals. Do you know how expensive these are to get outside doubledrops and how long those 43 shards need to be farmed? Nice, now weeks behind, because bonusdrops were stopped.

    So, I burnt my crystals in advance, and the outcome is, that I loose even more crystals and are in addition weeks behind those who were allowed to farm.

    Oh hey, lets add another day as compensation!
    This will change nothing on aboves description and problems!! Give all crystals back and remove bonusdrops shards
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    I also burnt crystals in advance to horde.... and now nothing.... what ever make good thier is will go to everyone, including those unaffected..
  • BattleFries
    57 posts Member
    edited October 2023
    Also spent crystals, and was reassured when I saw people in other time zones had gotten the additive drops, only to be disappointed that I didn't get them. Really hate not being able to trust the people who make this game.
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    I want to be able to farm those omegas/zetas/kyros without needing 7* toons :'(
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    i adjusted my time settings because i’m so excited for this event! i was stoked for it to start the 19th because it was a nice surprise but pushing back to the 20th will help allow us to horde more energy. cant wait to finally get rex to 7 stars he’s my favorite character!
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    Also spent crystals, and was reassured when I saw people in other time zones had gotten the additive drops, only to be disappointed that I didn't get them. Really hate not being able to trust the people who make this game.

    Yeah same. I hoarded energy and waited for my reset. When my reset happened the bonus drops weren't there and were then changed to drop on the 20th. Amazing job by CG as usual. Why can't they just get things right for once...
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