Additive Drops confusion



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    Wow. Yeah, I just saw they changed the in-game message, only they didn't announce it on my end. They just snuck it in there. Not cool, CG. Please be up front with your customers so they can trust you. And if you mess up, then maybe compensate them with some digital currency? Marvel Strike Force does that whenever they make the slightest error, and it earned them a lot of goodwill from me. Just saying, maybe you could consider talking to your players instead of just sneaking in an update that seems to be in bad faith?
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    I loaded up with energy all around the board, went to bed and there was nothing, nothing at all! All those crystals spent for nothing. Some others in my guild were able to farm the extra drops for about 15m after refresh until another update occurred. They have farmed 80 drogan and 50 scout shards!!
    Totally unfair!
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    I’m glad I set an alarm to wake up in the middle of the night so I could spend my energy and get back to regenerating…
    I can do that 2 nights in a row I guess…
    Maybe this is underlining a bigger problem in my life :)
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    Also spent crystals, and was reassured when I saw people in other time zones had gotten the additive drops, only to be disappointed that I didn't get them. Really hate not being able to trust the people who make this game.

    Yeah same. I hoarded energy and waited for my reset. When my reset happened the bonus drops weren't there and were then changed to drop on the 20th. Amazing job by CG as usual. Why can't they just get things right for once...

    Are you actually mad that you have an extra day to hoard energy? I'm really glad they pushed it a day - I had already burned my refreshes yesterday when they made the announcement.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • Options
    Wow. Yeah, I just saw they changed the in-game message, only they didn't announce it on my end. They just snuck it in there. Not cool, CG. Please be up front with your customers so they can trust you. And if you mess up, then maybe compensate them with some digital currency? Marvel Strike Force does that whenever they make the slightest error, and it earned them a lot of goodwill from me. Just saying, maybe you could consider talking to your players instead of just sneaking in an update that seems to be in bad faith?

    Compensate for what? What did you lose?
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
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    I must be missing something. Isn't it good to have one more day to hoard more energy?
  • Xitarus
    54 posts Member
    edited October 2023
    Well they are selling energy packs in the web store, which I bought this morning assuming the additive shards were in game due to posts that I read yesterday. Shady if you ask me, but not surprised .

  • herd_nerfer
    2126 posts Member
    edited October 2023
    Xitarus wrote: »
    Compensate for what? What did you lose?

    Well they are selling energy packs in the web store, which I bought this morning assuming the additive shards were in game due to posts that I read yesterday. Shady if you ask me, but nit surprised .

    But you can still save that energy and use it tomorrow - in fact you come out better that way. I just don't see how it's anything but a good thing.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • Xitarus
    54 posts Member
    edited October 2023
    Xitarus wrote: »
    Compensate for what? What did you lose?

    Well they are selling energy packs in the web store, which I bought this morning assuming the additive shards were in game due to posts that I read yesterday. Shady if you ask me, but nit surprised .

    But you can still save that energy and use it tomorrow - in fact you come out better that way. I just don't see how it's anything but a good thing.

    Yeah, missed the in-game pop-up warning me otherwise. Energy spent because I don’t want to lose out on energy gains today.

    And why am I not surprised that you think that is ok for them to push energy packs before the event is available to most, while being available to some.
  • Options
    Xitarus wrote: »
    Xitarus wrote: »
    Compensate for what? What did you lose?

    Well they are selling energy packs in the web store, which I bought this morning assuming the additive shards were in game due to posts that I read yesterday. Shady if you ask me, but nit surprised .

    But you can still save that energy and use it tomorrow - in fact you come out better that way. I just don't see how it's anything but a good thing.

    Yeah, missed the in-game pop-up warning me otherwise. Energy spent because I don’t want to lose out on energy gains today.

    And why am I not surprised that you think that is ok for them to push energy packs before the event is available to most, while being available to some.

    They clearly made a mistake here and had to walk it back. I do think they should have put some kind of announcement on the forums about it and I'm not sure why they didn't.

    Sorry that you bought the energy pack without knowing that the event wasn't active. That's a mistake I could have made too - but there's nothing currently in the game to lead anyone to believe that the event IS active.


    Normally there would be indicators here if there were bonus drops. Also the nodes themselves would be glowing gold.

    If you were BRAND NEW to the game and never saw a bonus drop event before, I could see how you wouldn't notice - but I don't think you're that new. CG should have announced it here on the forums after they changed it - but at the end of the day it's on you to make sure you're getting what you think you're getting, right?

    I sympathize - same thing could have happened to me - but I wouldn't be expecting compensation for my own oversight.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • Xitarus
    54 posts Member
    edited October 2023
    Yeah, I’m not upset. It’s just typical CG posting the wrong dates yesterday. But I am disturbed that some people are currently getting the drops.

    I usually open the online store before opened the game, so just assumed.

    Just annoying that we have to check forums, discord, YouTube, and Reddit before we know what is truly happening in this game.
  • Options
    Xitarus wrote: »
    Just annoying that we have to check forums, discord, YouTube, and Reddit before we know what is truly happening in this game.

    Agree 100% with this. There definitely should have been a forum post about it. Usually Meathead is on his game. Not sure what happened this time.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
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    Didn't spent a single crystal in bonus drops because i never realized they were any bonus drops!
    Okay but seriously i agree
    Xitarus wrote: »

    Just annoying that we have to check forums, discord, YouTube, and Reddit before we know what is truly happening in this game.
    Its becoming annoying that we have to check every single page about swgoh to know if x thing is going to happen in the time they said or if they're delaying it.
    Come on CG
    'Ello there!
  • Options
    Xitarus wrote: »
    Xitarus wrote: »
    Compensate for what? What did you lose?

    Well they are selling energy packs in the web store, which I bought this morning assuming the additive shards were in game due to posts that I read yesterday. Shady if you ask me, but nit surprised .

    But you can still save that energy and use it tomorrow - in fact you come out better that way. I just don't see how it's anything but a good thing.

    Yeah, missed the in-game pop-up warning me otherwise. Energy spent because I don’t want to lose out on energy gains today.

    And why am I not surprised that you think that is ok for them to push energy packs before the event is available to most, while being available to some.

    They clearly made a mistake here and had to walk it back. I do think they should have put some kind of announcement on the forums about it and I'm not sure why they didn't.

    Sorry that you bought the energy pack without knowing that the event wasn't active. That's a mistake I could have made too - but there's nothing currently in the game to lead anyone to believe that the event IS active.


    Normally there would be indicators here if there were bonus drops. Also the nodes themselves would be glowing gold.

    If you were BRAND NEW to the game and never saw a bonus drop event before, I could see how you wouldn't notice - but I don't think you're that new. CG should have announced it here on the forums after they changed it - but at the end of the day it's on you to make sure you're getting what you think you're getting, right?

    I sympathize - same thing could have happened to me - but I wouldn't be expecting compensation for my own oversight.

    That isn't the point. People buy energy BEFORE their reset so they effectively get an extra day of buying at the 50/100/200 rates. At that point you would not expect to see the glowing gold, you expect it shortly after when your reset passes. What happened to people effectively costs them a day of the natural accrual of energy as it doesn't happen once past the 144 cap.
  • Options
    thomssi wrote: »
    Xitarus wrote: »
    Xitarus wrote: »
    Compensate for what? What did you lose?

    Well they are selling energy packs in the web store, which I bought this morning assuming the additive shards were in game due to posts that I read yesterday. Shady if you ask me, but nit surprised .

    But you can still save that energy and use it tomorrow - in fact you come out better that way. I just don't see how it's anything but a good thing.

    Yeah, missed the in-game pop-up warning me otherwise. Energy spent because I don’t want to lose out on energy gains today.

    And why am I not surprised that you think that is ok for them to push energy packs before the event is available to most, while being available to some.

    They clearly made a mistake here and had to walk it back. I do think they should have put some kind of announcement on the forums about it and I'm not sure why they didn't.

    Sorry that you bought the energy pack without knowing that the event wasn't active. That's a mistake I could have made too - but there's nothing currently in the game to lead anyone to believe that the event IS active.


    Normally there would be indicators here if there were bonus drops. Also the nodes themselves would be glowing gold.

    If you were BRAND NEW to the game and never saw a bonus drop event before, I could see how you wouldn't notice - but I don't think you're that new. CG should have announced it here on the forums after they changed it - but at the end of the day it's on you to make sure you're getting what you think you're getting, right?

    I sympathize - same thing could have happened to me - but I wouldn't be expecting compensation for my own oversight.

    That isn't the point. People buy energy BEFORE their reset so they effectively get an extra day of buying at the 50/100/200 rates. At that point you would not expect to see the glowing gold, you expect it shortly after when your reset passes. What happened to people effectively costs them a day of the natural accrual of energy as it doesn't happen once past the 144 cap.

    If you spent the saved energy before you realized that there were no bonus drops, that's on you. That's the point that I was making - and it was perfectly in context to the person I quoted.

    To speak to the point that you are trying to make - the math has been done over and over again that shows that two days of hoarding energy sets you farther ahead than one day - so natural energy regen aside - you still come out better off for having an extra day to save energy. You have to hoard for several days before you reach a threshold where missing out on the natural energy regen drags down the efficiency of buying 3x50 every day and saving it - plus bonus energy collected through the day.

    If you went nuts and capped out your energy with 100 and 200 crystal refreshes (or 400s in the case of cantina?) then you clearly weren't too concerned about efficiency anyway and I still don't understand what the gripe is, other than being annoyed at waiting an extra day.

    I have yet to see someone make a compelling argument that an extra day of hoarding is somehow something that deserves compensation - if anything most of us should be thanking CG for the extra day. By all means, change my mind - but do it with proof that something was lost. So far I haven't seen that.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • StarSon
    7539 posts Member
    thomssi wrote: »
    Xitarus wrote: »
    Xitarus wrote: »
    Compensate for what? What did you lose?

    Well they are selling energy packs in the web store, which I bought this morning assuming the additive shards were in game due to posts that I read yesterday. Shady if you ask me, but nit surprised .

    But you can still save that energy and use it tomorrow - in fact you come out better that way. I just don't see how it's anything but a good thing.

    Yeah, missed the in-game pop-up warning me otherwise. Energy spent because I don’t want to lose out on energy gains today.

    And why am I not surprised that you think that is ok for them to push energy packs before the event is available to most, while being available to some.

    They clearly made a mistake here and had to walk it back. I do think they should have put some kind of announcement on the forums about it and I'm not sure why they didn't.

    Sorry that you bought the energy pack without knowing that the event wasn't active. That's a mistake I could have made too - but there's nothing currently in the game to lead anyone to believe that the event IS active.


    Normally there would be indicators here if there were bonus drops. Also the nodes themselves would be glowing gold.

    If you were BRAND NEW to the game and never saw a bonus drop event before, I could see how you wouldn't notice - but I don't think you're that new. CG should have announced it here on the forums after they changed it - but at the end of the day it's on you to make sure you're getting what you think you're getting, right?

    I sympathize - same thing could have happened to me - but I wouldn't be expecting compensation for my own oversight.

    That isn't the point. People buy energy BEFORE their reset so they effectively get an extra day of buying at the 50/100/200 rates. At that point you would not expect to see the glowing gold, you expect it shortly after when your reset passes. What happened to people effectively costs them a day of the natural accrual of energy as it doesn't happen once past the 144 cap.

    If you spent the saved energy before you realized that there were no bonus drops, that's on you. That's the point that I was making - and it was perfectly in context to the person I quoted.

    To speak to the point that you are trying to make - the math has been done over and over again that shows that two days of hoarding energy sets you farther ahead than one day - so natural energy regen aside - you still come out better off for having an extra day to save energy. You have to hoard for several days before you reach a threshold where missing out on the natural energy regen drags down the efficiency of buying 3x50 every day and saving it - plus bonus energy collected through the day.

    If you went nuts and capped out your energy with 100 and 200 crystal refreshes (or 400s in the case of cantina?) then you clearly weren't too concerned about efficiency anyway and I still don't understand what the gripe is, other than being annoyed at waiting an extra day.

    I have yet to see someone make a compelling argument that an extra day of hoarding is somehow something that deserves compensation - if anything most of us should be thanking CG for the extra day. By all means, change my mind - but do it with proof that something was lost. So far I haven't seen that.

    Well, not really on him. CG said with multiple communication methods that drops would start today, and in fact they did start for people that are 10+ hours ahead. If it starts tomorrow, a natural response is to immediately top off all energies in preparation. If you do that, and then CG says "ope, just kidding, they really start the day after tomorrow," then you wasted a bunch of crystals and lose a full day of regen, which is CG's fault, not the players'.

    As for compensation... that's just silly. At most, you lose out on 240 of some energy or other from a regen standpoint. Bummer about the wasted crystals though.
  • Options
    thomssi wrote: »
    Xitarus wrote: »
    Xitarus wrote: »
    Compensate for what? What did you lose?

    Well they are selling energy packs in the web store, which I bought this morning assuming the additive shards were in game due to posts that I read yesterday. Shady if you ask me, but nit surprised .

    But you can still save that energy and use it tomorrow - in fact you come out better that way. I just don't see how it's anything but a good thing.

    Yeah, missed the in-game pop-up warning me otherwise. Energy spent because I don’t want to lose out on energy gains today.

    And why am I not surprised that you think that is ok for them to push energy packs before the event is available to most, while being available to some.

    They clearly made a mistake here and had to walk it back. I do think they should have put some kind of announcement on the forums about it and I'm not sure why they didn't.

    Sorry that you bought the energy pack without knowing that the event wasn't active. That's a mistake I could have made too - but there's nothing currently in the game to lead anyone to believe that the event IS active.


    Normally there would be indicators here if there were bonus drops. Also the nodes themselves would be glowing gold.

    If you were BRAND NEW to the game and never saw a bonus drop event before, I could see how you wouldn't notice - but I don't think you're that new. CG should have announced it here on the forums after they changed it - but at the end of the day it's on you to make sure you're getting what you think you're getting, right?

    I sympathize - same thing could have happened to me - but I wouldn't be expecting compensation for my own oversight.

    That isn't the point. People buy energy BEFORE their reset so they effectively get an extra day of buying at the 50/100/200 rates. At that point you would not expect to see the glowing gold, you expect it shortly after when your reset passes. What happened to people effectively costs them a day of the natural accrual of energy as it doesn't happen once past the 144 cap.

    If you spent the saved energy before you realized that there were no bonus drops, that's on you. That's the point that I was making - and it was perfectly in context to the person I quoted.

    To speak to the point that you are trying to make - the math has been done over and over again that shows that two days of hoarding energy sets you farther ahead than one day - so natural energy regen aside - you still come out better off for having an extra day to save energy. You have to hoard for several days before you reach a threshold where missing out on the natural energy regen drags down the efficiency of buying 3x50 every day and saving it - plus bonus energy collected through the day.

    If you went nuts and capped out your energy with 100 and 200 crystal refreshes (or 400s in the case of cantina?) then you clearly weren't too concerned about efficiency anyway and I still don't understand what the gripe is, other than being annoyed at waiting an extra day.

    I have yet to see someone make a compelling argument that an extra day of hoarding is somehow something that deserves compensation - if anything most of us should be thanking CG for the extra day. By all means, change my mind - but do it with proof that something was lost. So far I haven't seen that.

  • TVF
    36831 posts Member
    ne_alenska wrote: »
    thomssi wrote: »
    Xitarus wrote: »
    Xitarus wrote: »
    Compensate for what? What did you lose?

    Well they are selling energy packs in the web store, which I bought this morning assuming the additive shards were in game due to posts that I read yesterday. Shady if you ask me, but nit surprised .

    But you can still save that energy and use it tomorrow - in fact you come out better that way. I just don't see how it's anything but a good thing.

    Yeah, missed the in-game pop-up warning me otherwise. Energy spent because I don’t want to lose out on energy gains today.

    And why am I not surprised that you think that is ok for them to push energy packs before the event is available to most, while being available to some.

    They clearly made a mistake here and had to walk it back. I do think they should have put some kind of announcement on the forums about it and I'm not sure why they didn't.

    Sorry that you bought the energy pack without knowing that the event wasn't active. That's a mistake I could have made too - but there's nothing currently in the game to lead anyone to believe that the event IS active.


    Normally there would be indicators here if there were bonus drops. Also the nodes themselves would be glowing gold.

    If you were BRAND NEW to the game and never saw a bonus drop event before, I could see how you wouldn't notice - but I don't think you're that new. CG should have announced it here on the forums after they changed it - but at the end of the day it's on you to make sure you're getting what you think you're getting, right?

    I sympathize - same thing could have happened to me - but I wouldn't be expecting compensation for my own oversight.

    That isn't the point. People buy energy BEFORE their reset so they effectively get an extra day of buying at the 50/100/200 rates. At that point you would not expect to see the glowing gold, you expect it shortly after when your reset passes. What happened to people effectively costs them a day of the natural accrual of energy as it doesn't happen once past the 144 cap.

    If you spent the saved energy before you realized that there were no bonus drops, that's on you. That's the point that I was making - and it was perfectly in context to the person I quoted.

    To speak to the point that you are trying to make - the math has been done over and over again that shows that two days of hoarding energy sets you farther ahead than one day - so natural energy regen aside - you still come out better off for having an extra day to save energy. You have to hoard for several days before you reach a threshold where missing out on the natural energy regen drags down the efficiency of buying 3x50 every day and saving it - plus bonus energy collected through the day.

    If you went nuts and capped out your energy with 100 and 200 crystal refreshes (or 400s in the case of cantina?) then you clearly weren't too concerned about efficiency anyway and I still don't understand what the gripe is, other than being annoyed at waiting an extra day.

    I have yet to see someone make a compelling argument that an extra day of hoarding is somehow something that deserves compensation - if anything most of us should be thanking CG for the extra day. By all means, change my mind - but do it with proof that something was lost. So far I haven't seen that.


    I need a new message here.
  • StewartH
    156 posts Member
    edited October 2023
    Xitarus wrote: »
    Compensate for what? What did you lose?

    Well they are selling energy packs in the web store, which I bought this morning assuming the additive shards were in game due to posts that I read yesterday. Shady if you ask me, but nit surprised .

    But you can still save that energy and use it tomorrow - in fact you come out better that way. I just don't see how it's anything but a good thing.

    EDIT - someone else just said it better
  • Options
    StarSon wrote: »
    thomssi wrote: »
    Xitarus wrote: »
    Xitarus wrote: »
    Compensate for what? What did you lose?

    Well they are selling energy packs in the web store, which I bought this morning assuming the additive shards were in game due to posts that I read yesterday. Shady if you ask me, but nit surprised .

    But you can still save that energy and use it tomorrow - in fact you come out better that way. I just don't see how it's anything but a good thing.

    Yeah, missed the in-game pop-up warning me otherwise. Energy spent because I don’t want to lose out on energy gains today.

    And why am I not surprised that you think that is ok for them to push energy packs before the event is available to most, while being available to some.

    They clearly made a mistake here and had to walk it back. I do think they should have put some kind of announcement on the forums about it and I'm not sure why they didn't.

    Sorry that you bought the energy pack without knowing that the event wasn't active. That's a mistake I could have made too - but there's nothing currently in the game to lead anyone to believe that the event IS active.


    Normally there would be indicators here if there were bonus drops. Also the nodes themselves would be glowing gold.

    If you were BRAND NEW to the game and never saw a bonus drop event before, I could see how you wouldn't notice - but I don't think you're that new. CG should have announced it here on the forums after they changed it - but at the end of the day it's on you to make sure you're getting what you think you're getting, right?

    I sympathize - same thing could have happened to me - but I wouldn't be expecting compensation for my own oversight.

    That isn't the point. People buy energy BEFORE their reset so they effectively get an extra day of buying at the 50/100/200 rates. At that point you would not expect to see the glowing gold, you expect it shortly after when your reset passes. What happened to people effectively costs them a day of the natural accrual of energy as it doesn't happen once past the 144 cap.

    If you spent the saved energy before you realized that there were no bonus drops, that's on you. That's the point that I was making - and it was perfectly in context to the person I quoted.

    To speak to the point that you are trying to make - the math has been done over and over again that shows that two days of hoarding energy sets you farther ahead than one day - so natural energy regen aside - you still come out better off for having an extra day to save energy. You have to hoard for several days before you reach a threshold where missing out on the natural energy regen drags down the efficiency of buying 3x50 every day and saving it - plus bonus energy collected through the day.

    If you went nuts and capped out your energy with 100 and 200 crystal refreshes (or 400s in the case of cantina?) then you clearly weren't too concerned about efficiency anyway and I still don't understand what the gripe is, other than being annoyed at waiting an extra day.

    I have yet to see someone make a compelling argument that an extra day of hoarding is somehow something that deserves compensation - if anything most of us should be thanking CG for the extra day. By all means, change my mind - but do it with proof that something was lost. So far I haven't seen that.

    Well, not really on him. CG said with multiple communication methods that drops would start today, and in fact they did start for people that are 10+ hours ahead. If it starts tomorrow, a natural response is to immediately top off all energies in preparation. If you do that, and then CG says "ope, just kidding, they really start the day after tomorrow," then you wasted a bunch of crystals and lose a full day of regen, which is CG's fault, not the players'.

    As for compensation... that's just silly. At most, you lose out on 240 of some energy or other from a regen standpoint. Bummer about the wasted crystals though.

    I don't know how natural that response is, but I take your meaning. A person could have saved the 200 refreshes and waited for the 50 refreshes the next day - spent 450 less crystals and ended up in the same spot.

    That makes sense - I can see how people would be annoyed by that. Not something I'd do - and still not convinced any kind of compensation is warranted - but I get it.

    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    ne_alenska wrote: »
    thomssi wrote: »
    Xitarus wrote: »
    Xitarus wrote: »
    Compensate for what? What did you lose?

    Well they are selling energy packs in the web store, which I bought this morning assuming the additive shards were in game due to posts that I read yesterday. Shady if you ask me, but nit surprised .

    But you can still save that energy and use it tomorrow - in fact you come out better that way. I just don't see how it's anything but a good thing.

    Yeah, missed the in-game pop-up warning me otherwise. Energy spent because I don’t want to lose out on energy gains today.

    And why am I not surprised that you think that is ok for them to push energy packs before the event is available to most, while being available to some.

    They clearly made a mistake here and had to walk it back. I do think they should have put some kind of announcement on the forums about it and I'm not sure why they didn't.

    Sorry that you bought the energy pack without knowing that the event wasn't active. That's a mistake I could have made too - but there's nothing currently in the game to lead anyone to believe that the event IS active.


    Normally there would be indicators here if there were bonus drops. Also the nodes themselves would be glowing gold.

    If you were BRAND NEW to the game and never saw a bonus drop event before, I could see how you wouldn't notice - but I don't think you're that new. CG should have announced it here on the forums after they changed it - but at the end of the day it's on you to make sure you're getting what you think you're getting, right?

    I sympathize - same thing could have happened to me - but I wouldn't be expecting compensation for my own oversight.

    That isn't the point. People buy energy BEFORE their reset so they effectively get an extra day of buying at the 50/100/200 rates. At that point you would not expect to see the glowing gold, you expect it shortly after when your reset passes. What happened to people effectively costs them a day of the natural accrual of energy as it doesn't happen once past the 144 cap.

    If you spent the saved energy before you realized that there were no bonus drops, that's on you. That's the point that I was making - and it was perfectly in context to the person I quoted.

    To speak to the point that you are trying to make - the math has been done over and over again that shows that two days of hoarding energy sets you farther ahead than one day - so natural energy regen aside - you still come out better off for having an extra day to save energy. You have to hoard for several days before you reach a threshold where missing out on the natural energy regen drags down the efficiency of buying 3x50 every day and saving it - plus bonus energy collected through the day.

    If you went nuts and capped out your energy with 100 and 200 crystal refreshes (or 400s in the case of cantina?) then you clearly weren't too concerned about efficiency anyway and I still don't understand what the gripe is, other than being annoyed at waiting an extra day.

    I have yet to see someone make a compelling argument that an extra day of hoarding is somehow something that deserves compensation - if anything most of us should be thanking CG for the extra day. By all means, change my mind - but do it with proof that something was lost. So far I haven't seen that.



    My kids watch Captain Underpants . . .


  • Options
    thomssi wrote: »
    Xitarus wrote: »
    Xitarus wrote: »
    Compensate for what? What did you lose?

    Well they are selling energy packs in the web store, which I bought this morning assuming the additive shards were in game due to posts that I read yesterday. Shady if you ask me, but nit surprised .

    But you can still save that energy and use it tomorrow - in fact you come out better that way. I just don't see how it's anything but a good thing.

    Yeah, missed the in-game pop-up warning me otherwise. Energy spent because I don’t want to lose out on energy gains today.

    And why am I not surprised that you think that is ok for them to push energy packs before the event is available to most, while being available to some.

    They clearly made a mistake here and had to walk it back. I do think they should have put some kind of announcement on the forums about it and I'm not sure why they didn't.

    Sorry that you bought the energy pack without knowing that the event wasn't active. That's a mistake I could have made too - but there's nothing currently in the game to lead anyone to believe that the event IS active.


    Normally there would be indicators here if there were bonus drops. Also the nodes themselves would be glowing gold.

    If you were BRAND NEW to the game and never saw a bonus drop event before, I could see how you wouldn't notice - but I don't think you're that new. CG should have announced it here on the forums after they changed it - but at the end of the day it's on you to make sure you're getting what you think you're getting, right?

    I sympathize - same thing could have happened to me - but I wouldn't be expecting compensation for my own oversight.

    That isn't the point. People buy energy BEFORE their reset so they effectively get an extra day of buying at the 50/100/200 rates. At that point you would not expect to see the glowing gold, you expect it shortly after when your reset passes. What happened to people effectively costs them a day of the natural accrual of energy as it doesn't happen once past the 144 cap.

    This is exactly why they pushed it back a day. A third of the world was already on the 19th when that update dropped. How was that third of the world going to spend crystals on the day before the drops started? That was unfair, so they pushed it back a day.

    Some people likely still had already done their normal crystal spend on that day, and would have still missed out on that opportunity. On a normal day I'll do my crystal spend while I have breakfast, which was before the update. Lucky for me, I was busy that morning and I didn't miss out in this way.
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    I’m not going to get into whether or not people wasted crystals but may I suggest on events like this to specifically state the duration in hours. For example:

    Additive drops of x will commence in y for 96 hours on 10/20.

    This will remove the confusion on whether the end date of 10/23 is 11:59:59 pm or 12:00 am. In the past I believe it has meant 12:00 am. For this event it means 11:59:59 pm. I could be mistaken on that which only proves my point more that the start and end are never clear to me.
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    CG owes me at least THREE clone wars chewbacca shards for this mistake since I spent TWO 200 crystal refreshes to hit cap *yesterday*. But seriously, I would appreciate it if CG could just do something without making any mistakes, especially since they aren't very generous with their make-ups/make-goods like other games are when they screw up like this.
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    Drathuk916 wrote: »

    I’m not going to get into whether or not people wasted crystals but may I suggest on events like this to specifically state the duration in hours. For example:

    Additive drops of x will commence in y for 96 hours on 10/20.

    This will remove the confusion on whether the end date of 10/23 is 11:59:59 pm or 12:00 am. In the past I believe it has meant 12:00 am. For this event it means 11:59:59 pm. I could be mistaken on that which only proves my point more that the start and end are never clear to me.

    What are those insane time stamps? Events start at 0:00, and end at 24:00.
  • scuba
    14200 posts Member
    Drathuk916 wrote: »

    I’m not going to get into whether or not people wasted crystals but may I suggest on events like this to specifically state the duration in hours. For example:

    Additive drops of x will commence in y for 96 hours on 10/20.

    This will remove the confusion on whether the end date of 10/23 is 11:59:59 pm or 12:00 am. In the past I believe it has meant 12:00 am. For this event it means 11:59:59 pm. I could be mistaken on that which only proves my point more that the start and end are never clear to me.

    It tells you in game when it ends.
    They can't really give a timestamp since it synced to your specific daily reset.
  • Drathuk916
    651 posts Member
    edited October 2023
    scuba wrote: »
    Drathuk916 wrote: »

    I’m not going to get into whether or not people wasted crystals but may I suggest on events like this to specifically state the duration in hours. For example:

    Additive drops of x will commence in y for 96 hours on 10/20.

    This will remove the confusion on whether the end date of 10/23 is 11:59:59 pm or 12:00 am. In the past I believe it has meant 12:00 am. For this event it means 11:59:59 pm. I could be mistaken on that which only proves my point more that the start and end are never clear to me.

    It tells you in game when it ends.
    They can't really give a timestamp since it synced to your specific daily reset.

    Oh I was mistaken anyway and meathead had included 11:59 in the post. Since I’m active here, I don’t necessarily read the messages in game. This though was on me. Meathead has communicated the end.

  • scuba
    14200 posts Member
    Drathuk916 wrote: »
    scuba wrote: »
    Drathuk916 wrote: »

    I’m not going to get into whether or not people wasted crystals but may I suggest on events like this to specifically state the duration in hours. For example:

    Additive drops of x will commence in y for 96 hours on 10/20.

    This will remove the confusion on whether the end date of 10/23 is 11:59:59 pm or 12:00 am. In the past I believe it has meant 12:00 am. For this event it means 11:59:59 pm. I could be mistaken on that which only proves my point more that the start and end are never clear to me.

    It tells you in game when it ends.
    They can't really give a timestamp since it synced to your specific daily reset.

    Oh I was mistaken anyway and meathead had included 11:59 in the post. Since I’m active here, I don’t necessarily read the messages in game. This though was on me. Meathead has communicated the end.


    I am not talking about the message. I am talking about the gold event active icon on the top right that is a countdown in days and hours.
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