☮ The Consulars ☮ - A Guild Dedicated to Fun, Help and Community



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    The concept of this guild is just what I am looking for. I am a very active player. I just made level 70, and would like to be considered for this guild.
    Thank you for your consideration. My the force be with you!
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    What a friendly, knowledgeable group of folks this guild already is! I'm excited to be a part of it.
    "Be the change you wish to see in the world." Proud Consular.
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    Laeryken wrote: »
    What a friendly, knowledgeable group of folks this guild already is! I'm excited to be a part of it.

    +1 Starting to feel like the good old WoW days :)
    ☮ Consular ☮
  • Loganshade69
    9 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Hey guys, I am a mature player(above age 40) and am looking for a home. I have played since Dec of last year and am active every day. Currently level 74 with a few 7* characters some 6* and a lot of level 7+ gear. have 40 toons unlocked. I really enjoy this game and the challenges it presents. Guilds and raids are the next challenge I would love to be a part of. If you still have room I would love to join your community and meet new people.
    Post edited by Loganshade69 on
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    Bump for this excellent group! We are still recruiting active community members.

    Loganshade; I encourage you to become an active part of the community, here and on Reddit. You will find many of our members here; the guild recruits from among active participants in the community, not around characters, necessarily!
    "Be the change you wish to see in the world." Proud Consular.
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    Will do thanks
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    Appreciate the interest, everyone.
    Again we are looking for active, helpful, involved community members. We are about 60% full now and willing to wait for the right people even if it takes a bit more time. The group we have right now is cohesive, smart and a lot of fun. :)
    If you are active either here or on Reddit, drop me a line.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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    I'm interested in this guild. I'm level 48 but i'm really active I'm close to getting a 7 star by the way your the best.
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    i'm interested in joining I'm level 48 but really active I'm about to get a seven star My ally code is 684-669-227
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    Hey all..Shattus is back after moving out and potential divorce. Still been doing my dailies, though and fighting the good fight. Didn't know if you had any room left in the guild or not, just finished downloading the push. One thing I do have now is time. Let me know and may the force be with all of you.

    Vaginus Destructus

    *Ninth* time. That business on Cato Neimodia doesn't- doesn't count.
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    I'm a very active daily player. Started the game about a month ago, current level 58, but going up fast!

    Looking for a nice and mature guild to join.

    My in game name: MasterFlinch

    Code: 459-154-186
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    Thanks for all the responses and interest. We have a few slots left, but again, we are looking for established community members / contributors, not just those who play a lot.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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    Received an invite to the group today. It is appreciated. From reading this thread it seems like a great group and it has some of my favorite forumers in it :D

    At the moment though I've found a place in another guild and I reckon I'll see how it goes with them for now.

    Thanks and good fortune to you guys
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    Thanks for the kind words (and the bump!)
    It's unfortunate that I was traveling last week and missed out on a lot of great people, but there are many more out there still, I know it. :)
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • Options
    Received an invite to the group today. It is appreciated. From reading this thread it seems like a great group and it has some of my favorite forumers in it :D

    At the moment though I've found a place in another guild and I reckon I'll see how it goes with them for now.

    Thanks and good fortune to you guys

    Dang! Is it wrong to hope another guild crumbles?! Hahaha, just kidding, just kidding. :)

    Really enjoying this discussion back and forth amongst the guild already, the energy and the positivity. Room for a few more happy, community-oriented players!
    "Be the change you wish to see in the world." Proud Consular.
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    Testing new signature.
    "Be the change you wish to see in the world." Proud Consular.
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    Laeryken wrote: »
    Received an invite to the group today. It is appreciated. From reading this thread it seems like a great group and it has some of my favorite forumers in it :D

    At the moment though I've found a place in another guild and I reckon I'll see how it goes with them for now.

    Thanks and good fortune to you guys

    Dang! Is it wrong to hope another guild crumbles?! Hahaha, just kidding, just kidding. :)

    Really enjoying this discussion back and forth amongst the guild already, the energy and the positivity. Room for a few more happy, community-oriented players!

    +1 it's nice to have a awesome group of people to chat about the game without the Forum drama all over the place lol
    ☮ Consular ☮
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    Hey guys! :)
    This guild is coming together really well. If you are an active community participant and want a place that values friendship, fun AND rewards, drop me a line.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    We are up to 40 now and still looking for active, fun, helpful people to join. Tired of being a drone in an anonymous guild? Hit me up!
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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    Doing our 1st Tier VI Raid!
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    We are doing great on our first day in the raid.
    Since this will take multiple days, anyone who joins now has full shot at the raid rewards just like any existing members. Please PM me if you think you're a good fit! We are now mostly just looking for decent people who play actively.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • Megadeth3700
    1017 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Qeltar wrote: »
    We are doing great on our first day in the raid.
    Since this will take multiple days, anyone who joins now has full shot at the raid rewards just like any existing members. Please PM me if you think you're a good fit! We are now mostly just looking for decent people who play actively.

    Even if your on the bottom of the contribution you still get a chance at full piece of the unattainable gear. At the very least you are guaranteed 8 salvage parts towards the unattainable gear, along with the already farmable gear drops!
    ☮ Consular ☮
  • Laeryken
    28 posts Member
    Really proud of our team recently! Such a diverse, friendly, capable bunch of people. Enjoying the community and hard work of everyone.

    Looking forward to our continued success!

    If you are a member who values the community -- here, or Reddit -- then this is the guild you want to be a part of. We are almost full, but there is still some room for great people.
    "Be the change you wish to see in the world." Proud Consular.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    We have a few openings due to recent departures from the game. If you are level 75+ or close, and more importantly are a good person with an interest in joining other community leaders for raids and fun, drop me a line.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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    I would like to join I am level 74 decently leveled characters my ally code is 719 467 546
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    The Consulars are one of the oldest guilds in the game, having been formed in early April. We have some of the best minds and most interesting contributors on the official forums and here on Reddit, and a tight-knit community who have become pretty good friends over the last 3 months.

    We are looking to fill some vacancies due to people who have quit the game. We are competitive but do not have any minimum roster requirements, as long as you understand that with a lower-end roster you won't be likely to get the top rewards.

    We require that you keep current with our private subreddit. Participation on Slack is optional but recommended as it is fun. :) Otherwise, we are just looking for good people who play regularly and will be a positive asset to the community.

    We value fairness and due to the many flaws in the raid, I have worked hard to come up with systems to prevent having the same few people always get the top scores. We currently use a split squadron system that allows folks to use a lot of their rosters every other raid. It seems complex but isn't once you get used to it. I wrote it up here: https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/4psr22/the_squadron_system_an_option_for_higherlevel/

    Leader is in EDT, we do only T7 and rotate start times.

    Please contact me if you are interested.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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