I Give Up

195 posts Member
edited December 2023
Over 2,000 tickets later I give up on trying to unlock Leia. After all the farming and all the energy and crystals spent to unlock one character it is not worth losing my mental state. I’ll never understand how this became a billion dollar company. This game leaves a bad taste in my mouth like no other. They can’t listen to simple things from the community. Why make me do all this effort only to unlock the event and have to spend countless weeks trying to unlock the character because the events are almost impossible to beat? Cgs strategy to get players to like their game is unintelligent and brainless. I’ll be putting this game down for a long time.


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    i invite you to come join the swgoh.events discord and ping me in the GL Leia channel. Where we can give you some coaching to beat the event
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    12thParsec wrote: »
    Over 2,000 tickets later I give up on trying to unlock Leia. After all the farming and all the energy and crystals spent to unlock one character it is not worth losing my mental state. I’ll never understand how this became a billion dollar company. This game leaves a bad taste in my mouth like no other. They can’t listen to simple things from the community. Why make me do all this effort only to unlock the event and have to spend countless weeks trying to unlock the character because the events are almost impossible to beat? Cgs strategy to get players to like their game is unintelligent and brainless. I’ll be putting this game down for a long time.

    What exactly are you having trouble with? Is it tier 2? There are people that can help - @Sdtbarbarossa made a kind offer - and I know @MasterSeedy has helped people with tier 2 on the 50 shards discord server. One aspect of this game that people overlook and often just refuse to engage in is the social side of the game. There are lots of people in the community willing to give their time to help with no expectation of any kind of quid pro quo - because they just like helping others. Honestly, there are people in this community that are some of the nicest, smartest, and most fun people you'll ever meet. The game itself has its high points and low points - but the community is really great. If you want help, it's just a few clicks away.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
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    12th. There are 2 great responses there, reply in DMs to them. A great example of how this community would reach out.
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    If you don't want to jump on Discord, you can find some good videos on youtube. I used Xaereth's. He has a video that is specific to T2 as it is the most difficult. He covers the mods, the strategy, and then hits T2 four times to show you how to do it. I didn't have his mod setup, but his strategy helped me win 3 out of 4 tries.
  • Haugs
    181 posts Member
    Offers for help are great, but don’t dismiss many of the valid points that the entire GL system is horrendous and anti-player.

    The currency system just feels like one more step to delaying the player from really unlocking their GL. It’s not particularly fun, and losing currency on a loss is primarily the biggest problem.

    People may feel differently, but I like experimenting and trial and error. Under the current system, this isn’t an option because I’m highly motivated to seek the path of least resistance so I don’t waste any currency. I sympathize 100% with the OP. It’s not about overcoming the journey, really. It’s about the reality that the journey is poorly designed when it should arguably be some of the funnest gameplay in the game. Unlocking a GL is a big deal. If only the system supporting it was enjoyable.
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    I really do appreciate the offers for help. That really is the best thing about the game is the community. As far as the game goes it is no where near what it used to be. For now though I don’t think I’m coming back. It doesn’t seem like there will be any change soon so I’d rather spend my money and time on a game and dev team that actually care about the players instead of their wallets.
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    12thParsec wrote: »
    I really do appreciate the offers for help. That really is the best thing about the game is the community. As far as the game goes it is no where near what it used to be. For now though I don’t think I’m coming back. It doesn’t seem like there will be any change soon so I’d rather spend my money and time on a game and dev team that actually care about the players instead of their wallets.

    Don't give up. You've had some solid offers / suggestions to help out. I get the frustration but perservere.
  • JibberJabber
    143 posts Member
    edited December 2023
    If they wanted to make a quality of life change, just get rid of losing tickets for failed attempts.

    The loss of tickets is what makes these grinds so infuriating and rage inducing.

    Losing tickets that you took weeks to grind only to have a failed attack is brutal.
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    If they wanted to make a quality of life change, just get rid of losing tickets for failed attempts.

    The loss of tickets is what makes these grinds so infuriating and rage inducing.

    Losing tickets that you took weeks to grind only to have a failed attack is brutal.

    Then why even have a ticket system? You can remove tickets and then it's like most the other journey guide events that have unlimited attempts, or they can keep tickets but it's a ticket to play, not a ticket to win. Id prefer no tickets but they designed it this way and it makes perfect sense for you to lose tickets when you lose. It does make you take attempts seriously, remod, watch videos, etc, when it's hard. Slkr and Rey I totally lost tickets for, see I even did, but since then I don't believe I have lost on any tier (leia t2 was the first since see/jml that it was even like possible iirc, since you could auto jmk and lv and jabba regardless of modding)
  • Haugs
    181 posts Member
    thedrjojo wrote: »
    If they wanted to make a quality of life change, just get rid of losing tickets for failed attempts.

    The loss of tickets is what makes these grinds so infuriating and rage inducing.

    Losing tickets that you took weeks to grind only to have a failed attack is brutal.

    Then why even have a ticket system? You can remove tickets and then it's like most the other journey guide events that have unlimited attempts, or they can keep tickets but it's a ticket to play, not a ticket to win. Id prefer no tickets but they designed it this way and it makes perfect sense for you to lose tickets when you lose. It does make you take attempts seriously, remod, watch videos, etc, when it's hard. Slkr and Rey I totally lost tickets for, see I even did, but since then I don't believe I have lost on any tier (leia t2 was the first since see/jml that it was even like possible iirc, since you could auto jmk and lv and jabba regardless of modding)

  • Gawejn
    1139 posts Member
    Loosing tickets is just dumb option.
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    vormir wrote: »
    thedrjojo wrote: »
    If they wanted to make a quality of life change, just get rid of losing tickets for failed attempts.

    The loss of tickets is what makes these grinds so infuriating and rage inducing.

    Losing tickets that you took weeks to grind only to have a failed attack is brutal.

    Then why even have a ticket system? You can remove tickets and then it's like most the other journey guide events that have unlimited attempts, or they can keep tickets but it's a ticket to play, not a ticket to win. Id prefer no tickets but they designed it this way and it makes perfect sense for you to lose tickets when you lose. It does make you take attempts seriously, remod, watch videos, etc, when it's hard. Slkr and Rey I totally lost tickets for, see I even did, but since then I don't believe I have lost on any tier (leia t2 was the first since see/jml that it was even like possible iirc, since you could auto jmk and lv and jabba regardless of modding)

    Because most of us want to have fun playing a Star Wars game. If you lose 3-4 days of ticket collecting because vader had the nasty opening move, it will only frustrate players and like OP, make them look for alternatives (MSF is great in that aspect). Keep the ticket system if they want to prevent instant GL unlock but let users keep tickets so they can try again. CG has been pushing rng more and more (don't ever start HoME) and it sucks the fun out of playing a long term game at the very early/critical stages.

    I'm not necessarily saying you're wrong in any respect, I just find your choice of phrase "instant GL unlock" to be a bit funny. There's nothing really "instant" about it.
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    the minute you complete requirements

    And this is what @el_mago meant. We all understood your point, @vormir . But using instant in the way you did belies the fact that even with the ticket system you are delayed in unlocking a GL far more by the time it takes to complete requirements than you are by the time it takes to farm tickets. The unlock **event** can be as instant as you like and it still won't make unlocking a GL anything but a long grind or a major purchase.

    Now, the whole thing is that the tickets were quite obviously put in as a speed gate for people who buy the requirements. There aren't many, true, but CG wanted these to be such a big deal that even the whales and Krakens had to put in some time and grind to get them. So this brings us to what's weird about the whole thing in its current incarnation: The point of the tickets was to slow purchasers, but now you can purchase tickets.

    Everyone else is still engaging in a long grind for GLs, but the purchasers are no longer subject to the same gating that they used to be and which -- to all appearances at least -- was the purpose of the ticket system in the first place. So what use is the ticket-gate? I find it hard to defend at this point.

    And that is yet another reason why I think that GLs are played out and that CG should not release another.
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    12thParsec wrote: »
    I really do appreciate the offers for help. That really is the best thing about the game is the community. As far as the game goes it is no where near what it used to be. For now though I don’t think I’m coming back. It doesn’t seem like there will be any change soon so I’d rather spend my money and time on a game and dev team that actually care about the players instead of their wallets.
    SWGOH is the only online game I play: I've spent more than I care to admit on a game I will never own. I believe you will find EVERY online game has, as a goal, to make it addictive, time-consuming, constant rote requirements w/a limit on ones ability to store a good amount of resources - while forcing the player to spend tons of $$$ to be a top-tier player.
  • Mace
    29 posts Member
    The best GL unlock I have experienced is Jabba.
    Because it was a fun unlock! Not hard, yes it took time to grind tickets but you knew you were not going to loose them easy to an even that was rng hard based.
    I’m starting me Leia grind now, this puts me off it!
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    Yeah, Jabba unlock was fun! Plenty of nostalgia and no real risk of loss so far as I could tell.

    After all the time, energy and resources you invest to get to that point, the unlock event ought to be straightforward.

    And CG seemed to have recognized that with successive GL releases so it's a mystery to me why they regressed with Leia's event.
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    Mace wrote: »
    I’m starting me Leia grind now, this puts me off it!

    Don't be put off. There's only one difficult tier and it's quite doable with the right modding. And even if you struggle, it's one of the early tiers that costs fewer tickets per attempt, and you only need 3 victories. For good or ill it's over in just a few days.

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    Jabba unlock was great until the Ultimate bug completed his Journey at 11/12 for several weeks.
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    For those who don’t know I have watched the videos. I have asked real people for help and it lead to the same thing. Even with full tenacity mods i would still get 7+ dots every aoe attack. You can’t ability block Vader, he heals 100% health for just one dot that expires, his culling blade even with no dots does 100k damage and he always goes after Han no matter what. Im not going to relic 9 leia or Han no matter what. Im done with this game. I have lived a very peaceful life without it.
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    You can in fact ability.block Vader.
  • JibberJabber
    143 posts Member
    edited December 2023
    Finally played tier 2, lost first attempt. Followed the guide on YouTube and put crit avoidance on both Hahn and leia and went 3 for 3. Video on you tube was from Reality Skewed Gamers. You need to remod and for me it was getting rid of tenacity mods and running potency. The video explains why you do this.
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    12thParsec wrote: »
    For those who don’t know I have watched the videos. I have asked real people for help and it lead to the same thing. Even with full tenacity mods i would still get 7+ dots every aoe attack. You can’t ability block Vader, he heals 100% health for just one dot that expires, his culling blade even with no dots does 100k damage and he always goes after Han no matter what. Im not going to relic 9 leia or Han no matter what. Im done with this game. I have lived a very peaceful life without it.

    I don’t think your using the correct mods, stacking tenacity is not the key to winning.
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    It is more the game play than mods. I watched the videos and modded as best as I could, but didn't reach the stats in the video, but I still went 3 for 3 on the vader level.
  • Notthatguyfrombefore
    1106 posts Member
    edited December 2023
    EdSolo wrote: »
    It is more the game play than mods. I watched the videos and modded as best as I could, but didn't reach the stats in the video, but I still went 3 for 3 on the vader level.

    I had a similar experience. I didn't massively remod, but went for a bit of tenacity, potency and speed and went 3/4. I looked after and mine were no where near whats quoted in a lot of the vids. RNG will be playing a factor too, but it can be done with not even demi-god mods.
    Account started June 2020. 100% FTP. 8.2m GP. JMK, JML, SLKR, and SEE. Exe and Levi. Ally code 117-269-921. Swgoh.gg
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    Hmm, I didn’t lose a single time unlocking Leia. There was only one tricky tier, so I followed the video guide, remodded and played accordingly, very smooth.
  • Dexibil
    1 posts Member
    edited December 2023
    I didn't use the xaraeth video, I actually went lower tenacity higher speed and potency. ROLO 260+ speed and 100+% potency. Han also 100+% potency and as high speed as you can manage. ROLO special to start basics all the way (including 3po). Second stage start with 3pO special on Cholo attacking Vader. If you want you can special ROLO attack for first move. Basics on Vader all the way until hes dead then do whatever you want on the stormtroopers. DO NOT CLEANSE WITH HAN UNTIL VADER IS DEAD. Won 3/4. Only reason I lost one is because I used 3pos special just before round 2 and it wasn't refreshed for the start of round 2. Hit those exposes and it's easy peasy (hence the need for high potency). In the 3 wins it wasn't even close I had tons of health and protection left at the end. The tenacity strategy is not as effective so I'm surprised it's still being pushed as much as it is. EDIT: forgot to mention you should also have at least a 6e crit avoidance mod on both. Makes life easier
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    Dexibil wrote: »
    I didn't use the xaraeth video, I actually went lower tenacity higher speed and potency. ROLO 260+ speed and 100+% potency. Han also 100+% potency and as high speed as you can manage. ROLO special to start basics all the way (including 3po). Second stage start with 3pO special on Cholo attacking Vader. If you want you can special ROLO attack for first move. Basics on Vader all the way until hes dead then do whatever you want on the stormtroopers. DO NOT CLEANSE WITH HAN UNTIL VADER IS DEAD. Won 3/4. Only reason I lost one is because I used 3pos special just before round 2 and it wasn't refreshed for the start of round 2. Hit those exposes and it's easy peasy (hence the need for high potency). In the 3 wins it wasn't even close I had tons of health and protection left at the end. The tenacity strategy is not as effective so I'm surprised it's still being pushed as much as it is. EDIT: forgot to mention you should also have at least a 6e crit avoidance mod on both. Makes life easier

    I think people are saying to do it because it got plenty of people easy 3/3 or 3/4. If memory serves Xaereth does mention that potency is important. I think at the end of the day it's as much about strategy as modding - modding can help mitigate some of the RNG, but your sentence in all caps is key - as is using basics to proc expose, and going into wave 2 with cooldowns available. I've played that battle several times since unlock and I consistently win if I don't mis-play. Once or twice vader has gone straight for Han and put the run in jeopardy but it's by far the exception and not the rule - at least in my experience. During the unlock I went 3/3 with Xaereth's strat.

    I think if this event is pushing someone to quit, they must have been close to quitting anyway. It's unfortunate to lose players, but if someone is miserable they're better off moving on. That being said, I do think CG did the community kinda dirty with this one. People don't now and never will respond positively to this kind of frustration after all that grinding - but I guess that's what crowd-sourced strategies and video walkthroughs are for. /shrug
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
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    There are many ppl trying different comps and succeed at leia T2.
    Like crit avoidance arrow, R7, stack tenalcity on both, ten and pot on leia + full ten han, 2 set ten 1 set hp on han or so.
    Understand their kit and find 1 that suit you.
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