I think conquest sucks


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    Can do battles when I have time to login. Don't have to get on the game at certain times in order to make my progress.

    Allows for probably the most roster flexibility in the game in order to get progress.

    Conquest reward characters have been pretty great overall.

    Data disks have been pretty fun to use.

    Time investment is a little high with so many battles having to be done for the Max Box rewards.

    Rewards outside of the character shards are a bit outdated. The grind to complete vs. the payoff in the rewards is unbalanced IMO.

    Suggested change.

    It might be time for a higher difficulty of Conquest for end game accounts. Fewer harder fights designed around a developed account would be very fun. Similar to how the new Raid format requires higher level teams for more points, a harder conquest could allow for bigger accounts to have a bigger challenge with a bigger better payout in the Red crate.

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    Likes: it’s nice to use the whole roster. Some data disks create interesting gameplay

    Dislikes: not enough enemy team variation, rewards really are subpar for something that takes 2 weeks, most data disks are boring, enemy teams are overtuned/ some of their modifiers are frankly unreasonable (Sabine with “The Odds” just kills an R9 Jedi Master Luke, and it’s a miserable experience.) It’s such a grind especially any feats which are “do X 300 times”.

    Suggested changes:
    -Create a greater variety of enemy teams.
    -Rewards should be dialed up, especially when you’re working toward the bigger crates. There isn’t enough of a change outside of character shards. This would be a great place to reward some gear 12+ stuff and Kyros.
    -Let us use our omicrons! We’ve invested in them, but we don’t get to use them really ever. Let us do silly things with teams that have Grand Arena and Territory War omicrons active.
    -Dial back on grindy feats. This is a game, it’s supposed to be fun, not a chore.
    -Make some basic QoL updates, such as allowing us to see the stamina of our teams even if we don’t have any more energy, so we can make informed decisions about spending crystals for more energy. Make it so that you cant get the same data disk option multiple times on a single node. Let us see the speeds of the enemies we are facing like we can do it GAC and TW.
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    - combining the datadisk to overcome the challenges.
    - added SIM mode for each sector at the end.
    - the reward that comes with it both f2p and conquest pass.
    - a consumables that allows you to summon a new conquest character to let us have a taste of it.

    - swapping data disk costs energy, leaves little room for theory crafting.
    - feats that require you obtain specific characters that is difficult to get. Making you miss out on earning key cards.
    - datadisk being random, making it difficult to get the desired set.
    - conquest pass+ being too pricey to justify the benefit that comes with it.

    Suggested change
    - change feats from specific characters to factions tag instead or ability buff/debuff that is accessible to everyone regardless of their GP.
    - change how datadisk are given to players, no more duplicates and maybe scrap quality rarity.
    - reduce conquest pass+ or add more benefits.
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    - conquest characters
    - rewards seem reasonable for effort
    - usually red box is possible with effort for larger rosters
    - discs RNG
    - I should never get white level discs in sector 5
    - I should never get two of the exact same discs on the same node
    - ideally when I get to a section with 2 disc options I shouldn't have any repeated discs

    Suggested changes
    - more feats that take less to achieve (would prefer two feats of winning 7 battles with a specific faction than 14 with 1)
    - improved disc logic. Make it so the chances of rolling white goes down as you advance, and blue chances go up.
    - I would love some feats to be win using ONLY faction, not a full team of faction. Like why can't I solo battles with LV and have it count towards empire? It would make the grind in my first bullet easier

    Overall I do enjoy the mode, even if there's a grind aspect to it because I feel the rewards are worth it.
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    -Ability to farm datcron mats.
    - Figuring out ways to do feats with non synergistic teams.

    - winning 40 battles is to much of a repetitive grind.
    - If you purchase the conquest pass plus its always the same Tusken and NS buff when you might not even need to use those teams for a feat.

    Suggested change
    - Maybe allow datacrons to be used.
    - Make a way to combine disc like 2 grey can make a green 3 green make a blue. Or sell them for conquest credits or energy on the conquest store.
    - Add a bonus reward teir for conquest pass plus so there are 3 reward tracks.

  • Gawejn
    1125 posts Member
    I really enjoy possibility to not play conquest or play a little
    I really like the rewards that are so unimportant so it doesnt force me to play and get them
    I really like conquest pass that is so expensive and additional rewards are so unimportant that i dont feel craving to buy conquest pass.

    So no complaints..
  • AsTeroidmech
    1 posts Member
    edited January 31

    1. Exclusive units
    2. Data disc combos
    3. Simmable Datacron Nodes
    4. Free reward track
    1. How long it takes to get conquest units that have been out for 2-3+ years
    2. How slow energy refreshes
    3. Tremendous grind that gets tremendously harder with additional modifiers as you go along and really just caters to Kyber and mid-high tier Aurodium players
    4. The feats being random with no theme and for most people unachievable (feats including GL Leia, Heat, etc)
    5. The amount of times you need to do the said feat to actually get the feat checked off the list (100 kills with piett or veers?? This one isn't the worst I've seen but it's annoying to achieve with how imperial troopers work)
    6. The RNG of data discs on nodes. If you cant get amplify agony, caustic emissions, etc then you're screwed (or at least it's a lot harder)
    7. Opposing teams get boring to fight, it always feels like the same team you fought a few nodes ago just harder every time (always First Order, Old Republic, Sith Empire, GAS, an Empire lineup, Mon Mothma, nightsisters, etc)
    8. How consumables you spend conquest currency on are 1 time uses

    Suggested change
    1. Increase the amount of shards for conquest units by 10 or 20 shards per year they've been in the game and maybe having a cap at 50 extra shards or something (Trench being standard 20 shards, CAT 50 shards (20 shards + 3 years)). (Obviously the numbers can be tweaked but something like that)
    2. Make energy refresh faster so those who can't afford to sim it can at least finish conquest
    3. Make the modifiers more manageable. Not easy, but more creative and accessible to counter. We have data discs that stack thermals, inflict damage over time, etc. It just feels like they get beefier most of the time (+20% speed/max health/protection, etc.), not any fun or creative debuffs to work around.
    4. Give each conquest a theme for the feats that somewhat tie into new releases so there's still profit to be made, but doesn't gatekeep feats. For example with this Darth Bane conquest cycle, the feats could've been either Jedi or Sith focused, such as feats like "Use Jedi or Sith to defeat the entire team in 1 turn with an AOE ability or status effects" (Use Anakin's AOE, JKR's Lightsaber throw, etc). This way it feels more lore accurate to the character you're perusing (This example isn't great but just trying to get the point across)
    5. Lower the threshold of feats so you can actually complete them the first time you're playing through the sector so you dont have to spend crystals to go back to play sectors you already did to complete feats, since rarely can you use the same team to get through an entire sector assuming you can revive them.
    6. Either make more data discs available to choose from the stockpile every time (from 3 to 5 maybe) or guarantee that at least 1 of every data disc will be available to choose from per sector. That way you at least know you can get amplify agony, caustic emissions, etc.
    7. Throw new units in opposing lineups, but don't supercharge those units with tons of modifiers (maybe a few but obviously that's a balancing act). That way people will understand the benefit of unlocking new characters because they will be forced to face them at a normal(ish) level, feel like there's more excitement to try conquest, and so you can theorycraft counters with what you have on your roster and conquest consumable inventory. And just add more variety of teams to get through in general.
    8. Add a cooldown on consumables like there is on characters. Maybe it's a 2 or 3 time use before it needs to recharge and maybe it takes 24 hours to fully recharge, but the point is that it would recharge. Feeling like you have to buy them to get through the later sectors as a player around 4M GP is so disheartening and when I was in that position, most of the time I just stopped playing conquest instead of going through and spending valuable currency.
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    First time I've logged into these forums in an age but hoping the feedback helps.


    A cool way to earn powerful new units that has minimal impact on other farming locations.
    The overall concept of building up datadiscs and growing in power as the conquest progresses.
    The overall concept of battling through increasingly difficult foes that change seasonally over a period of 2 weeks.
    Interesting node bonuses.
    Concept of using one-off consumables to help with really difficult battles (in moderation)
    The overall art/style is well executed.


    Turning conquest from a mode about earning a new units, some cool gear and completing the red crate into a datacron farming simulator.
    Every battle I fail or don't 3 star is potential datacron materials lost - discourages experimentation.

    Having to use energy to change datadiscs - discourages equipping the non-optimal data discs you may find early because you guessed it- every data disc I change is potential datacron materials lost.

    The 'challenge' lying in mindless repetition of battles that are heavily time-gated (stamina/energy)

    The datadisc interface has been bad since day 1

    I am no longer 'done' at red crate, I still need to engage and refresh energy to farm datacrons/mats

    Selling feat completion on the conquest+ pass. Someone has or will ask the question 'if we make this feat more obnoxious I wonder if sales will go up?'
    Feel free to sell progress- just not specific feats- leads to bad incentives.

    Suggested change

    In an ideal world- decouple datacron farming from conquest completely and let the mode be what it was when it was fun.

    Rework the datadisc interface

    Change the faction bonuses seasonally

    Have failsafes to prevent silly RNG situations (being offered the same datadiscs on a node, same set of teams being repeated throughout the sector etc.)

    Develop and implement significantly more variety in datadiscs - VA/ AA has been the goto combo for way way too many conquests.

    Reduce the repetition in feats, 40 team kills, 100 individual kills etc. are almost never fun or engaging, I have no problem with a crystal cost to getting a great new unit first pass- maybe spending 1000 crystals unlocks a battle at the end of each sector with a difficult encounter that awards more shards/more feats. Maybe each boss node can only be done once (successfully) but you can refresh for crystals gaining more progress to red box.
    Basically, happy to engage, happy to spend crystals, happy to pick up the $10 pass if it's worth but please please stop designs that are intentionally tedious.
    The goal should be to complete/3 star conquest- not mindless spam teams to complete inane feats or farm datacron mats.

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    1) use my teams to battle diff squads
    2) progression through the map and diff bosses
    3) test new conquest unit

    1) feets are not fun, to many attempts
    2) data disk rng, sometimes very poor choise
    3) rewards could be better for a 2 week event. I don't know if this was touched, but the rewards should be better

    1) reduce the number of new units in feets/ requirements
    2) have other rewards to motivate people engage and spend on the progression: new relic mat maybe. The high pace of new char release is not suistanable. Add title, points etc for the most succesfful conquest
    3) would be nice to have thematic battles, similar to ROTE where you have iconic battles from SW universe: Sith vs Jedi, Rebels vs Empire, etc and earn more points
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    Something to do when TB isnt running
    New character shards

    Feats over 20
    Repeats of the same disk in the same node
    all the Jedi say I’m pretty fly for a Qui guy
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    Let's use this thread and steer the energy in a different direction than at each other.

    Lemme know what you like and dislike about Conquest.
    What would you change? How would that change affect the game?

    Like: I Like the incentive to use more than your very best teams, and I like the characters and other rewards.


    1. You get punished for progressing. In Hard Conquest, rewards are lost as you get to higher reward tiers. Yes, You get more of the featured unit, but it is still a letdown to have to sacrifice rewards for the new unit and vice versa. Any reward that is put into a reward tier should be present in higher reward tiers.

    2. The Challenge Path. I was here when Conquest was first released, and the most fun I had was being able to influence who I fought, Avoiding teams/modifiers I hated, making sure I got teams I needed for feats, all while making sure I still had access to all three data disk nodes. With the introduction of the challenge path, That feeling of choice has been gutted. Ever since, Conquest has had the feeling of an unnecessarily hard cantina table. as an extra insult, Most Data disk segments also had one node removed. I would love to see a reversion of this aspect of Conquest.

    3. Data Disk consumables. I know these disks were broken, and that's what made them fun. I propose converting the data disk node after the Sector 5 boss to contain only these data disks at random like any other node, instead of holding these over us as consumables.

    4. The Grind. Many feats are very repetitive and tedious. I will talk about my solution with the next one.

    5. Recent units required for feats, sometimes even before they have been farmable for most players.

    I get you have to make money somehow, but to see conquests, a supposedly (or at least used to be) themed event, suddenly require new units that most have no access to and has no relation to the unit (Such as Ewoks, Drogan and Paz to Bane in this conquest) I propose a split between grindy feats and P2W feats. Hard and conquest stays as is, With the current grindy, but possible for most feats and new units removed for more generic feats (For instance kills with Drogan becomes kills with Rebel Fighters), and a new difficulty above hard be created. S2 Hard is equivalent to S1 of this difficulty, same with S3 Hard and S2 new, and so on, with the boxes following the same pattern, with the new top chest rewarding 110 of the new character's shards and 35 of the older unit (Alongside the other rewards.) In turn, not only would this difficulty be harder naturally (Like maybe an extra 5-10% on the overprepared) but the feats will require the new units, but be less grindy (for instance, win 40 battles with faction becomes win 15 battles with faction) This could be set up so that without the new units, you can only get the third highest box (Equivalent to the current second highest box in hard). This will allow players to be able to choose the grind we have now, with less strict specifications, or a more challenging, but less tedious conquest that requires them to stay up to date with the new units.

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    I like the the Roster variety for myself. It's fun to mix and match later on to nab the extra currency.

    I dislike the Feat counters becausd they are too large and the specifics can be frustrating.
    Dislike the easy vs normal because There's a frustrating spot between a good, large roster and having a ton of GL's. Just having a few makes it hard to balance chasing a normal red crate and the inherent difficulty of running out of gas after sector 2 or 3.
    I dislike the matchups because You fight the same 8 -10 teams so it's just hammering the same group.
    I dislike how Conquest feels like a grind because the loot isn't particularly beneficial for actually unlocking characters that are conquest-only. It's just an underwhelming result.

    Suggested changes -
    Increase currency drops so at worst you're making character progress.
    Randomly drop instant g12 to g13 gear or high level mats at nodes or at the big nodes. Something that makes a seasoned or new player say 'oh, nice'.

    Have a handful of ship battles in there.
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    - It’s a fun way to get new toons
    - It’s a different game mode that changes things up
    - There time in between events, which helps with how un-fun and grindy it gets towards the end

    - Facing the same team 2-3 times in a row
    - When the disks are all the same, especially when you have 3 of them already
    - It’s to grindy
    - It’s to much energy for 1 battle
    - When your team gets to 80% and can’t beat a lower relic team
    - The modifiers that teams have is boring. Over prepared is lame and so is steadfast retribution
    - 40 feats is lame, having to use the same team over and over again isn’t fun
    - Having a full team needing to survive isn’t fun
    - Most of the feats are annoyingly grindy
    - Having to use energy to remove disks is annoying
    - The money for the pass isn’t worth it
    - It takes to long for stamina to recover
    - Teams with preloaded TM
    - it’s the same every time. Same teams, same type of feats, same disks. It gets old
    - It used to be fun when it first came out

    Suggested change
    -Change the teams and modifiers more
    - A QOL update is needed. There’s a lot of blank space on the main menu. You could put how many feats you’ve completed (I’ve included a picture where you could put this)
    - Make it so the same disks can’t spawn on the same node
    - Make battles cost less energy or make energy refresh faster
    - Make feats less of a grind
    - Make the pass worth the cost
    - Make it fun like it was when it first came out

    I will never spend money on the pass unless you make conquest fun like it used to be.


    Here is where I think you could put feats like 3/4. Or use the space better instead of leaving it blank.
  • _Marec_
    103 posts Member
    edited January 31
    - Variety of data disks and fun combinations that can be used by different teams
    - Ability to test the Conquest unit 5x at Relic 9 (ex: Dark Trooper Gideon, Darth Bane)
    - Mini boss challenges that mimic prior raid mechanics, like the Rancor

    - Increase in mundane Feats that make this game mode so incredibly grindy and boring, such as Foresight 300, Stagger 300, Damage Over Time 500. This makes me want to almost forego Conquest altogether
    - Lack of rewards for the Conquest+ pass to justify the $29.99 price tag
    - The higher the Conquest crate, the less the G12 and high-demand relic material rewards, including Carbonite Circuitboard and Bronzium Wiring.

    Suggested Changes:
    - Increase Conquest rewards significantly to match the increase in Feats (Stagger, Foresight, etc) or lower the Feat counts.
    - Make the Conquest+ Pass more appealing by lowering the price or adding in more rewards. Throw in more materials that help gear your new Conquest units like Darth Bane by adding Zetas, Omegas, and more Omicrons/G12+/Kyrotech.
    - Don't reduce relic or G12 material rewards on higher crates. On a Conquest season with a weak character, like Admiral Trench, there was little to no incentive to play Conquest more and go higher in reward crates at the cost of relic materials that could have been used by better characters.
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    Data disc management is very poor. You can’t see what your unequipped discs are without moving them from the inventory to the equipped box. The fastest way to change your load out is usually to just move everything across then remove what you don’t want, which is a very clunky way to do things. Seeing the names of the discs in the inventory would improve things a lot.
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    • The rewards. A free character every 3-6 months plus a chunk of signal data and mats is nice.
    • The gameplay (overall). I like thinking about how to beat feats and I like the overall flow of working your way through the sectors.

    • Feats that are too specific. Because I don't own GLeia, JKC, or DTMG, that's 11 points just completely off the table. When you can only miss 35 points and still get Red, that's a huge deal. Obviously these are the whale rewards so I don't expect them to change (just like the pay $30 for 30 points feats) but it makes the Red chest feel whale-only.
    • Cost to swap disks. It punishes experimentation but it also means that I have to do all my "kill" feats first and then switch to a "survive" set for the second half of the Conquest. Being able to swap back and forth freely would be nice and it's a pity that it's $ gated.
    • Balance. The GAS nodes (and, while not quite as bad, the DRevan nodes) are way stronger than anything else such that for smaller accounts seeing one on a mandatory node can be brutal.
    • Wasteland between Gold and Red. The mid-chest rewards between 530 points and 630 are very mediocre. It's also very easy to get 530 points and very difficult to get 630 and so every Conquest I find myself settling for Gold and working on datacrons rather than banging my head against a wall trying to get my 3 star Drogan 10 kills or whatever. If there were a reason to get, say, 580 points then that might change.
    • Might as well throw that in here. Having datacrons share energy with feats puts a lot of tension between hitting your chest and farming those crons. I think the new bonus nodes is generally a positive here, but more crons/cron mats in the chests would be nice.
  • Kaerindal
    124 posts Member
    edited February 1
    Things that I dislike
    • Conquest starting at the same time as other major time sinks, such as TB and/or GAC
    • Getting multiple of the same data disc from a set of 3
    • The grind required from some feats, such as 40 wins with a team, esp if said faction doesnt have many alternate viable teams
    • Disc summoned allies not counting for "Win with X character" feats
    • Certain modifiers are very annoying like "the odds", feels terrible to watch some attack you 20 times in a row with no counterplay

    Stuff I like:
    • Variety and uniqueness of the data discs / modifiers
    • Get to play with underutilized characters and squads in my roster
    • Rewards are nice, and new characters are usually very desirable
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    Like: it is similar to an idea that I posted in a threat years before it came out
    Like: the fact that it adds different toons to the game that might or might not be connected to events I feel that this allows different depth to the game like with the introduction of BANE meaning we might see other old republic toons.

    Like: the new dimmable locations to reduce the grind in the event for players that are unable to commit major amounts of time to the game.

    Dislike: the level of grind. I feel like 40 battles is a huge amount to look into for certain teams and players that are only able to go on 1-2 times a day will spend excessive time trying to complete these.

    Dislike: the use of conquest toons in legendary events putting a major gate into certain players
    PG does help

    Dislike: feels like I am using the same teams over and over just to try get a little further. Would enjoy more of a theme.

    Suggestion: more varied and also more frequent toons. This would be something like once every 2 months instead of 3 or once a month to bring more characters into the game

    Suggestion: extending the event duration to a month instead of 2 weeks and have 1 PG in the middle of the event and one at the end to allow players who don’t have the time to also join in and have better chances to catch up or even get the toons.

    Suggestion: bring back raid specific toons … made the raid feel more desirable using the raid reward system is nice and can have the shards relate to this.

    Suggestion: as well as the current personal track include a guild track to increase the rewards gained so players a little lower in the guild also can get a little better rewards over all .
  • CG_Tusken_Meathead
    390 posts EA Community Manager
    Thank you everyone for formatting (Even if you didn't I still appreciate your adds to the conversation), keep em coming. Ill be signing off shortly and will come back to read tomorrow.
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    • Pushes me to strengthen new and old squads
    • Disks add variety
    • Amount of content (battles) is appropriate for the duration
    • Exclusive characters that are obtainable with some effort
    • Datacrons rule

    • Consumables. I rarely need them and they feel unnecessary
    • Having to use the same squad 40 times to earn 15 keycards
    • It feels like there should be a good reward for beating each sector but you don't get anything extra for beating a "boss"
    • If anything, it's too long. I typically get through the sectors in 10-12 days and then have 3 days to smash the bonus battles.
    Wampa Wampa!
    Stats at: swgoh.gg
    Zeta: Have Zader, on deck: QGJ & R2
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    • None. The first few conquests were awesome, though.
    • I shouldn't have to choose between Ability exhaust, ability exhaust, ability exhaust, ability exhaust, ability exhaust, and Power in sector 4 on a hard path. There should never be more than one of any disk per group of nodes
    • The nodes should all be the same per player. Nobody should be unable to cheese certain feats because they couldn't find a phoenix or KRU or MM team, or didn't realize they needed one before it was too late.
    • Doing the exact same battle over and over again.
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    * Datadisk coordination (this is a sometimes because it also depends on what you get)
    * Goals to aim for, even if you can’t red crate (I haven’t for a long time).
    * New way to obtain characters, albeit slow sometimes
    * Short battles, which suits me (gone in 30 seconds)

    * Constant refreshing of currency every day to get far.
    * Consumables - rarely use them. Perhaps find ways to encourage people to use them
    * Locked out feats (Jedi Cal anyone?!)
    * Feats that are use x team y times.
    * Datadisks that have 2/3 of the same on a node. This shouldn’t happen.

    * Not sure how this would work, or how unbalanced, but maybe trade 3 of the same grey datadisc to get a green, same with green to blue.
    * Instead of having one set of good data discs (AA, VA, CE etc), have some different coordinating sets but then lower the energy cost to swap (say 2-3 energy, not 7). I know people might not like to swap, but I think this would allow for more experimenting and variety and not costing a lot to do it.
    * Improve the UI on datadiscs to make it easier to see what each disc is.
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    Perspective: 4.2 Mill, no GL, doing normal
    - I think the challenge can be fun.
    - for an event this long, the game play for day isn't bad
    - Im not using the same team every time.
    - Sometimes I can get super stuck and not know what to do. Like I spent 12 attacks on Malak until I used every consumable plus the right team plus 4 tries as my best combo.
    - For that Malak node it was the second challenge node in a row on one where i couldn't change to a normal node.
    - Discs can feel a little random. last time I got a good combo and went all the way thru sector 5 while this time I struggled on sector 2.
    - there are some feats I just don't have the characters even unlocked, some of the harder feats just aren't worth trying, even if i have the chars
    - If I have a trip and am unavailable for 1-2 days, i can feel pretty far behind with how long the event is.
    Suggested changes
    - As I get thru later sectors, I'd like less grey discs
    - Id like a little bit more advance notice of what chars might be on 1 feat ahead of the next feat rotation, so I can maybe plan ahead. Or on a character release, mention that there will be an upcoming feat for that char
    - have a guaranteed good mod within the first 3 feat selections. I dont know what that distinction is but that might help.

    - When I was considering playing, I looked at the road ahead and saw your interaction with the community and that brought me in a year ago.
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    the Sim button for treasure nodes (awesome sauce!)

    The updates previously made to reduce grind. (sim option, global feat changes, etc.)

    Some theorycrafting is fun.


    I have a 12.6 mil GP roster and at least half my roster is useless in conquest. (i.e., oh hey, I'll break up my resistance into two teams and use them to finish the resistance feats faster! Nope, nevermind. My non-rey resistance team w/ 300+ speed, R5-R7 characters, gets demolished before I take a turn.)

    Still too much grindage, too many feats that you can only do with "one" team.

    RNG of discs and teams on nodes. One conquest I'll get 3 padme teams in a row, the next I'll get 3 DRs in a row, the next I'll get 3 EP Starkillers in a row.


    I would still rather get less rewards and be able to have more "fun". I hearken back to the initial conquests that were more of a "Sandbox" mode and we could use most of our roster. You don't have to make it that easy, but a significant decrease would be good. (This is in consideration of all the 7, 8, 9 mil GP rosters that don't have the teams I do.)

    Stop throwing "must survive" onto C/D tier teams. Though even A tier teams can lose someone and then it's just a waste of stamina and/or energy. Even GL teams can lose members. If it's on a mini-boss or boss node, okay. But as a "feat" is excessive.

    Figure out how to stop the RNG from dropping all annoyingly rough teams over and over on nodes. Have some "if no Hux FO team, drop one now" kinds of parameters. Same with discs, "If no 'x' discs yet, drop now."

    Thanks Meathead!
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    The conquest characters are cool (when you finally get them)

    - the ridiculous speed and never getting to take a turn
    - that half my roster isn't usable because everyone is on steroids (overprepared)
    - how absurdly grindy it is (miss a day or two because life, and goodbye gold or red chest)
    - that normal tier can't unlock a conquest character
    - that modifiers have barely changed since the beginning

    - Remove overprepared from most teams and reduce to OP1 for teams like ewoks and phoenix. There's nothing wrong with an easy breather team that helps you farm the grindy feats
    - reduce the stat drain from stamina or at the very least remove the speed reduction. Let's face it, speed is literally 80% of combat. Anyways, in it's place just increased the stamina usage to 20%, this gets you 5 solid uses from a character a day.
    - increase the number of conquest character shards at red chest in normal. Getting red and buying all the ticket shards in the 6 conquests that a character is a reward should unlock them in normal. They shouldn't be forced to then wait a year to start trying whatever ever horribly balanced proving grounds is released for them.
    - Don't really have any ideas, but change the modifiers. So tired of the odds and steadfast retribution.
    - limit a data disk to appearing (at least in the same color) once per set of nodes. And after bosses should have a guaranteed blue, and higher chance at purple. And later sectors should increase rates of blue/purple, by sector 5, you shouldn't see whites unless it only occurs as it.
    - Have something that prevents the same team from showing up multiple times in a row. Little annoying when facing gas 3-4 times in a row on the challenge path
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    Like: The conquest characters and the format. I don’t know if the conquest energy in the web store was a trial run or what but if y’all brought that back, that would be cool. Like the game mode in general when it first came out I hated it but since coming back to the game I have grown to love it.

    Dislikes: (some of theses are small things) Dislike the energy cost to drop data disks especially if y’all are going to give us more grindy feats.

    Suggestion: Regarding the +pass could you all either consider dropping it to $20 usd (hard ask I know) or add something like kyros or something to make it that value of $30 just needs one or two more things.
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    I'm trying hard conquest for the first time, 4.2m, 1GL

    • I enjoy the challenge, I enjoy learning and using counters but... I wish it were more consistent with GAC.
    • I like that you can level-up with new discs that make earlier sequences easier
    • I like the new character previews
    • inlike acquiring and leveling up new datacrons

    • I dislike that my data disk pool is different from someone else's. Luck of the draw shouldn't make or break a conquest run
    • I dislike that my battles are different from someone else's (but glad I don't have the battles they're sharing with me at the same time)
    • I dislike the focus on consumables - they're a great 'in case of emergency' feature, but it should be rare that we want/need to use them
    • I dislike the paid rewards track - to be clear, I'm fine that it exists, I just really don't see value in it. It's a great value if you can clear to red chest, but if you're working on it still it feels scrappy to leave money on the table with unclaimable rewards. And the value doesn't really seem to be there.
    • I dislike that I have to choose between progressing in conquest and getting datacrons

      And to be abundantly clear, this is the perspective of someone who was planning to buy the conquest plus pass, but who decided to pass on it because the included discs weren't as good as they were last month.
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    I'm a 8.75 M account, have 3 GLs, and regularly go for box 5 with refreshes. I realize the monetization and datacrons are unavoidable, so I won't harp on them much.

    1. Roster variety: I like that the game mode encourages using a variety of different teams instead of smashing through with one super squad.
    2. Rewards: Conquest characters are dope, and the relic/mod mats are appreciated.

    1. Data disk randomness: Seeing two/three of the same disks on a node can be aggravating
    2. Team modifiers: Without the right team(s), some opponents can be outright show stoppers. Shootawaga, steadfast retribution stand out as being painful. As well as some teams like FO and Sith Empire because of the juiced stats
    3. Stat Buffs: In a similar vein, overprepared and the sector stat buffs (mainly speed) can outright cut off certain teams from viability. I don't want to just use my GLs, or CLS because the rest get outspeed and blitzed down.
    4. Length and timing: This isn't make or break, but two weeks of conquest has gotten grating. Plus starting during TB and running during TWs/raids also can be annoying. Although I'm not sure what to recommend here without massive overhauls.
    5. Legacy Conquest Characters: This is tangentially related, but older conquest characters should have some kind of acceleration put in place to make it easier to catch up. CAT is coming up on three years old in a few months, and still takes 17 months to farm F2P off proving grounds.I spend a little bit each month, and still found it difficult to justify spending 2200 crystals on the refresh with so many other systems demanding crystals. GET3 and the Ultimate Journey events helps, but also aren't nearly as effective for the people who actually need the conquest characters.
    6. Feats: By far the absolute worst part about conquest. No I don't want to win 40 battles with X team, no I don't want to get 100 kills with Y characters, no I don't want to get Z buff how ever many times. The feat scaling on hard mode is atrocious, and the main reason I don't try to get for higher boxes. I just cheese the easier sector feats I can get done in a battle or 2, and call it a day.

    • Unique disks on reward nodes When generating data disk nodes, please add a check to make each disk unique.
    • Scale data disks: Add a way to scale disk progression in later sectors. Sector 1 can start with the entire pools, while in later sectors the pool gets cut down to more desirable disks to ensure people can get what they want.
    • Tone down team modifiers: Please look at shootawaga and other to make them less terrible to fight.
    • Cut back on the feats: Please stop being so hyper aggressive with feats. Stop making them super niche to one buff/character, make them less of a slog to get through.
    • Rebalance Speed Modifiers: I realize in the age of GLs and speed boosting consumables, this is unlikely to happen. But please consider toning down just how much speed teams get. I'd like to be able to use my Starkiller or Darth Revan team without fear of getting obliterated right out of the gate.
    • Reduce barrier to unlock legacy characters: Accelerate characters that have been in PG for say, 1 year+. Additionally, cut down on the crystal cost. 20 shards of current characters on conquest cost 2400 crystals (4 * 600 crystals for a pack of 5). Why is the refresh cost on these old characters a mere 200 crystals less.
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    10,6m account, all GL, 3-5 refreshes/day+ small season pass

    - varity of needed sqds
    - chance to farm a new char in 3 Conquest

    - dumb feats like "kill 100 enemys with Char xy
    - some feats are not doable except you got a special char and prevent even small accounts to get the red crate

    - take a look at the beginning of Conquest: Global feats were more common like "250 critical hits" no matter with what char or team
    - less is more: get rid of annoying and unnecessary stupid content to press more money/chrystals out of the players
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