Defence of Dathomir


  • ScotfDulea
    37 posts Member
    edited May 29
    1st phase of Defence Of Dathomir in the second wave is bugged! Greivous won’t die! Nihlus, Jedi Cal, Jabba, CAT, Mando, Cere Junda instankills wont kill him and nor will Rey’s Sudden Whirlwind or her Jedi Stance.

    GL Leia,also won’t beat it. GG just stands there! Same with Sisters R7, Lord Vader, Kenobi, Inquisitors the lot!

    nt xb2ueje1lxai.png

    Please fix this as it’s tied to Zetas and we want Zetas!
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    Maybe it’s several trillion health? lol

  • Azrul
    69 posts Member
    Yep. Can't kill him. I hope this will be fixed before gac lol or he's going on my south wall
    order 66 41st division lead. European reset
  • MasterSeedy
    5215 posts Member
    @FurytheOriginal wins today's internet for "Best Use of a Bug."
  • wilhud
    53 posts Member
    Mucro wrote: »
    wilhud wrote: »
    never got a make good from when they screwed up the cat event in pg when their super commando changes made that event insanely difficult to beat. Hopefully they aren't stingy with the 2-4 zeta mats from this one like they were with the cat shards.

    It was still beatable though, just very hard (like many legendary events). This one is now literally impossible.

    It completely changed the event due to a change they made to the playable version of the character. Just because it was still beatable by certain teams doesn't dismiss the fact that it was a broken event that did not reward shards to those that normally would have beaten it. Yeah its not the exact same scenario, but it still was worthy of a make good imo, seeing as it was not what they intended to happen and it put some players back on their farm. Which, in reality, is a lot worse than missing out on a couple of zeta mats.
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    @FurytheOriginal wins today's internet for "Best Use of a Bug."

    I have found the max ramped damage SLKR can achieve


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    Death mark won’t kill it eithet6yb8u8i79tem.png

    Set your GG on Defence!
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    Still standing!
  • Lumiya
    1583 posts Member
    This sucks! Happened to me too
    We are all made of star-stuff
  • MasterSeedy
    5215 posts Member
    I have found the max ramped damage SLKR can achieve


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    CAT still standing!ubrzqqtxr1dr.png
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    Even tried Mando's insta-kill. Didn't work.
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    Same here
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    I'm having the same problem. Is there a solution? 2wt0gbgt2rja.jpg
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    Solution: Search for recent threads.
    It’s a common issue, waiting for a fix
  • Wed_Santa
    1038 posts Member
    Not yet. But it appears to be universal. No one has posted a line up that kills GG.

    @CG_Tusken_Meathead - we await a comment (& a couple of zetas as a make good would be nice)
  • Geoghs
    13 posts Member
    edited May 29
    This is why we need to be able to auto the Special and Resource events after 3 starring them. ;)
  • Wed_Santa
    1038 posts Member
    Geoghs wrote: »
    This is why we need to be able to auto the Special and Resource events after 3 starring them. ;)

    I think you mean Sim them but yes, that would avoid the mess.

    Although if you want to see your SLKR hit 2.14 billion crits, this event is just the tonic
  • Gavsta
    203 posts Member
    Yep, same here.. Rexilate, Nihilus annihilate & Mandos instakill don't kill GG.
  • Nexuity
    1 posts Member
    edited May 29
    Grievous just won’t die and stuck in phase 1
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    Laughable if it wasn't so pathetic.
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    Same here, Tried all GLs and Insta kill toons. Seems like its a problem for everyone (from what I see on Reddit)
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    C'est impossible bug j'espère qu'il vont donner les récompenses
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    Impossible bug
  • Hunnz
    2 posts Member
    Same here
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    It's funny how people need zetas so badly that they are willing to try every GL and insta kill toon, lol. I'm probably just going to cut back on my play time and find a game that actually works. I'll still visit it occasionally, but I'm done with these issues for a bit. If I can't enjoy a game, I just can't justify sticking with it, and nothing urks me like needing the rewards and spending 15 minutes beating my head against a wall tryin to do something that's not possible, solely caused by negligence.
  • MasterSeedy
    5215 posts Member
    Moi aussi.
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    Same here
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    I also have the same error, I can't kill Grievous
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