How is everyone saying they get top ten?

I don't consider my team terrible, I avoid the meta, and enjoy more of a team that synergizes well with Dathcha and jawa. I can only get up to rank 80, today i was 95. Am i just in a server filled with whales? cause every team is the meta team or better and i need to just hope for RNG in my favor. my team is poggle, poe, IG(L) [i was using sid(L) yesterday but wanted to try ig, i think it might work better), and the 2 jawas.

I started the game within 12 hours of public release

the current top 5 in my server, if this helps anyone, is
Surly lvl 74 QGJ
Alclonn lvl 76 Dooku
TheBinder lvl 75 QGJ
RuYouWin lvl 74 Dooku
Alteisan76 lvl 74 Dooku

ranks 1-50 have 48 QGJ/Dooku and 2 poggle

my usual strat is Poggle buffs, poe taunt, and then if RNG is on my side i can 1 shot an exposed with jawa hitting 12k, then dathcha and ig attack

I dont ask for squad strategy, just if my server is just op, cause i dont get all these people being "i hit rank 1 today for the billionth time" or "there's a number below rank 10?!"


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    Almost everyone in the top 10 would have to be P2P, I have to assume.

    I'm 100% F2P since day one. Highest I've been is in the top 30's (except for the first week, lolz).

    Seems to me that just about any five toons at 7* will get you into the top 100-150. One reason why you see so many if the same toons in the Leaderboard is that most F2P players are simply using the toons they can most easily get to 7*, typically the ones in shipments.

    Also, I have to point out that your Jawa strategy won't go very far. If you search the forums, you'll see that building teams with synergy requires - at the very least - 3 toons of the same ilk (Rebel, Empire, First Order, etc.) Even with that in mind, there are certain groups that are just horrible, regardless. For instance, a full squad of First Order toons will have their arses handed to them by a Droid team.
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    Also, I have to point out that your Jawa strategy won't go very far. If you search the forums, you'll see that building teams with synergy requires - at the very least - 3 toons of the same ilk (Rebel, Empire, First Order, etc.) Even with that in mind, there are certain groups that are just horrible, regardless. For instance, a full squad of First Order toons will have their arses handed to them by a Droid team.

    with my jawa team i actually easily crushed every team that doesnt have speed QGJ or dodge dooku. but, since almost everyone has one of those 2 in my top 100, im stuck
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    Your biggest problem is that your team is too slow and squishy. If you run against a team that survives the first round, you're toast. Avoiding the meta also gets you targeted more often.
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    I kind of think you answered your own question when you said you could beat every team that does not run the speed of dodge meta, because right now that seems to be the majority of them.

    The important thing is to have fun the way YOU want to.. It sounds like conformity might feel like a loss if you were to go that route, and that's o.k. :)
  • Looooki
    1045 posts Member
    It is just RGN, sometimes ur lucky and u won. Sometimes RGN just don't like u and u miss every turn ...
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    Not true.. i got top 100!
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    Broke under 50 for about a week last month.... That was nice. Never happen again. Then my roomate starts using dooku lead and his new high star rey and got to #6. The lure of the meta is strong
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    i refuse to conform, i almost feel bad for using poe/poggle/ig88...but then id just have a team of jawa and dathcha....i dont think that'd do too well
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    The top players are the top players because they do what WORKS!!

    There is no shame in copying them. Lest you be an uber-nerd with a degree in programming who has churned as many numbers as he/she possibly could into fancy algorithms and saw what no on else could. I'm not Dr. Burry. I'll copy the top players.
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    Dooku is ****
  • Gutazedo
    78 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Your jawas won't get you anywhere. Sorry to say it. x)

    However, check this guy out (he's on my alt account server):


    He has one of the very few droid teams, he's way underleveled, and still finishes (at least) top10 everyday (I assume for what I see). It's a February ladder, so I still manage to make it to top10 (being #3 my highest rank so far) on a daily basis with JC on my side. x)

    My point is: as a FTP, we can surely make it to top20 with no big problems, but on mature servers like yours (and my main account's) we HAVE to follow the meta (I also finish top10 - #2 today - on my main)!

    Hopefully, this new balance will allow more diversity on ladders. If not, well have a month or two to play catch with whales (and dolphins).
  • scuba
    14176 posts Member
    If you are determined to be top 10 copy the meta or find away around it.

    But I say work on a team you like. I have moved away from the dooku led team but rest of my team is all over top of leader board.
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    I rarely break 500. I got unlucky and started late in a month, been playing catch up on my server ever since. I don't think I'll ever make it until the level cap stops or I decide to spend money, which I won't
  • Looooki
    1045 posts Member
    I rarely break 500. I got unlucky and started late in a month, been playing catch up on my server ever since. I don't think I'll ever make it until the level cap stops or I decide to spend money, which I won't

    Feel u bro, all the best :)
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    I'm 100% FTP and I am consistently in the Top 5 on my server during payout, with a no. 1 finish most days. My team is a 6* Dooku (L), 7* Phasma, 7* Poe, 7* Geo and 6* Rey. Level 73 all, geared to max or near max (and I was not able to precraft). What does this imply?

    1. My top finishes are only for my payout period. Outside of that time, I will fall back as far as the 30s. So everyone who manages top 10 or a no. 1 finish in Arena only holds that spot for a very short period in the day. At the highest levels, I would wager that any team in the Top 50 piloted by a good player can wreck any other team up there with a little luck, thanks to a deliberately lousy AI.

    2. I chase the meta because it is a necessary evil, and honestly, the way practically every competitive game goes. There will always be a few characters that will be better and more efficient than others at getting the job done. You can't expect to field a fully-geared and starred team of Ugnaught, CUP, Stormtrooper, Mob Enforcer and Jedi Guardian and get the same results. More importantly, since I am FTP I have to maximize my limited daily gains by going after certain characters, and experience and research dictate who would be the best choices. I wish I could be like YoYoYoda and have every single character available to experiment with, but that just isn't an option for me.

    3. Some team compositions and combinations of characters are just superior to others. Right now speed kills, and it doesn't matter how much damage you can potentially deal if 3 of your characters are KO'd or stunned before they attack. Sorry, that's how the cookie crumbles. Synergies, too.

    4. You don't need to be a whale to hit Top 10 during your payout, but you do have to struggle more and really time your climb to the half minutes. My 5:30 to 6 pm has been the most stressful of the day for the last few months.

    5. Everything changes in a big way tomorrow. Hopefully.
  • puru
    161 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    It is possible to run non-meta teams and still be in top 10, though probably you may have to give up your jawa's . Poggle (L), IG-86, Poe, GS + DPS/Tank/Healer is one such option.
    Also you need to do more battles (refresh) to break into top 20. With just 5 battles you will just keep losing whatever you gained and not be able to move forward. Do at least one refresh and see if you are ending up with a better rank. With Dooku(L) even the strongest team loses when RNG doesn't go their way. It is not unusual to do 2-3 battles against Dooku(L)+RG team to beat it. Most whales do 3-4 refreshes to hold their rank.
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    Almost everyone in the top 10 would have to be P2P, I have to assume.

    I'm 100% F2P since day one. Highest I've been is in the top 30's (except for the first week, lolz).

    Seems to me that just about any five toons at 7* will get you into the top 100-150. One reason why you see so many if the same toons in the Leaderboard is that most F2P players are simply using the toons they can most easily get to 7*, typically the ones in shipments.

    Also, I have to point out that your Jawa strategy won't go very far. If you search the forums, you'll see that building teams with synergy requires - at the very least - 3 toons of the same ilk (Rebel, Empire, First Order, etc.) Even with that in mind, there are certain groups that are just horrible, regardless. For instance, a full squad of First Order toons will have their arses handed to them by a Droid team.

    I'm FO and I beat droids all the time lol, AI is also horrible.
    FO is pretty good actually it's the farming of FOST and FOTP, that there's only a few every server. Also don't like FOST. He's basically the weak link in the team but I finish top 100-150 so It's okay I guess. My FOST and FOTP are still 3/4*s so can't wait till 7* :3
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    You do not have to pay to make the top slot. Although moderate spending on a daily delivery does help.
  • Khayman
    850 posts Member
    Highest i ever got is top 200 but i dont give two toots about arena. I stay in the top thousand to get 500 arena shards and call it good.
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    I'm F2P and have made top 5 for the first time yesterday and continued to uphold it today(rank #5 yesterday and rank #3 today)... hopefully can snatch the #1 slot soon and that the meta doesn't through my team to the gutter. Don't give up @Khorvog_Karbossa but also do what you want to do. If you enjoy a jawa team go for it but you have to come to terms that with the current meta they won't get you to the top in arena.
  • Ackturi
    379 posts Member
    I get top 10 all the time... I just add an extra 0 every day
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    Gutazedo wrote: »

    My point is: as a FTP, we can surely make it to top20 with no big problems, but on mature servers like yours (and my main account's) we HAVE to follow the meta (I also finish top10 - #2 today - on my main)

    What he said. I finished in #3 today and had it not been for the RNGods deciding he went first, I would have had #1. My squad is way underpowered compared to the whales, so I have to grind from near #30 to get to the top which requires a refresh of 50.

    Here's a tip: if you refresh and have matches left over, use them. Figure out who you can beat and take mental note of that. If they're above you, those are stepping stones you can beat on your path to a higher payout. I can beat the guy who finished first today, but today I saw a ton of whales I've never seen before. Maybe our server merged.

    I'm not playing completely meta as I just unlocked Dooku at 3*, but strategy works. You have to know who to target first and foremost and obliterate them to get them out of the way.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • Tiggus
    766 posts Member
    I am 100% ftp, started at about the same time as you and about 1 month ago I reached #1. I now reach #1 about every day (if I play just before the payout time), or in top-10 if I don't. Sometimes, I fall back as far as in the 50's, but then it's easy to climb back up.

    Right now, the guy who's #1 on my server has a Jawa:
    Dooku (L), Phasma, Poggle, GS, Jawa (gear XI).
    I've fought him in the past and the Jawa is a totally ok attacker, on par with the Pilots, etc.

    So the question to you is: Do you have problems on offense (your 10 battles per day), or on defense?
    First hint there: Do spend the 50¢ to buy 5 more battles and play them all, even after your payout time.
    Second hint: Pick the highest (in position) team you can get (each battle should move you forward 10 positions), no matter who they are. If it's a tough team, well, you get to learn how to beat them next time.
    And last: try to pick players that are not active at the moment (e.g. they live on the other side of the world): they are less likely to fight back and reverse your win minutes after the battle.

    In the top-20 of my server, there is actually a lot of characters diversity, and I think there are lots of good (not best) teams that can make it to #1, maybe it takes them a few more battles or they would lose more at night.

    I don't have THE meta team (don't have Dooku nor Rey), and I lose my fair share of battles to Dooku dodges, but I still make it. I run QGJ (L) - Lumi - Phasma - GS - RG, and I often see Poe-88 teams beat me.
    ☮ Consular ☮ -
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    Yes, pick those guys with different payout times. I'm starting to know who's active and when. It helps.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
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    There can be 24 different #1's in a day on one single shard also. It only counts when your timer hits 0. I literally sit at 1 for about an hr or 2 total a day.
    Broncos Forever in the game
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    I've made top 10 the past two days after usually being in the 21-30 range as I actually bought the 5 fight refresh. 8th and 5th(only got the rewards for 8th again as I sadly finished the fight 30 secs late). I'm f2p from late November/early December (is there a way to check i cant remember ?) But I've seemed to luck out on whales as the highest lvl on my server is 76 but everyone else is 74/73. My squad is decently meta but I don't use dooku or RG. Qgj lead with Yoda lumI sid and plasma. Almost every team in the top 10 has RG so fights basically come down to if RG dodges or resists Qgj's debuff
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    I'm convinced the only way to make it to the top ranks is to spend crystals for additional arena matches and snipe/defend near payout time. I do neither and I have found it impossible to climb up to the top. Last week I won 33 out of 35 arena matches, that's a 94% win rate yet everyday it's the same climb up the ranks only to find yourself knocked down about 100 ranks the next day. Rinse and repeat daily. I regularly now win all 5 of my arena matches daily sometimes I win 4 never less for weeks nos. I have made it up as high as rank 38 and I haven't encountered any team any more difficult than the teams I face in the rank 100 to 200 range. In fact their all mostly the same teams in the top 200. Same gear level, same 7 star characters, same leaders, and generally the same levels within a level or so. I don't believe the players in the top 10 on my shard have a better team or are better players I just believe they are just players willing to spend the crystals and the time to get there.
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    Things will improve for you when Jawa Engineer is released and you get him! Maybe we will be lucky and they will also release Chief Nebit? Jawa Engineer can have speed of 193 and heal/revive...and has droid synergy. So, take 3 Jawas, 86 and Daka and that might be a great team for you or anyone. If they release Jawa Engineer and Chief Nebit then you just need to pick one droid to go with your Jawas maybe. I have Jawa 5* and Dathcha 7* both Gear VIII and one slot away from Gear IX. They just are not strong enough for me to use in ARENA. I was using my Dathcha 7* but then replaced him with my Royal Guard 4* Gear VIII and things became easier for me.

    Hold the course, pick up a droid and wait for Jawa Engineer. Your time is coming, and mine too! ;)
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    KeyMan64x wrote: »
    Things will improve for you when Jawa Engineer is released and you get him! Maybe we will be lucky and they will also release Chief Nebit? Jawa Engineer can have speed of 193 and heal/revive...and has droid synergy. So, take 3 Jawas, 86 and Daka and that might be a great team for you or anyone. If they release Jawa Engineer and Chief Nebit then you just need to pick one droid to go with your Jawas maybe. I have Jawa 5* and Dathcha 7* both Gear VIII and one slot away from Gear IX. They just are not strong enough for me to use in ARENA. I was using my Dathcha 7* but then replaced him with my Royal Guard 4* Gear VIII and things became easier for me.

    Hold the course, pick up a droid and wait for Jawa Engineer. Your time is coming, and mine too! ;)

    Sounds tempting haha I'm guessing they'll make Jawa engineer chromium exclusive though. Maybe guild shipments at a strech
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    I do what I want!
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