Multiple new bugs with new update



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    Just remember folks, you have a right to claim whatever money back from the iStore if you are not happy with your purchase. To give you a hint, "this is not what I paid for". Problem solved, money returned... You live a long & happy life!

    For the record, I am not thrilled about the new update. I will however first try to see what's different & comment from there. 1 day isn't enough time to find problems enough to warrant a deletion... Not saying there aren't problems, just saying I want to understand most everything before jumping the "I'm deleting this game" bandwagon.
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    This update is a trap
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    I created this account to **** and moan about the new update but it looks like you all have already taken care of it and made some **** good points along the way. Bravo everyone, bravo.
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    They need to rollback this update. Seems like they put the same overcaffeinated hamfister devs from their PC game that I had to stop playing due to terrible updates onto their apps development. Enemy healthbars show as full after taking damage past 'protection'. All healers are nerfed to uselessness and complete inane uniformity *see ewok healer now has same slow heal as others yet all the less hitpoints that justified the 3 turn heal. Galactic war is unplayable as you can never fully heal. Character tiles show a counter for upgrades with no upgrades available. I feel betrayed and want to NEVER SPEND ANOTHER DIME ON THIS GAME NOW WITH A FULL REFUND.
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    Remember kids.. Just because you spent alot of effort on something doesn't mean its good. You guys have destroyed the fun factor of this game by trying to robot it out.
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    This update is great, all of those characters I've collected can now last longer than a turn in pvp and use more than one of their four abilities.
  • Psi
    50 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    There seem to be multiple problems with health meters and damage awarded based on character stats. AND there now seem to be new bugs to turn meters and character abilities that are stated and what actually happens in battle. EA, do you actually test?? It just doesn't feel right at all now. Before you could understand why you won or lost (got lucky or unlucky with dodge/critical hits etc) now it just feels random.
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    Yoda leader ability is not working
  • Marika_Hase
    32 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Omega Event Bug: I just upgraded my IG-100 to 3 Stars to unlock the 2nd Event Battle..but for some reason, i now have access to 3rd Event Battle too! But 3rd Battle is only for 4 Stars..
    And while we're at it: please look at the character voices when they die! Count Dooku sounds like a young man etc. etc.
    I Don't know what went wrong over at EA/Disney, but this is infact the sloppiest Game Update ever published for this game. Every other Update went soooooooooo this another "Deadline"-Failure?!
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    I just filled Capt. Plasmas 3rd gear slot about 5 times before i stopped. BUG ALERT!!!
    Sad upgrade for sure. :-(
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    The update has completely ruined hours of hard work to build up my teams,not to mention the hundreds of £s I've spent. If the update is sorted or rolled back then I'm after a full refund and deleting the game.
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    Yea Dooku has been destroying me on GW. I counted 7 attacks for just a counter....yea I don't think that's normal. This update was horrendous
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    Drbbob wrote: »
    I've already spent a bunch of money on a game I was really enjoying.
    If this update isn't rolled back I'll delete.
    It's one thing to make it more challenging and balanced but a whole other thing to make it unplayable. Rating 1 star until fixed

    That's what I've done and urged everyone to do until they fix it. Rate them a 1 till the game is how it should be!
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    I will add that speeds are messed up

    I am getting JC attacking before a QGJ led Annakin in GW, I am getting sid making an attack, then my team, then sid attacks again.

    Sids dodge is back out of whack again.

    Phasma is calling multiple assists on same attack,

    AI is calling upon itself as a bonus attack(IE: GS is calling on GS for a bonus attack)

    Sid healing buff is hitting 100% of the time and lasting for more than 3 turns. Also his damage output appears to have increased as he is now 2 hit killing some of my tankier toons(anakin) who right up until this morning could take 5 hits from him.

    ☮ Consular ☮
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    I actually created a forum account to complain about this. This update is terrible, utter garbage. I get that strategy is important to making a game fun, but this is just nonsense. Content I was farming for mats I am now just wasting energy on.
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