Protection is awful

7 posts Member
edited April 2016
The new protection feature is terrible!!!!!! Levels that I could pass yesterday I can't even get through the first of 3 stages. All toons power is decreased, protection is anti protection, health is now pathetic, and all opposing characters are WAY TOO powerful and turn meter is way too fast!! What happened??? I looked forward to playing this game every morning, and now I feel it will be dreadful. This is very disappointing! I have some decent 7* characters at Gear Level 7-8, and they have been reduced to large block health that has no staying power. And their abilities have been nerfed to the point of useless. I don't know what to think, but this is not good!
Post edited by TenoreAfloat on


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    I agree 100%. In fighting one of the stages, it took over five minutes to finally dwindle down the health of the final character, which was made only possible by having numerous healers in my party. I beat the stage before that in about 3 minutes total (before the update). This is one of the worst changes I've ever seen in a video game.
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    Everything you said TenoreAfoat is so true. I was a daily player however now I do not see a reason to. Also, it is like most of my hits are invisible and do ZERO damage. This is a miserable attempt of updating. Now there is no fun factor.
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    Agreed...this update has hosed me. I can no longer complete the daily challenge due to the health and damage being so out of wack.
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    Same here I'm doing the same tier of challenges I used to be able to defeat with barely damage taken now I'm getting my butt handed to me. This was such a good game if they don't fix this I'm going to another game. I've invested too much in this game to have it wasted and try to make up for what they ruined
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    ImWhite wrote: »
    Agreed...this update has hosed me. I can no longer complete the daily challenge due to the health and damage being so out of wack.
    I am positive you can complete daily activities. Maybe try a lower tier challenge. It's *meant* to be challenging.
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    They killed Ventress. She was already slow but hit like a truck. now that slower characters do more damage she does less. I don't understand who thought this was a good idea.
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    This is the worst update on history.. Maybe I'm over reacting but i think is the truth..
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    This whole update is pure garbage and example of people with way too much time on their hands without actual creativity. You guys could have designed a story mode or extra levels and abilities but you clearly spent a ton of time and energy poorly tinkering with and destroying the character dynamic. Galactic war is rubbish as you can never heal 'protection'. The ewok healer, whose low hit points were balanced by a fast heal is now rubbish (which you won't figure out til after you buy the save the animals bonus pack like I did) because he has the same slow heal as all the other (now useless) healers. Lay off the coffee EA and get more creative and less hamfisted about problems that aren't problems.
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    Oh and all that time you spent getting Yoda and effort of building a 7star FULL JEDI PARTY? Yeah lets immediately nerf him. **** EA. Get over yourselves and stop doing obvious cash grab tweaks.
  • photonpulse77
    5 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Exactly, I am getting out of this game 4 good. I have endured multiple attact and evade nonsense. Not 2 mention that Boba Fett can revive 5 times straight, effectively dragging an arena game to a draw. Now this protection feature is nothing but a smokescreen, under its disguise, they simply temper with characters, reducing player's characters to almost a shell of their former selves by greatly enhancing the opponents.Therefore , negating time and money we have invested, forcing us to essentially repeat this game. I call for all self respect player to resist such a cheat by boycotting this game
    Post edited by photonpulse77 on
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    I was waiting for them to mess this one up like their PC star wars. Here it is.
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    Unquestionably, one of the worst updates in Mobile gaming history. Absolutely infuriating.
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    Thanks for ruining the game. How does the AI wipe out my entire team's "protection" in two attacks, yet I can't even defeat one character in 4?
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    Such a bad update!
    Please clear it!
    The game now is unenjoyable!
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    Please go back to the last update! I enjoy playing this game this game everyday, I think the new update is terrible, the health bar has compel rely changed challenges are nearly impossible to win! I played this game this morning and now I am completely unhappy with it, please fix this back to the way it was unless you want to loose so many players
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    FIX THIS CRAP OR I'M DONE! Why did you have to go and ruin a game?... money.... come on be better than that ffs.
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    Man, when I read the update, I thought this change would make tanks viable... Little did I know EA was actually breaking the entire game.

    Protection, IMO, is a great stat for "tank" characters only. Many are far to squishy, and fail to absorb damage, and instead become speedbumps, only serving to handicap your team to a 4v5 scenario.

    PvP matches now drop most of their strategy, and turn into a speed run in an attempt to beat the timer.

    GW is a mess with the balance changes (of which protection is a non-factor).

    Challenges and other events have gone from daily play to daily chore as they are dreadfully difficult, and simply not enjoyable.

    I knew this game was too good to last. Eventually they have to sabatoge for no apparent reason.

    TL;DR - protection ruined the game. Remove it, leave it for tanks, but for God's sake, don't leave this patch as-is. Player base will move on.
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    ImWhite wrote: »
    Agreed...this update has hosed me. I can no longer complete the daily challenge due to the health and damage being so out of wack.
    I am positive you can complete daily activities. Maybe try a lower tier challenge. It's *meant* to be challenging.

    Says the inside man with a profile pic other than the default...
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    agree with everyone above - would actually now like a refund for the money I spent - you can then delete my game data!!!!

  • Darthmall
    42 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Please tell me the curse hasn't hit Heroes, I hope this was just a mistake. Maybe they forgot to pretest it or something?

    Either way this last update takes the enjoy out of enjoyable, I hope They read all the unhappy comments.

    When the game started out the challenges were tough until you got more toons and upgraded them? Part of the game right, no problem there. But I just competed in an AGI Healers/Support challenge tier III. Normally the match is a bit tedious but I normally would win 99% of the time, since the AI gets a bit lucky sometimes and takes out all my toons. But today I lost two toons and had a hard time winning with 7* gear 7,8 toons? I felt like I just barely pulled it out.

    What kind of an update nerfs my toons back to the start of the game and justifies this by giving a me a 3 bar protection and drops all my toons health bars down to 4 or 5 bars but yet leaves the AI toons as powerful as they were? My toons are already almost maxed, at this rate our toons won't stand a chance on the tier IV challenges... I mean unless they are going to make the toons upgradable to 14* and 8 to 20 gears.

    I just stopped playing another game for similar issues. After playing for 3 years I finally got fed up with thier lets create an entirely new technology that will effect everyone and every part of the game and ignore customer feedback.

    I was a bit leary to play Star Wars Heroes since it was another online game run by a company that just happens to have 2 letters in the name as well.. But I figured it won't happen again, right? Not to Star Wars! Wrong!!!!!

    So today I turn on Heroes,which I've been playing for a few months now, and it was like dejavu all over again. God I hope this is just an oversight and is fixed ASAP!

    For those of you who like it great, that either means your team got better or you have all the toons unlocked and maxed already. But for the rest of us, especially the newer ones I have a feeling this newest update will cause a lot of players to become F2P or NG2P, NotGoing2P. I played on a monthly budget before l, like a lot of players and this update just threw that concept out the window.

    As for those of you who are so excited about this update, I hope you guys like it enough to cover what the P2P players were spending.....and if you were F2P before, I hope you like it enough to become a huge whale.

    Hopefully they will realize how much this update really changed the game in the players eyes before they sit down at thier next earnings review!
    Post edited by Darthmall on
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    Everyone here makes very valid points about the terrible gameplay and enjoyment of the game just dropping off a cliff with this terrible update. I loved playing this games. It made the rewards just far enough away so that you could achieve them with a bit of consistent play. I don't know how many times I thought to myself that they have worked out a great reward system that keeps me addicted to this game and figured they were making a ton of money, because I know I've dropped some cash on this game. But now, what a disgrace this update is. A complete and total smack in the face to everyone who spent time and money on this, previously, awesome game. No way I'm going to spend any money on this mess. I'm bailing and I can't imagine many new players will be attracted to this mess of a game. Please roll back the update. 90% of your players hate it.
  • Joe_Cus
    152 posts Member
    I think the concept is good but the execution is currently poor. It's great having an added layer of protection on top of your health but that's what it should be, added. If they don't make it repairable\heal-able, they need to remove it from opponents in GW.
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    Not sure how this is a bug or glitch
  • Wenyi
    18 posts Member
    This game took too much time after update and made me very tired to play it.

    Most of players of this game are not children.

    The reason Why we play this game is Star Wars!

    Please do something, not ruin it before most of us lost patient and quit!
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    I also think the new updates are a mess. Everything was splendid, the game pure fun. Its too hard now. If you dont change that, I stop playing the game... I lost the flow - sorry
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    This new update is rubbish, I have a really good squad mostly 7 stars all lvl 72 and I was top 170 on my server in pvp. But now it's not even fun to play anymore it is insanely difficult to even beat the challenges or any bttle for that matter. This is absolutely insane I've spent way to much money on this game to be subjected to this stupid update. I want my money back or the game to revert to the what it should be
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    Im very dissappointed in this update! The protection bar is totally unnecessary!! All it did was add more gametime, and make it impossible to complete the higher tier challenges. Some of my characters just simply lost hp and hitting power. My tanks seem worthless now. My hard hitters are normal now. Very frustrating! Come on EA don't ruin this game. Undo this update! Don't get greedy either. The reward process is perfect. Just enough rewards to make me want to spend a little money. But you make it a p2p game and you lose alot of people. Seen it happen. I've moved on from games that got greedy.
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    ImWhite wrote: »
    Agreed...this update has hosed me. I can no longer complete the daily challenge due to the health and damage being so out of wack.
    I am positive you can complete daily activities. Maybe try a lower tier challenge. It's *meant* to be challenging.

    The tank challenge takes >10 minutes, even with 7*~5* characters. It's ridiculously tedious even if possible.
  • Randel
    17 posts Member
    The protection is so awful. In GW it's just a non-factor.

    EA is a money-hungry gang of criminals! They always destroy games for their own good, to squeeze more and more money out of the consumers. They don't even listen to us gamers. This is frigging ridiculous. I don't care if it's EA or CG, they're in cahoots together.
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    Well... do what I do:
    Vote with your wallet.

    I havent given EA money since.. uh.. probably been over 10 years now. I love SW, but EA has a monopoly so I will gladly play their free SW games without paying them a dime.

    If people would stop giving them money, you'd bet your sweet bollocks they'd stop doing this stuff.
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