Protection is awful



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    It was better before! The new combat system is not very good.
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    theRajakx wrote: »
    ImWhite wrote: »
    Agreed...this update has hosed me. I can no longer complete the daily challenge due to the health and damage being so out of wack.
    I am positive you can complete daily activities. Maybe try a lower tier challenge. It's *meant* to be challenging.

    Says the inside man with a profile pic other than the default...

    Agreed, it was already challenging for people who do F2P.
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    This update has literally cut the value of healers in half with this **** protection bar. Those who have invested a lot time and money into this game based on its initial platform of game play have pretty much lost a vast majority of their investments. This update is ruining the game. adding more events is great, changing character platforms, ****!
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    Okay.... How is it that when I stun them... They dodge my attacks? i know its a game and games defy laws of physics and sometimes logic but come on incapacitated is incapacitaded is incapacitated...

    Also why does it take my top squad a full rotation and a half to kill 1 enemy player thats 2-3 lvls lower and that same enemy 2 shots each member of my squad???

    Am i doing something wrong... Someone help
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    ImWhite wrote: »
    Agreed...this update has hosed me. I can no longer complete the daily challenge due to the health and damage being so out of wack.
    I am positive you can complete daily activities. Maybe try a lower tier challenge. It's *meant* to be challenging.

    The tank challenge takes >10 minutes, even with 7*~5* characters. It's ridiculously tedious even if possible.

    Agee 100%

    The irony is people say it's because EA is being money grubbing but I spent more on the game before this update. Now because everything is so tedious or overly and artificially hard I find myself not wanting to play at all.
    Way to go EA you ruined the game.
    (In game - Veran - Officer of ALLIΔNCE Nu)
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    This update has ruined my favourite game. I, like others...thought EA were ADDING a protection layer, not removing a portion of healable health with unhealable protection.
    Galactic war was difficult before, now it's near impossible.
    I will not be purchasing anything in this game until the game playability is fixed.. Such a shame
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    The guys responsible for making this update should be fired lol we all are in agreement that this update sucks! Our guys have suffered on offense and defense!
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    I agree that the game is no longer fun to do since the last update. It was challenging enough before the changes and now it is way harder to do any of daily stuff, and my guys got way weaker. Up until this update, I really enjoyed the game, but now I don't so will stop playing it and and find something else.
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    I used to enjoy this game but every update makes it worse than before not better. If EA decides to listen to its customers maybe i will be able to stick it out but if not I will not play another game even remotely associated with EA.
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    I have a full 7* toon team with level 7-8 gear, almost some with 9 (waiting to hit required level), getting my butt kicked in GW now. This update sucks. I will no longer spend a dime on EA
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    Reminds me of another Star Wars game that went out the window due to complete revamp... NGE anyone! (If you don't know Google SWG NGE failure)

    Unless protection can be healed, just bring back health the way it was, 1-2 hits and its gone. Pointless in the galactic battles, if you lose it in the first round it doesn't reset for the next battle.

    I understand it being more difficult on the daily challenges but if I could beat tier 4 prior update and can only beat tier 3 now then axe tier 4 until I reach a level to compete in that tier.

    This update definitely should have been better tested prior to publish
    My 3 cents
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    I've uninstalled the game. It's that annoying. If EA wants me back, they can roll back the update.
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    I honest don't even think there are 5% of players who liked the update.

    EA has a serious problem on their hands, I'll bet that someone is going to be looking for a new job soon. This was a terrible misstep on the design teams side.

    They absolutely ruined the game. That's all there is to say, it's ruined.
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    I may be one in a million, but I liked the changes. The game was tedious before them. Now it's much more challenging - and fun. Of course the strategy must me adapted for the changes. I think tank characters are now more useful. I really love this game and I praise the update.
    Sorry about my poor English.
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    What kills me most is the galaxy war, every new step, opponent shield are there, but mine does not reset. If I am 6 sets in shouldn't my opponent have somewhat the same shield strength, not full shield...
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    So disgusted with this Protection update... Makes me regret spending money on this game.
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    I agree, protection has totally ruined GW and makes the rest of the game suffer too. In the last half of GW my characters nearly die before I can take down the new teams' protection bars. Way unbalanced. GW is too infuriating to play now, and with that out the window there goes the daily credits intake, and without that the game comes to a standstill and is nixed. Good job, EA.
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    How is it possible that Darth Maul with the "Power of Hatred" can take out 5 of 6 Jedi with Full Green bars of health in 1 blow? I passed this level with 2 stars before the update, now I can't finish it at all. The balance is way off.
  • Captainrrl
    358 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I, too, regret spending money. I just want my game back. I win GW, just long, tedious, and irritates the $$&) out of me. I just watched Ben Kenobi dodge all of my guys for a minute and a half. I had no idea the old guy was so agile. But EA graciously gives us GW to get stuff for free, so shouldn't complain to much.
    Post edited by Captainrrl on
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