Message from the EP


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    I like the update. Sometimes I think people will whinge at any update that has any negative effects on their roster. Suck it up cupcake, everyone else is in the same boat. And yes, I've farmed characters that are useless now.
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    I like the update. Sometimes I think people will whinge at any update that has any negative effects on their roster. Suck it up cupcake, everyone else is in the same boat. And yes, I've farmed characters that are useless now.

    No, not everyone is in the same boat, and we shouldn't have to "suck it up." There are some changes I don't mind, but many were very odd design wise, especially regarding balance. Also about the whole damage increase/reduction based on speed thing that never happened.
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    I feel I owe an apology for trash talking the update. I gave 4/14 update some time and I'm coming around to actually appreciate it.
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    PotatoMan wrote: »
    Also about the whole damage increase/reduction based on speed thing that never happened.

    Yes, that is a big part of the issue too. Either that or they really screwed-up their math when calculating damage.
  • Dart
    2 posts Member
    Hmmmm.... I think I am about the only person who finds GW a little easier post-update, lol. I had to change my lineup and use a lot of strategy but now I can get through with almost no resets. Still takes forever, but still faster now that I am not retreating constantly. I am enjoying the increased variety in team lineups too in pvp, though I still see a lot of people that seem to be trying to get ahead with the old meta which really doesn't work anymore.

    And that, I suppose, is the crux of all the complaints - that all the teams that people have invested heavily in now need to be changed up in order to be viable, thereby making them lose their investment. For a person like me, however, who gets their joy from strengthening and experimenting with a broad range of characters, this update is proving to be enjoyable. It really keeps the game fresh.

    Still want the health bars to be upgraded to a more precise system though. Fractions are a good choice.
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    Baldurssc wrote: »
    My experience after the update so far: Annoyed in the first day but I get used to it.
    Stats: Lvl 74, 8/7* and 5/6* toons

    - Ewok event for WWF; I don't use the Ewoks but I bought them for WWF. It was a great move from Apple and EA
    - Wrote three posts and complained about the upgrade (LOL)
    - Couldn't finish my challenge that day. Annoyed but I could complete the GW without any issues. It took longer but seemed easier
    - Health bar was not a good visual representation of my toons' health but it was not a game breaker
    - mad at the changes but I was not going to quit
    - Omega event was good, I had all the toons I needed and pretty easy to complete

    - Completed the GW without any difficulty. I was just using my Jedi toons the whole time. It took a bit longer but it was easier than before
    - more omega events! It was a good addition

    - just level my main toons to 74
    - Completed the GW with my Jedi team again. I used Sid 3 times and KR 2 times in 12 battles. It is awesome to have 3 Jedi healers when needed
    - Lots of free stuff!!! Awesome!
    - So far the events are pretty easy to complete
    - Doing my daily activities
    - Write a post about the update - getting better

    Fairly similar change over time for me as well.
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    I think its fair to say the people upset with this update are the ones who are suffering in arena as a result from the changes. The people who like it realize these changes needed to take place in order for this game to be fun. What part of going into arena and not getting a turn is fun? The game is much more fun now that you have enough time to strategize. I do think its unfair that a lot of people spent a lot of money on this game just to have the character not competitive anymore. But as this was a balance update it did exactly as it was supposed to do. I like that galactic war takes some time now. It can be played between charges.

    Overall I am happy with the changes but feel bad for the players who got "hustled"
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    This update has really ruined PvE for me. I'm not a huge PvP player so changes there had no major impact in my play style. But the relaxing run through PvE content on lunch break or while watching TV has now become an annoying grind. Perhaps others have had enough time to invest in a deep bench of kitted out toons, but when I quickly loose all of my roster that used to be able run the GW it just becomes an exercise in frustration. Likewise the storylines.
  • LordAlvert
    1193 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Grevier2 wrote: »
    I think its fair to say the people upset with this update are the ones who are suffering in arena as a result from the changes. The people who like it realize these changes needed to take place in order for this game to be fun. What part of going into arena and not getting a turn is fun? The game is much more fun now that you have enough time to strategize. I do think its unfair that a lot of people spent a lot of money on this game just to have the character not competitive anymore. But as this was a balance update it did exactly as it was supposed to do. I like that galactic war takes some time now. It can be played between charges.

    Overall I am happy with the changes but feel bad for the players who got "hustled"

    Fewer toons are viable in arena and GW. Fast toons getting lower damage was not fixed. Slow toons got lower damage. An entire faction is now unusable in arena (Jedi). One awful meta remains: dooku, rg, dps, dps, daka. No other team is close (maybe clones). They fixed a problem that was meta 2 months ago. Long hard grinds ruined (anakin fotp, yoda). The gear precrafting disaster remains and is 1000x more relevant given RG at gear 9.

    So to summarize the update was a disaster. Excellent intent: balance speed, fix OHKO and DPS. Awful execution: DPS dodge is as relevant as ever. Thank god healing was nerfed across the board because that was all powerful.
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    Yes, my first post here and it's about the update. I suck, I know. And, sorry for the novel-length post.

    First, the good. I find arena much more enjoyable and competitive. I altered my crew slightly, but finished in the top 100 for the first time last night. I think the changes with the update has caused a lot more variety of teams to appear in the arena, and that has been a very good thing. A bit more strategy is now necessary, also a very good thing.

    Nerfing the challenges was very much appreciated. With the new meta, players now must develop a range of characters. Trying to do this by solely grinding (or simming) story mode missions is an exercise in frustration.

    Not allowing protection to regenerate between battles, or be buffed through heals is just stupid, and very much contradicts some of the goals expressed by @CG_JohnSalera in his message. Specifically, the idea of losing a character(s) before they ever had a chance to act is utterly nulled out in GW now.

    I should mention that I'm not a one-team-pony. I have invested heavily in this game, and have a decent roster. Unfortunately, I have only been able to complete GW once since the update, and that attempt (as well as the unsuccessful runs) took entirely too long.

    The idea of getting players to branch out and try new strategies and characters is good for the game as a whole, and certainly good for EA's financial return. In theory, that is. As it stands now, I'm pretty frustrated as I, like many others, rely on GW for both the credits and the hopeful chance at MkIII mats in the last few rounds. With the new meta, credits and mats are more important than ever and one channel to obtain them from has been rendered near useless due to the inherent penalties now built in.

    Having said all of that, what really has my wookies growling (aside from the absurd nurf to Cheewie) is that according to @CG_JohnSalera, they are "discussing" if they should do something about the unfairness of GW. Huh? Why does this need to be discussed? They intentionally created a problem for many players and, to me, it is a little insulting that of all the complaints about the update, this is one they want to think about. This is on top of the questionable decision to invoke this new mechanism in to GW to start with.
    [END RANT]

    As I mentioned above, I have invested a lot of cash in to this game, and until now, felt like I got a reasonable return of entertainment for my investment. However, the obvious blunders made with this update, despite the good intentions, has made me wary of putting more money in to the game. I say that not as a threat, but more as just an observation. What will the next "feature" be that does little to improve the entertainment of the game, but greatly increases the aggravation?
  • JerryFoote
    56 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Swayze wrote: »
    No no no just no. I tried to give this a chance but GW is just broken. Im a lvl 73 and usually stay in top 100 arena. I understand most of the logic and am hlad defense is being given a role here. Not happy about advantage but whatever. The GW is just unusable. On top of all the other disadvantages uncluding the AI consistently getting lucky roles, this protection thing is just too much. I need a way to heal it or cut through it or something. Advantage use to be a way to ignore defense. So you buff defense to make it relevant then take away the balance mechanic for it? Yoda, FOTP, JC, and pretty much all jedi usefulness demolished. Dooku is on cocain. A full star purple phasma/dooku/poggle team with full protection and cool downs against my beat up drained team isnt even worth clicking the play button. These people saying they can just breeze through GW i would love to see their level and arena rank. There is a difference between challenging and near impossible. You should feel a sense of accomplishment but instead i feel a sense of relief after i finish one battle only to see more ridiculousness next up. Add a way to regen protection, ignore it as a defense, or take it away.

    Lol salty much
    Look man all you have to do is approach GW in a new way its simple. Ive finished GW everyday since the patch. Takes a bit longer but its actually easier. Use your abilites often they will be off cds by next duel. Your comment jedi are useless is laughable. Cause i beat GW with Qui Gon, Lumi, Eth, GM Yoda, and Jedi consular. Most days i dont even have to sub in, i run them straight through. Heres my team

    7* Qui Gon Gear VIII (5/6) (just got him to 7* today)
    7* Lumi Gear VIII (5/6)
    7* Eth Koth Gear VIII (5/6)
    7* Jedi Consular Gear VIII (5/6)
    6* GM Yoda Gear IX (3/6)



    Just try to calm down and approach it differntly i know you can do it.

    You got this! And may the force be with you.

    And my team turned lvl 75 today as well.

  • JerryFoote
    56 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Maskarii wrote: »
    @EA_Jesse stop disrespecting Player at this forum by deleting or switching their threads into Megathreads.

    If you don't like what we talking about don't ask us a bout our opinion!!

    There are Mods still misinterpreted their original Job! It's not about killing threads deleting comments.... ;)


    My post keeps changing.

  • JerryFoote
    56 posts Member
    edited April 2016
  • daddydanks
    96 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I think this update has done exactly what they set out to do.... I am no longer able to use a droid team and one-shot people into oblivion or an all jedi team with QGJ leader in the same manner. This has forced me to think outside the box on how I approach certain teams. I have since been able to find new uses for heroes i have neglected because they can now survive a bit more. I would congratulate the developers on the improvements of the game and encourage them to keep up the good work.

    As for the players struggling to succeed, this is a grand opportunity for you to come up with new ways to win and a new "meta" (I use the term lightly). If you are going to delete the game because the old speed meta was nerfed, then you fail to see that the point of an update is to make the game balanced.

    May the force be with you!
  • ElGuapu
    190 posts Member
    As soon as the fix the broken evasion Dooku offense up "meta" then maybe your right.
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    Every character I had has been severely depowered by the update. I can't finish some battles from which I had previously won three stars. I think it kinda sucks.
  • LordAlvert
    1193 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    daddydanks wrote: »
    I think this update has done exactly what they set out to do.... I am no longer able to use a droid team and one-shot people into oblivion or an all jedi team with QGJ leader in the same manner. This has forced me to think outside the box on how I approach certain teams. I have since been able to find new uses for heroes i have neglected because they can now survive a bit more. I would congratulate the developers on the improvements of the game and encourage them to keep up the good work.

    As for the players struggling to succeed, this is a grand opportunity for you to come up with new ways to win and a new "meta" (I use the term lightly). If you are going to delete the game because the old speed meta was nerfed, then you fail to see that the point of an update is to make the game balanced.

    May the force be with you!

    You stated it perfectly droid teams are dead and buried. There isn't one viable Jedi comp on the top end arena. I have been forced to play dooku Daka RG and dps dps like every other top team. No synergies work. Rebels, empire, scoundrels, tuskens. Nothing. Not one is viable. Random average very hard to grind toons cut off at the knees. They fixed the 2 month old meta. May as well nerf barriss and Poe. Yes battles longer. But arena clock is now an annoyance. Not to mention the sickening unfairness of precrafting -- which I did and feel bad for others who didn't as I steamroll their toons.

    The new 80 precrafting and credit crunch means we can't try out anything new.
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    I created an account just so I could give feedback on this update. I am really shocked at how terrible the game has become. It takes forever to finish what should be an easy fight (upwards of five minutes). I can no longer beat levels with characters 15+ levels below mine. All tanks have become completely useless. Every strategy I have pursued until now has been destroyed thanks to recalculating everyone's attacks. I spent $40+ on this game in just 2 months. I was looking for a game to play for the long haul- there is only one other game I have ever played for longer than a few months (that one for four years)- I was hoping this would be the next one is keep for the long run. You are losing my business and money because of this update. I feel cheated of the money I spent. Will no longer recommend this game- will in fact recommend that everyone quit before updating. I am thoroughly disappointed, and frankly sad to let go of a game I used to enjoy. I will not waste time or money on a company so greedy they destroy their own game to drain every last penny from their customers. I will pass my frustrations on to everyone I know who plays this game and pays (20+ people).
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    Please fix GW and arena. I get the update was necessary, but by your own admission, these areas are still flawed. Arena battles are too long now. GW is way too long. Come on guys, please put the focus on the problems.
    Still love this game, just want it fixed.
    Use the force Luke.... and get rid of that stupid musket.
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    JerryFoote wrote: »

    Just try to calm down and approach it differntly i know you can do it.

    You got this! And may the force be with you.

    And my team turned lvl 75 today as well.

    It's not that it can't be done that's the problem, it's that it can very rarely be done, and if you do manage to do it, it takes freaking ages most of the time. At least for me, who only has about 10 7s characters.

    I just spent an hour before finally giving up because they threw me a team identical to the top rated team in arena (7s Dooku(lead), Lumi, GS, RG, Daka). Without protection, that was near impossible to deal with. With protection, the only answer is having another set of 7s characters (a full droid team or something) to go in, burst down 2 of them and then finish it off.

    I'm not a big one to complain, but the time sink it becomes is just absurd, particularly when it's often impossible to beat GW. Just my 2 cents, but even with a positive attitude, it's very clear that they rebalanced the game for arena and completely ignored GW. There will certainly be a fix, but I'd expect better out of a company like EA than a total oversight.
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    Soo, Eeth Koth is actually good. No, I'm serious.

    Also, please fix Barriss' bent lightsaber. It's driving me crazy :)
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    ScottRen wrote: »
    This is my last complaint (I swear).

    I just finished the very last battle in GW (in which, I won). However, here is the most **** thing. It came down to my five players against Obi Wan. Yes, 5 vs. 1. No lie, it took me 4 rounds for my five players to beat the newly, supercharged and apparently, ultra quick, heavily protected and "updated" Obi Wan. Amazingly, Ben was able to dodge and evade every 3 out of 4 attacks, even when stunned. With his newly programmed protection and his 10% Evasion, (yes, the incredible 10%), this mega-dude was able to out-maneuver and out-wit my mostly 7 shard characters and last 4 rounds.

    What a great update! This is sooooo much better now. You're right, the playing field is so much more level now.

    With all due respect, EA, baby steps. You introduce changes/updates a little at a time. You experiment to see how things work by slowly integrating new developments to see what the reaction is and then adjust from there, if needed. But with this update, you just slammed it in our face and said, "Deal with it!" But now, you will have to deal with it.

    As Fraser Crane would say, "Thanks for listening."

    This just happened to me. Someone gave Ben the fountain of youth.

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    Imo **** change, lame shield etc should have only taken place in arena, maybe it would have been easier to program, maybe more difficult. . . That was the only place that "needed balanced" (not imo). . . Some old saying about not fixing things that aren't broken?
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    I would just like to say. I have tried to give the protection a chance. Yet I do tend to dislike it greatly. I have been playing this game since the day it came out, and have spent hundreds of dollars on it. I enjoyed it quite a bit until now. I am very disappointed in the game makers for the lack of thought that truly went into this change. All I can say is that I do not believe I will spend another dollar on this game, and probably will not be playing it anymore.
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    Captainrrl wrote: »
    ScottRen wrote: »
    This is my last complaint (I swear).

    I just finished the very last battle in GW (in which, I won). However, here is the most **** thing. It came down to my five players against Obi Wan. Yes, 5 vs. 1. No lie, it took me 4 rounds for my five players to beat the newly, supercharged and apparently, ultra quick, heavily protected and "updated" Obi Wan. Amazingly, Ben was able to dodge and evade every 3 out of 4 attacks, even when stunned. With his newly programmed protection and his 10% Evasion, (yes, the incredible 10%), this mega-dude was able to out-maneuver and out-wit my mostly 7 shard characters and last 4 rounds.

    What a great update! This is sooooo much better now. You're right, the playing field is so much more level now.

    With all due respect, EA, baby steps. You introduce changes/updates a little at a time. You experiment to see how things work by slowly integrating new developments to see what the reaction is and then adjust from there, if needed. But with this update, you just slammed it in our face and said, "Deal with it!" But now, you will have to deal with it.

    As Fraser Crane would say, "Thanks for listening."

    This just happened to me. Someone gave Ben the fountain of youth.

    I wrote in another post how enemy GS managed to stay alive after I hit him 35 times, with no healer on enemy team. Battle had about 72 dodges on both sides.

    Extremely flawed game and balance. Instant delete of app after that. Some people like it, maybe 70% of users keep playing, and of those only 30% now think spending makes sense, until the next update comes.

    I forecast this title a slip into the top 40 top grossing by June, and from then a going to top 100 grossing by the end of the year. They will have a second chance to redeem themselves when SW XIiI debuts, or when they launch GOH2.

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    In reference to your recent post on upcoming updates:

    "Making the fully random drop rate experience more predictable, an oxymoron that’s harder than it seems"

    No one likes random. When I say no one. I mean that.

    May I point you to this:
  • Achilles
    1380 posts Member
    No one likes random. When I say no one. I mean that.
    You are wrong ... not so bright people prefer random, because they dont need to think/study about rock-paper-scissors, they (for example) rather place Dooku lead and let the luck of the dumb work for them! ;)
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
  • Kabbes
    430 posts Member
    There's so much rubbish being written here. I've come top in arena three times in the last week and was sniped by 4 seconds one other day, and I don't even own Dooku and my RG is rubbish. There are other ways of approaching the problem, if everybody is running Dooku-RG then run something that counters it.

    What makes me laugh more than anything is the dual whinge that "I have to run Dooku-RG" and "the arena clock runs down too quickly". Of course it runs out too quickly if you are using a pair of pathetic pokers. Try something else, by the taunt of St. Han. Think outside the box.

    GW is also much easier now than it was before. Cooldowns get reset pretty much in full every battle. You can sweep through the whole thing with 5-7 toons. That's where your Jedi come into their own.

    This is a game. You have to play it. This involves trying things and changing up what isn't working. I don't want to play a tedious cakewalk that just has a "press here to win" button. Things are much better post-update.
  • Joe_Cus
    152 posts Member
    Kabbes wrote: »
    There's so much rubbish being written here. I've come top in arena three times in the last week and was sniped by 4 seconds one other day, and I don't even own Dooku and my RG is rubbish. There are other ways of approaching the problem, if everybody is running Dooku-RG then run something that counters it.

    What makes me laugh more than anything is the dual whinge that "I have to run Dooku-RG" and "the arena clock runs down too quickly". Of course it runs out too quickly if you are using a pair of pathetic pokers. Try something else, by the taunt of St. Han. Think outside the box.

    GW is also much easier now than it was before. Cooldowns get reset pretty much in full every battle. You can sweep through the whole thing with 5-7 toons. That's where your Jedi come into their own.

    This is a game. You have to play it. This involves trying things and changing up what isn't working. I don't want to play a tedious cakewalk that just has a "press here to win" button. Things are much better post-update.

    I agree. Challenges were crazy hard the first day but that was addressed. GW is about the same, my jedi squad can run it through. Problem I have in arena is that I win my battles but my team gets crushed when I'm not playing.
  • soneill73
    202 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    You know ultimately they can do whatever they want to this game and people will keep playing or not. The concept isn't really to appease us and keep us loyal to the game, it's about making a profit for the company.

    At first I absolutely loved the game, now I more or less just tolerating it. I have yet to start Light Side battle tier 8, and still need to finish Dark Side tier 7. I just sort of lost the drive to do it since in game energy goes to farming for gear. I feel like I'm waiting for something cool to happen that will draw me back in but I also don't think I'm going to lose any sleep over it. Every day I will open it up at my desk just before I log in to work and I endure the mundane aspects of this game. I'd say if I had any major complaints with this game it would be the following:

    All characters should be farmable at some level of game play.

    Stop messing with balancing characters. Some will be stronger than others, deal with it. If you want to balance anything, make sure every character has a counter character then at least we won't have to battle the same boring teams all the time. It's in everyone's best interest to have diversified teams.

    Add gear packs to the store for a sensible amount of crystals. I'd personally think that a gear pack for each of the current gear types would be awesome. AGI, INT, and STR plus a bonus of a few of each of the ability mats, and 100K credits. I'd definitely save up my crystals for this. The constant grind will not make you money in the long run as you will have burned out your players at the upper tiers and the cycle would continue until you no longer have a player base. Look at games like Injustice, after nearly 3 years that game is nearly dead. Star Wars has a long history of merchandising so we expect to work for and at times pay for all things related. But honestly, it has to have sense of purpose, and value.

    And hey, how about a monthly character pack for new players. I'm not condoning P2P or even freemium IAP but if you focus on value add you will probably make more and keep your players happier longer. If you don't believe me, have an Aurodium Data Pack for Darth Vader and see how many of those you sell.

    Please increase all challenges to a total of 5 attempts. In a game where it's difficult to earn enough galactic credits, making credits, ability mats, and training droids 5 attempts @3 times a week would be extremely helpful to everyone. At the very least we could be seeing more advancements in the game play for those of us that started playing when this was released late last year.

    The last thing I would do is restructure the daily activities to not force players to complete all the tasks, personally I'd make GW and SA optional for bonus. And remove the need to complete 5 hard battles as an activity. I think it enough have 3 battles on each, light and dark sides.

    That would make it more tolerable to me. After knocking myself out getting Yoda to 7* and then busting it to get his abilities, level, and gear up just to have him give up Jedi Mastery to become a Nerf Herder has burned me in the place where I sit. I have no idea what it will be like when the game becomes even more multiplayer oriented, since I personally dislike MP style games. I guess we shall see at the end of this week.

    Just my two cents. I've been wanted to say it for a while but with the unknown direction of the game I think now is just as good as any time.

    Make me love the game again. It's not hard, and I'm actually not that picky. I'm just getting really bored with your game.
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