Message from the EP


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    I'm just gonna say that I've been playing almost every day for about 4 and a half months now. I've devoted most of my time and resources to my nightsister team (all 5 and seems to be pretty unique as i haven't seen it from anyone else). This update basically threw out my 4 and a half months of work. I couldn't do the challenge because either I now have less health or they now do ridiculous damage. I couldn't finish an arena battle in time. I couldn't even do a simple dark side battle without losing half my squad. Very unhappy and I may seriously stop playing. It's just too discouraging to see all my hard work be almost meaningless now. If this seriously makes the game better, I understand. Just my squad does not fit into this new version of the game and I don't know if I can start over.
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    KonaEhukai wrote: »
    Decided to give to a go again this morning. Still not liking this at all.

    Sid has been nerfed into the ground. He's not viable anymore. Glad I got him to 7*.

    Can't even get through the highest challenge for the credits with a 7* Phasma, 7* Sid, 6*QGJ, 7* Lumi and 6*Dooku. Tried a couple of other times with other characters and the same result. Gear Challenges are a complete joke now.

    GW was borderline taking too long as it was now it's a complete waste of time.

    Arena battles take way too long.

    This game is a completely broken grindfest now.

    We have;

    Darth Sidious
    Count Dooku
    Qui Gon Jinn

    All as non-value characters in a star wars game.

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    I made it through gw. Not necessarily more difficult than it was before. Just much more agrivating and time consuming. At top level, of course your portectiOn is gone after the first few nodes. So why does every new node get to start out with fresh protection? I never saw anyone say that gw was too easy and going too quickly. It was the arena that people had problems with.
    I am an adult, I have responsibilities. I don't have unlimited amount of time to slog through everything that now takes twice as long.

    I don't get it, shouldn't protection balance the various characters?
    In my mind, that means tanks with lots of health, shouldn't need much protection and attakers with very little health, like darth maul, deserve much more protection.
    The way it is now just means a much larger disparity between the charcters with lots of health and those with hardly any. That's the opposite of balance.
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    OTBCreator wrote: »
    Not having to grind was what made this game different than the others. It meant that it was easy for others to catch up and it was actually fun because everyday, you could progress, no matter what. Now it's much harder and many people obviously feel as though its not worth it. The biggest way for this game to grow and get more money was the word spread by those who already played and lover it, but now that you changed a lot in the game to please a few in arena, you have lost many clients EA

    I would agree that's a valid point for many of us. Somebody else mentioned having a family, job, etc., as well and I think that's quite true. When we have time to play the game we want to get a little something for that time. I can't sit and grind for 10-hours straight like I did back when I played WOW and the energy accumulation doesn't allow for that anyway without copious amounts of crystals. I love putting energy into Arena, GW is challenging but still fun. Farming shards and gear at least you can SIM through that stuff. The change to the challenges was a little disappointing, not game-ending, because they are quite challenging now. For me it was nice to get some gear that was only semi useful really and throw it on auto while I was at my desk or while I was getting ready for work. I think most of us are excited about the guild raids that are coming, I am for sure, but that is something that will also take more time. If "Ship Battles" come out that will be very cool but also require more time. Many of us are in a position where we really have to pick and choose where we can allocate our time with this game, but unfortunately to be successful you really need to do everything. Things like the challenges... perhaps these could be dialed back a bit so you can at least auto it. I fully support having toons that are geared and capable of doing it, shouldn't be a push over, but I think it's okay to have some things in the game that are easy and some that are challenging. Worthwhile things like Arena, future Raiding, Ship Battles are the things that are fun, worthwhile, and should be challenging.

    I like the update, I see the reasoning for many things; there are just some tweaks that still need to be made.
  • Olle
    501 posts Member
    I think everything they did made sense imo.

    Yes the game is way harder now. I'm ok with that its actually fun.

    I personally felt that healers were very over powered. Lumi could heal the whole team to full. Really annoying. Now healers are still good, just not epic.

    Speeders are put to their place, with less damage.

    If they tone down the challenges just a little bit, I think a lot of people will calm down... A little.

    The core problem with this game, the grinding and gearing that takes forever, is still there and will be the death of this game at some point.

    But at least arena is fun again!
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    So my opinion of the PVP Arena changes so far is blah, ...instead of 1:30 to beat a team it now takes 3:30... So if that was the overall plan (extend battle) to make the Arena better it was a success. TIme will tell but I don't see that it changes things substantially. I do,feel that the extended battles is a far greater benefit to the attacker because. The AI is "willy-nilly" all over the place so it makes it much easier for the attacker to win through concentrated fire... So in respect to that it will be far less likely that the attacker will ever lose (against similar strength teams).

    I do feel, that they really need to look at different options for GW, I finished today without too much problem but I can see how that could really become a nightmare when you come up against 2-3 "terror" teams in a row. We are already always starting at a disadvantage in the GW "arena" top that off with every new opposition having full protection... It could get real ugly real fast... IMO
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    OTBCreator wrote: »
    @EA_Jesse I read through and I believe the large change that people don't like about the turning is that it is not consistent between every part in the game. The Arena is all fine because it createseems a need for new teams. However, the changes from the update have not been moved to the challenges. All challenges now are so much more difficult that it's hardly possible to beat them. Yesterday I couldn't beat tier 3 with my team that I have consistently beaten it with before. Today I only beat it once because I got really really lucky. Plus there is a glitch on today's challenge where savages health bar in the top right part of the screen doesn't move. Please rebalance the game in this and overall. Qui Gon was hit to hard in my opinion too because he as an individual is basically worthless.

    and yoda
    and sidious
    and dooku

    Lets put it this way...

    To find out all the toons they **** up...think of Starwars and think of the first 10 characters that come to mind.

    They screwed them all up to the point of it not being worth using(except for dooku because his leader ability is currently **** up in players' favour)
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    Tried GW again and I managed to beat it with 2 teams without losing a single toon. 1st team: Baris lead, lumi, Jedi Counsular, Sid & clone wars chewie. 2nd team: dooku lead, RG, Daka, QJG and GS.
    Took around less than an hour to beat GW.

    I am going to guess all 7* and gear 8 plus right?

  • Snake2
    1455 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I'm completely f2p. Level 73. Have previously been maintaining rank 45 in arena and winning gw consistently. Playing since January.

    I love this update. It's exactly what the game needed. Arena is SO much more fun now. It might need another minute added to the timer, though.

    Gw is great. I can see that many more teams are viable. It does take a bit longer, but it's more fun now!

    All in all great job. Continue to build off this skeleton and even the unhappy people will come around.
  • Zekex
    474 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Tank challenge tier IV. Why the heck does each JC have more health than my RG? That speaks volumes.Do you know how annoying it is to take down three JCs with more than 20k hp each?It's VERY annoying when they heal each other. Spent more than 15 mins on a single challenge.Good job devs. Is this your first time developing a game?Why are your development decisions so bad?

    My time is precious. Respect it,like how the devs on clash royale do.
  • GSG
    8 posts Member
    As a FTP player, this is getting harder, and it demands more time. My experience so far, the highest tier in STR challenge is now impossible to finish (though I won once. ONCE. And it was by pure luck, I guess ) Then I managed to finish tier 4 AGI challenge with debuffers & stunner 7* phasma, *6 dooku, *6 poggle, 5* JC(for emergency heal) and 4* Talia. Then I think I'm gonna pass on INT challenge because I don't even have a 6* tank and none of my toons will use the reward items yet. For GW, it takes too much time now (and patience) I hope we can regen the protection bar. I have 5 max level (lvl73) toons whose protections are all gone, then the opponent's team is lvl 75 with full protection, high speed toons and with Dooku as've sacrificed suicide squads just to take out damagers on the last 4 GW rounds...15 of my toons died in GW and I make sure their deaths will not be in vain. But I have won the GW. I have avenged them.

    So far, I don't have much problem in Arena as of now. I'm fine with rank between 150 and 200.

    The protection thinggy is kinda weird tho.
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    May i start by saying thank you for creating the game in the first place, im not a person that plays a lot of games as i am genuinely rubbish at them.

    I have to admit that i play this game mostly in my breaks at work and do not spend all hours God sends on it. I found it highly addictive and was very happy to collect gear and buy crystals to upgrade certain characters to 7 stars.

    I find today though that the characters that i have spent my time and money on may not be any good together as a team anymore. For example, i have NEVER lost an arena battle to a team that has a power rating of below what i have....(yes i have picked on weaker teams to get a better ranking if they are available, don't judge). Is it really fair that i would have to re-evaluate this team after the time and money spent? i think the primary reason for losing the battles were this new 'protection' bar and the considerable reduced health bar to my 7 star characters. 2 hits and that 'protection' bar is gone, with no chance of healing to replenish it. This i feel could be altered.

    The changing of the offensive scoring is something that has been good though. Even though my Luminara was an absolute legend, she is now more evenly matched with other characters in my team(s) now.

    Challenges are WAY TOO HARD......droids health should not be that high and to be mugged off by Cad Bane is quite embarrassing.

    Overall i'm guessing that i will have to spend more time (will not be spending another penny whilst the defense is how it is now) to try and make my way up the arena ladder and complete GW ever again........Please look at the defense for characters, maybe revert back to before the update and scrap 'protection' but keep the offensive changes the same.

    Thank you
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    Marcus_ wrote: »
    Great speech ;). Did All my daylies and GW, had no problem whatsoever. It does take double the time though. But if it was a change that was needed I'm totally fine with this.

    Things will obviously sort itself out

    I don't want something to take double the time. Change was just too widespread and made me feel like all the work I put in was pointless. I spent a **** ton of money as well since I have an addictive personality. I'm very relieved not to have the urge to play this game anymore. I've deleted the game and won't be playing anymore. Came back to the forum to see what others were saying. I think EA is going to lose a lot of money on this.
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    If by slow toons get damage increase you meant less than 100 speed then what was said is true, otherwise it was a lie. The biggest damage dealers that are fast got the least damage reductions while slower toons that already did low damage got bigger damage reductions. Magma barely did any damage before the update and now he isn't even usable. Why reduce Barris of all toons? Slow tanks got reduced, Anakin is dead, but Rey can still do 10k damage in one shot. Qui-gon can still remove positive and give offense up to whole team and do about the same damage as Mace can with his special, which doesn't give anything, bc his special damage was nerfed, and he is 1 of the slowest toons in the game.

    The meta is still the same. I still see the same teams in arena bc they are still the best toons. It's like there was no real balancing, just an attempt to make games last longer and challenges harder. Why would it be said that these fast toons would see reductions in damage but then reduce almost every other toon more than them? I am truly stomped on this matter. Go to and look at what was done. The balance was reduced.

    Agreed agreed ... I agree. Ea, just tell us which toons to buy. The arena is boring. I fight the same team over and over. Just the name of the player changes.
    Still love gw, and appreciate more of a challenge in the chalenges. Before I would have just simmed them instead of auto option.
    You nerfed the hell out of tie pilot. If I go for reya are you going to nerf her too?
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    Tried GW again and I managed to beat it with 2 teams without losing a single toon. 1st team: Baris lead, lumi, Jedi Counsular, Sid & clone wars chewie. 2nd team: dooku lead, RG, Daka, QJG and GS.
    Took around less than an hour to beat GW.

    I am going to guess all 7* and gear 8 plus right?

    Dude I beat GW with 1 suicide squad today. GW difficulty is based off your highest Arena squad power. So kind of need a "deep bench". But mine consists of a handful of lvl 65 4* gear level 7 toons.
    I have two 7* characters so no, you don't need a full roster of maxed out toons to beat it
  • Smithie
    1427 posts Member
    In Ewan's Kenobi voice

    " EA said, they would bring balance to the force.... not leave it in darkness"

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    This game was fun. Now it's too hard and tiresome. If you can't win once in a while or build up something useful in a game, you might as well just get kicked in the head in real life. I think this is goodbye. Thanks for taking away all the fun, EA. I hope your stock drops into the basement.
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    Sir_Whooty wrote: »
    Tried GW again and I managed to beat it with 2 teams without losing a single toon. 1st team: Baris lead, lumi, Jedi Counsular, Sid & clone wars chewie. 2nd team: dooku lead, RG, Daka, QJG and GS.
    Took around less than an hour to beat GW.

    I am going to guess all 7* and gear 8 plus right?

    Dude I beat GW with 1 suicide squad today. GW difficulty is based off your highest Arena squad power. So kind of need a "deep bench". But mine consists of a handful of lvl 65 4* gear level 7 toons.
    I have two 7* characters so no, you don't need a full roster of maxed out toons to beat it

    So you arent into the big boy league yet......

    Your still at the kids table so your opinion on GW holds no weight.

    I won my first 20 gws when i started playing.
  • Hangfire
    497 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I am devided on the update
    I wholeheartedly agree with the need to diversify squad composition, the update may very well provide that, the jury is still out on that. I absolutely disapprove with the way the update has slowed the pace of the non-Arena aspects of the game. As has been said over and over on this thread, grinding through repetitive tasks is not fun. Slower grinding through repetitive tasks is even less fun.

    Possibly a Sim ticket type system to get through daily tasks, anything that speeds up the grind. I'm sure my spending more time playing the game doesnt benifit EA. Offering me something to buy is what you want. Sell me something to avoid wasting my time.

    I have been at this almost from the start, slowing down daily tasks is probably going to drive me away. I am a p2p player who after making initial heavy outlays of cash has pretty much stopped spending, mainly due to lack of interesting stuff to buy and no real longterm benefit to spending.
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    This update is a joke, right ... late April Fool's prank ? I understand the need to fix things but this isn't the way to go about it. It makes the Galactic War unbalanced in particular: nearly the same teams are in the higher bracket as before, but now they have full health PLUS protection ... and your team is trying to get by on just health alone - plus damage reduction in some cases.
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    I wondering how I'd feel today and the answer is not as disappointed, but more understanding that I probably spent too much time playing this thing and I need to let it go and forget about it.
  • Sir_Whooty
    518 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Sir_Whooty wrote: »
    Tried GW again and I managed to beat it with 2 teams without losing a single toon. 1st team: Baris lead, lumi, Jedi Counsular, Sid & clone wars chewie. 2nd team: dooku lead, RG, Daka, QJG and GS.
    Took around less than an hour to beat GW.

    I am going to guess all 7* and gear 8 plus right?

    Dude I beat GW with 1 suicide squad today. GW difficulty is based off your highest Arena squad power. So kind of need a "deep bench". But mine consists of a handful of lvl 65 4* gear level 7 toons.
    I have two 7* characters so no, you don't need a full roster of maxed out toons to beat it

    So you arent into the big boy league yet......

    Your still at the kids table so your opinion on GW holds no weight.

    I won my first 20 gws when i started playing.

    I'm a lvl 73, that's not having any problems with GW, Just pegged my 51st win, have only not been able to complete it once since I started taking it seriously...I'm also not the one whining like I have sand up my lady bits.

    Also Cad Bane is a joke at Teir 4, yes someone was complaining. Savage went down just as easy, as always. Finished Tarkin and Veers before the update rolled out so I can't say anything about that one.
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    While I enjoyed Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes, the recent changes caused it to perform slower and actually made it more difficult to make progress. As a result, after months of playing daily, I chose to delete the app from my phone and will no longer be playing this game.
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    KonaEhukai wrote: »
    Decided to give to a go again this morning. Still not liking this at all.

    Sid has been nerfed into the ground. He's not viable anymore. Glad I got him to 7*.

    Can't even get through the highest challenge for the credits with a 7* Phasma, 7* Sid, 6*QGJ, 7* Lumi and 6*Dooku. Tried a couple of other times with other characters and the same result. Gear Challenges are a complete joke now.

    GW was borderline taking too long as it was now it's a complete waste of time.

    Arena battles take way too long.

    This game is a completely broken grindfest now.

    We have;

    Darth Sidious
    Count Dooku
    Qui Gon Jinn

    All as non-value characters in a star wars game.

    Sid is ok still due to his damage still doing OK and his healing immunity. But other than thathat I agree with this
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    So they dropped the reward for arena battles by 100, challenges are much more difficult. Just another way to make the game grindier and get you to pay. Stop paying money for this stuff!!! It will only lead to heartache, I promise you.
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    I think you just make changes without thinking in the effort and time, and not to mention the money we invest on upgrading our characters and favourite squads. I've may be spent the same money as if I've bought a XBox One game and now I feel it was a waste.

    The protection is senseless, cuz when it is out, any character is so vulnerable. My tanky characters are just kitten. *Check out KYLO REN, he's totaly insane; has more protection bars and lots of health than any other of my tanks, not even Savage Opress, Barris Offee, or Magmatrooper, all in 7*s and 73 Lv. And his power is the same as before.

    Arena and daylies are longer and they get boring and repetitive.

    PLEASE GET BACK THAT UPDATE. It was my favore game now it's disappointing.

    If the game was a success and everybody said it was great, why make those changes?, just add more characters, change the possibilities of farming those which were impossible before and add new games, just that!
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    Crave wrote: »
    So they dropped the reward for arena battles by 100, challenges are much more difficult. Just another way to make the game grindier and get you to pay. Stop paying money for this stuff!!! It will only lead to heartache, I promise you.

    And added 100 to your Daily challenges...still the same net tokens.
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    It's not a terrible update. It's been fun using some different toons, but I suppose that will be for a few days and I'll be back to the same few and use those over and over.

    The main problem is protection, it's horrid.
    It has made the game a chore, no one wants the grind to be longer. It feels stupid hitting and enemy and the health bar doesn't go down, it's illogical. More HP across the board, easy and logical.

    People complained the game was over in 60mins everyday. We wanted more content, what no one wanted was the same content to take even longer. It's just completely backwards.

    Although I still find GW and the challenges as easy, it takes longer, it's more painful, it's tedious and protection needs to be removed from everything but arena if it even stays at all. Could just add 30%-50%hp to arena and be done with it.

    I can't see why people can't complete challenges, they don't seem to be a problem, again they just take longer.

    The grind is going to kill this game, it's boring and this update has made the same grind for the same rewards 10x worse. Honestly guys it's illogical and backwards. Speed the game up. No one wants to sit for 20mins longer doing the same GW and challenges.
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    The more I play it the more I think they did a good job. They still need to smooth it out tho. Arena time limits etc.

    Overall I'm glad they are trying to improve the game. They need a beta test tho so patches hit the ground running and not needing more work.

    To those complaining. Really?
    CG tests at lvl 80 and 90 I'm sure they have a vision beyond today. I personally think this is better then one hit knock outs and I feel confident damage vs defense can be achieved. Last patch was too much offense.
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    The bottom line, the thing that matters the most (to the players) is "is this a fun game?" Is it a game we want to keep playing?

    I believe this update took a significant amount of fun out of the game. Not because quick-burst DPS was the only fun thing, far from it. I don't even have what you'd remotely call a quick-burst team. But all the different tasks take such a greatly increased amount of time (those that are even possible anymore) it just feels like everything is a chore now and not fun. It feels like work and not a game. I have work already in my life. It's a job. It's work. I'm compensated for my time doing that though. Galaxy of Heroes offers no compensation that I'm aware of. Perhaps if EA was hiring they'd like to pay me to spend time with this product...but based upon what I'm seeing that doesn't seem like a good long term career move.

    Protection bars on GW are not fun. Yours are gone within a couple rounds whereas now you just have to fight teams with twice as much health than you, unless you've got 3 or 4 fully powerful leveled and geared teams. I know those people are out there. I'm not one of them. I've got 10 level 7s, probably 5 more 60s, 5 more 50s maybe. But when you're fighting nothing but purple 70+ from match 1 even your "B" squad isn't good for much other than taking out a character or two at best or burning a few cooldowns at worst. They do their job...but not for 12 rounds. Again...not fun.

    Arena? This is probably impacted the least I suppose. It will be a learning curve of which characters are now good and which are not. Guess I need to get Kylo Ren now. Too bad I wasted a lot of time on QGJ and Sidious. This is more like a standard update where you just have to get accustomed to the new batch of nerfs and buffs. Frustrating (as nerfs always are) but expected.

    Challenges? Well here's a problem. Expect having to go down 1-2 tiers on whatever you were completing before. Here's the rub though, you need such a powerful and geared team to complete the challenges you probably don't need the gear you'll be winning from the lower tiered challenge anyway. That's not fun. And it's disheartening.

    I'm pretty thoroughly disappointed here. I enjoyed this game and wanted to keep playing. But I'm just not seeing it now. I'm not having fun. This is a game after all.
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