Kudos for a great Update

25 posts Member
edited April 2016
Thank god for this update! Well done to the Dev's for pulling it off.

It's a shame there are people behaving like cry babies because the click button....drool...click button.....drool...one hit knock out....drool...oh well ill just click auto and drool in my chair days are finally over!

At last real and diverse strategy is needed to succeed and it's been a long time coming! I can't wait to explore new team compositions.

Take GW you now need to assess each team you face and adjust your team accordingly it's harder yes but man that's a good thing! I wonder what people would have done in the old NES, Spectrum etc gaming days when you lost your 3 lives and it was right back to the beginning of the game undoing hours of progress lol.

I'm FTP finished rank 3 tonight the only reason I couldn't get higher is the teams above me precrafted and that is something the Dev's should sort out. Other than that I am so excited to be a part of the game going forward ☺

With the Guilds and Raids around the corner it's a great time to be playing.

Thanks guys

Post edited by BentWookiee on


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    I don't like the update. I feel there were much better decisions to make, many of theirs seem downright senseless, especially around character balance. Not to mention they promised damage changes relative to character speed, which didn't really happen. As for gw, it's all over the place for me as usual. Today was very easy, whereas yesterday was a nightmare. I realize very well it's not the end of the world and I will learn to cope with it, though I still strongly suggest they rethink protection and balance. Also, disliking the update does not make me or anyone else "cry babies." Sure many overreacted, but that is just going to keep the anger lit, and likely won't get a good response. Glad you like the update! Hope you continue to have fun for quite a while! :)
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    I'm also finding the revised game to be very enjoyable. It suits my style of play much better than having a KO fest and my arena squad finished top 50 for the first time as a result (probably combined with less active players). I have focused more on collecting toons and promoting *s than gear and the breadth of my roster, even if not max powered, has allowed me to adapt easily to the shift. I'm just hoping the rare gear can be obtained some way other than grinding. GW is still pretty straightforward (<20 minutes) without losing anybody. Once the challenge difficulty was sorted, overall, I'm pretty happy with the changes. Bring on the rancor.
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    +1 OP.
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    +1 OP
    Ally Code: 945-699-762
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    I agree... Props to Capital Games on communicating with the player base in the aftermath of a huge game changing update. I also play clash of clans and supercell did not communicate at all for 2 or 3 weeks after their game changing update.... Took a big toll on the community so it is incredibly refreshing to see CG actively working to make the game better based on player feedback
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    There were a large percentage of the player base very unhappy with the update. For me, the update didn't really change the game much, only made it take longer. I'm still using the same Arena and GW teams, so the update for me wasn't an issue. I'm lucky though as many of the complaints are due to most players not having the deep bench I have so for them, this update was difficult to impossible.

    I refuse to call people whiners and make fun of them because each player is entitled to an opinion and whether or not it matches my own doesn't make it valid or invalid.

    In my opinion, the problem I had is that the release notes were not accurate and they were lacking any details that were useful.
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    +1 Only regret is it does take much longer. Need to re-think protection in GW. I have 22 level 70+ gear 8 toons and while I have finished every time, I am usually down to my last set of toons. I don't know how others with less do it.
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    So, this wasn't really about thanking the devs, it was about attacking people with criticisms. Some of which are very valid criticisms.

    Get out of here
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    For whatever reason , the update didn't change things that much for me. Some stuff takes a little more time but that's it .
  • Eebers
    89 posts Member
    +1. I believe this is the way the game was meant to be, especially GW. I mean come on, you get to see the other team and change out yours before every single battle? This is meant to be literally the only truly tactical mode in the game.

    So annoying that people just complain because they can't auto this whole game any more. Just quit already...
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    Nol_el_en wrote: »

    +10,001 just to cancel this out. :trollface:
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    Magisto wrote: »
    So, this wasn't really about thanking the devs, it was about attacking people with criticisms. Some of which are very valid criticisms.

    Get out of here

    In my case, I wouldn't attack an opinion here, each player has a personal take on things...
  • Options
    Magisto wrote: »
    So, this wasn't really about thanking the devs, it was about attacking people with criticisms. Some of which are very valid criticisms.

    Get out of here

    True story, jaystarkiller is trolling real hard against players who didn't strictly follow the META and still want to have fun playing the game.
    Eebers wrote: »
    So annoying that people just complain because they can't auto this whole game any more. Just quit already...

    This guy too.
    SwordsLFD wrote: »
    +1 Only regret is it does take much longer. Need to re-think protection in GW. I have 22 level 70+ gear 8 toons and while I have finished every time, I am usually down to my last set of toons. I don't know how others with less do it.

    This guy gets it. Unless you have the right toons, you need 22 maxed out and it still takes too long.
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    + 1 million OP
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    Magisto wrote: »
    So, this wasn't really about thanking the devs, it was about attacking people with criticisms. Some of which are very valid criticisms.

    Get out of here

    True story, jaystarkiller is trolling real hard against players who didn't strictly follow the META and still want to have fun playing the game.
    Eebers wrote: »
    So annoying that people just complain because they can't auto this whole game any more. Just quit already...

    This guy too.
    SwordsLFD wrote: »
    +1 Only regret is it does take much longer. Need to re-think protection in GW. I have 22 level 70+ gear 8 toons and while I have finished every time, I am usually down to my last set of toons. I don't know how others with less do it.

    This guy gets it. Unless you have the right toons, you need 22 maxed out and it still takes too long.

    Not even close...3 healers will get the job done every time.
  • Evilcalyptic
    53 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Kudos is right!
  • CWent
    241 posts Member
    I'm pleased with the update. I couldn't sniff the top 20 pre patch, but since I stubbornly maxed boba and lando when they were useless... Now I can compete with hogs at the top. I swapped 4 of 5 arena toons which was a great change of pace. I'm F2P rubbing elbows with payers which makes it even more enjoyable. As for GW... It's frustrating but manageable. I have about 10 toons level 70-74. But have completed daily... Takes about 30 mins per. I only have Lumi maxed and JC at 5* to heal which is problematic in itself. But I think 'Playing' the game is all it takes.
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    It just sucks that GW takes longer to complete now
    ☮ Consular ☮
  • Seku
    575 posts Member
    I love the update!! All I want now is new characters :):):)
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    SwordsLFD wrote: »
    +1 Only regret is it does take much longer. Need to re-think protection in GW. I have 22 level 70+ gear 8 toons and while I have finished every time, I am usually down to my last set of toons. I don't know how others with less do it.

    Best way I've found to get through GW is to walk instead of trying to run. Barriss (L), Lumi, JC, QGJ and GS is my normal mix 10 nodes out of 12. I use GS and QGJ and double hit with assist on a key target that has to die, then wait for the cooldown (1 whole turn) to smash the next one. Use the healers to look after your own team/spread damage around but not enough to trigger an AI heal in between while gaining offense up from QGJ special and GS basic. Rinse and repeat. Modify as needed if you run into a speed lead or a droid squad.
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    chainsaw wrote: »
    Magisto wrote: »
    So, this wasn't really about thanking the devs, it was about attacking people with criticisms. Some of which are very valid criticisms.

    Get out of here

    True story, jaystarkiller is trolling real hard against players who didn't strictly follow the META and still want to have fun playing the game.
    Eebers wrote: »
    So annoying that people just complain because they can't auto this whole game any more. Just quit already...

    This guy too.
    SwordsLFD wrote: »
    +1 Only regret is it does take much longer. Need to re-think protection in GW. I have 22 level 70+ gear 8 toons and while I have finished every time, I am usually down to my last set of toons. I don't know how others with less do it.

    This guy gets it. Unless you have the right toons, you need 22 maxed out and it still takes too long.

    Not even close...3 healers will get the job done every time.

    I assume you mean 3 maxed out healers. Because I can tell you, my maxed JC and Luminara and 5* Talia and Ashoka aren't cutting it. But I think you specifically mean, you need Barriss or RG in order for GW to not be a nightmare.
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    A 5* Barriss on even moderate gear will make all the difference you need, she really is a GW legend.
  • Thire
    111 posts Member
    The only thing I've ever had a problem with in the update is that I feel like quite a few characters became even more heavily unbalanced one way or another
  • 9r33d0
    492 posts Member
    Update is fine. Content is fine (for now). My only ****, is AI dodge.
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    The update changed little in the game. Go look at the Arena teams on your shard, it's still the same old bunk...
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    The update changed little in the game. Go look at the Arena teams on your shard, it's still the same old bunk...

    Yes, yes it is! I don't mind the protection though but I do mind the nerfs too much!
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Thire wrote: »
    The only thing I've ever had a problem with in the update is that I feel like quite a few characters became even more heavily unbalanced one way or another

    +1 - my concern over Yoda has been growing stronger by the day. On offense he is still a solid contributor, but on defense... longer battles in Arena with more decision only make a complex character like him an even bigger liability than he was prior to the update.

    Yoda is different than your average hero - he takes 5 times the amount of resources to obtain (actually 6 in terms of gear, as you have to gear him too). Nerfing him into mediocrity (or even irrelevance) would be a slap in the face to most players.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    I hope now the dust has settled some what and the knee **** reactions of the first 24 hours have calmed. Specifically the people who left 1 star reviews on Istore / Play Store en mass. ..that does the game no good.

    The update is a huge improvement towards a more strategic and diverse game. The top 20 teams in my arena have a huge range of compositions and are way more varied post update.

    Some things still need looking at for me and have righly been raised in this thread;

    1, Yoda the damage nerf was unfair and way to drastic. I've a 5 star Yoda and leveling 5 Jedi / specifically an extra 3 Jedi upto 5 star just to unlock him was a real grind so I can imagine the resource and time sink need to get the 7 star Yoda! People inst

    2, The precrafter's...This needs rebalancing those who had chance to precraft gear especially for Royal Guard have an insane advantage.

    I'm sure there are more tweaks, nips and tucks that can be made to keep the game growing and progressing :)

    Cheers Jay
  • Options
    I hope now the dust has settled some what and the knee **** reactions of the first 24 hours have calmed. Specifically the people who left 1 star reviews on Istore / Play Store en mass. ..that does the game no good.

    The update is a huge improvement towards a more strategic and diverse game. The top 20 teams in my arena have a huge range of compositions and are way more varied post update.

    Some things still need looking at for me and have righly been raised in this thread;

    1, Yoda the damage nerf was unfair and way to drastic. I've a 5 star Yoda and leveling 5 Jedi / specifically an extra 3 Jedi upto 5 star just to unlock him was a real grind so I can imagine the resource and time sink need to get the 7 star Yoda! People inst

    2, The precrafter's...This needs rebalancing those who had chance to precraft gear especially for Royal Guard have an insane advantage.

    I'm sure there are more tweaks, nips and tucks that can be made to keep the game growing and progressing :)

    Cheers Jay

    Nope, as I said in another thread, most of the people who dislike the update, have just bailed or stopped spending. How long realistically were you expecting us to be vocal about it before shutting up and simply taking action. Wait til you see what the new meta is going to end up being lmao. All the people who love the update are going to be right back to whining and nerf hunting lol
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