How much are you willing to pay to unslot a piece of gear?

149 posts Member
edited April 2016

How much are you willing to pay to unslot a piece of gear? 58 votes

100 Crystals
MilkNuddersSirjamUshoCronozNLFAED_EmperorMerkur0mMultarOobydoobEibbor_TharthNoSpoilPmanRingoKickedazzZSpaceCowboyWaz675Darth_NihilusSithedMyPants 16 votes
250 Crystals
ManicmouseDashboardHarmonicaLastJedi 4 votes
500 Crystals
MurderholeBaf 2 votes
1000+ Crystals
ZeroAnger 1 vote
Hyperalloycosmicturtle333darksideBalbesAggropoxElinadKrokovichbenacrowBaldoOwexBaillEricsonXMegadeth3700Boba_The_FetterM9silentOootiniTau_LambdaKopfschussKingken85Darth_MalakDang3s 35 votes


  • benacrow
    2700 posts Member
    Any reason why we'd want to except for pre-crafted gear?
    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
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    I don't get it
    **Officer in the Synėrgy Guild**
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    500 Crystals
    Uh. Maybe I didn't word it correctly...

    You spend weeks getting one piece of gear, on one character, that works for many characters, and later you don't use that character anymore and would like that hard earned piece of gear back to put on another character.
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    500 Crystals
    Obviously EA likes money and wouldn't allow this for free, if at all, but I would be willing to pay crystals to avoid a huge grind again when I could move the gear.
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    Well then you could just swap the gear between the characters you are currently using. If someone dies in GW for example, you just gear up another toon to level 8/9, who was maybe level 5 before. I'm sorry, I don't see this happening.
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    Yeah this could be exploited easily.
    **Officer in the Synėrgy Guild**
  • ElToro
    149 posts Member
    I wouldn't pay crystals, i would pay credits
  • Dev_Str
    137 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    They could add a timer to avoid exploiting this. But they won't make this, bescause more grind is more crystals spent.
  • Baf
    41 posts Member
    500 Crystals
    Um.. so yall aren't will to pay even 500 crystal for those 50 purple blog dryers things? Rather just farm a new one? Lol that'll be in like 2 weeks unless you refresh 8 times per day in which case... that many refresh cost that many crystal anyway.. the name of poSt is about what you'd be WILLING to pay not what you want RA to look at and say.. ok they said 100 make it 100!! Lmao.. the guys trying to out exact value on it and I'd say AT LEAST 500
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    Basically " I farmed meta heroes even though I knew changes were coming so now my team isn't relevant"
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    The thing is, once you go to the next gear level all those pieces of gear are integrated into the character and can't be removed individually. It would have to be a complete dismantling of the character's gear down to nothing since there are extra bonuses every time we move up a gear level. And that would affect ability material that's dependent on gear level, so they'd have to be removed also.

    I'm all for stripping an unused toon down to nothing. No doubt they'd make it so expensive that only whales would be willing to do it.

  • Simda
    151 posts Member
    Do the maths, 50 crystal refresh gets 2/3 purple items which is already the cheapest refresh. And you need 50 to 100 purple items per slot.

    So they will price it at 500 crystals?!? Unlikely.
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    500 Crystals
    So much misinterpretation. I suppose it's up to the EA think tank, maybe they would see players more willing to level up newly added characters knowing there's at least the option of unslotting a dusty unused character's gear (Sid, Poe) and moving there. I'm sure a new way to spend crystals lights up their eyes.
  • Options
    500 Crystals
    Simda wrote: »
    Do the maths, 50 crystal refresh gets 2/3 purple items which is already the cheapest refresh. And you need 50 to 100 purple items per slot.

    So they will price it at 500 crystals?!? Unlikely.

    Ffs no one has to spend crystals to get any gear, period. But you would have to in order to unslot gear.
  • Options
    Stop trying to add more money making strategies. This game has enough of them.
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