Most underpowered toon in the game and why


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    DanSolo wrote: »

    Him and ugnaught. I've faced two 7* lvl 68 CUPs and they hit like potatoes
    517 posts Member
    Shes the new Goddess on SW, she should 1 shot an entire team of Kylo's
  • Song
    863 posts Member
    After Lv70+ you guys still not realized the game and the movies have nothing to do with it? smh.. lol
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    Mob enforcer, of course
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    I faced a JKG at seven stars in GW a day or so ago, horribly bad, other votes mob enforcer and Ugnaught.
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    Wish George had a son so he could take over but he sold out.

    I think part of him selling out also had to do with his bitterness over fans' reactions to Jar Jar, the prequels in general, and the edits he did to the original trilogy. Master Lucas does not take criticism well.

    I think you're right. From conspiracy pieces I've read about jar jar possibly being the intended "phantom menace" and him being SO influential as a side character (turning the tide of the gungan war, appointing palapatine to supreme chancellor, ****? being an aide to to the likes of QGJ and kenobi also ****?) and him being so unsuspecting, to me it appears that was the direction Lucas intended to go as jar jar being sidious' master. But the incredible negative feedback, if it really did affect Lucas so much to where he had to abandon that, what a shame.

    Movie - wise, hard to say how Disney will deliver, we will see. This game has no respect whatsoever for starwars.
  • Thire
    111 posts Member
    I must be the only one who interpreted this scene differently. From my perspective Sidious wasn't really losing. I thought he sensed anakin's approach and allowed that to happen so anakin could witness it, thus ultimately turning him to the dark side. He was always several moves ahead of everyone else. The ultimate chess player on the board that is the universe.

    I've always thought this was the canon interpretation. After he gets up Sidious has enough energy to send Mace flying out the window, but by pretending he was losing he kinda sealed the deal on Anakin's evilness. If people were as they were supposed to be Sidious would be able to single handedly beat a whole squad of Jedi
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    Anakin is my favorite character and definitely underpowered post-patch. Aside from Ep 1 to 3 I read other Clone Wars books and he was such an awesome warrior. Even if you read the ep2 book, not portrayed in the movie, he was close to beating Dooku then but screwed up and got his arm cut off. Anakin should be the game's Rey or somewhere along those lines.
  • Baal
    602 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Wish George had a son so he could take over but he sold out.

    I think part of him selling out also had to do with his bitterness over fans' reactions to Jar Jar, the prequels in general, and the edits he did to the original trilogy. Master Lucas does not take criticism well.

    Lucas is trash. He testified in front of a congressional committee about the importance of preserving artistic works and ensuring their availability to future generations, then did everything in his power to kill the theater cuts of the original trilogy.

    He'd have you believe Greedo shot first. He's a tool.
  • Smithie
    1427 posts Member
    6S3NC3 wrote: »
    I want to know who you think is the most underpowered toon in the game compared to the actual character WITH reason to back up your claim.
    Im going with Mace Windu. Now this Is easy to say why but here are the facts: Ascending to the rank of Master, he became known as the champion of the Jedi Order, an honor he carried for many years until his death. At one point Windu served as Master of the Order—the elected leader of the Jedi Order. Also Windu confronted the Chancellor with the aid of Jedi Masters Kit Fisto, Agen Kolar and Saesee Tiin. Their intention was to arrest Sid so that he could be put on trial in the Senate for treasonous acts against the Republic. Armed with a red-bladed lightsaber, Sidious "SWIFTLY KILLED" his Jedi adversaries with the exception of Windu, who was left to fight for the survival of the Order and Republic on his own. After a "BRIEF" duel in the Chancellor's office, the Jedi Master prevailed by disarming the Sith Lord and holding him at saber-point.

    You do know that Windu wasnt more powerful or stronger than Sidious...

    Sidious played him like he played Anakin and the entire republic. Sidious needed Anakin to turn to the Darkside and was not able to turn him until he put Windu in the position where Windu went Darkside and tried to kill Palpatine unarmed. This would make the Jedi look evil to Anakin.

    Windu underestimated Sidious and got played.

    Windu was powerful yes indeed but is noway near the power of Sidious or Yoda.
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    I'm disappointed with quite a few. Cad Bane sadly for me is one of them.
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    Smithie wrote: »

    You do know that Windu wasnt more powerful or stronger than Sidious...

    Sidious played him like he played Anakin and the entire republic. Sidious needed Anakin to turn to the Darkside and was not able to turn him until he put Windu in the position where Windu went Darkside and tried to kill Palpatine unarmed. This would make the Jedi look evil to Anakin.

    Windu underestimated Sidious and got played.

    Windu was powerful yes indeed but is noway near the power of Sidious or Yoda.

    This is more clear in the Ep3 book, movie doesn't portray a lot of things very well. Especially not all the crap that Anakin had going on in his head that drove him to make the decision he did.
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    Padme Amidala, because they underpowered her so much they didn't even put her in the game. Certainly the most important character to be left out at this point, since Yoda's availability at least.
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    Parableman wrote: »
    Padme Amidala, because they underpowered her so much they didn't even put her in the game. Certainly the most important character to be left out at this point, since Yoda's availability at least.

    Her unique ability would be to make Anakin cry and make Vader say "Nooooooo!"

  • Magisto
    384 posts Member
    Parableman wrote: »
    Padme Amidala, because they underpowered her so much they didn't even put her in the game. Certainly the most important character to be left out at this point, since Yoda's availability at least.

    Her unique ability would be to make Anakin cry and make Vader say "Nooooooo!"
    And she would give him offense up by throwing sand at the enemies.
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    M9silent wrote: »
    Bigal wrote: »
    Game is not supposed to be an accurate representation of the actual characters, its all random. If Jedi and sith were all the best I would quit the game.

    So, Jedi and Sith make Star Wars. If they were good, your quit. But some random bug and guard and pilot can be awesome and you're fine with that? Why are you playing a Star Wars game?

    I love Star Wars, even the minor characters. If anything, this game lets you celebrate just how cool stormtroopers and rebel pilots are by giving them a fighting chance against force-wielders.
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    M9silent wrote: »
    Bigal wrote: »
    Game is not supposed to be an accurate representation of the actual characters, its all random. If Jedi and sith were all the best I would quit the game.

    So, Jedi and Sith make Star Wars. If they were good, your quit. But some random bug and guard and pilot can be awesome and you're fine with that? Why are you playing a Star Wars game?

    I love Star Wars, even the minor characters. If anything, this game lets you celebrate just how cool stormtroopers and rebel pilots are by giving them a fighting chance against force-wielders.

    Misread the OP but can't delete my comment, sorry
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    agree with mace windu there
    TNR Rey of Hope, Heroic Raid 36/50
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    Bones wrote: »
    Plo Koon - Jedi High Council, amazing telekinesis, one of few jedi who could wield electric judgement similar to force lightening, also considered one of the greatest jedi warriors by darth maul.

    M9silent wrote: »
    Bigal wrote: »
    Game is not supposed to be an accurate representation of the actual characters, its all random. If Jedi and sith were all the best I would quit the game.

    So, Jedi and Sith make Star Wars. If they were good, your quit. But some random bug and guard and pilot can be awesome and you're fine with that? Why are you playing a Star Wars game?

    Because jedi and sith DO make starwars. Every other things is a side story. That is why it would make sense for legendary characters to be center pieces in a game, and supporting characters have an equally supportive, yet effective role. 20 years ago if I told a starwars fan about this game he wouldn't believe it. That you would put all your time and resources into a bug, the red death, and an unnamed robot? That darth vader was squishy and Luke who? Han in a stormtrooper uniform lol. I respect parts of the game but EA and Disney in control of starwars is sad, sad, saaaad. Lucas Arts forever. Wish George had a son so he could take over but he sold out.
    Bones wrote: »
    Plo Koon - Jedi High Council, amazing telekinesis, one of few jedi who could wield electric judgement similar to force lightening, also considered one of the greatest jedi warriors by darth maul.

    M9silent wrote: »
    Bigal wrote: »
    Game is not supposed to be an accurate representation of the actual characters, its all random. If Jedi and sith were all the best I would quit the game.

    So, Jedi and Sith make Star Wars. If they were good, your quit. But some random bug and guard and pilot can be awesome and you're fine with that? Why are you playing a Star Wars game?

    Because jedi and sith DO make starwars. Every other things is a side story. That is why it would make sense for legendary characters to be center pieces in a game, and supporting characters have an equally supportive, yet effective role. 20 years ago if I told a starwars fan about this game he wouldn't believe it. That you would put all your time and resources into a bug, the red death, and an unnamed robot? That darth vader was squishy and Luke who? Han in a stormtrooper uniform lol. I respect parts of the game but EA and Disney in control of starwars is sad, sad, saaaad. Lucas Arts forever. Wish George had a son so he could take over but he sold out.

    I have read the EU extensively, seen all the movies, shows, video games, etc, and agree, Star Wars is about the battles between the light and dark. Heck, I have trained in the Martial Arts for over two decades because of the Jedi. Though Lando is my favorite character, Force Users should be kicking a lot more backside than they do. I miss the Political Commentary Lucas puts in his movies.
  • Sungsta
    163 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Grand moff tarkin. For someone who is commanding the firepower of a death star, those lasers sure seem pretty weak...

    Which suddenly gives me an idea for a rework of his "ultimate firepower" skill. How about "Order a turbolaser strike on enemy party causing instant death to all enemies. This skill is on a 5 turn cooldown at the begining of the fight. Skill can only be used in outdoor locations"
  • Irics
    98 posts Member
    Anakin. The chosen one can no longer punish enemies for wounding his allies.
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    Irics wrote: »
    Anakin. The chosen one can no longer punish enemies for wounding his allies.
    Or anyone for that matter
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    6S3NC3 wrote: »
    I want to know who you think is the most underpowered toon in the game compared to the actual character WITH reason to back up your claim.
    Im going with Mace Windu. Now this Is easy to say why but here are the facts: Ascending to the rank of Master, he became known as the champion of the Jedi Order, an honor he carried for many years until his death. At one point Windu served as Master of the Order—the elected leader of the Jedi Order. Also Windu confronted the Chancellor with the aid of Jedi Masters Kit Fisto, Agen Kolar and Saesee Tiin. Their intention was to arrest Sid so that he could be put on trial in the Senate for treasonous acts against the Republic. Armed with a red-bladed lightsaber, Sidious "SWIFTLY KILLED" his Jedi adversaries with the exception of Windu, who was left to fight for the survival of the Order and Republic on his own. After a "BRIEF" duel in the Chancellor's office, the Jedi Master prevailed by disarming the Sith Lord and holding him at saber-point.

    Anakin threw Mace out the Windu. ;)
    Ally Code: 945-699-762
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    IG88. Your opponent's entire team should be dead before they even see him according to lore. He has the ability to scan, detect weak spots, and use micro-reaction targeting to shoot everyone in a room at as fast as his blasters can fire.
    "When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world will be metal."
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    FOTP, because now it hits like a lady, has no leadership, lost it's only useful bonus, it's extremely hard to farm and expensive, has no synergy, HP plus Protection are now 3x what was before, is squishy and needs expensive gear as well. The WORST CHARACTER EVER thanks to the balancing geniuses of CG that surely have a blast destroying otherwise ok chars.
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    The solution to make canon charcters strong and other minor characters not as strong is to cap the minor to gear level 11 and let the jedi and sith go to gear level 13 above, thus making those characters a harder farm, and more valuable. That would make anakin, yoda, luke, maul, vader, sidius and mace the strongest.
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    Sungsta wrote: »
    Grand moff tarkin. For someone who is commanding the firepower of a death star, those lasers sure seem pretty weak...

    Which suddenly gives me an idea for a rework of his "ultimate firepower" skill. How about "Order a turbolaser strike on enemy party causing instant death to all enemies. This skill is on a 5 turn cooldown at the begining of the fight. Skill can only be used in outdoor locations"

    Death Star can't hit you if you're indoors? Apart from that, nice idea.
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    Smithie wrote: »

    You do know that Windu wasnt more powerful or stronger than Sidious...

    Sidious played him like he played Anakin and the entire republic. Sidious needed Anakin to turn to the Darkside and was not able to turn him until he put Windu in the position where Windu went Darkside and tried to kill Palpatine unarmed. This would make the Jedi look evil to Anakin.

    Windu underestimated Sidious and got played.

    Windu was powerful yes indeed but is noway near the power of Sidious or Yoda.[/quote]

    I do understand that windu is not stronger. But he did put up a fight non the less and did major damage to sid. Sid saw opportunity to lure ani into the dark side. Sid is a quick thinker no doubt about that. The others got taken out in seconds. Sid in this game is a decent toon, usefull. Windu not so much. Is Sid under powered when comparing to reality, yes but like I said he still is very usefull and would not get my vote for most underpowered (i know u did not claim he was)
  • V1p3rdyn4sty
    2674 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I'm disappointed with quite a few. Cad Bane sadly for me is one of them.

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