Game punishes those who don't have RG


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    You know how the old saying goes ... if you can't beat them join them.

    Most ppl like the easy way. My only complaint is the lack of diversity, which ppl can affect if they'd want to but getting the 1st place the easy way seems to be what ppl want on my shard. :/
    Top20 have 8 different toons in use, so its getting repetitive bc for example rg+ daka dont have many tactics to beat that with certainty so all battles are like the 1 b4.
    If only i had ee maxed, i would certainly make unbeatable team and see if ppl get more creative when they cant aim to the top ;)
  • SMan
    49 posts Member
  • Zekex
    474 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    It's more of a protection thing than RG. Protection should be removed from GW, especially since we are seeing more arena teams popping out from node 7( usually starts at node 9 though)

    Just faced a dooku-led RG daka gs qgj team at node 9 with rg, gs,daka, and qgj all at gear 9 and full protection. That wasn't fun, Tried to suicide squad them then send in a real team to finish the job. Failed a few times. Eventually won with a bariss-led, phasma, st han,poe, qgj team that ended the match with full health. Wasn't easy.... multiple humbling blows came from both sides, multiple stuns on my team,10+ dodges , but thank god daka didn't revive and no focus fire on the ai side(except during taunts) barriss was MVP with her heals, thank god I levelled and geared her.

    I'm not saying everything is fine and nothing should be fixed, but I wouldn't wish the same fight on my worst enemies.Protection has to be reduced or removed from opposing enemy teams. I'm seeing multiple rg and high speed dps teams in arena.Not fun.
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    CPMP wrote: »
    Your not losing because of RG but the combo of Dooku leads and RG it's a brutal combo. But it can be dealt with.

    1. Stunners
    2. Drop a hero to 70%health then QGJ assist it for kill , follow into Asaaj removal
    3. Healers man lol GW with 2 healers is boring but easy as especially using barris for Sids.

    This is what i was trying to do. Get them to 70% health and then kill. But
    1) They attacked my Dooku, which end up in counter and trigging RG taunt
    2) Assist fail to one shot because enemy GQJ dodged.
    3) Enemy Dooku with lightning and attack stun, had most of the time my QGJ and others stunned. Also assist called a stuned hero.

    Anyway, i managed to beat it but losing my main team + 2 others in the process. Next battle had fives maxed along with some others + turn meter manipulation and i had no healers remaining. So it was game over.

    When the RNG isn't going for you, retreat and change one toon. It resets the RNG altogether. But you do need a deeper bench for GW. Have at least 3 healers, 3 good leaders, 3 high DPS and 2 taunts, all fully geared and at least 6 stars.
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    They nerfed Royal Guard when they made him and no one used him cause he was horrible. Unreliable auto taunt and occasional turn meter reduction was all he brought to the table. Now, he brings a reliable auto taunt and a reliable stun and nothing else. I think they made him one of the more balanced characters in the game. He stuns and taunts and soaks up damage but provides nothing else.
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    Dooku is the real problem if the AI is giving you too much RNG dodge. For plain old RG, just like in arena. I use first shot GS to hopefully prime him for his second- I use this on the AIs QGJ. Then once you get RG to taunt, hit him with humbling blow to add offense and just kill him with you power from everyone. I also run SId, but sometimes use Phasma lead and with advantage and offense up, RG goes down. Then you go for the glass canons without RG to protect them.
    Just an idea if you haven't tried Phasma that may work.
  • Zekex
    474 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    CPMP wrote: »

    EDIT: A bout punishes you for not having RG. People here claimed that they auto clear GW with RG teams. So how is not punishment for non RG users, to struggle and wasting a big amount of time to clear/not clear GW, while RG teams clear it on auto?

    You can't auto with Rg. Perhaps the first few battles, but it isn't easy to auto once you hit real arena teams with gear 9.I run a barris lead/rg/lumi/rey/gs with rg and gs at gear 9, rest at gear 8. Please tell me how to auto with a depleted protection Rg when the enemy is running dooku,rg,qgj,gs,daka team at node 9 with most at gear 9.Every subsequent node is meta toons. I'm also not sure how I'm supposed to auto a rex-led, omega fives,rg qgj, rey team with everyone but rex at gear 9.

  • Doga
    808 posts Member
    Nonemo wrote: »
    I read that they're gonna review the way protection affects GW completion times. Toning it down a little would probably be prudent. Sometimes you find yourself at a major disadvantage, fighting full protected top teams in the last nodes while you yourself don't have any protection at all.

    I think many players like myself played the meta and discovered after this update that tanks are important. Live and learn. Teebo is the closest I have to 7 so GW will be an uphill battle for awhile.

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    I don't use my RG in GW ever.
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    Against RG teams you have to run high damage toons. It's funny because they tried to prevent that with this update but now they have a tank problem that almost requires you to run those same toons (QGJ, GS, Rey...).

    And don't listen to the AOE team talk. Dooku is the most common lead still and running an AOE team against Dooku is death.
  • Smithie
    1427 posts Member
    Why dont you just kill RG first and use Han ST and Old Ben in your squad
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    chuckwing wrote: »
    Against RG teams you have to run high damage toons. It's funny because they tried to prevent that with this update but now they have a tank problem that almost requires you to run those same toons (QGJ, GS, Rey...).

    And don't listen to the AOE team talk. Dooku is the most common lead still and running an AOE team against Dooku is death.

    Don't put QGJ as a high damager. Makes me mad. :angry:
  • Lauwanhoi
    78 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I run an RG team and the key to beating an RG team is QGJ and it helps to have some stunners I use RG and Daka. So what I do is just go after their highest DPS, like Rey/GS, I keep hitting them until they are under 50% and then debuff RG's taunt with QGJ. At the same time I spread my stuns around so their DPS toons are not blasting me as much. Works pretty well.
  • El_Duderino
    413 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    BaksoKikil wrote: »
    Seriously, I dont understand why people are complaining about GW. Yes I do really hate RG. The only reason is because I cant retreat in the arena. In GW? YES YOU CAN RETREAT. I occasionally encountered RG teams. Hard? Yes. But again, I always retreated and found a way to pass through. I am now Lv.74, I dont have Barris. I have only 8 7* chars and 4 6* chars. And I always finished GW so far with no real problem. My main team in GW is Phasma/Dooku (L), Lumi, Daka, Talia and GS. My Talia is even only lv 64...

    This is why people are complaining. This is node 8. Granted, I completed GW this pass, but it took literally 30 retries for this one node, and I had to burn through 2 separate B squads. And not everyone has 2 B squads to burn through and 30 minutes to spend on one node. I don't mind it being difficult but add protection and gear IX squads like this before the last nodes even and yes, you'll get people complaining. Because the whole mechanic becomes a chore and unfun.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    BaksoKikil wrote: »
    Seriously, I dont understand why people are complaining about GW. Yes I do really hate RG. The only reason is because I cant retreat in the arena. In GW? YES YOU CAN RETREAT. I occasionally encountered RG teams. Hard? Yes. But again, I always retreated and found a way to pass through. I am now Lv.74, I dont have Barris. I have only 8 7* chars and 4 6* chars. And I always finished GW so far with no real problem. My main team in GW is Phasma/Dooku (L), Lumi, Daka, Talia and GS. My Talia is even only lv 64...

    This is why people are complaining. This is node 8. Granted, I completed GW this pass, but it took literally 30 retries for this one node.

    They promised they were going to make GW more pleasant and playable!
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    The argument that you need an RG to counter a RG is flawed. It's very easy to get that RG in that team countered & the match won... The problem is your "A team"... Well, that & you have no burst damage (an assist attacker, IG-86, GS, fives, so forth). I see QGJ there but he's 5* & yes, those 2 stars make a difference.

    In a team like the one you're facing I would use & using what you have:
    QGJ (L)

    With a team like that, speed is your friend! You need to try & burst down RG first & if you get a few lucky refreshes with JC's basic you're good to go. Healers (more than one) are your keys to completing GW, without 2 on your team, you're going to have a bad time!

    Oh & on a side note, I don't know how long you've been playing, but a "pro tip", try to focus on leveling 1 hero per table. You look like you're all over the place with your upgrades. The more 7* Heros you have the easier it gets.
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    Is that Revenge of the Sith Dooku?
  • Doga
    808 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Smithie wrote: »
    Why dont you just kill RG first and use Han ST and Old Ben in your squad

    Try killing a gear IX, several times in a row while getting beat up by other gear 9 and 10 toons and I don't have Han and old Ben, or 5's or any tank with enough hp atm.
  • Options
    Alexone wrote: »
    chuckwing wrote: »
    Against RG teams you have to run high damage toons. It's funny because they tried to prevent that with this update but now they have a tank problem that almost requires you to run those same toons (QGJ, GS, Rey...).

    And don't listen to the AOE team talk. Dooku is the most common lead still and running an AOE team against Dooku is death.

    Don't put QGJ as a high damager. Makes me mad. :angry:

    75% damage boost to assisting attackers = High damage when you run a team of GS, Rey, Greedo, 86.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    chuckwing wrote: »
    Alexone wrote: »
    chuckwing wrote: »
    Against RG teams you have to run high damage toons. It's funny because they tried to prevent that with this update but now they have a tank problem that almost requires you to run those same toons (QGJ, GS, Rey...).

    And don't listen to the AOE team talk. Dooku is the most common lead still and running an AOE team against Dooku is death.

    Don't put QGJ as a high damager. Makes me mad. :angry:

    75% damage boost to assisting attackers = High damage when you run a team of GS, Rey, Greedo, 86.

    That's a specific attacker team. My RG comes often to QGJ assists though...What happens if people put Old Ben and Barriss in their team? Only way QGJ is ever high damage is when he calls one of those attackers you mentioned. And you know what? Even then is not enough for me unless Poggle gave offense up.

    How is Greedo? Is he a good attacker? never saw him before.
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    theHejiN wrote: »
    You fail because Dooku is missing his body

    Hahaha I'm dead
  • CPMP
    974 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    4th day today that GW left unfinished

    After 2 and a half hour i managed to beat the 11th team with what was left from C, D, F teams.


    And this is what's left of my roster for the last node :

    How is this supposed to be ok? Fighting Dooku led teams with full protection and precrafted gear....with just a main team that has protection depleted? Was this the protection update that was going to fix the game? Challenges became impossible (reverted), light/dark/cantina missions too, (Thank god i got that unfair advantage vs others because i finished them before update). Now GW too became impossible to finish unless you have some specific heroes, and by specific i mean a team with :
    <Insert best leader in game>
    <Insert best tank in game>
    <Insert 1st best dps>
    <insert 2nd best dps>
    <insert best support>

    If you don't have those above, how are you supposed to roll through full protection, precrafted teams that composed by those heroes and by having your protection depleted? And about precrafted gear, i still don't get it why CG added the new pieces BEFORE they release guilds, or the means to farm them... What exactly were they thinking?
    I'm done with takes so much time and does't even gets done. And if guilds require crap like finish whole GW, then i'm done with guilds too before that even starts...
    I'm amazed how CG haven't already revert the last update since it broke almost everything in the game. But what's worse is that they keep dark/light/cantina/GW broken without caring to fix them atm. This gotta be the biggest fail in the gaming history.
    Post edited by CPMP on
  • Kabbes
    430 posts Member
    Sid is an easy toon to face, particularly in the last node. He does little damage. Lumi is also straightforward -- she is very slow and no longer hits remotely as hard as she once did. Dooku hits like a wet sponge and Kylo Ren is not much better. If I have that as a node, I give it barely a glance before hitting it with my usual GW team, no matter the gear and level and stars.

    Your problem is either your approach or the team you are trying to use or, more likely, both. Stop whinging about it and devote your time to trying something new instead.
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    I hardly ever use RG in GW, usually just for the last node cos I can let loose then. I face him quite often. With the ultimate GW team of Barris, Lumi, JC, Daka and Dooku/5s. Throw in a kill squad or whatever, take any of the toons to just above or around 50% health or at least finish off the protection. Use Han or Poe.

    Whatever, the idea is to have the right roster/ a deep bench for GW. You can't complain that you want to win with any/all/just the toons you have. You can but you shouldn't. Work on healers, stunners, toons what ever's needed. They're all F2P. You should work on what makes the game tick, the game can't work around the toons you like/ have/ want. Work on JC if not Barris. You will need healers if you want to make your limited roster last, it's a game of attrition.

    Lvl 65 facing lvl 70+, shout that GW is hard/impossible. I agree those kind of match ups are unfair.

    At lvl 75, you've been playing long enough to know how the game works, what kind of toons work for the majority of players in GW/ Arena/ whatever. You're also an active member of the community. It just doesn't make sense you would mention RG as the reason for finding GW so hard. RG might be OP at G9 or not, but GW with a half decent bench, the bad AI, the predetermined RNG roll, the retreat option et al should be a piece of cake for someone at 75. Longer to chew maybe but eminently edible. You're playing it wrong, sorry to say. Been said and discussed enough times on the forum, healers are the key to GW.
  • CPMP
    974 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Kabbes wrote: »
    Sid is an easy toon to face, particularly in the last node. He does little damage. Lumi is also straightforward -- she is very slow and no longer hits remotely as hard as she once did. Dooku hits like a wet sponge and Kylo Ren is not much better. If I have that as a node, I give it barely a glance before hitting it with my usual GW team, no matter the gear and level and stars.

    Your problem is either your approach or the team you are trying to use or, more likely, both. Stop whinging about it and devote your time to trying something new instead.

    I would agree with you, but this is the roster that left, after all the previous nodes. This isn't arena where you can use your main team as many times you like and with cd and protection full...
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    @CPMP, I know I'm being really blunt and you might not like what I'm saying but you really need to work on your healers. That's the only way to make sure you can use some of your toons to the end. There's no way around it.

    I learnt that a long time ago, don't even remember the last time I lost. At 119 wins today.
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    For that node I'd maybe try Mace lead replacing Dooku for boost to Lumi and QGJ, as well as a 3rd buff remover. And he had full protection left.
  • Kabbes
    430 posts Member
    CPMP wrote: »
    Kabbes wrote: »
    Sid is an easy toon to face, particularly in the last node. He does little damage. Lumi is also straightforward -- she is very slow and no longer hits remotely as hard as she once did. Dooku hits like a wet sponge and Kylo Ren is not much better. If I have that as a node, I give it barely a glance before hitting it with my usual GW team, no matter the gear and level and stars.

    Your problem is either your approach or the team you are trying to use or, more likely, both. Stop whinging about it and devote your time to trying something new instead.

    I would agree with you, but this is the roster that left, after all the previous nodes. This isn't arena where you can use your main team as many times you like and with cd and protection full...

    You really, really need to listen to this:
    I hardly ever use RG in GW, usually just for the last node cos I can let loose then. I face him quite often. With the ultimate GW team of Barris, Lumi, JC, Daka and Dooku/5s. Throw in a kill squad or whatever, take any of the toons to just above or around 50% health or at least finish off the protection. Use Han or Poe.

    Whatever, the idea is to have the right roster/ a deep bench for GW. You can't complain that you want to win with any/all/just the toons you have. You can but you shouldn't. Work on healers, stunners, toons what ever's needed. They're all F2P. You should work on what makes the game tick, the game can't work around the toons you like/ have/ want. Work on JC if not Barris. You will need healers if you want to make your limited roster last, it's a game of attrition.

    Lvl 65 facing lvl 70+, shout that GW is hard/impossible. I agree those kind of match ups are unfair.

    At lvl 75, you've been playing long enough to know how the game works, what kind of toons work for the majority of players in GW/ Arena/ whatever. You're also an active member of the community. It just doesn't make sense you would mention RG as the reason for finding GW so hard. RG might be OP at G9 or not, but GW with a half decent bench, the bad AI, the predetermined RNG roll, the retreat option et al should be a piece of cake for someone at 75. Longer to chew maybe but eminently edible. You're playing it wrong, sorry to say. Been said and discussed enough times on the forum, healers are the key to GW.

    Either that or just keep losing and complaining about it. Your choice.
  • CPMP
    974 posts Member
    @CPMP, I know I'm being really blunt and you might not like what I'm saying but you really need to work on your healers. That's the only way to make sure you can use some of your toons to the end. There's no way around it.

    I learnt that a long time ago, don't even remember the last time I lost. At 119 wins today.

    Lumi is maxed, Daka is maxed gear and 5 stars, JC is maxed gear and 5* too.
    The problem is that after protection wears off, my toons get 1 shotted. Even if i save some of them with heal, the cds are long enough. The first hard node today was GS, ig86 and QGJ hiding behind RG. No matter how many tries i did, someone would always get one shotted. (protection was allready gone by then) I wasted almost 1 hour on that battle only, tried every different combo. On my best try, i lost Dooku and Daka. On next node with Rey, and prefrafted GQJ and Daka and with Dooku leader, i lost Lumi, JC, my 5* maxed gear vader and my kylo without protection, got 1 shotted by Rey (My kylo has 19800 hp).
    Before protection update you could manipulate RNG enough to save/kill some heroes before they do harm. Now with protection and Dooku leader, it became horrible.
    I was barely losing any toon in GW pre update, and now i can't even finish it....
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    I know I sit on a deeper bench than most. But I need to chime in here. Work on your bench. Those teams you posted seriously aren't that difficult, and they're what you'd expect from a Galactic War at high levels.

    GW is supposed to be hard and especially if you're FTP it takes additional planning and work to keep beating them. I know it can be frustrating, and venting on the forums can feel like a relief. Follow @Azraelrulez advice above and I assure you that your frustration levels will decline drastically in the long run.
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