A great imbalance in The Fornace -- One month+ EACH to farm, RNG shipments, 64 characters need them

4326 posts Member
edited May 2016
It is completely unfair and ridiculous to gate 2/3 of my characters behind ONE unfarmable item, and then make them appear for purchase randomly. I know people who have had one show up every day in their shipments, while I and other, despite repeated refreshes, have never seen a single one. And I need at least 12.
This has created an even bigger imbalance between gear "haves" and "have nots" than the precrafting. Many of the most important characters require these bloody things and the unlucky people have to wait months for raid drops a few pieces at a time while others are just gearing up a new character a day.
Please remove the randomness from this. It's bad enough that we are reduced to spending $10 for one piece of gear for one character. Having to beg for the opportunity to spend money makes me want to quit.
And please increase the drop rates further in the raid. The average person will get 10 or 15 pieces of salvage in a Tier 6 every 2-4 days and there are 4 different unfarmable items. That's one entire month per furnace to get them from the raid, and 64 characters need them. How is that reasonable?
Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
Post edited by Qeltar on


  • Arijit
    510 posts Member
    On the hindsight, I wonder $10 for a piece of gear for a mobile game. You can buy so many top games for that price.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I am starting to wonder myself why I am even doing this.
    I've always been a patient player and I am now complaining about not being able to spend 10 bucks on ONE item.
    This is having a ricochet effect on me. If I'm going to have to beg for this stuff, then I might as well just forget it, accept that my guys will be stuck at Gear 8 forever, and go back to spending lightly.
    Too much waste.
    I love the raid, but this gear situation is HORRIBLE.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    really now? want to quit? come on dude....
    mighty chlorians
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    I'm not going to quit over this. But it makes me feel like quitting.
    I know players who feel the same way, some of whom are big spenders and they have blown tons of money just on refreshes, gotten none, and they have guildmates who have tons of these.
    The whole situation is ****ing ridiculous.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • Tak
    352 posts Member
    It is true, we are pretty much forced to spend to progress. Not only that but has anyone else been credit starved lately? I got about ten characters I want to lvl and star up but got no credits to keep up
  • LaLiam
    1589 posts Member
    I was about to correct your spelling.

    I see what you did there.
  • Arijit
    510 posts Member
    Honestly with so many toons needing furnace and droid caller, they should generously drop in raids, at least the components.(in generous quantity)
  • warmonkey
    1314 posts Member
    For a sec I thought I had found some of these gear items in my raid awards this morning and I was excited. Then I realized what I got was actually garbage and now I'm wondering if raiding is even worth the effort.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Yes, they should.
    But they don't. Even after the update.
    TI did a Tier 6 after the update and 1 out of 50 people got a full item.
    An average person in a Tier 6 will get 10 or 15 pieces of ONE unfarmable item. There are 4 of them. That means on average, it will take on the order of 15 Tier 6 raids to get ONE furnace. It's taking us 3-4 days to do one. Even if we get that down to 2 days with practice, that's ONE MONTH PER FURNACE.
    There are 64 characters that need them, some more than one.
    This is beyond ridiculous.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • gugek
    82 posts Member
    I had thought that shipments were set up to be based dynamically on some metric like player level and need, but of course that would be too sophisticated. What we instead get is another Skinner box where players are getting conditioned and reinforced to jump at the "valuable", "rare", "required" or "necessary" reward.

    But alas the notes mislead me:

    We have improved the Shipments feature to allow us to sell items that are more relevant to the player, such as high value gear.
    Refresh times will now refresh at pre-set times each day (instead of 6 hours since the last refresh).
    The pricing of materials in Shipments have been retuned.
    Shipments now support a wider variety of items to be sold.
    Ability Material III is now available in Arena Shipments.
    An additional slot has been added for Shipments.

    MΔW and MΔW and MΔW
  • int3ns1fy
    210 posts Member
    Arijit wrote: »
    On the hindsight, I wonder $10 for a piece of gear for a mobile game. You can buy so many top games for that price.

    Of course you can, but EA is counting on people being completely irrational with their money. I think it's hilarious that character packs are $50+ in this game and that doesn't even get you a fully starred and leveled one. For that amount of money you can get a full PS4/Xbox/PC game. Never mind people who supposedly spend *thousands* on this game. lol

    I mean if you've got money to burn great, but I can think of LOTS of better ways to spend thousands of dollars on gaming (VR anyone?) than dumping it into a mobile game. Don't get me wrong, this is pretty good for a mobile game, despite its long list of flaws. But it's still crap compared to games on real gaming platforms. I dunno, I just completely don't get the mindset of someone who spends hundreds or thousands of dollars on this game instead of on other, vastly superior games. But people do I guess - I'd love to see the financial data for this game.
  • LordAlvert
    1193 posts Member
    Qeltar wrote: »
    I'm not going to quit over this. But it makes me feel like quitting.
    I know players who feel the same way, some of whom are big spenders and they have blown tons of money just on refreshes, gotten none, and they have guildmates who have tons of these.
    The whole situation is ****ing ridiculous.

    My advice @Qeltar is to simply be patient and refresh. Yes I have bought three furnaces. I was the first here to report they were in shipments and everyone said "no way." But they were. I got two on the first day and then have been refreshing the 100s. I would say there is about a 8% chance they are there. 3/40. Now even if I had awesome rng they are at least there 4%. At least they are there. My favorite toons need droid callers and all I have gotten from my three raids with shout out Mighty Chlorians who ended April at tie for #1 was 40% of a Nubian. That will be slower.... Relax you will be fine. My prediction is you will get one every 6 days about. Once you get the main guys you will relax. Bad rng it is okay.

  • Lianara
    740 posts Member
    There should be several options. Slowly grind or buy quickly. Slow grind is still available ... Getting 200-300 crystals a day from arena rank and completion of dailies will give someone ability to afford a furnace in about 7-10 days, assuming they don't spend crystal on refreshes. If there are 10/toons that need it we are talking three months. And that's not counting droid callers and other unobtainable gear which will extend it further. So while slow grind is still there, it is far too slow. With grind being so slow they did essentially make it a p2w game. Sad ...

    I managed to buy two furnaces, but it was due to stockpile of crystals from high arena rank over the course of 3 months. No more crystals if any new furnaces show up.
    Ally Code: 253-747-318
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    My advice @Qeltar is to simply be patient and refresh. Yes I have bought three furnaces. I was the first here to report they were in shipments and everyone said "no way." But they were. I got two on the first day and then have been refreshing the 100s. I would say there is about a 8% chance they are there. 3/40. Now even if I had awesome rng they are at least there 4%. At least they are there.

    You know I never considered refreshing at first. I figured I would just get them from the raid. I like the raid.
    But it's going to take forever.
    So I started refreshing. And it didn't work. At first I just did the 50 refreshes, nothing. The last two days, I added the 100 refreshes.
    And I realized: "I am wasting money to have the OPPORTUNITY to waste even more money on items that they deliberately made nearly impossible to get".
    **** all of this.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • Jetlife
    1367 posts Member
    Dude 98% people are in your shoes, but they don't even have the crystals to get em. They've been in shipments for few days. Patience you need.
    Lucky I am.
  • Options
    Digital crack dealers. Got you hooked and are upping the price to compete. You can play for free. But if you want gear to compete you need to pay
  • Weezy34
    117 posts Member
    I generally spend a month or so playing these freemium games before you get to a point where it's a pay to advance situation.

    This game HAD been different, which is why I've been playing for 4 months and actually spent a little cash.

    But OP is absolutely right, they have created a gate in which you must pay to get through, which, in the end will cost them quite a bit of players, just not the payers.

    Capitalism at its finest, "man, we're making a boatload on this game... How can we make more?!?"

    It's all about greed, it's what makes the world go round
  • Asic
    1146 posts Member
    Opposite here- I had furnaces show up in shipments once yesterday and twice today. I am firmly convinced the game is trolling me.
  • LordAlvert
    1193 posts Member
    Qeltar wrote: »
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    My advice @Qeltar is to simply be patient and refresh. Yes I have bought three furnaces. I was the first here to report they were in shipments and everyone said "no way." But they were. I got two on the first day and then have been refreshing the 100s. I would say there is about a 8% chance they are there. 3/40. Now even if I had awesome rng they are at least there 4%. At least they are there.

    You know I never considered refreshing at first. I figured I would just get them from the raid. I like the raid.
    But it's going to take forever.
    So I started refreshing. And it didn't work. At first I just did the 50 refreshes, nothing. The last two days, I added the 100 refreshes.
    And I realized: "I am wasting money to have the OPPORTUNITY to waste even more money on items that they deliberately made nearly impossible to get".
    **** all of this.

    I refreshed to get my main guys who needed only it to go gear 9. From now I will just patiently wait. You WILL get one. I spent 900 on refreshes the last few days... You can debate the worth of that but I was willing. It is not different than doing the 400 cantina refresh and only pulling one toon shard on double shard day (I know). The entire game is rng reward based. I guess my point is you will find the furnaces much less of a choke point for toon development than droid callers and credits and purple crystals and Nubian 6/7. Mark my words... You will get a couple. Sooner than you think. You just had bad rng. Just trying to talk you off the ledge...
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    It is not different than doing the 400 cantina refresh and only pulling one toon shard on double shard day (I know).

    I had that happen yesterday too. But it IS different.
    You still got the other rewards from that. And that's just standard game drop stuff.
    We're talking here about spending $10 just for the chance to spend another $10! Look I am no shrinking violet, I have spent at least $100 a month on this game since launch. But they are pushing me over the edge with this ****.
    I can't compete in arena, I can't beat top guildies for the best ranks in the guild.. why am I even doing this at all?
    And why am I spending money to reward a company for treating me like this?
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • Bane646
    13 posts Member
    There is no way it is 8%...I have 0 with 4 refreshes per day since the start. It is time for a compromise... I suggest a package purchase with 3 furnace/droid callers. Some RNG thrown in as well. Could be 3 of one or a 2 and one split. It is not enough to fill a squad for pvp but would help until one could farm more through raids. EA makes a fortune and it will keep more people playing in the long run.
  • FriedGold
    31 posts Member
    I have to be honest: I am really impressed with how clever EA is. There have been so many posts lately about how people won't spend another dime on this game, etc. They are really making people want to spend money. Not only with this gear issue but the May the 4th bundles are very appealing. I can't afford to spend anything on this game right now but seriously, those are good deals, especially if you are **** into the temptation of buying furnaces to quickly level at least your most powerful characters.

    Well played, EA. Well played indeed.
  • LordAlvert
    1193 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Honestly I would gift you one if the game allowed... Appreciate your takes here. Just disagree w you on this one. It affects you and annoys you that you are wasting for "nothing". Yes you spent on a chance to get something. It's intrinsic in this games' design and causes compulsive addictive behavior as very well outlined by naecabon a few weeks ago.

    Why not simply take the middle ground... Refresh the 50s. You occasionally get a chance at very coveted shard purchase on your project toons (well scout sadly still Rey for me) and you can buy the credit gear. If you refresh the 50s daily stop at 100. You will in all probability have a furnace in the next 4 days. That chance stands at 100pct - (96%)^(days*refreshes a day). That assumes 4pct that is shows up which is a rate much below what I have seen. Plot that math function even for 3% or 2%... It will be nigh impossible to go a week without getting one. With 50 purple refreshes... I estimate 1/5 days. Yes you can flip a coin 10 times in a row heads but it is unlikely. It is unlikely you will go 7 days without getting one. Very. Watch you will be more impaired by droid callers and the Nubian 6 and 7 and credits now at 80. w
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    @LordAlvert - Cheers, reasonable people can disagree.
    I will go back to the 50 refreshes. That's cheap enough. But still frustrating.
    @FriedGold - Yes, they are clever. They are already making a mint. I just bought a bonus pack. I am happy to give them money and the raid is the reason, I asked for content and they gave it to me.
    But do they have to frustrate me like this? Give me positive reasons to spend money (I like the raid and want to do better and support development) and not negative ones (I have to waste money on refreshes trying to find unfarmable items.)
    This game's strength from the start was that it was balanced and not too P2W. This is tipping completely overboard now.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • Options
    Gear 8 is nothing to sneer at, yo.
  • Slewfoot
    910 posts Member
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    Watch you will be more impaired by droid callers and the Nubian 6 and 7 and credits now at 80. w

    This, two weeks from now people will be complaining about the Nub 6/7
  • Jedi2407
    782 posts Member
    If they don't change this, there will come a point when the gulf between haves and have nots is so large that the have nots will have zero chance to progress and compete. That is when I will quit, because what's the point then?
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