A great imbalance in The Fornace -- One month+ EACH to farm, RNG shipments, 64 characters need them


  • HanSlowMo
    235 posts Member
    As long as **** keep refreshing, buying them, and spending crystals...then they aren't changing it. Oh how the rest of the community hasn't learned. Even yourself have spent crystals to refresh in hopes of purchasing it.

    Why would they change this? I could certainly buy them and blow the refreshes, but NOTHING will change if I do or don't, so I'm not participating in this garbage. I'm accepting the fact that my characters will be stuck at gear 8 but also not giving into this ridiculous gating scheme.

    It wouldn't be a big deal if EVERY hero almost requires this stuff. It's tacking an extra 10 bucks on every hero to use at least...

    Do they realize how many heroes there are? To gate one piece of gear and omega mats is just forcing everyone to focus on a core group of heroes, not even utilizing 80% of our rosters.

    Make us spend on heroes, refreshes, occasional gear in the shop, good chromium, aurodium, and bundle packs. STOP limiting our character progression after we already spend the money and time getting said heroes. It feels like every turn we have to spend spend spend...
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    first one after the update. just do the 50's. I know how it feels to not have it and still rank 1 a couple times a week during the busiest payout time on our shard. I still suck at raids though lol.
    mighty chlorians
  • SlyGambit
    1246 posts Member
    Qeltar wrote: »
    I am starting to wonder myself why I am even doing this.
    I've always been a patient player and I am now complaining about not being able to spend 10 bucks on ONE item.
    This is having a ricochet effect on me. If I'm going to have to beg for this stuff, then I might as well just forget it, accept that my guys will be stuck at Gear 8 forever, and go back to spending lightly.
    Too much waste.
    I love the raid, but this gear situation is HORRIBLE.

    The top 5 slots of my shard consist of G9+ RG with a G9+ Fives and usually a G9+ Leia or Rey (or in one case both of them!).

    It's so imbalanced it's ridiculous. To top it off I'm looking at teams with 4 Omega skills on each of them.

    Either spend a small fortune or don't spend at all. Trying to just spend a couple hundred dollars, yet alone less than a hundred, is just a waste of money.

    If people would stop the little micro transactions and just leave the whales to spend the game would have to change. Instead everyone is giving 10 here or 20 there when that's not even a drop in a bucket.

  • Dantefire
    277 posts Member
    Qeltar wrote: »
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    It is not different than doing the 400 cantina refresh and only pulling one toon shard on double shard day (I know).

    I had that happen yesterday too. But it IS different.
    You still got the other rewards from that. And that's just standard game drop stuff.
    We're talking here about spending $10 just for the chance to spend another $10! Look I am no shrinking violet, I have spent at least $100 a month on this game since launch. But they are pushing me over the edge with this ****.
    I can't compete in arena, I can't beat top guildies for the best ranks in the guild.. why am I even doing this at all?
    And why am I spending money to reward a company for treating me like this?

    Not trolling. Also not trying to be an @$$. But the fact is you shouldn't be competing for top tiers in arena and guild rewards with that little spent. If you could, the whales would leave the game as there would be no incentive for them to spend the much larger amounts of money than you have. And I have for that matter.

    I've accepted where I rank based on what I've been willing to pay. Best I've done in arena is 6th, and that was yesterday. Can't even crack top 20 in guilds. But everyone above me has spent a ton more than I have. It's the nature of these games. Yeah, I totally want to gear up my toons too. But I can't, and I'm not falling into the trap of wasting my crystals on mad refreshes vs. the rng.

    Finally, I have to believe there will be additional methods to farm this gear once a majority of the community has hit lvl 80.

    Sorry you're so frustrated dude.
    - R.I.P. Carrie Fisher -
  • LordAlvert
    1193 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Qeltar wrote: »
    @LordAlvert - Cheers, reasonable people can disagree.
    I will go back to the 50 refreshes. That's cheap enough. But still frustrating.
    @FriedGold - Yes, they are clever. They are already making a mint. I just bought a bonus pack. I am happy to give them money and the raid is the reason, I asked for content and they gave it to me.
    But do they have to frustrate me like this? Give me positive reasons to spend money (I like the raid and want to do better and support development) and not negative ones (I have to waste money on refreshes trying to find unfarmable items.)
    This game's strength from the start was that it was balanced and not too P2W. This is tipping completely overboard now.

    Let me agree very much with you on this last point...

    Very little has been said about how this has become a very very gear dependent game. I posted here a few weeks back vexed that a gear 9 four star RG was way more powerful than a gear 8 SEVEN star RG. They promised not to add an eighth star. But they effectively neutered starring. Starring takes 2-3 months even 5 months to get to seven stars. Gear 9 can be done in 2 days easily on a toon esp w the precrafting debacle.

    Putting this gear in the shipments for crystals is the MOST p2w thing that has been done on this game since inception. I'm not complaining but let's say it for what it is. My arena squad jumped 500 power in 2 days and 100pct ftp did not...
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    Dantefire wrote: »
    Qeltar wrote: »
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    It is not different than doing the 400 cantina refresh and only pulling one toon shard on double shard day (I know).

    I had that happen yesterday too. But it IS different.
    You still got the other rewards from that. And that's just standard game drop stuff.
    We're talking here about spending $10 just for the chance to spend another $10! Look I am no shrinking violet, I have spent at least $100 a month on this game since launch. But they are pushing me over the edge with this ****.
    I can't compete in arena, I can't beat top guildies for the best ranks in the guild.. why am I even doing this at all?
    And why am I spending money to reward a company for treating me like this?

    Not trolling. Also not trying to be an @$$. But the fact is you shouldn't be competing for top tiers in arena and guild rewards with that little spent. If you could, the whales would leave the game as there would be no incentive for them to spend the much larger amounts of money than you have. And I have for that matter.

    I've accepted where I rank based on what I've been willing to pay. Best I've done in arena is 6th, and that was yesterday. Can't even crack top 20 in guilds. But everyone above me has spent a ton more than I have. It's the nature of these games. Yeah, I totally want to gear up my toons too. But I can't, and I'm not falling into the trap of wasting my crystals on mad refreshes vs. the rng.

    Finally, I have to believe there will be additional methods to farm this gear once a majority of the community has hit lvl 80.

    Sorry you're so frustrated dude.

    This is the best part of this game. Up until this gear point you didn't have to spend anything to win at all. An FTP could actually compete with the whales. And EA was still making a ton of money off the branding and collecting. I think that raids would have been sufficient to keep rosters expanding and money flowing. However I bet EAs data was showing that small spenders were trending to spending less and something needed to be done. And it's worked.

    I think this is a divergent point in the game though where if you started on a shard today as an FTP you would never catch up to the spenders. Whether this is good or bad is up to the individual but the games philosophy changed. It was a smart way to do it to. As an FTP I am now tempted to drop money when furnaces show up. I can afford 1 a week with arena winnings but if they show up more it will be difficult to keep the wallet away especially for my arena toons.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    @reizse - I refreshed 6 times yesterday and 6 times today. Yes I understand it is RNG. It is also ****ing frustrating as hell and unnecessarily dumb.
    You got lucky. I didn't. I can accept this with regular drops. Doing it with purchase options is insane.
    They are annoying their customers and even cheating themselves of money.
    Dantefire wrote: »
    But the fact is you shouldn't be competing for top tiers in arena and guild rewards with that little spent. If you could, the whales would leave the game as there would be no incentive for them to spend the much larger amounts of money than you have. And I have for that matter.
    What came to my mind reading this was the end fight in Episode 3 on the lava when Kenobi screams at Anakin: "Well then you are lost!"
    A primary strength of this game was that the spread between big spenders and moderate spenders and low spenders and even F2P was not as huge as in other games. I left my last game because I either had to pay thousands to compete or had no chance. I stayed in this one because until this gear fiasco, it was different.
    I am on pace to spend over $1,000 a year. On a mobile game. In any reasonable world I would be considered borderline crazy for this. (My wife thinks I am.) But here I am considered too light a spender to be competitive?
    So what, should I just quit now? Do they really expect me to spend five years farming gear at just one level?
    In addition, note that the main complaint here isn't that I have to spend more money, it's that I am not even able to! :)
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • JarJar_Shard_1
    393 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Great issues raised in this post. Pay to win aspect, gear issues, frustration it all brings. Where are all the credits!? I hope they change this. I think they wanted to slow down the pace of play which was too fast for them to keep up with. They have slowed us and put a toll in our way for which we have to pay to get through if we want to keep moving fast. We were told Raids would fix the precraft problems. Do you think raids have fixed the problem? Depends on how fast you want to drive. In the end, what will the furnaces give us? It's an illusion....
    Post edited by JarJar_Shard_1 on

    Chondrosarcoma- Chondro3150#0907
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    yes, luck and crystals were involved, which I personally feel are a terrible combination when it relegates a player's 'fun' factor. just one of those should be enough. however, as evidenced by this thread...ea is doing something right if players are complaining about not being able to spend money to advance, but still spend anyway on a chance (as you said) to advance. part of the problem is the addictive nature of gamers and ea does an excellent job tapping into that primal aspect. dangle the (shadow) of a carrot, never mind the actual carrot and restrict it with a pay gate, then make you pay for the actual (digital lol) thing.
    can you imagine if real life were like that? here, pay for a preview while you're at the red light district. don't like what you see? here, pay more for more previews. oh you finally like something? here, now actually pay for it. what a business model. what a time to be alive
    mighty chlorians
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    Right, when they pulled this bullsquat move of retroactively adding items they said raiding would be the solution.
    It's not.
    They need to increase the rewards, again, and by a lot.
    And if they want to offer P2W options, offer them to everyone. This is like putting chromium packs in the store randomly.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • FriedGold
    31 posts Member
    Great issues raised in this post. Pay to win aspect, gear issues, frustration it all brings. Where are all the credits!? I hope they change this. I think they wanted to slow down the pace of play which was too fast for them to keep up with. They have slowed us and put a toll in our way for which we have to pay to get through if we want to keep moving fast. We were told Raids would fix the precraft problems. Do you think raids have fixed the problem? Depends on how fast you want to drive. In the end, what will the furnaces give us? Not much of an advantage on my shard, in my arena or my guild. It's an illusion....

    I completely agree that we were progressing faster than they liked. Used to be easy to keep many toons leveled up to your level. I was even able to consistently focus on new toons and try combinations out. But the higher I get, the more credits it takes, yet you don't earn an increased amount to compensate for that growth. At this point I can only focus on my arena squad and one or two others. Once I hit 80 I will gradually catch everyone else up, likely just in time for them to raise the cap to 90.
  • ZJavinho
    34 posts Member
    I don't think they realized most people only want to buy the unobtainable gear, they should have 1 slot of each shipment with at least 1 piece of gear that you require raid rewards to craft
  • chuckwing
    679 posts Member
    @Qeltar I feel you man. Finished 5 raids so far and I have gotten a total of 6 salvage pieces that I need for the furnace, and 0 for the droid caller.
  • Options
    Qeltar wrote: »
    But here I am considered too light a spender to be competitive?
    So what, should I just quit now?

    The gear situation has turned the game into an auction for the arena/guild top spots. $100's won't do it, and even $1000 won't do it, unless there aren't people on your server/guild willing to pay more. They removed the soft cap on spending which existed before. The way I see it, I'm spending money now just as a character collector, and I'm not sweating it if I can no longer get top 2 in arena/guild. Because I'm forced to accept that I won't be as competitive, I'm not spending on gear at all. I'm only spending on character shards and getting everyone to gear VIII, which will cost much less than getting an arena team to gear X in this century. If I ever get a full arena squad to gear X, that will be a bonus, but I don't expect it to ever happen.

  • Chef5
    369 posts Member
    daily refreshing, no furnace. I need one for rey, I already have her gear 10 precrafted. But the furnace is is a no show even after refreshes. Makes me wonder free to play people get furnaces more often in the shop and the pay 2 play won't get them unless they spend more money on refreshes. Is this truly random, or is it set up that f2p get them easier and paying players?
  • Glhdtrim
    19 posts Member
    First world problems...
  • Options
    1 month to farm. Isn't it like 3 days of finishing number 1 in arena?

    I get you want to spend your crystals on whatever your used to..but this game is really resource and timer management at this point.

    If it's more important for you to spend crystal on XP to get to 80 and omegas faster than do that. Or to get wider roster to do more raid DPS.. Or to get the best gear in the game for 1 character..it's up to you!
  • Options
    They don't care as long as they are making more money. If you want them to makes changes you need to start a campaign to leave them 1 star reviews on the app shop. That's been the only thing they responded to.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    I was wrong. It's even worse than I thought for most people.
    Average Tier 6 reward for players other than the top 10 is 9 salvage. There are 4 different items, so that means you are averaging 2.25 salvage of each per raid over time. Let's say you occasionally get a full one, so let's bump that up to 2.5 of each salvage per raid.
    Even a good guild (not meaning an all-whale hard-core guild) 3 days to do a Tier 6. Assuming they immediately start new raids constantly, you are going to get in 10 raids per month, so 25 of each salvage per month.
    So I was wrong, it's actually TWO months per furnace per person except for the people at the top who are likely there because they already have them.
    That's 6 furnaces a year.
    Nice reward system.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • AdamW
    692 posts Member
    Raid and challenge rewards need to be improved. 100 characters to farm for, some people are already looking at 2-3 years of farming ahead of them.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Qeltar wrote: »
    I was wrong. It's even worse than I thought for most people.
    Average Tier 6 reward for players other than the top 10 is 9 salvage. There are 4 different items, so that means you are averaging 2.25 salvage of each per raid over time. Let's say you occasionally get a full one, so let's bump that up to 2.5 of each salvage per raid.
    Even a good guild (not meaning an all-whale hard-core guild) 3 days to do a Tier 6. Assuming they immediately start new raids constantly, you are going to get in 10 raids per month, so 25 of each salvage per month.
    So I was wrong, it's actually TWO months per furnace per person except for the people at the top who are likely there because they already have them.
    That's 6 furnaces a year.
    Nice reward system.

    How long is it for the players that place 40-50? Hope everyone realizes how silly (eh don't feel like cursing) the raid rewards are.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    AdamW wrote: »
    Raid and challenge rewards need to be improved. 100 characters to farm for, some people are already looking at 2-3 years of farming ahead of them.

    And that's for this tier. There are 3 more above this. Imagine how much fun that will be?
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • Achilles
    1380 posts Member
    You just need my luck, because then you would not get enough shards to unlock so many chars needing so many gear! ;)
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
  • fudgra
    982 posts Member
    After getting 2 of the furnaces in the store I haven't seen another one. I believe this is the fourth day without seeing it.
  • HanSlowMo
    235 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    And yet, people are still throwing their wallets at the screen on refreshes and gear purchases. Do those people realize how silly that is, THEN complain?

    It's working as intended and they are making money hand over fist on them. This is the BEST stream of income by manipulating and taking advantage of spenders I've seen in any game hands down. And people keep spending, it's actually funny now.

    It went from complaining that it's not available at all onto "I can't spend my money fast enough to buy the item" complaints. This is brilliant...
  • Glory
    23 posts Member
    I agree that the raid rewards are very poor. Gearing my characters past a certain point is near impossible, and the hill is way too steep to bother climbing.

    This aspect of the game seems to be very poorly balanced. I like collecting characters, but it is virtually impossible to level / gear / promote even a small fraction of them. I'm left with a bunch of 7star level1 gear1 characters (or usually enough frags to star them up, if it was worth the enormous effort).

  • ioniancat21
    2091 posts Member
    Arijit wrote: »
    On the hindsight, I wonder $10 for a piece of gear for a mobile game. You can buy so many top games for that price.

    I have complained about pricing in this game from the beginning, it's nice to see it acknowledged again.

    Qeltar's point is also relevant as well on this debacle. To then not offer a way for whales to buy is the trick though and clearly, it's a stall tactic due to the lack of content despite the release of Guilds.

    Overall, the pricing doesn't match the game and anyone with any common sense can see it. I was just saying on another post that I just bought a new Galaxy Note 5 and it was cheaper than a Chromium toon and nobody had an issue with that, insinuating that a brand new top of the line phone is worth less than a character in a game....
  • Options
    Haha I feel the pain too man.
    For the first time since I started playing this game in Nov, I had the idea of quitting.

    Well I'm quite a hardcore quasi-F2P player and generally do quite fine in Arena.
    Today I got my **** whipped by some guy who I regularly beat.
    He was rocking a team of average toons (Dooku lead) but ALL at GEAR 9.
    3/5 of those toons needed a Furnace, so I guess his RNG has been really good since the update?

    But why?! Why are people who put in so much time, spent money and love the game getting shafted by this "gear wall"?
    I mean you gave Aurodium Packs to whales, its the same logic.

    Please, some sanity to this gear farming...
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Arijit wrote: »
    On the hindsight, I wonder $10 for a piece of gear for a mobile game. You can buy so many top games for that price.

    I have complained about pricing in this game from the beginning, it's nice to see it acknowledged again.

    Qeltar's point is also relevant as well on this debacle. To then not offer a way for whales to buy is the trick though and clearly, it's a stall tactic due to the lack of content despite the release of Guilds.

    Overall, the pricing doesn't match the game and anyone with any common sense can see it. I was just saying on another post that I just bought a new Galaxy Note 5 and it was cheaper than a Chromium toon and nobody had an issue with that, insinuating that a brand new top of the line phone is worth less than a character in a game....

    I don't think they will do anything about the pricing. Maybe only after the purchases stop (meaning everyone has MK5 furnaces lol). But it is working for them so far, the dough is pouring.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    This whole debacle has now made me spend less.
    My shipments refreshed. There's a mark 5 stun gun in there. I need several. I hate farming them. I can easily afford it.
    I'm not buying it. Because you know why? Screw it. I'm not playing into this nonsense any more. What does it matter without the furnaces? Am I just going to spend $20 a day on gear?
    I was happy to reward CG with extra crystals for the raid, it is really good. But this? No way.
    The raid was supposed to deal with these **** retroactive gear pieces. It doesn't. Fix it, please.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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