My GW is insanely hard today...coincidence?


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    Yep. Dodge lead is still meta, only reinforced by protection

    I know. They had seemed to of "fixed" the Dooku leader ability when everyone and their sister got nerfed. However in subsequent updates, it has gotten just as bad again. I had a Dooku go off for 6 straight hits on me earlier today. Its absurd. I still won, but come on...
  • TastyPants
    113 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    It is guild PVP day, and your rank affects GW doesn't it? If you have been hitting PVP hard it will make your GW harder.

    My guild mates just pointed that out. I was complaining about the same thing.
    Collaborative T7 guild looking for active members. Details here or PM me.
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    Vandammmm wrote: »
    Please remove protection from Galactic War.... it is horrible...... please......

    Just think for a moment ....... if CG's removes protection it will shunt most of your player special moves...example Yoda etc...I agree with you that the AI has been in need of fixing for near on 2+ mths now...

    Just feel that's not the best way to fix GW atm...
    Maybe Complete AI Redo with a Fun Experience being the Main Goal..
    Quote of the Day "Put that
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    Just finished it, great rewards!
  • five2zero
    512 posts Member
    It looks like they changed it from Arena Power to Top 5 Power
  • LoganRen
    33 posts Member
    You probably versed much higher ranked arena opponents because you refreshed and got 5 more battles due to yesterday's guild challenge.
  • Options
    No changes were made to Galactic War.

    This is similar to people asking if we lowered the drop rates for Cantina Battles yesterday.

    We're not doing anything like that.
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    I completed 24 nodes today. It was business as usual for me. Good reward.
  • LoganRen
    33 posts Member
    No changes were made to Galactic War.

    This is similar to people asking if we lowered the drop rates for Cantina Battles yesterday.

    We're not doing anything like that.

    Yeah, people don't seem to realise that GW opponents are based off the highest rank arena opponent you have beaten and yesterday to meet guild challenges most would have refreshed and thus moved higher up the arena rankings and versed stronger opponents.
  • hhooo
    656 posts Member
    Naso wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Naso wrote: »
    Dooku + sid teams about every node.. Cannot finish GW today, been clearing since beginning, but today, not a chance. Cant be coincidense.

    This team power 33645

    Who is on your bench tho?

    I been able to auto GW before and no toon deaths. But today, if you face those teams constantly with very bad rng, they just burn your bench. Well, you cant win every time, now was my turn to lose. Better luck next time.....or not.

    Maybe play it instead of Auto
    LoganRen wrote: »
    No changes were made to Galactic War.

    This is similar to people asking if we lowered the drop rates for Cantina Battles yesterday.

    We're not doing anything like that.

    Yeah, people don't seem to realise that GW opponents are based off the highest rank arena opponent you have beaten and yesterday to meet guild challenges most would have refreshed and thus moved higher up the arena rankings and versed stronger opponents.
    They aren't based off arena since the last update. Track the power level of your opponents vs your highest 5 characters, you will see the correlation perfectly.
  • Trouserdeagle
    267 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Am I high or are the credit rewards for GW not doubled? Nor was I getting any mk3 ability mats from cantina earlier, despite it showing that I was on the reward screen.
  • Aid8m
    6 posts Member
    LoganRen wrote: »
    No changes were made to Galactic War.

    This is similar to people asking if we lowered the drop rates for Cantina Battles yesterday.

    We're not doing anything like that.

    Yeah, people don't seem to realise that GW opponents are based off the highest rank arena opponent you have beaten and yesterday to meet guild challenges most would have refreshed and thus moved higher up the arena rankings and versed stronger opponents.

    This makes sense. I had a much tougher GW today than I have in weeks, but I'm also ranked 50 places higher than normal in the Arena after the Guild challenge yesterday.
  • Khayman
    850 posts Member
    Wasnt any harder than usual for me. Working on my second of the day and will wait til reset to get a third one with double about to 7* teebo and 6* st han so the extra credits are greatly needed
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    Mine seemed harder but it was still doable.
    Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
  • Options
    No changes were made to Galactic War.

    This is similar to people asking if we lowered the drop rates for Cantina Battles yesterday.

    We're not doing anything like that.

    Hahahahahahahahahhahahahaha good joke
  • Naso
    170 posts Member
    hhooo wrote: »
    Maybe play it instead of Auto

    I dont want waste my time so not an option. Todays GW, easy peasy, i used auto and finished. Yesterdays GW were messed up someway.
    Aid8m wrote: »
    This makes sense. I had a much tougher GW today than I have in weeks, but I'm also ranked 50 places higher than normal in the Arena after the Guild challenge yesterday.

    No it wont. I have been top10 for long time. I fight same 2-5 guys everyday in payout. Something really weird happened yesterday.
    line id: naso_fin
  • hhooo
    656 posts Member
    Naso wrote: »
    I dont want waste my time so not an option. Todays GW, easy peasy, i used auto and finished. Yesterdays GW were messed up someway.
    If you have an active account on this game, then yes, you do want to waste your time.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    Mine was the easiest in the last 10 days
  • President_Scroob
    1802 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    DarthAleex wrote: »
    No changes were made to Galactic War.

    This is similar to people asking if we lowered the drop rates for Cantina Battles yesterday.

    We're not doing anything like that.

    Hahahahahahahahahhahahahaha good joke

    I agree. People can lie. I'm not buying it. With the stealth buff/nerf history of this game...why would I believe them?

    Makes me mad to see one of them acting like there isn't something wrong with GW. The people that are doing it "Easy" are a minority. Most don't like it
  • five2zero
    512 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    No changes were made to Galactic War.

    This is similar to people asking if we lowered the drop rates for Cantina Battles yesterday.

    We're not doing anything like that.

    Why are the highest GW opponents Power >3000 on top of my arena power, this never happens before.
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    Furnaces, GW is getting tougher because super max teams now exist in higher numbers so you are getting better geared team. Also as the gap between your team and the top team goes up difficulty goes up. This gap has reached its peak with the top hitting 80 with the majority in 75-77
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    Nothing changed
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
  • herbert79
    73 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Yeah I did!
    Was miserable. I don't normally get frustrated but I was today.
    I really dread tonight's GW since I have to finish it before they change the double stats to something else. Ugh...
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
  • herbert79
    73 posts Member
    And it's not just dooku lead either. The dodge mechanic in general seems broke. Lumi leads get as many dodges as dooku leads, even non Jedi.
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    herbert79 wrote: »
    And it's not just dooku lead either. The dodge mechanic in general seems broke. Lumi leads get as many dodges as dooku leads, even non Jedi.

    I see an inordinate amount of dodges from even non dodge lead teams
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    Happening to everyone mine is usually the last node have not beaten since update!
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    My favorite is when you go for the kill shot "all of a sudden" a dodge! Than 5 straight hits from other team..
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    I normally don't have any issues until node 7. But today? Throws dooky meta at me on node 5, with severely broken RNG no matter how many times I reset. I'm running a daka, dooku, RG stun team...I went through that whole battle with almost every stun resisted. Not to mention the dogged focus on healers

    Anyone else notice an increase in difficulty today?

    Me too, especially last 4 where i face duku lead with daka,RG,QGJ,GS all lv 77
    the cake is a lie
  • Options
    No changes were made to Galactic War.

    This is similar to people asking if we lowered the drop rates for Cantina Battles yesterday.

    We're not doing anything like that.
    So basically GW difficulty up subconsciously, and choose not to do anything(like even checking it)

    the cake is a lie
  • Preemo_Magin
    1826 posts Member
    I am still level 74 and yesterday I started to see toons one shot A LOT. Like worst than before the "(are you kidding me) balance".
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