My GW is insanely hard today...coincidence?



  • Arijit
    510 posts Member
    It is sad to see there are a few select people who always complain no matter what and try to hatch conspiracy theories with the slightest drop of RNG.

    It is time to mature and grow-up after playing this game for so long. Bored of the same rhetoric complaints.
  • Preemo_Magin
    1826 posts Member

    Yep. I completed it. Took 3 hours and three full teams, but I completed it

    Today I had to sacrifice 4 teams on last battle. Had never ever happened to me until yesterday. Ok, it was 3 levels above me and all omega tier X I assume. They would just one shot anything. They killed a 19k + 17k Rzg in four shots too, and as it was Phasma led they had 4 more hits before I got my first. But before killing RG their Rey one shot a fully protected unused IG-88.

  • Options
    GW is easy with Bariss around. *wink* *wink*
  • forcedino
    38 posts Member
    seems like GW has a theme on its own everyday. Today is Rey, RG, Dooku theme. Encountered them on node 7 - 9. Spent one hour trying to get past them. The frustration of it all. Why do people use Arena team in GW? Goodness.
  • Crasky92
    18 posts Member
    Not at all, I completed both of mine without losing a single character, and I'm entirely F2P.

    To those moaning about protection, if anything the game got easier, you have more time to heal and reset cooldowns with just one enemy left each round. The only people struggling are those who haven't invested in the characters they need. Barriss, lumi and daka are all F2P and can put you through each stage with minimal effort. Add in a dooku lead and high dps character, you'll very rarely have to swap a thing.
  • Usho
    586 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Yeaaa gw is easy with barris, her protection regen is awesome love it, plus her healing over time, ooh that 1,5 k for jedi and 750 for non jedis daayum thats OP, TOTALLY NO character can do 1.5 K DMG... Cut it out with barris, she was good before protection update, any healer was good... Now they simply are sh t.
  • Arim74
    74 posts Member
    It wasn't harder today then usual. I finished it with only losing Han. Most of the times I lose more toons before finishing it. Sometimes I lose a whole squad or even more. Today just Han. And my RG on some point had such a decreased health he wasn't usable anymore.
    Also, most of the times I use a lot of toons. Not today. I could have done the last nod with a squad that still had all of their protection, but finished it with my jedi squad alife and well at the end.
    And walked through the first fife nods using a 4 member C-squad (plus Talia).
  • Preemo_Magin
    1826 posts Member
    One obvious secret is make sure you have a full Barris or (ideally) a totally maxed Lumi. No other healer, and I have 90% of them, can fix your tunes so consistently but then. I don't use Barris since Barrisgate, but since farmable she is viable...the problem with her is that she does no damage at all. Lumi can ability block very dangerous chars like GS that do an assist every 2 turns: a block at the right time will prevent 2 assists, and GS probably has the +15% omega on his assist too. 1 block, saved a char or too. The two turns you have if the block succeeds are used to destroy even more awful threats. This kind of very small details make day and night in GW. If you heal too early or too late you also leave a lot in the table. Too early is when for eg your RG has not yet taunted but based on your chars and enemy chars play order, you know your chars will most likely taunt before a death, so wait it. But also, never wait to heal too late, she heals over time so the latest recommended is heal 3 rounds before end of game which will leave her CD at 2 (second round next battle is perfect). But also, if she is healing over time, do not use any special vs enemy. Ensure all your specials cooldown by using regular. Never hit a Dooku/Fives unless stunned or can be 1 shot. When down to two chars and one Dooku or fives, try to stun but also tanky chars may need to hit counter enemy if the other enemy is close to death. You don't want to have a low HP char have to attack a non-stunned 5555 or Dooku....kamikaze. You need to pay attention to every single detail to finish GW with a small rooster of 8-9 chars.
  • Options
    Was not hard today at all for me,flew by both GW with no problems. So many war tokens were earned today
  • Pierce123
    19 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    My GW was WAAAAY harder today, but I finished. I went at that mothaf**ker with a passion and I got through it. In return, I 6* my phasma and 7* my IG86 in one day, and got some shard shop from lumi shards. All in all it was a good day. I found myself using every single troop I had and I finished with nothing but my savage opress and my aayla secura left lol
  • Pierce123
    19 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    My A team is all jedi

    7* Lumi, 6* JC, 6* EK, 6* QGJ Lead, 5* Yoda

    My B team:

    5* Dooku lead, 7* Sid, 7* Fives, 6* Talia, 5* GS

    My C team:

    6* Poggle, 5* Savage, 7* IG86, 5* HK47, 5* Barris

    And so on. I have a bunch of solid teams, then a couple of suicide squads. I've always been a legend at GW, but it's become a major annoyance, and today it took me almost 2 hours. I found all these

    Dooku, RG, Fives, Lumi, and one other person teams who just rekt me continuously all level 70+ and 7*.

    I even found a **** Sun Fac. He was released like a week ago.
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
  • kejmo
    213 posts Member
    I'm currently stuck for about 1 hour on stage 8 against lvl66 team (and just for instance, my team is 75) because of the wonderfully programmed computer rng. The computer team is :

    Phasma lead - no need to mention, every toon has a bonus attack
    dooku - every attack is a bonus, that calls phasma's bonus + every lightning is a stun, with a 85% chance to stun 2 chars
    GS - that calls bonus attack + phasma's bonus attack
    lumi - well, he just crits always, and
    daka - that has a 100% autorevieve chance and 500% revieve chance, with ofc, 100% stun chance + 100% double stun chance.

    and of course, we can't forget the 6th toon for the computer team, the allmighty Dodge. That one is active against 90% of my hits.

    Oh well, let's keep trying. I love to play GW for 3 hours minimum daily.

    It's fun !
  • DarthAleex
    154 posts Member
    EA don't give anything free, they want money and more money, they don't care players!
  • Options
    Already bet GW twice, no bigger problems.

    I'm ~1000th in Arena.
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    woke up to use the loo and get a glass of water. decided to auto gw for 2x double gw rewards before 9:30. beat it like usual and now going back to bed. lvl 78 teams from node 7 and on. lel
    mighty chlorians
  • Arim74
    74 posts Member
    kejmo wrote: »
    I'm currently stuck for about 1 hour on stage 8 against lvl66 team (and just for instance, my team is 75) because of the wonderfully programmed computer rng.
    It's fun !

    Well, I'm stuck on stage 8 too now for an hour or so. I'm not really having fun for it is another dodging festivity.
  • President_Scroob
    1802 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I seriously doubt anyone really autos gw. With the AI blowing through your specials with no strategy? Yeah you don't have a prayer unless you are a kraken. I call lies on autoing gw. Brag somewhere else
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
  • HB0MBZ
    190 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I'm f2p and run full droids 7*. I'm lvl 74 i have 6* poe and 4* Han and 4* RG gear 6 all lvl 65. And have 2 healers lvl 68. Lumi and JC. It's hard enough being f2p and running droids but the last 3 nodes I faced 3 teams with fives555 and Dooku and daka oh and RG. Anyways I made it to the last node but couldn't complete
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
  • papy72
    182 posts Member
    My 5/01 GW was a lot harder. I burned up all my suicide teams and barely won node 11 only after multiple retreats. I don't normally retreat from any match more than once. Node 12 was a heck of a lot easier in comparison.

    I finished todays GW quickly and easily, again with double the rewards. 7*'d my IG-86 with that. :smile:
  • Arim74
    74 posts Member
    Really, quit that dodge festivity!!!!
  • Looooki
    1045 posts Member
    It's harder today ...
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