How RG and QGJ dictate the meta, and why it's bad


  • int3ns1fy
    210 posts Member
    Sikho wrote: »
    int3ns1fy wrote: »
    Oh look, it's the daily Sikho whine thread! This one makes even less sense than usual

    Please explain your point of view and show me that i'm wrong.

    You like to make grand proclamations about characters being "necessary" or "required" when they're not. Barris is not required to beat GW, and neither RG nor QGJ are required for arena. I have a 5* gear 8 RG and I dropped yesterday from the 40s all the way to 150. RG is not nearly as OP as people think he is, otherwise I wouldn't be getting attacked left and right.

    The fact is that defending in arena since protection was introduced has become **** near impossible. Aside from teams with very high-damage exotic toons (Rey) or those with lots of counterattacking or stuns, almost anything can be beat these days due to protection and poor AI. Making arena a very poor measure of what is and isn't imbalanced.
  • Usho
    586 posts Member
    int3ns1fy wrote: »
    Sikho wrote: »
    int3ns1fy wrote: »
    Oh look, it's the daily Sikho whine thread! This one makes even less sense than usual

    Please explain your point of view and show me that i'm wrong.

    You like to make grand proclamations about characters being "necessary" or "required" when they're not. Barris is not required to beat GW, and neither RG nor QGJ are required for arena. I have a 5* gear 8 RG and I dropped yesterday from the 40s all the way to 150. RG is not nearly as OP as people think he is, otherwise I wouldn't be getting attacked left and right.

    The fact is that defending in arena since protection was introduced has become **** near impossible. Aside from teams with very high-damage exotic toons (Rey) or those with lots of counterattacking or stuns, almost anything can be beat these days due to protection and poor AI. Making arena a very poor measure of what is and isn't imbalanced.

    RG is OP its just g8 5* rg is not :D LOL
  • Kinnick
    83 posts Member
    Sikho wrote: »
    Since the protection update, RG has become one of the best toon, and a necessity in most cases.
    This has led to the rise of an already popular toon: QGJ.

    Since everyone is running RG, QGJ has become necessary as well, because his dispell is a really strong asset.

    Since no other dispeller can fulfill that role as effectively as him, thanks to his amazing utility and great damage, no other dispeller is used at the moment. (Some run Plo Koon, but he is not the best choice unless you run a clone team. That means being a whale for a 7* Rex)

    You now find yourself in a situation where everyone runs QGJ and RG. To counter this, more and more people are shifting to a 2 tanks team, with STHan most of the time as a secondary tank.

    So what happens? You have to dedicate 2, possibly 3 slots of your 5-man team to predefined characters.

    This severely cripples diversity and creates a boring pvp environment.

    When you get to choose 2 characters instead of 5, doesn't that mean that there's a problem with the meta?

    This needs to be changed, and here is what should be done:

    Dispell should not remove taunts anymore.
    Yes, it sounds crazy. But think about this: if your taunt can't be dispelled, you don't have to run 2 tanks, and this would actually help tanks become valuable, instead of just being a juicy offense up buff for the enemy team.

    "But how can I counter RG if I can't dispell him????1"

    Well the answer is simple: You can't. Which is why he needs to be tuned, and dare I say, nerfed!

    RG should not be allowed to taunt for 2 turns after his taunt expires. This would provide you with a window of opportunity to take down core characters.
    RG would still be reliable thanks to his out of turn taunt, but it would not be the dominant strategy: Remember that other taunters would not be dispelled.

    ST Han would probably need some tuning too, probably a 2-turn taunt instead of 3.

    There was less variety pre-update, and both RG and QGJ are f2p, meaning the status quo circumstances described are actually a good thing. Additionally, we are only a few weeks into the current era, and considerable adaptation is forthcoming, as it always is.
  • Breetai
    858 posts Member
    Sikho wrote: »
    Since the protection update, RG has become one of the best toon, and a necessity in most cases.
    This has led to the rise of an already popular toon: QGJ.

    Since everyone is running RG, QGJ has become necessary as well, because his dispell is a really strong asset.

    Since no other dispeller can fulfill that role as effectively as him, thanks to his amazing utility and great damage, no other dispeller is used at the moment. (Some run Plo Koon, but he is not the best choice unless you run a clone team. That means being a whale for a 7* Rex)

    You now find yourself in a situation where everyone runs QGJ and RG. To counter this, more and more people are shifting to a 2 tanks team, with STHan most of the time as a secondary tank.

    So what happens? You have to dedicate 2, possibly 3 slots of your 5-man team to predefined characters.

    This severely cripples diversity and creates a boring pvp environment.

    When you get to choose 2 characters instead of 5, doesn't that mean that there's a problem with the meta?

    This needs to be changed, and here is what should be done:

    Dispell should not remove taunts anymore.
    Yes, it sounds crazy. But think about this: if your taunt can't be dispelled, you don't have to run 2 tanks, and this would actually help tanks become valuable, instead of just being a juicy offense up buff for the enemy team.

    "But how can I counter RG if I can't dispell him????1"

    Well the answer is simple: You can't. Which is why he needs to be tuned, and dare I say, nerfed!

    RG should not be allowed to taunt for 2 turns after his taunt expires. This would provide you with a window of opportunity to take down core characters.
    RG would still be reliable thanks to his out of turn taunt, but it would not be the dominant strategy: Remember that other taunters would not be dispelled.

    ST Han would probably need some tuning too, probably a 2-turn taunt instead of 3.

    Are you high? Because you don't have them you want them changed I'm guessing.

    Let's make qgj, RG, and St han completly unplayable for a second. Guess what. Now Rey, 5s, Leia, GS, FOTP all become the must haves and then what. You going to ask to nerf them as well? So another 3-5 toons become the must have?

    That is what a lot of you dont understand. The meta will always change, but the meta will always be 3-10 toons. That is what meta is. It's the best in slot. There will always be a couple that are better than others, and them couple will always be the meta and in every formation. Only way to change this s give everyone the exact same stats with the exact same skills.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    @Sikho Are we to expect an every week or day thread about nerfing QGJ from you? I already told you he is not the meta for defense. I am not sure he is for offense either. If you think i am lying keep at it. The reason you are seeing a lot of QGJ/RG is because they are relatively cheap to farm and possibly the best that people have. I am choosing QGJ over Mace Windu, Eeth Koth or Sidious everytime.

    RG like Breetai said, is one of the few counters to Fives. Who is already borderline OP. You want to push him over the edge?
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    Breetai wrote: »
    Sikho wrote: »
    Since the protection update, RG has become one of the best toon, and a necessity in most cases.
    This has led to the rise of an already popular toon: QGJ.

    Since everyone is running RG, QGJ has become necessary as well, because his dispell is a really strong asset.

    Since no other dispeller can fulfill that role as effectively as him, thanks to his amazing utility and great damage, no other dispeller is used at the moment. (Some run Plo Koon, but he is not the best choice unless you run a clone team. That means being a whale for a 7* Rex)

    You now find yourself in a situation where everyone runs QGJ and RG. To counter this, more and more people are shifting to a 2 tanks team, with STHan most of the time as a secondary tank.

    So what happens? You have to dedicate 2, possibly 3 slots of your 5-man team to predefined characters.

    This severely cripples diversity and creates a boring pvp environment.

    When you get to choose 2 characters instead of 5, doesn't that mean that there's a problem with the meta?

    This needs to be changed, and here is what should be done:

    Dispell should not remove taunts anymore.
    Yes, it sounds crazy. But think about this: if your taunt can't be dispelled, you don't have to run 2 tanks, and this would actually help tanks become valuable, instead of just being a juicy offense up buff for the enemy team.

    "But how can I counter RG if I can't dispell him????1"

    Well the answer is simple: You can't. Which is why he needs to be tuned, and dare I say, nerfed!

    RG should not be allowed to taunt for 2 turns after his taunt expires. This would provide you with a window of opportunity to take down core characters.
    RG would still be reliable thanks to his out of turn taunt, but it would not be the dominant strategy: Remember that other taunters would not be dispelled.

    ST Han would probably need some tuning too, probably a 2-turn taunt instead of 3.

    Are you high? Because you don't have them you want them changed I'm guessing.

    Let's make qgj, RG, and St han completly unplayable for a second. Guess what. Now Rey, 5s, Leia, GS, FOTP all become the must haves and then what. You going to ask to nerf them as well? So another 3-5 toons become the must have?

    That is what a lot of you dont understand. The meta will always change, but the meta will always be 3-10 toons. That is what meta is. It's the best in slot. There will always be a couple that are better than others, and them couple will always be the meta and in every formation. Only way to change this s give everyone the exact same stats with the exact same skills.

    I am farming RG and my ST Han is 7*.

    The meta does not have to revolve around 3-10 characters as you say. Where do you people find this kind of information? There can be diversity.

    Right now, QGJ and RG are mandatory to compete. Everyone runs them.

    You'll notice my proposal doesn't remove them from viability. It just enforces their respective roles without oppressing their entire class.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    @Sikho There's really no point with you. You are on a quest! Nerf this nerf that.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Sikho wrote: »
    Breetai wrote: »
    Sikho wrote: »
    Since the protection update, RG has become one of the best toon, and a necessity in most cases.
    This has led to the rise of an already popular toon: QGJ.

    Since everyone is running RG, QGJ has become necessary as well, because his dispell is a really strong asset.

    Since no other dispeller can fulfill that role as effectively as him, thanks to his amazing utility and great damage, no other dispeller is used at the moment. (Some run Plo Koon, but he is not the best choice unless you run a clone team. That means being a whale for a 7* Rex)

    You now find yourself in a situation where everyone runs QGJ and RG. To counter this, more and more people are shifting to a 2 tanks team, with STHan most of the time as a secondary tank.

    So what happens? You have to dedicate 2, possibly 3 slots of your 5-man team to predefined characters.

    This severely cripples diversity and creates a boring pvp environment.

    When you get to choose 2 characters instead of 5, doesn't that mean that there's a problem with the meta?

    This needs to be changed, and here is what should be done:

    Dispell should not remove taunts anymore.
    Yes, it sounds crazy. But think about this: if your taunt can't be dispelled, you don't have to run 2 tanks, and this would actually help tanks become valuable, instead of just being a juicy offense up buff for the enemy team.

    "But how can I counter RG if I can't dispell him????1"

    Well the answer is simple: You can't. Which is why he needs to be tuned, and dare I say, nerfed!

    RG should not be allowed to taunt for 2 turns after his taunt expires. This would provide you with a window of opportunity to take down core characters.
    RG would still be reliable thanks to his out of turn taunt, but it would not be the dominant strategy: Remember that other taunters would not be dispelled.

    ST Han would probably need some tuning too, probably a 2-turn taunt instead of 3.

    Are you high? Because you don't have them you want them changed I'm guessing.

    Let's make qgj, RG, and St han completly unplayable for a second. Guess what. Now Rey, 5s, Leia, GS, FOTP all become the must haves and then what. You going to ask to nerf them as well? So another 3-5 toons become the must have?

    That is what a lot of you dont understand. The meta will always change, but the meta will always be 3-10 toons. That is what meta is. It's the best in slot. There will always be a couple that are better than others, and them couple will always be the meta and in every formation. Only way to change this s give everyone the exact same stats with the exact same skills.

    I am farming RG and my ST Han is 7*.

    The meta does not have to revolve around 3-10 characters as you say. Where do you people find this kind of information? There can be diversity.

    Right now, QGJ and RG are mandatory to compete. Everyone runs them.

    You'll notice my proposal doesn't remove them from viability. It just enforces their respective roles without oppressing their entire class.

    dude seriously, how can you dismiss his statement about the 3-10 character meta that easely, but in the same post state that QGJ and RG are mandatory ? "where do people find this kind of information"? applies to both.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    Alexone wrote: »
    @Sikho Are we to expect an every week or day thread about nerfing QGJ from you? I already told you he is not the meta for defense. I am not sure he is for offense either. If you think i am lying keep at it. The reason you are seeing a lot of QGJ/RG is because they are relatively cheap to farm and possibly the best that people have. I am choosing QGJ over Mace Windu, Eeth Koth or Sidious everytime.

    RG like Breetai said, is one of the few counters to Fives. Who is already borderline OP. You want to push him over the edge?

    I'm gonna go with 3 times a week.
    Fives is actually related to this issue: With QGJ everywhere, tanks often lose their taunts early, resulting in difficulties to counter Fives. (Yes, Fives is vulnerable to counter, and especially ST Han).

    If taunts could not be dispelled, Fives would have a harder time.
  • Breetai
    858 posts Member

    Sikho wrote: »
    Breetai wrote: »
    Sikho wrote: »
    Since the protection update, RG has become one of the best toon, and a necessity in most cases.
    This has led to the rise of an already popular toon: QGJ.

    Since everyone is running RG, QGJ has become necessary as well, because his dispell is a really strong asset.

    Since no other dispeller can fulfill that role as effectively as him, thanks to his amazing utility and great damage, no other dispeller is used at the moment. (Some run Plo Koon, but he is not the best choice unless you run a clone team. That means being a whale for a 7* Rex)

    You now find yourself in a situation where everyone runs QGJ and RG. To counter this, more and more people are shifting to a 2 tanks team, with STHan most of the time as a secondary tank.

    So what happens? You have to dedicate 2, possibly 3 slots of your 5-man team to predefined characters.

    This severely cripples diversity and creates a boring pvp environment.

    When you get to choose 2 characters instead of 5, doesn't that mean that there's a problem with the meta?

    This needs to be changed, and here is what should be done:

    Dispell should not remove taunts anymore.
    Yes, it sounds crazy. But think about this: if your taunt can't be dispelled, you don't have to run 2 tanks, and this would actually help tanks become valuable, instead of just being a juicy offense up buff for the enemy team.

    "But how can I counter RG if I can't dispell him????1"

    Well the answer is simple: You can't. Which is why he needs to be tuned, and dare I say, nerfed!

    RG should not be allowed to taunt for 2 turns after his taunt expires. This would provide you with a window of opportunity to take down core characters.
    RG would still be reliable thanks to his out of turn taunt, but it would not be the dominant strategy: Remember that other taunters would not be dispelled.

    ST Han would probably need some tuning too, probably a 2-turn taunt instead of 3.

    Are you high? Because you don't have them you want them changed I'm guessing.

    Let's make qgj, RG, and St han completly unplayable for a second. Guess what. Now Rey, 5s, Leia, GS, FOTP all become the must haves and then what. You going to ask to nerf them as well? So another 3-5 toons become the must have?

    That is what a lot of you dont understand. The meta will always change, but the meta will always be 3-10 toons. That is what meta is. It's the best in slot. There will always be a couple that are better than others, and them couple will always be the meta and in every formation. Only way to change this s give everyone the exact same stats with the exact same skills.

    I am farming RG and my ST Han is 7*.

    The meta does not have to revolve around 3-10 characters as you say. Where do you people find this kind of information? There can be diversity.

    Right now, QGJ and RG are mandatory to compete. Everyone runs them.

    You'll notice my proposal doesn't remove them from viability. It just enforces their respective roles without oppressing their entire class.

    How many games like this have you played? I have played many games like this and guess what. In top 20 of all of them they all have the same builds. Why do you think this game will be different?

    Also let's put these changes in effect and let's see how raids go in 1st phase. Some people just think aena, arena, aena not understanding why some things are like they are, or why they made the change. The changes to counters where made because of raids, yet dooku owners don't see this and complain about the change because of arena and not understanding the 1st phase guads would destroy your teams without these changes. Same if qgj couldn't remove taunt and RG couldn't taunt like he does.

    For the record I have a gear ix dooku and he is my arena leader but I see the reason in the change so I don't complain about it
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Sikho wrote: »
    Alexone wrote: »
    @Sikho Are we to expect an every week or day thread about nerfing QGJ from you? I already told you he is not the meta for defense. I am not sure he is for offense either. If you think i am lying keep at it. The reason you are seeing a lot of QGJ/RG is because they are relatively cheap to farm and possibly the best that people have. I am choosing QGJ over Mace Windu, Eeth Koth or Sidious everytime.

    RG like Breetai said, is one of the few counters to Fives. Who is already borderline OP. You want to push him over the edge?

    I'm gonna go with 3 times a week.
    Fives is actually related to this issue: With QGJ everywhere, tanks often lose their taunts early, resulting in difficulties to counter Fives. (Yes, Fives is vulnerable to counter, and especially ST Han).

    If taunts could not be dispelled, Fives would have a harder time.

    I think you don't know what you're saying...What they did is basically buff Fives with this. With some of the teams in my Arena, if RG dies early it's GG if Fives is still around. I don't have Daka. So it's exactly the other way around. You think Fives cares about gear 8 Han? Hahaha! The guy rips through my 5* gear 9 RG like it's nothing!
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    Alexone wrote: »
    Sikho wrote: »
    Alexone wrote: »
    @Sikho Are we to expect an every week or day thread about nerfing QGJ from you? I already told you he is not the meta for defense. I am not sure he is for offense either. If you think i am lying keep at it. The reason you are seeing a lot of QGJ/RG is because they are relatively cheap to farm and possibly the best that people have. I am choosing QGJ over Mace Windu, Eeth Koth or Sidious everytime.

    RG like Breetai said, is one of the few counters to Fives. Who is already borderline OP. You want to push him over the edge?

    I'm gonna go with 3 times a week.
    Fives is actually related to this issue: With QGJ everywhere, tanks often lose their taunts early, resulting in difficulties to counter Fives. (Yes, Fives is vulnerable to counter, and especially ST Han).

    If taunts could not be dispelled, Fives would have a harder time.

    I think you don't know what you're saying...What they did is basically buff Fives with this. With some of the teams in my Arena, if RG dies early it's GG if Fives is still around. I don't have Daka. So it's exactly the other way around. You think Fives cares about gear 8 Han? Hahaha! The guy rips through my 5* gear 9 RG like it's nothing!

    The Fives you're fighting are on steroids. He doesn't hit over 1.5k on his basic, so Han gives your entire team a ton of TM out of it.

    RG needs his taunt nerfed, not his stun. How would that stop him from dealing with Fives?
  • ldkronos
    63 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Usho wrote: »
    RG is OP its just g8 5* rg is not :D LOL

    LOL...not overpowered at all. I'll have to take a screenshot the next time I have a 7 star, gear 8 RG with full health standing all by himself looking at my full team of 5. I've done it multiple times.

    You just need to learn how to play to each characters strengths and weaknesses

  • chuckwing
    679 posts Member
    The problem obviously isn't QGJ, it is RG. RG and Fives are the biggest problem to this being a balanced game.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    @Sikho can you please awnser these questions pls
    1. how many toons do you have arena ready? i mean lvl/stars/gear
    2. how do you choose who you are going to farm next?

    I saw you comment that RG and QGJ arent a problem for you in the arena because you can beat them, you just think they are mandatory. After that i saw you comment that you were farming RG. Why on earth would you farm RG if beating those teams isnt a problem, and you are looking for more diversity in arena teams?

    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Rogan_Ban84
    1415 posts Member
    You don't need any taunt remover to beat a fully geared rg team. Rg helps more overall then qgj, but neither are a must have.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Sikho wrote: »
    Alexone wrote: »
    Sikho wrote: »
    Alexone wrote: »
    @Sikho Are we to expect an every week or day thread about nerfing QGJ from you? I already told you he is not the meta for defense. I am not sure he is for offense either. If you think i am lying keep at it. The reason you are seeing a lot of QGJ/RG is because they are relatively cheap to farm and possibly the best that people have. I am choosing QGJ over Mace Windu, Eeth Koth or Sidious everytime.

    RG like Breetai said, is one of the few counters to Fives. Who is already borderline OP. You want to push him over the edge?

    I'm gonna go with 3 times a week.
    Fives is actually related to this issue: With QGJ everywhere, tanks often lose their taunts early, resulting in difficulties to counter Fives. (Yes, Fives is vulnerable to counter, and especially ST Han).

    If taunts could not be dispelled, Fives would have a harder time.

    I think you don't know what you're saying...What they did is basically buff Fives with this. With some of the teams in my Arena, if RG dies early it's GG if Fives is still around. I don't have Daka. So it's exactly the other way around. You think Fives cares about gear 8 Han? Hahaha! The guy rips through my 5* gear 9 RG like it's nothing!

    The Fives you're fighting are on steroids. He doesn't hit over 1.5k on his basic, so Han gives your entire team a ton of TM out of it.

    RG needs his taunt nerfed, not his stun. How would that stop him from dealing with Fives?

    They are your basic gear 9 omega Fives. 1500k on basic? Yea i don't think so...and if Fives hits RG and he doesn't have tenacity up, your RG will hit again during the winter time. There aren't many counters to Fives in the game. He doesn't have nearly enough. RG is an RNG one but he is there. By nerfing RG you are letting Fives in. And a bunch of others...Leia, everything that basically needs stunning or something bad is happening - every counter chance char for instance.
  • Big_Boss
    2326 posts Member
    scuba wrote: »
    Sikho wrote: »
    Since no other dispeller can fulfill that role as effectively as him, thanks to his amazing utility and great damage, no other dispeller is used at the moment. (Some run Plo Koon, but he is not the best choice unless you run a clone team. That means being a whale for a 7* Rex)

    My Asajj and Teebo beg to differ.
    Sikho wrote: »
    You now find yourself in a situation where everyone runs QGJ and RG. To counter this, more and more people are shifting to a 2 tanks team, with STHan most of the time as a secondary tank.
    I love this setup, Bring it on. First Opponent gives up another spot that could go to a High damage or other utility character for a setup that some find intimidating, where my Asajj eats it for breakfast.
    Sikho wrote: »
    So what happens? You have to dedicate 2, possibly 3 slots of your 5-man team to predefined characters.

    This severely cripples diversity and creates a boring pvp environment.
    As it is not true PVP it is already crippled. If someone could find the perfect defense team everyone would be running it, and still no diversity, Taunt or no taunt.
    Sikho wrote: »
    When you get to choose 2 characters instead of 5, doesn't that mean that there's a problem with the meta?
    Only "Meta" change I have seen recently is switch from Dooku lead to old ben lead. Same evasion tactic.

    This needs to be changed, and here is what should be done:
    Sikho wrote: »
    Dispell should not remove taunts anymore.
    Yes, it sounds crazy. But think about this: if your taunt can't be dispelled, you don't have to run 2 tanks, and this would actually help tanks become valuable, instead of just being a juicy offense up buff for the enemy team.
    First you don't have to run 2 tanks or what I truly think you meant to say was 2 taunters. You don't have to run anything.
    So you want to nerd every dispeller, inlcuding Sun Fac who has barely made it out of the gate.
    Sikho wrote: »
    "But how can I counter RG if I can't dispell him????1"

    Well the answer is simple: You can't. Which is why he needs to be tuned, and dare I say, nerfed!

    It is not true. Even if you nerfed the dispel ability which I think is a horrible idea, you beat him buy taking him out 1st. Don't let him taunt.
    Sikho wrote: »
    int3ns1fy wrote: »
    Oh look, it's the daily Sikho whine thread! This one makes even less sense than usual

    Please explain your point of view and show me that i'm wrong.

    @Scuba you are the man! I will just say plus 100 since you basically covered everything. @int3ns1fy this has become far to common -_- I agree
  • Buckbone
    41 posts Member
    Dps the toon You want to kill just above 50% then all out attack Han kill him once RG taunt disappears I use Rey to kill that toon then it's a cake walk.
  • scuba
    14191 posts Member
    RG and QGJ only dictate the meta if you let them. You do not need RG and QGJ to beat RG and QGJ

    Yes I know the team will loose on defense I have not seen one that wouldn't.
    Yes the opponet Rey was revived twice before she stayed dead.
  • Options
    Lol Taunts that cannot be removed?
    That itself is already broken.

    QGJ and RG are not mandatory. Like many here have said, they are just the easiest to obtain (assuming you started early, you should have a 3-4* RG; RG is viable at 5*) and efficient at what they do. That's why ppl are using them. If everyone had infinite resources, you won't be seeing QGJ and RG everywhere.

    And TBH they arnt everywhere. There's a number of viable squads now without them. For example Rebels now with Ackbar lead is interesting.

    There's much more diversity now than early Jan when everyone was literally running 4DPS + Poe.
  • Eleiem
    334 posts Member
    Varlie wrote: »
    Sikho wrote: »

    "But how can I counter RG if I can't dispell him????1"

    Well the answer is simple: You can't. Which is why he needs to be tuned, and dare I say, nerfed!

    RG is actually really easy to get around if you know the damage capability of each of your toons. Knock your target down to 60-70% health and then attack someone else until you have a heavy attack that will take them out in one strike.
    THIS. I don't have problems against RG. He's easy to dance around. The most annoying about him is his stun actually.
  • Noktarn
    401 posts Member
    The Stun meta has creeped in pretty hardcore.
  • Options
    Sikho wrote: »
    Since the protection update, RG has become one of the best toon, and a necessity in most cases.
    This has led to the rise of an already popular toon: QGJ.

    Since everyone is running RG, QGJ has become necessary as well, because his dispell is a really strong asset.

    Since no other dispeller can fulfill that role as effectively as him, thanks to his amazing utility and great damage, no other dispeller is used at the moment. (Some run Plo Koon, but he is not the best choice unless you run a clone team. That means being a whale for a 7* Rex)

    You now find yourself in a situation where everyone runs QGJ and RG. To counter this, more and more people are shifting to a 2 tanks team, with STHan most of the time as a secondary tank.

    So what happens? You have to dedicate 2, possibly 3 slots of your 5-man team to predefined characters.

    This severely cripples diversity and creates a boring pvp environment.

    When you get to choose 2 characters instead of 5, doesn't that mean that there's a problem with the meta?

    This needs to be changed, and here is what should be done:

    Dispell should not remove taunts anymore.
    Yes, it sounds crazy. But think about this: if your taunt can't be dispelled, you don't have to run 2 tanks, and this would actually help tanks become valuable, instead of just being a juicy offense up buff for the enemy team.

    "But how can I counter RG if I can't dispell him????1"

    Well the answer is simple: You can't. Which is why he needs to be tuned, and dare I say, nerfed!

    RG should not be allowed to taunt for 2 turns after his taunt expires. This would provide you with a window of opportunity to take down core characters.
    RG would still be reliable thanks to his out of turn taunt, but it would not be the dominant strategy: Remember that other taunters would not be dispelled.

    ST Han would probably need some tuning too, probably a 2-turn taunt instead of 3.

    No, most people do not run two tanks. Your argument is invalid.
  • scuba
    14191 posts Member
    Lol Taunts that cannot be removed?
    That itself is already broken.

    QGJ and RG are not mandatory. Like many here have said, they are just the easiest to obtain (assuming you started early, you should have a 3-4* RG; RG is viable at 5*) and efficient at what they do. That's why ppl are using them. If everyone had infinite resources, you won't be seeing QGJ and RG everywhere.

    And TBH they arnt everywhere. There's a number of viable squads now without them. For example Rebels now with Ackbar lead is interesting.

    There's much more diversity now than early Jan when everyone was literally running 4DPS + Poe.

  • Killgire1981
    63 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Swagger wrote: »
    U can use Heroes like Ani, and place BUFF IMMUNITY.....

    So RG cant get Taunt....
    At max that's a 55% chance, requiring you to use omega mats. Most people only had the mats thus far to upgrade two skills to rank 8. Anni's would have been a huge waste.

  • CPTRogers
    107 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Out of curiosity, I looked up the top 10 arena teams in my shard. I believe in evidence, not just unsubstantiated claims.

    #1: Dooku (lead), Magna Guard, Kylo Ren, 5's, and RG (All lvl 79)
    #2: Obi-Wan (lead), Teebo, Leia, 5's, and RG (All lvl 77)
    #3: Obi-Wan (lead), Rey, Leia, Mace Windu, and RG (All lvl 79)
    #4: Rex (lead), 5's, Clone Trooper, Lumi, and RG (All lvl 80)
    #5: Dooku (lead), QGJ, Lumi, ST Han, and Resistance Pilot (All lvl 76)
    #6: Ackbar (lead), Leia, ST Han, QGJ, and RG (All lvl 78)
    #7: Dooku (lead), Rey, Kylo Ren, GS, and Sid (All lvl 77)
    #8: Dooku (lead), QGJ, Leia, Rey, and 5's (All lvl 75)
    #9: Dooku (lead), GS, Rey, QGJ, and RG (All lvl 77)
    #10: Dooku (lead), Kylo Ren, Greedo, QGJ, and ST Han (all lvl 77)

    For those not interested in all that data, let's give you break-down:

    RG: 6 of the top 10 teams
    Dooku: 6 of the top 10 teams
    QGJ: 5 of the top 10 teams
    5's: 4 of the top 10 teams
    Leia: 4 of the top 10 teams
    Rey: 4 of the top 10 teams
    Kylo Ren: 3 of the top 10 teams
    ST Han: 3 of the top 10 teams

    I won't go past that, as there are mostly 1's and 2's of the rest. The top 10 teams in my shard don't match at all in terms of characters. Is RG commonly used? Sure. But so is Dooku. Only 2 teams ran QGJ and RG together. Should we nerf all these characters in order to make them "less powerful"?

    I don't think so. I see tons of Dooku lead teams in my server and I don't mind them. Why? Because there are ways around him. There are ways around every team if you don't just sit there and complain without actually putting in some work. Anyone who can stun is a great counter to Dooku. RG has weaknesses. He's not invincible. QGJ? Please...he's so easy to kill right out the gate.

    Here's my opinion, so take it or leave it.

    Evaluate your opponent's team. Find how you can get an advantage. GW and all the retreats I've done has taught me that you can win every match if you take the time to find the right combo to fight with. I've not lost a single GW in the past three weeks because I don't use the same team there every time.

    Your opponent has QGJ and no one else to remove positive effects? Take him out fast!
    They don't have any heal blockers? Maybe go heavy on healers and have Barriss lead? Or Rex, if you have him.

    Take the time, figure it out. I'm not saying every team will keep you in the top of the arena, but every team is beatable.
  • eshby_wan
    77 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    Sikho wrote: »
    and dare I say, nerfed!

    that took some cojones, to ask for a nerf. ow wait.. the forum is filled with nerf requests..

    OT: The "taunt meta" just came in to play after protection was introduced. I guess you also "dared" to ask for a nerf on dooku/qgj speed meta, wich resulted in the current meta. And you will probably also dare to ask for a nerf on the next meta. i like to call it circlewhining, asking for a solution wich will eventually become the problem itself. I suggest you hold off on the complaining and let the current meta settle in first. Once alot of players reach lvl80, the gold abi's are mostly unlocked and players also starred/leveled other toons the taunt thing might not even be an issue anymore.


    Circlewhining just made my day
  • LoganRen
    33 posts Member
    In other words: I wish I'd starred up my RG but I didn't and now he is good and I can't be bothered to, so they should nerf him!
  • Options
    I think more dodging will help....
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