Starting to come to a realization: There isn't much in this game I actually enjoy.



  • Arijit
    510 posts Member
    The Game is doing (business) better than ever. Recent server crashes due to heavy load proves the popularity.
    Constantly evolving..
  • iboneKnaWibO
    19 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Yeah, it's funny how people complain about changes that most of us wanted. Now the game is more popular than ever, with more to do and play than its ever had; and yet, people still complain about this game Iike they're getting paid to or something.
  • Hangfire
    497 posts Member
    I started a second account, ftp, I'm only to lvl 60, I have way more fun in that account. The guild is a bunch of flunkies, I overnight went from the lower 10 percent finisher of my tier vi guild, to top dog on my tier iv ftp guild. Only problem is that I sometimes forget which account I'm playing and make a really bad move.
  • Cuminoi
    3 posts Member
    Yeah, it's funny how people complain about changes that most of us wanted. Now the game is more popular than ever, with more to do and play than its ever had; and yet, people still complain about this game Iike they're getting paid to or something.

    Can you link to these post about how "everybody" called for these changes please? GW is just a chore now, I can complete it consistently, rarely retreating or losing characters, hell yesterday I completed it with my B-team for kicks but I sure as hell didn't ask for it to be harder or take longer to complete. It's the fact that it takes so long now to play the daily grind in this game that I'm seriously considering playing something else less demanding on my time. The only thing that stops me is the amount of money I've invested in this game.
  • Jedi_Yoda
    928 posts Member
    Let's look at it:


    GW: ... Once again, not fun.

    Building characters: .. Again...not fun.

    LS and DS missions: ....not fun.

    Gear: ...its a money grab.

    I want to love it,

    TL;DR, not fun, I can't get everything I want, so my ADD is kicking in and I want to play something else.

    You want to love it.. LOL.

    Love is a NOT something you make an attempt.. Do or Do not there is no try - Yoda

  • Jedi_Yoda
    928 posts Member
    slampdx wrote: »
    Arena is moving away from dodge. Find your happy place again

    I find it quite humorous but I see a pattern and I am pretty sure it's the SAME people over and over. SGDD - same game different day.

    They play its not letting them win so they quit. I swear these posts all look familiar and follow every game forum, its people that just can't be bothered to put any effort into a game.. so they give up but complain because it allows them to blame something else..

    It is really amusing to watch.
  • Jedi_Yoda
    928 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    slampdx wrote: »
    Arena is moving away from dodge. Find your happy place again

    How so? I see a new Old Ben every day it seems

    Dodge is an aspect, I fight Old Ben \ Sid \ Lumi teams.. they dodge, if the game was a cake walk it would not be very entertaining. Its dodge but its strategy as well, you find a way around it, if they dodge you go defense because they will attack, if they get buffs you get de-buffs or negative buffs to counter. If they go speed you slow them down.. if they can't be stopped, find a way to reduce damage.

    Dodge is just a stat every toon has a different unique set of stats, the right combo and those teams can be beaten..

    I think we have proven it.. like every one that plays and beats GW and gets to top in Arena.. the game is hardly unbeatable or just one side aspect. Sometimes you have to devise a plan to beat the other team..

    shutter the thought.. my brain hurts.
  • Jedi_Yoda
    928 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Dont play weak teams in early nodes, make their sacrifice count as hit squads for troublesome individuals in tough nodes.
    Interesting. I like to play my weak teams first so that I can preserve my A team's protection for the hard nodes. It also makes for more interesting and entertaining play. It is boring watch my star A Team breeze through the first 6 or 7 nodes. It is more of a challenge to play my weak toons to see how far they can go. I also learn more about their strengths and weaknesses. I don't let them die so they can still be useful if I get stuck on a really difficult node at the end.

    Yeah that's what he said.. make their sacrifice count later.. but don't let them die needlessly.

  • Jedi_Yoda
    928 posts Member
    Arube wrote: »
    I would argue that having an evasion leader puts just as much strategy into the game as other leaders would.

    wait.. did you just say.. strategy? waa.. but that requires.. umm.. intervention, participating, I can't just hit auto attack and let the game give me prizes? wow, where is my solitaire game.. this game is too hard
  • Jedi_Yoda
    928 posts Member
    Something to add about my frustrations. What would instantly fix a lot of my dislikes about this game is removing protection from GW. I love it for arena. Its turned GW into an hour long (If I 'm lucky) Chore

    What else are you going to in that hour, play another game, watch TV.. apparently you have nothing better to do so you.. umm.. PLAY SWGOH.. so where is the flaw in your logic here?

    You are complaining that you have to WORK for rewards or that most games you can be finished in 10 minutes? Sorry which complaint are you trying to convey here?
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Jedi_Yoda wrote: »
    slampdx wrote: »
    Arena is moving away from dodge. Find your happy place again

    How so? I see a new Old Ben every day it seems

    Dodge is an aspect, I fight Old Ben \ Sid \ Lumi teams.. they dodge, if the game was a cake walk it would not be very entertaining. Its dodge but its strategy as well, you find a way around it, if they dodge you go defense because they will attack, if they get buffs you get de-buffs or negative buffs to counter. If they go speed you slow them down.. if they can't be stopped, find a way to reduce damage.

    Dodge is just a stat every toon has a different unique set of stats, the right combo and those teams can be beaten..

    I think we have proven it.. like every one that plays and beats GW and gets to top in Arena.. the game is hardly unbeatable or just one side aspect. Sometimes you have to devise a plan to beat the other team..

    shutter the thought.. my brain hurts.

    Well what exactly is the counter to dodge? Surprise there isn't any. The only way to compete with dodge is to have it on your team as well. That's why people aren't moving away from Dooku despite his nerfs, his leadership is his only saving grace and that's enough to see him on top arena teams. And if they are dropping Dooku it's because Old Ben is taking his place.
    There are a lot of things wrong with the dodge meta and some simple solutions that can be made to address it.
    Stunned characters shouldn't dodge but they do and it makes no sense.
    Characters under 50% health should have a reduced dodge chance, it makes sense since they're hunched over at that point.
    They also need to introduce a buff to deal with dodge, something like "Accuracy Up" that directly counters dodging. 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • Options
    I finish GW with the same squad I start with which o wasn't even able to do before the update. Lumi 7* lead, ig-88 7*, Poe 7*, JC 7* and RG 5*
  • Jedi_Yoda
    928 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Timitock wrote: »
    If it doesnt work for you, dont do it.

    The bits you find tedious are the essence of the game, and I quite like them.

    Maybe just dont be so serious about it? It is a game, after all.

    Sadly I'm one of the suckers that's spent over 100 dollars on this game and don't want to drop it. I want it to get better. Its in a sad state right now for many

    Time is money if you invest money in a game that means you enjoy it and decide to make it worth something. You are not a "sucker" for putting money into a free game... some games are 15 bucks a month, * 12 months is 180 bucks.. so if you spend 180 bucks a year there or on Star Wars what is the difference, you get out of it what you put into it.

    the game is free, you chose to invest, obviously because EA did a good job blind siding you or making the game so competitive that it requires an investment. There are many players that have not spent anything and yet they compete and win, why is that? Time is limited for some of us, F2P players probably have more time on their hands, but there is no shame in investing if its something you enjoy.

    As the saying goes its just a game.. enjoy it. If I gave you a code to unlock ALL players at 7* full gear all abilities.. would you still play this game?

    At that point there would be nothing left to acquire, so what would be the point in playing?

    The game is about the journey not the end result.

  • lunarwolf
    357 posts Member
    slampdx wrote: »
    Arena is moving away from dodge. Find your happy place again

    maybe on your planet

    I have 2 accounts and it's basically either Old Ben or Dooku, mostly the latter

  • Options
    Munkie wrote: »
    Sad thing is when we all started playing this game we knew the EA greed would eventually come, we just ignored it. EA pretty much does this to every single game.

    Truth lol. Peeps picking up the snake and complaining about getting bit. EA does this. It's their model. Practically invented it. All of their games on any format but especially mobile. On PC they release half a game at full price and then make you pay full price several more times for the rest of it in "DLC" lol
  • ioniancat21
    2091 posts Member
    Let's look at it:

    Arena: Arena has been taken over by the dodge meta. Now you are lucky to find a team that is not dooku or ben led. This takes skill out of the equation and replaces it with rng luck. Not fun.

    GW: Before protection, I loved GW. it was diverse, I was completing it every day with a decent challenge. Now with protection added, GW has becoming something I just really don't want to play. Protection in gw is a nerf on the players, plain and simple. It does nothing but make GW longer and harder to complete. Go figure this is the most important source of credits. Once again, not fun.

    Building characters: This is where this game has lost its identity. its not become about building characters. its become about building 5 characters for arena. And even then it punishes you by making your GW harder. Again...not fun.

    LS and DS missions: Simple enough...I doubt many actually play them. We press sim....not fun.

    Gear: The game has gone egregiously wrong here. The precrafting issue has turned the gap between F2P and P2W into a canyon. The game has become all about watching shipments and shelling out 10 dollars as soon as you see a piece of unobtainable gear. Not only is this not fun...its a money grab.

    I want to love it, but I feel that the greed of EA has turned this game into a money sink and a chore.

    I didn't see any mention of Cantina, but the only problem there is getting Cantina tokens frequently enough. Farming Daka was such a pain and it took over two months to get her to 7*. Farming shards there is okay but I'd like to see the refresh cost be equal to other LS/DS missions with the 50, 50, 100 progression.

    Outside of that, who could disagree that they have made some pretty selfish decisions and they have paid for them somewhat in poor reviews on Google and iTunes, along with whales walking away. It's unfortunate that players aren't tougher on things. If it could go my way, I'd love to see players unite and just stop spending when they are largely unhappy about an issue. If EA suddenly had no in-app purchases for say two weeks to a month in the Play Store, that would get attention. They could try to play chicken and say they can't operate without income but that would be a dangerous, game ending threat...
  • Options
    Let's look at it:

    Arena: Arena has been taken over by the dodge meta. Now you are lucky to find a team that is not dooku or ben led. This takes skill out of the equation and replaces it with rng luck. Not fun.

    GW: Before protection, I loved GW. it was diverse, I was completing it every day with a decent challenge. Now with protection added, GW has becoming something I just really don't want to play. Protection in gw is a nerf on the players, plain and simple. It does nothing but make GW longer and harder to complete. Go figure this is the most important source of credits. Once again, not fun.

    Building characters: This is where this game has lost its identity. its not become about building characters. its become about building 5 characters for arena. And even then it punishes you by making your GW harder. Again...not fun.

    LS and DS missions: Simple enough...I doubt many actually play them. We press sim....not fun.

    Gear: The game has gone egregiously wrong here. The precrafting issue has turned the gap between F2P and P2W into a canyon. The game has become all about watching shipments and shelling out 10 dollars as soon as you see a piece of unobtainable gear. Not only is this not fun...its a money grab.

    I want to love it, but I feel that the greed of EA has turned this game into a money sink and a chore.

    Arena: replaced with Dodge meta, big deal, two months ago it was speed and high damage. Now shifting to TM manipulation, in six months it will be taunt out something else. Game has to change to remain interesting, otherwise everyone could just gear five toons and never play again. I run Dooku as lead, and see plenty of Ben, but still see Phasma, QGJ, Sid, and even an HK. The top guy on my server, as of an hour ago, was running HK on a droid team. Focus attacks and assist abilities work on dodge teams. It's always been RNG luck, that's how the strat is built.

    GW: it's supposed to be hard. You run 12 matches, takes me maybe an hour. At about 3-4 minutes a match, and load time, that's about right. Run two decent healers, and some high damage, you should breeze through it. If you can't, expand your team and gear the toons you need.

    Building characters: guess what, the same five I use in GW I generally use in arena. I usually float in the top fifty to eighty, I'm sure I could get higher if i spent crystals on refresh. Sometimes I change out one or two of my toons, but I have plenty max level (for my player level) in gear 8 and 9. It takes roughly 200k credits to level a toon from 74-75, I can level two a day when I level, without investing money. Then everything else goes to toons I want to level, or I think will become strong later on in the game. BTW, I don't have Leia, Rey, FOTP, Ben, Po, ST Han, or Kylo. And I'm doing fine.

    LS and DS: I haven't beaten them all, maybe you have, good on you. I'm in area seven of each, and need to plan more than auto. So I do use strategy to beat them.

    Gear: I don't mind the gear grind. Gives me a reason to use energy when I am stuck in LS and DS missions.

    Bottom line is, plenty still enjoy it. It sounds like you want an easy game. As for blaming EA for trying to make money. It's a business. They have developers that expect to be paid for their work. Also it's a free game and doesn't bombard you with ads every time the screen loads. You don't like it, then stop playing. Nobody will notice you are gone.
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