Starting to come to a realization: There isn't much in this game I actually enjoy.

1802 posts Member
edited May 2016
Let's look at it:

Arena: Arena has been taken over by the dodge meta. Now you are lucky to find a team that is not dooku or ben led. This takes skill out of the equation and replaces it with rng luck. Not fun.

GW: Before protection, I loved GW. it was diverse, I was completing it every day with a decent challenge. Now with protection added, GW has becoming something I just really don't want to play. Protection in gw is a nerf on the players, plain and simple. It does nothing but make GW longer and harder to complete. Go figure this is the most important source of credits. Once again, not fun.

Building characters: This is where this game has lost its identity. its not become about building characters. its become about building 5 characters for arena. And even then it punishes you by making your GW harder. Again...not fun.

LS and DS missions: Simple enough...I doubt many actually play them. We press sim....not fun.

Gear: The game has gone egregiously wrong here. The precrafting issue has turned the gap between F2P and P2W into a canyon. The game has become all about watching shipments and shelling out 10 dollars as soon as you see a piece of unobtainable gear. Not only is this not fun...its a money grab.

I want to love it, but I feel that the greed of EA has turned this game into a money sink and a chore.


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    Star Wars.
  • slampdx
    478 posts Member
    Arena is moving away from dodge. Find your happy place again
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    slampdx wrote: »
    Arena is moving away from dodge. Find your happy place again

    How so? I see a new Old Ben every day it seems
  • Munkie
    90 posts Member
    Let's look at it:

    Arena: Arena has been taken over by the dodge meta. Now you are lucky to find a team that is not dooku or ben led. This takes skill out of the equation and replaces it with rng luck. Not fun.

    GW: Before protection, I loved GW. it was diverse, I was completing it every day with a decent challenge. Now with protection added, GW has becoming something I just really don't want to play. Protection in gw is a nerf on the players, plain and simple. It does nothing but make GW longer and harder to complete. Go figure this is the most important source of credits. Once again, not fun.

    Building characters: This is where this game has lost its identity. its not become about building characters. its become about building 5 characters for arena. And even then it punishes you by making your GW harder. Again...not fun.

    LS and DS missions: Simple enough...I doubt many actually play them. We press sim....not fun.

    Gear: The game has gone egregiously wrong here. The precrafting issue has turned the gap between F2P and P2W into a canyon. The game has become all about watching shipments and shelling out 10 dollars as soon as you see a piece of unobtainable gear. Not only is this not fun...its a money grab.

    So....someone please give me a reason why I shouldn't uninstall this game? I want to love it, but I feel that the greed of EA has turned this game into a money sink and a chore.

    Sad thing is when we all started playing this game we knew the EA greed would eventually come, we just ignored it. EA pretty much does this to every single game.
  • scuba
    14208 posts Member
    slampdx wrote: »
    Arena is moving away from dodge. Find your happy place again

    How so? I see a new Old Ben every day it seems

    This. Different leader same thing.
  • Arube
    1026 posts Member
    I would argue that having an evasion leader puts just as much strategy into the game as other leaders would.
    The significance of Critical-Utopian Socialism and Communism bears an inverse relation to historical development.
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    scuba wrote: »
    slampdx wrote: »
    Arena is moving away from dodge. Find your happy place again

    How so? I see a new Old Ben every day it seems

    This. Different leader same thing.
    Only its worse. The turn meter manipulation paired with ST han turns any arena match against them into a roll of dice. If han dodges and taunts you start off in a hole. When you take skill out of a game and leave it to luck, it turns many off
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    If it doesnt work for you, dont do it.

    The bits you find tedious are the essence of the game, and I quite like them.

    Maybe just dont be so serious about it? It is a game, after all.
  • slampdx
    478 posts Member
    Turn meter will cause more issues than dodge for me
  • Options
    Timitock wrote: »
    If it doesnt work for you, dont do it.

    The bits you find tedious are the essence of the game, and I quite like them.

    Maybe just dont be so serious about it? It is a game, after all.

    Sadly I'm one of the suckers that's spent over 100 dollars on this game and don't want to drop it. I want it to get better. Its in a sad state right now for many
  • Options
    slampdx wrote: »
    Turn meter will cause more issues than dodge for me

    Old ben is both. Pair with ST han and it turns battles into coin flips
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    Something to add about my frustrations. What would instantly fix a lot of my dislikes about this game is removing protection from GW. I love it for arena. Its turned GW into an hour long (If I 'm lucky) Chore
  • Nerfherder17
    2094 posts Member
    Lolz. Haters gonna hate. Trollz gonna troll. I feel you man. It's definitely more of a grind for less reward.
  • Options
    slampdx wrote: »
    Arena is moving away from dodge. Find your happy place again

    No it isn't.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • Options
    slampdx wrote: »
    Arena is moving away from dodge. Find your happy place again

    No it isn't.
    Omg I agree with you. Thats a first. If anything its falling deeper into the dodge meta with Ben in the mix
  • scuba
    14208 posts Member
    scuba wrote: »
    slampdx wrote: »
    Arena is moving away from dodge. Find your happy place again

    How so? I see a new Old Ben every day it seems

    This. Different leader same thing.
    Only its worse. The turn meter manipulation paired with ST han turns any arena match against them into a roll of dice. If han dodges and taunts you start off in a hole. When you take skill out of a game and leave it to luck, it turns many off

    I could see that. Haven't had any of those combos where Han kept his taunt.

    TM gain from dodge I will agree is worse than the offense up from dodge.
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    Timitock wrote: »
    Maybe just dont be so serious about it? It is a game, after all.

    How many whales are not serious about this game?

    Not saying pres is a whale, but come on.
  • Options
    slampdx wrote: »
    Arena is moving away from dodge. Find your happy place again

    No it isn't.
    Omg I agree with you. Thats a first. If anything its falling deeper into the dodge meta with Ben in the mix

    Are we forum rivals or something? I never noticed.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • Options
    Timitock wrote: »
    Maybe just dont be so serious about it? It is a game, after all.

    How many whales are not serious about this game?

    Not saying pres is a whale, but come on.

    I've spent close to 300.\ Thats a whale for me because I never thought i'd spend that much on a mobile game. But I want to love this game. Things need to change though. I know there is a minority that thinks everything is ok as is....but its just that, a minority.
  • Loose_Lee
    2733 posts Member
    Ok ok bout a payout (dont have to be huge) for player attacked the most in arena bracket. Or something similar. Give the defensive players a way to compete
  • Options
    slampdx wrote: »
    Arena is moving away from dodge. Find your happy place again

    No it isn't.
    Omg I agree with you. Thats a first. If anything its falling deeper into the dodge meta with Ben in the mix

    Are we forum rivals or something? I never noticed.

    Ha. No, but I hardly ever agree with you when I see your posts
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    If it doesnt work for you, dont do it.

    The bits you find tedious are the essence of the game, and I quite like them.

    Maybe just dont be so serious about it? It is a game, after all.

    Sadly I'm one of the suckers that's spent over 100 dollars on this game and don't want to drop it. I want it to get better. Its in a sad state right now for many

    I have spent over 5x that, and plan to spend more.
    I look forward to GW every day. Sunday is fun day with all the challenges.
    Yoda in a week, new characters galore, Raids, arena has some variety.
    I play on the way to work and at lunch, then some at night, the time required isnt bad.

    I think you just need to lighten up a little, or maybe check if something else in your life may actually be the source of your discontent.
  • Options
    Timitock wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    If it doesnt work for you, dont do it.

    The bits you find tedious are the essence of the game, and I quite like them.

    Maybe just dont be so serious about it? It is a game, after all.

    Sadly I'm one of the suckers that's spent over 100 dollars on this game and don't want to drop it. I want it to get better. Its in a sad state right now for many

    I have spent over 5x that, and plan to spend more.
    I look forward to GW every day. Sunday is fun day with all the challenges.
    Yoda in a week, new characters galore, Raids, arena has some variety.
    I play on the way to work and at lunch, then some at night, the time required isnt bad.

    I think you just need to lighten up a little, or maybe check if something else in your life may actually be the source of your discontent.

    Maybe he needs to spend more to be more relaxed?

    Didn't you say not to be serious about a game? Spend enough to relax about it yet?
  • Options
    Timitock wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    If it doesnt work for you, dont do it.

    The bits you find tedious are the essence of the game, and I quite like them.

    Maybe just dont be so serious about it? It is a game, after all.

    Sadly I'm one of the suckers that's spent over 100 dollars on this game and don't want to drop it. I want it to get better. Its in a sad state right now for many

    I have spent over 5x that, and plan to spend more.
    I look forward to GW every day. Sunday is fun day with all the challenges.
    Yoda in a week, new characters galore, Raids, arena has some variety.
    I play on the way to work and at lunch, then some at night, the time required isnt bad.

    I think you just need to lighten up a little, or maybe check if something else in your life may actually be the source of your discontent.

    Maybe he needs to spend more to be more relaxed?

    Didn't you say not to be serious about a game? Spend enough to relax about it yet?

    I'd rather not turn this into a pay vs free arguement as that will get it locked. But GW must be nice when you have a massive roster to throw at it. I only have 3 teams

  • Options
    Timitock wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    If it doesnt work for you, dont do it.

    The bits you find tedious are the essence of the game, and I quite like them.

    Maybe just dont be so serious about it? It is a game, after all.

    Sadly I'm one of the suckers that's spent over 100 dollars on this game and don't want to drop it. I want it to get better. Its in a sad state right now for many

    I have spent over 5x that, and plan to spend more.
    I look forward to GW every day. Sunday is fun day with all the challenges.
    Yoda in a week, new characters galore, Raids, arena has some variety.
    I play on the way to work and at lunch, then some at night, the time required isnt bad.

    I think you just need to lighten up a little, or maybe check if something else in your life may actually be the source of your discontent.

    Maybe he needs to spend more to be more relaxed?

    Didn't you say not to be serious about a game? Spend enough to relax about it yet?

    I'd rather not turn this into a pay vs free arguement as that will get it locked. But GW must be nice when you have a massive roster to throw at it. I only have 3 teams

    Apologies. Yeah gw won't be fun unless fixed
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Yeah, I throw 3 or 4 teams at the last node just for fun, usually.

    It still only takes one team to complete 85% of it, however, and all of my playable characters are farmable. 4/5 of my A team are in shipments.

    I think the key for me is that I refuse to play with characters I dont enjoy, just to be competitive. I play who I like, and try to make (and play) them the best I can.

    I also accepted my place on the spending ladder. I understand that there will always be some with more, newer, or better, than me somehow, and the challenge is to beat them while spending less.
  • FriedGold
    31 posts Member
    Funny, I was just coming here to make a post about how GW is not fun at all. It is irritating and exhausting having to constantly retreat and reconfigure my team any time Lumi is killed. I know if she dies early on I have zero chance of even getting close to finishing. My level 70 6 star JC is practically useless. I am hoping it gets more manageable and requires fewer restarts when I hit level 80 and can get the -1 cool down for Lumi's heal with the omega mat.
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    Dodge=LAME, I don't 7* characters for them to miss blows constantly. This health raise is more than enough of an argument to have dodge reduced by a large margin. Being forced to attack a 50k health RG only to have him dodge 50% of the time via Dooku or Old Ben (L) is just absurd.

    @President_Scroob they wont remove protection from GW, it just wont happen. The best we can hope for is nodes being removed and maybe the enemies not getting protection until mid way or something.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    FriedGold wrote: »
    Funny, I was just coming here to make a post about how GW is not fun at all. It is irritating and exhausting having to constantly retreat and reconfigure my team any time Lumi is killed. I know if she dies early on I have zero chance of even getting close to finishing. My level 70 6 star JC is practically useless. I am hoping it gets more manageable and requires fewer restarts when I hit level 80 and can get the -1 cool down for Lumi's heal with the omega mat.

    Well, it is current best practice to farm Barriss. Barring that:

    Try using high Defense tactics on the first nodes, it saves your protection for longer.
    Dont play weak teams in early nodes, make their sacrifice count as hit squads for troublesome individuals in tough nodes.
    Don't get cocky. If someone gets hurt, heal them early so they are not vulnerable to dying to a focused attack.
    Target healers and rezzers first, so matches Are not drawn out.
    Never auto. Auto is spelled FAIL. It has been well established that the AI is sub-optimal.

    Hope this helps.
  • Darling_Ventress
    376 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Timitock wrote: »
    Dont play weak teams in early nodes, make their sacrifice count as hit squads for troublesome individuals in tough nodes.
    Interesting. I like to play my weak teams first so that I can preserve my A team's protection for the hard nodes. It also makes for more interesting and entertaining play. It is boring watch my star A Team breeze through the first 6 or 7 nodes. It is more of a challenge to play my weak toons to see how far they can go. I also learn more about their strengths and weaknesses. I don't let them die so they can still be useful if I get stuck on a really difficult node at the end.
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