Galactic War too challenging feedback

4 posts Member
edited May 2016
Once again I feel the galactic war has been made too difficult. It is completable but unnecessarily difficult at such an early stage. I can literally spend over an hour completing a couple of fights. Six from the end they are tougher than me and my guys are top lvl. Surely I should be facing a tougher challenge a lot later on? It would be nice to enjoy it rather than it be a full time slog.
Post edited by CG_RyDiggs on


  • Options
    You surely dont have enough toons, its not supposed to be run trough with 1 squad on auto. I have 4 teams and a couple of suicides if needed so it is easy and dont even care if i lose a toon or two. Not a whale only bought charity packs for this game ;)
    Only 1 of my squads is lvl77 others are at 70 so even a f2p can do it, not trying to offend but just threw in some thoughts why you find it hard.
  • pipboy3009
    136 posts Member
    Im f2p and yes sometimes it gets difficult to the point I have to quit then send in a b team or suicide squad to just to even the battle by taking 1/2 toons down but out of the 7 GW I do a week I usualy win 3-4 , currently running
    7* lvl 74 lumi
    7* lvl 71 tali
    4* lvl 71 fives
    5* lvl 74 savage
    7* lvl 69 plasma

    Took me a while but double rewards this week helped me get 7* for tali , arena rank using same toons are between #600 - #350 , depending if im lazy that day and just do 3 battles , or If I get my a$$ kicked lol
  • dvl009
    529 posts Member
    retreat a bunch of times and try to change ur course of actions
  • Skye
    795 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    a couple of guild members had been complaining about the difficulty jump in the GW... until yesterday I had wondered what the heck they were talking about... I hadn't had an issues until yesterday and then upon hitting level 77... bam... the last half of the GW was like on steroids... I was losing members of my roster left right and center... I hadn't lost that many prior to the retreat change many months ago...

    Whatever they have done... let me tell you if you haven't seen it yet... please don't comment because literally you will look a utter fool when you encounter the difficulty jump... trust me it's real...

    Prior to me hitting 77 at most I may lose one team through the entire GW, usually only a member or two... However the past two days I have easily lost over 15 lvl 70+ purple geared toons by the time I reached the 10th node, never mind the end!
    Former crazy person of the guild "Shard Awakens"... *quit game 13th July 2016*

    Game used to be fun when it wasn't a grind... if I wanted a grind I would have went and played old school Everquest or some Korean MMO!
  • Mikaelias
    17 posts Member
    I finished gw everyday with just 5 toons.
    Lumi(L) 7*/8, qgj 7*/9, daka 7*/9, rey 6*/9 and RG 4*/8.
    Not even Hard and i'm f2p.
  • dvl009
    529 posts Member
    Mikaelias wrote: »
    I finished gw everyday with just 5 toons.
    Lumi(L) 7*/8, qgj 7*/9, daka 7*/9, rey 6*/9 and RG 4*/8.
    Not even Hard and i'm f2p.

    how did u get mk5 droid caller
  • Options
    Skye wrote: »
    a couple of guild members had been complaining about the difficulty jump in the GW... until yesterday I had wondered what the heck they were talking about... I hadn't had an issues until yesterday and then upon hitting level 77... bam... the last half of the GW was like on steroids... I was losing members of my roster left right and center... I hadn't lost that many prior to the retreat change many months ago...

    Whatever they have done... let me tell you if you haven't seen it yet... please don't comment because literally you will look a utter fool when you encounter the difficulty jump... trust me it's real...

    Prior to me hitting 77 at most I may lose one team through the entire GW, usually only a member or two... However the past two days I have easily lost over 15 lvl 70+ purple geared toons by the time I reached the 10th node, never mind the end!

    My 6th 9th and last 3 are mostly those nightmare teams of rg,daka,rey,gs,leia etc.. Top arena teams and im lvl77 myself. The thing is i have 4 squads(3 at70 and 1 at 77)
    So usually my D-squad can get me to node 5-7 so halfway trough with 3 good teams left, my bench is making it relatively easy for me, but i can see ppl who only use 1 squad can get into trouble.
    Also i think i might be lucky with my rng bc even if the opponents are tough i still get trough every single day.
    Have jc,lumi,barris and daka pretty much maxed helps alot also ;)
  • Zabster
    8 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    If you have Bariss use her as leader for the increased HP.

    Use suicide teams, if I see a decent high lvl team, I use a bunch of low levels to make the AI team blow it's ability cooldowns.

    If you're struggling, change team composition and leader, also try attacking different chars for your opening attacks as this changes how the AI reacts.

    Also try and build a B-team, I use mine in the last few fights and weaken or kill a key char from the opposing team ie Dakka or a high level Sid.
  • HB0MBZ
    190 posts Member
    I'm strictly f2p not one cent spent. I'm lvl 75 I finish galactic war 3 out of 5 times. People who say they have an A and B team are not F2p period. Unless you played when the game started and had been lvl 60 and 70 for months before the lvl cap increased this shouldn't be possible. I started in February and play everyday day. I spent one week at lvl 70 before the lvl cap raised. Me and many others are playing catch up and I bet if you're a F2p completing GW everyday you probably have a lot of time are somewhat lucky and are probably low arena rank.

    OP I feel your pain 3 day ago in GW my last 3 battles consisted of teams with fives555, RG, Daka/yoda, Dooku/qgj. All lvl 77 and all fives555 gear 9. I don't care what people say how can a F2p get through rosters like that???

    Anyways I concluded that until I reach 80 and the playing field becomes equal again me and many other F2p's will have to take a hard beating for months.

    Overall I feel your pain OP, you're not alone
  • HB0MBZ
    190 posts Member
    I'm strictly f2p not one cent spent. I'm lvl 75 I finish galactic war 3 out of 5 times. People who say they have an A and B team are not F2p period. Unless you played when the game started and had been lvl 60 and 70 for months before the lvl cap increased this shouldn't be possible. I started in February and play everyday day. I spent one week at lvl 70 before the lvl cap raised. Me and many others are playing catch up and I bet if you're a F2p completing GW everyday you probably have a lot of time are somewhat lucky and are probably low arena rank.

    OP I feel your pain 3 day ago in GW my last 3 battles consisted of teams with fives555, RG, Daka/yoda, Dooku/qgj. All lvl 77 and all fives555 gear 9. I don't care what people say how can a F2p get through rosters like that???

    Anyways I concluded that until I reach 80 and the playing field becomes equal again me and many other F2p's will have to take a hard beating for months.

    Overall I feel your pain OP, you're not alone
  • Sarryen
    474 posts Member
    I'm 100% FTP, level 77, and have completed GW about 80 times in a row (inclduing 3 times in the last 24 hours to earn 3 million credits!).

    It has got harder recently - level 76 teams from about node 4 or 5 until the end but I have been able to complete it fairly easily.

    I run my level 55-60 ewoks for the first 3 or 4 nodes then sub in my Arena team and run through the rest usually only losing 1-2 toons until the end. I have a strong bench though, so if I do hit a tricky node I can usually move past it by sending in some reserve teams.

    Protection has definitely made it longer and more tedious but I don't think it is that much harder than before.
  • Tycho
    52 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Wait until gear IX and X whale teams start showing up mid-GW. You will delete this game from your mobile device.

    This game is now a sick joke. How long has it been out? 6 months?
  • thee_pdx
    302 posts Member
    fwiw i completed 9 at level 64ish, then couldnt win for ages, but now i have beaten about the last 8-9. Double today, with double rewards, and 2x vader shards as a reward.

    As i understand it, the teams are other peoples teams rather than computer generated. surely therefore there must be at least 12 teams who are higher ranked than literally everyone else, and therefore almost cant lose gw?

  • Munkie
    90 posts Member
    I hate GW so much now, I usually do one battle for the daily. I can always clear it but it's just become such a chore and man I'd rather be at work doing actual work then run GW.
  • evanbio
    1505 posts Member
    F2P, and I finish GW probably 95% of the time. Yes, like 67% of all statistics, that was made up on the spot. Regardless, I finish it way more often than not. I start with my lower levelled toons until they are no longer viable, and save the big guys for the end. Sometimes I don't even need to call in the big guys. Sometimes they get called in early, and then I swap back in the lower levels for a couple matches.

    It's all strategy. If you're going in with a lot of Jedi and trying to hit high level Sid's and Dookus, you probably will struggle a bit. But if you only have 5 characters, it will be difficult. GW is designed to be an opposite of Arena. Arena is get in and out quick. GW is an endurance match. Similar to how guild's seem to be.
  • Annastrasza
    1766 posts Member
    dvl009 wrote: »
    Mikaelias wrote: »
    I finished gw everyday with just 5 toons.
    Lumi(L) 7*/8, qgj 7*/9, daka 7*/9, rey 6*/9 and RG 4*/8.
    Not even Hard and i'm f2p.

    how did u get mk5 droid caller

    Says GW is easy, says I am F2P but has gear 9 toons.
    Well played my friend. Well played.
    You really have not spent a single dime.

    Note: you don't get a special medal for being f2p.
    This is a p2w game.

  • jeremyj26
    783 posts Member
    dvl009 wrote: »
    Mikaelias wrote: »
    I finished gw everyday with just 5 toons.
    Lumi(L) 7*/8, qgj 7*/9, daka 7*/9, rey 6*/9 and RG 4*/8.
    Not even Hard and i'm f2p.

    how did u get mk5 droid caller

    Says GW is easy, says I am F2P but has gear 9 toons.
    Well played my friend. Well played.
    You really have not spent a single dime.

    Note: you don't get a special medal for being f2p.
    This is a p2w game.

    That gear was craftable before, not like you had to pay for it. Droid callers were very easy to make once upon a time.
    IGN: Malmsteen's Comet
  • SirBoss
    38 posts Member
    Just hit 77 myself and while I have completed it. Who wants to spend a hour trying different rng on the same node. Only going to get worse as the gap between p2p and f2p widens. O well it is what it is. This was a pretty fair game.
  • Annastrasza
    1766 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    jeremyj26 wrote: »
    dvl009 wrote: »
    Mikaelias wrote: »
    I finished gw everyday with just 5 toons.
    Lumi(L) 7*/8, qgj 7*/9, daka 7*/9, rey 6*/9 and RG 4*/8.
    Not even Hard and i'm f2p.

    how did u get mk5 droid caller

    Says GW is easy, says I am F2P but has gear 9 toons.
    Well played my friend. Well played.
    You really have not spent a single dime.

    Note: you don't get a special medal for being f2p.
    This is a p2w game.

    That gear was craftable before, not like you had to pay for it. Droid callers were very easy to make once upon a time.
    Anyways....nothing to be ashamed of if you spent few coins.
    No special cookie for claiming to be f2p. That does not make your argument more valid.
    In fact playing with a gear 9 toon and claiming GW is easy peezy makes you look silly.
  • M31Andro
    253 posts Member
    I beat it almost every time. You have to have a strategy and a nicely timed suicide squad. The retreat button helps immensely too!
    skhitz wrote: »
    Once again I feel the galactic war has been made too difficult. It is completable but unnecessarily difficult at such an early stage. I can literally spend over an hour completing a couple of fights. Six from the end they are tougher than me and my guys are top lvl. Surely I should be facing a tougher challenge a lot later on? It would be nice to enjoy it rather than it be a full time slog.

  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    Bariss, Lumi, JC, QGJ + a dps

    Slow, but you can't die. I am 100% F2p and have completed GW every day since I have gotten those characters (about 2 months after the game came out). I am sitting pretty high with 10Mil credits (was 18million.... but.. man.. those level ups to 80)
  • fudgra
    982 posts Member
    jeremyj26 wrote: »
    dvl009 wrote: »
    Mikaelias wrote: »
    I finished gw everyday with just 5 toons.
    Lumi(L) 7*/8, qgj 7*/9, daka 7*/9, rey 6*/9 and RG 4*/8.
    Not even Hard and i'm f2p.

    how did u get mk5 droid caller

    Says GW is easy, says I am F2P but has gear 9 toons.
    Well played my friend. Well played.
    You really have not spent a single dime.

    Note: you don't get a special medal for being f2p.
    This is a p2w game.

    That gear was craftable before, not like you had to pay for it. Droid callers were very easy to make once upon a time.

    The guy listed three g9 toons that had to be precrafted or have two droid callers and a furnace. Seems unlikely that someone F2P could precraft that much purple gear with less than a day's notice.

  • Options
    Toukai wrote: »
    Bariss, Lumi, JC, QGJ + a dps

    Slow, but you can't die. I am 100% F2p and have completed GW every day since I have gotten those characters (about 2 months after the game came out). I am sitting pretty high with 10Mil credits (was 18million.... but.. man.. those level ups to 80)

    F2P and you're level 80? How is this even possible?
  • DarthBalls
    518 posts Member
    I hit 77 yesterday. Didn't lose a toon today in GW. It's been made easier since the update
  • TheScribs
    86 posts Member
    Mostly have no issues. But today... today, 8th node was level 78 Greedo/Rey/RG/Lumi/Barris - that wasn't fun - next node was Level 78/79 Poe/88/86/57/Poggle. Also not fun. Let's see what tomorrow brings.
    | ☮ Scoundrel ☮ | 635-571-985 "Never tell me the odds." BHG Wakanda Forever
  • Vikingo
    46 posts Member
    I ran into a tough one the other day. Used up my 2 dump squads and assassin squads half way through. Helll of a lot of fun. My only complaint is that they are too short or that I can only run them once a day.
  • Vikingo
    46 posts Member
    And I haven't spent one dollar.
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    Toukai wrote: »
    Bariss, Lumi, JC, QGJ + a dps

    Slow, but you can't die. I am 100% F2p and have completed GW every day since I have gotten those characters (about 2 months after the game came out). I am sitting pretty high with 10Mil credits (was 18million.... but.. man.. those level ups to 80)

    F2P and you're level 80? How is this even possible?

    I am only 77. But, what I meant was, each level from 70+ has been like 200-300k per level. I have like 9 7*'s I am keeping current for PVP/GW so it's still a huge drain on my resources.

    I couldn't even imagine what this game would be like if I couldn't complete GW every day.
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    GW is trivial with Barris and RG.

    I've spent $5 on the game (ewok elder pack) had about 3 weeks at l70 cap. I auto with targeting 75% of the levels. Finish 1st in arena.

    Barris lead, QG, Rey, RG, GS. If this team can't auto through a node I retreat and the B team goes in to complete the tough mode with full protection. Phasma, lumi, fives, RP, savage.

    Granted I precrafted droid callers for QG and RG but the big benefit of gear ix is extra protection which is less of a factor in GW.

    I'm not saying GW is easy or should be easy for everyone. The solution is to get RG and Barris (anyone struggling with GW should have Barris at least 5 star by now) and some DPS. You can substitute lumi the the primal team for Rey if you don't have her. It works just as well but you have to manage your cool downs at the end so it's less automatic.
  • Options
    Galactic war is nearly impossible. Just accept the fact that ull be lucky if u get past half way...
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