The Rancor is using Devour despite being on CD



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    If he knocks any guy below 50 health OR below 50 health he reduces cool down

    This would not account for getting eaten on the very first round before anything has happened
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    I was also noticing the rancor devour glitch when guilds and raids first came out. I didn't mention anything then because it appeared to be fixed later on.

    Yesterday, the first turn, second move the rancor did was devour. First move was the slam which hit no one because Yoda had given foresight to everyone with meditation. All my characters had full health AND full protection, yet one was devoured even though the counter on devour was at 4.

    Seems like every day the rancor devours someone when the cool down is at or above 3. That seems extreme for a cool down reset.
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    Another bug I noticed is when you do attempts in Phase 1. And then your guild finishes it and then you proceed to Phase 2 with your second attempt and he starts off with a cooldown of 0 right off the bat.

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    If he knocks any guy below 50 health OR below 50 health he reduces cool down

    Also, where do you see that information? I have tried looking for it in the 2nd phase of fighting the rancor and am not able to find it.
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    The problem here you might also see is the following:
    Rancor's "Devour" ability's cooldown is reduced when Slam is used on characters with extra Health from Mods and Health is not below 50%.

    Since devour's cooldown is reduced for each character this way, you might end up seeing his cooldown just jumps low whereas none of your chars actually fall below 50% health.
    But on topic
    RonEmpire wrote: »
    Okay. My Old Ben is leader. He was ALREADY less than 50% health from a previous phase.
    The devour is at 5. Rancor slams. Old Ben DODGES the slam. And then Rancor BLOWS. Then the devour is at 3 cooldown. How is this possible?
    He should only lower cooldown when you 'drop' less than 50%. not when it is already less than 50. His health didn't change at all because he DODGED it.

    That's how his ability works, dude. "In the description, it states that each time rancor slam hits a target with less than 50% health, the cooldown for devour is lowered by one". So everything fine here. Just make sure you have all your party members at high health before his slam otherwise .. DEVOUR

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    No there are times when he knocks health below 50% and the CD does not change either.

    There's definitely an inconsistent bug going on.
  • gunff
    287 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Under a specific circumstance when entering phase 2 of the pit, (Rancor's first phase) The Devour cooldown which is supposed to be at 6 is actually at 1 and he's ready to eat.

    We have figured out that this happens under 2 circumstances though they really are the same thing.

    1) you do enough damage in phase 1 to finish the captain but not enough to actually progress yourself into Phase 2 (Some Phase 1 damage is wasted). you exit the raid, and launch your next attack against Phase 2 and devour is at cooldown 1

    2) Phase 1 is already ended and you complete a raid attempt in phase 1 (damage is wasted). When you launch your next attempt the devour is at cooldown 1.

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    Ive had him eat someone when the cooldown was on 2. Just the other day this happened.
  • gunff
    287 posts Member
    Look at descriptions of the slam, If you have people in yellow or red health after the slam it lowers cool down immediately.
  • cmlivi01
    7 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Has devour being used before its off cool down been confirmed as acting as intended? I didn't see it in the most recent bug fix thread as being "not a bug".

    I just got eaten 2x in one battle - once with 2 CD and the second time with 3 CD. It's extremely frustrating and I'd just like to know what the Dev team has said on the subject. It's been doing this for months and it makes Rancor unfun.
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    cmlivi01 wrote: »
    Has devour being used before its off cool down been confirmed as acting as intended? I didn't see it in the most recent bug fix thread as being "not a bug".

    I just got eaten 2x in one battle - once with 2 CD and the second time with 3 CD. It's extremely frustrating and I'd just like to know what the Dev team has said on the subject. It's been doing this for months and it makes Rancor unfun.

    You don't see it there because it's not an unusual or unexpected behavior. You do know that Rancor's slam attack reduces the cool down of devour by one for every hero below 50% health after slam!?
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    I am constantly getting to phase 2 on rancor where there is no cool down timer on devour. So one of my toons gets eaten once the rancor gets a attack in. This is becoming frustrating when trying to compete for position in guild for rewards. Why hasn't this been fixed yet?
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    Rancor very often uses devour when it's on cool down. It's frustrating as hell. You never know when he's going to eat someone.
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    If he uses slam first and all your toons are yellow he rancor gets 5 ticks off the devour countdown and can use it.

    He gets one tick off it for each toon at half health,

    Read the phase description ...
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    Geez you think I'm that dumb. The phase starts with no countdown. No 6 turns. It's a BUG. I have a full healthy squad.
  • Kigurou
    4 posts Member
    edited September 2016

    Same thing is STILL happening after 3 updates, keeps devouring a hero while still on cooldown.

    Edit: and might I point out I'm aware of what slam does, I'm not ****. As you can SEE from the screenshot he's devouring a hero WHILE ON COOLDOWN. I'm not talking about devour skipping cool downs from each character below 50% health. Because I get that. And nowhere in the description does it say "can trigger devour", it simply says "reduced by 1 for each enemy that is below 50%." there is no devour triggered in there.
    Post edited by Kigurou on
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    Read the devour description. If a character falls below like 50% health devour can trigger and reset cool downs. Cmon
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    There seems to be a timer issue with the rancor. It seems that it's eating the characters at random instead of on its timer of 5 turns. The discussion in the guild is that this is now seems to be random rather than consistent. This is happens to be very disruptive to the game to The Devs please see if they can fix this
    Aktis Cosmogator
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    I wish I could post my pic. Same thing with me. P2 start with no countdown on devour. It's hard to compete in guild when you lose a toon on the rancor's first turn
  • Darthdaniel98
    27 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Rancor ate someone first turn, 3rd turn, 4th turn! On my 2nd team, the counter would show it cooling down, but he would use it when he pleased the count down meant nothing it would just reset from what ever to 5 again. Lost 3 toons to devour i got 3 toons attacks off (absolutely slaughtered.) phase 3 btw.
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    T6 Rancor is proc'n his devour every 3 turns instead of 5. The skill will even still have a counter with 2 moves left till the skill is "available". This is on phase 2 ran with Ackbar lead, leia, luke, biggs, wedge. This was consistent and happened 3 times before the team died completely.
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    I posted a thread earlier about devour being bugged. I've had him devour first turn on a clean attempt but it is rare... it's like a race condition where the cool downs do not get applied before the round starts under some conditions. In earlier case it was devour being used every 3 turns instead of 5 and the cool down showing 2 turns left. The cool down even cycled back to 5 when it was used but then the AI would proc it at turn 3.
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    I posted a thread earlier about devour being bugged. I've had him devour first turn on a clean attempt but it is rare... it's like a race condition where the cool downs do not get applied before the round starts under some conditions. In earlier case it was devour being used every 3 turns instead of 5 and the cool down showing 2 turns left. The cool down even cycled back to 5 when it was used but then the AI would proc it at turn 3.

    It's not rare. If you start phase 1 at 100% someone does like 900k damage while you still play and you are the second one to close the phase by also doing 900k damage, in the next phase Rancor will have devour up.
  • Defense1236
    737 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    He takes two actions per turn, therefore he has his cool downs reduces by two each turn, but is reduced at the end of his his turn, not between each action.
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    Our raid dissappeared. It either crashed or someone hit the abandon button, but if someone abandons the raid, then it should show up in the chat like all the notifications. Please fix or get our raid back please.
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    I just want to say this did he smash any of your characters and get any into the yellow if so that removes some of the turns also please reado the slam thing it says "for each character that goes below 50% health reduce one counter off of devour
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