Rancor damage counting severely bugged, fix it as soon as possible please!

112 posts Member
edited May 2016
Hi, Devs in particular, we were doing a T5 Rancor and for about one our (14.30-15.30 roughly [CEST]) the efforts of players were nullified by some kind of problem.
Some of the guys have taken a screenshot as a proof who I put here, but many others have seen no damage counted on ranking before we can communicate each other to stop attacking. Please fix or avoid these problems.


11/5 EDIT:
Today even worse!
A lot of us counted ZERO damage, I'm plenty of screenshot who I'll post here as soon as possible.
Someone the contrary, they have signet MILLIONS of damage whit a normal try.
Answer us and make something, please :(
This things are ruining our raids.

here the pics:

14/5 EDIT:
Yesterday again, it's not possible that we can't get a little response from EA.
Others screenshots:

15/5 EDIT:
Jesse answered, the team is aware of the bug. Hoping for a fix soon.
Post edited by Mikymate on


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    I was keeping up with the damage I was doing in the raid and one battle with my last 2 toons did 10k damage. After I was dead I noticed it said I only did 1 damage even tho the damage under the toons combined total was over 10k. So with that being said it is hurting my ranking inside the guild and lowering my ranking. With 10 toons over 74 with gear level 8 only did 39k damage. This is the first time I've noticed the other raids I've been in I was over 200k damage easily.
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    Mikymate wrote: »
    Hi, Devs in particular, we were doing a T5 Rancor and for about one our (14.30-15.30 roughly [CEST]) the efforts of players were nullified by some kind of problem.
    Some of the guys have taken a screenshot as a proof who I put here, but many others have seen no damage counted on ranking before we can communicate each other to stop attacking. Please fix or avoid these problems.


    <.< I'v the same problem! Please FIX! and give us Giuld's Money or other... for the lost time.. ty..
  • Kennyb67
    15 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I had a problem with damage not counting for one character, eeth koth, when battling the guards. Everyone else's seemed to be okay. And one of our guild members was devoured by the Rancor, with 2 showing on the meter.
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    Kennyb67 wrote: »
    And one of our guild members was devoured by the Rancor, with 2 showing on the meter.

    This has happened to me twice now. It was at 2 then he devoured one of my toons and the counter was still at 2 after the devour.
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    Adimin! You see to do something, but today do 0 damage at all has made millions of damage !! so I lost the first place SWEATY!!!
    Whereas I invested in this game I would like at least to me you did the courtesy to reply and if compensate me, and not with the usual **** 500 crystals!!
    I demand to do something IMMEDIATELY! It is not the way to work. if you run an update that is working. so do waste people's time!
    DO SOMETHING NOW! and ashamed.
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    Same problem to me. This is A SHAME.

    Your silence is noisy.
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    I too went wrong the raid, this is just the latest in a serious of infinite problems of the game. I put money in the game you want a good product, not a game where you have to fight every day with bug and more
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    New Raid but the same old problems.
    Big issues in damages computations (players which made an huge amounts of damages with 0, on the other players players which made 200k or 300k of damages accountend for millions).
    Please set this bug asap.
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    Blasphemy wrote: »
    Adimin! You see to do something, but today do 0 damage at all has made millions of damage !! so I lost the first place SWEATY!!!
    Whereas I invested in this game I would like at least to me you did the courtesy to reply and if compensate me, and not with the usual **** 500 crystals!!
    I demand to do something IMMEDIATELY! It is not the way to work. if you run an update that is working. so do waste people's time!
    DO SOMETHING NOW! and ashamed.

    I'v done 2.5M honestly..tell me, why in the end I finished seventh? behind those who did dishonestly 5M..
    I demand the rewards of the 1st place
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    Same happend twice in our guild (Augure) on Tier V. One played did unrealistically high damage. it seams not to happen in Tier VI.
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    Woah dudes. Your problem is understandable but please try to treat people with a little respect.
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    Hiya.. you can't call out devs in the post till, even in brackets.
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  • Mikymate
    112 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Woah dudes. Your problem is understandable but please try to treat people with a little respect.
    Hiya.. you can't call out devs in the post till, even in brackets.
    I'm sorry, I didn't know it.

    There's no rage or lack of respect in my post, there's only urgency.
    Now we have stopped raids because they simply don't work.
    This is ruining our guild experience and progress.
    We would only like to know if devs are aware of this big problem and they're working on it and fix in a useful time.
  • Bobafeit
    139 posts Member
    GenKillYou wrote: »
    Kennyb67 wrote: »
    And one of our guild members was devoured by the Rancor, with 2 showing on the meter.

    This has happened to me twice now. It was at 2 then he devoured one of my toons and the counter was still at 2 after the devour.

    ive stopped looking at the devour meter or actually any of them it seem to be totally random no matter what turn its left ,ive had several times were i come in and 1st he does i devour 1 toon so im just zerging my 5 turns

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    Knock knock... EA... Can you hear us?
  • Jaeger
    47 posts Member
    I am seeing the same error with raid results in my guild...
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  • Popov
    14 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Please, fix it ASAP!! every raid is bugged!

    My own observations: repeats when 20+ guild members playing at the same time. Life bar jumps randomly.

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    It seems to occur with high concurrency of players and near the end/beginning of a step (as seen from the screenshot).

    Can we have a comment that this bug is acknowledged by the devs?
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    Do we have to be Instinct members in order to get feedback from EA?
  • LordGiacuz
    13 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Thanx in advance for your comments

  • Popov
    14 posts Member
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    Tonite we launched the Rancor and again people with 0 and people with milions.
    I am very upset. I give my time to this game, my money, and this is the result.

    EA please answer.
  • Blasphemy
    32 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Con tutti i miei soldi vedete di sistemare sto cazzo di Bug brutti fancazzisti! Manco vi degnate di rispondere! Un conto è non risolvere il problema in 2 giorni un conto è manco dare risposta ai vostri clienti! Siete poco professionale per niente seri! Vi va bene che alle spalle avete qualcuno che ha idee decenti perché se no avreste già chiuso se uno guardasse alla vostra gestione della clientela! Inconcepibile! Sono deluso incazzato e contrariato! Se fossi uno dall avvocato facile vi farei causa ma al contrario di voi non sono meschino e rispetto chi lavora. Quello che non tollero è il vostro silenzio!
    Siete uno schifo, e io che pensavo che gli italiani fossero ignoranti e fancazzisti, dimostrate che non c'è limite al peggio. Per concludere traducetevelo da soli sto messaggio non meritate più né rispetto né tempo
    Al cazzo
    Post edited by Blasphemy on
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    Ok, this is just unreal.
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    Mi accodo al pensiero di Blasphemy.
    Non ho voglia di sforzarmi nello scrivere in un idioma non mio. Non meritate questo tipo di gentilezza da parte nostra.
    Il vostro silenzio è volgare. Ci saremmo accontentati di un semplice cenno, di un messaggio prestabilito di quelli da customer care del tipo "Ci scusiamo per il disagio, stiamo gestendo il problema". E invece nulla. Silenzio tombale.
    Mi chiedo se ai vostri capi farebbe piacere venire a conoscenza di un fatto grave come questo. Dei clienti, ancor più "big spender", rivolgono una richiesta di aiuto e voi li ignorate.
    La vostra mancanza di educazione. Questa è più grave di qualsivoglia bug.
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    I have posted this also and nothing was ever said or done about it. And that was over 3 weeks ago they really need to say something besides on reddit it's stupid they stay on other websites and not their own.
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