What trully makes the Yoda event not possible



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    EA fix this fight so it is at least slightly doable for most.

    I spend money here and there on this game and I know I can speak for myself, a few friends and pretty much my whole guild. Fix this or basically loose players that have been looking forward to this.
  • Nobody
    225 posts Member
    I fixed the problem, very easy.... I deleted the game!
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    Nobody wrote: »
    I fixed the problem, very easy.... I deleted the game!

  • Nobody
    225 posts Member
    Nobody wrote: »
    I fixed the problem, very easy.... I deleted the game!


    Yup best decision I made on this game. Summer is coming... Life is too short for this!

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    Nobody wrote: »
    I fixed the problem, very easy.... I deleted the game!

    Cool. Now please delete your forum account. This forum is for players.
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    Bobdog87 wrote: »
    I beat tier 7 in 5 tries:

    Qgj (l): level 78, g10
    Lumi: level 78, g8
    Eeth: level 70, g8
    Mace: level 70, g8
    Jc: level 70, g8

    I landed a stun on yoda early using ek and won that round. It really wasn't that hard...

    You got extremely lucky. G10 QGJ probably didn't hurt either. But us mere mortals with our g8 toons... Are having a tougher time.
    2761 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    DarthBalls wrote: »
    Bobdog87 wrote: »
    I beat tier 7 in 5 tries:

    Qgj (l): level 78, g10
    Lumi: level 78, g8
    Eeth: level 70, g8
    Mace: level 70, g8
    Jc: level 70, g8

    I landed a stun on yoda early using ek and won that round. It really wasn't that hard...

    You got extremely lucky. G10 QGJ probably didn't hurt either. But us mere mortals with our g8 toons... Are having a tougher time.

    So keep trying until you get "extremely lucky". RNG is one of the only ways to make things difficult in a simple game like this. Then when you beat it come to the forums and talk about the skill you used to beat it.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
  • Jedi_Yoda
    928 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Its not the change in yoda himself that make the event that harder, but instead it is all the other changes that were made in the game that makes this event so difficult now.
    Let me explain :

    First of all, it is the change in Luminara Unduli passive heals that spoils everything. The fact that now it is a buff that yoda can steal and use to heals-back 12k health just let no chance to the people who don't have Barris and have to use Luminara for healing purpose. This change just makes Lumi's heal so useless, cause as soon as you use it, the Yoda immediatly use his aoe (which kills the toon that you were using heal for, and then let yoda play again and instantly heals all the dmgs you've dealt to him...). It's so frustating... ><' now it makes Barris the only viable option for the 7* yoda event, and so all the others including me that don't have her can't stand a chance against yoda as it is right now.

    Secondly: The change in the foresight mechanics and the way it interracts with QGJ assist.
    Nothing to add there, you all know what i'm talking about.

    Finally : the fact that when you dispell yoda's tenacity buff, it no longer give offense up with QGJ...
    this change make 0 sens, really....

    I think that regarding all this change that makes it impossible for the a big majority of players to complete tier7 YOda event, EA should let us have one ally mate Jedi's as a 6 crew member.

    He’s always been at Level 90, the ability to see his level was added in a recent update.
    His speed was reduced in an earlier update
    He is now affected by Protection (this is what makes it a little more difficult)
    His abilities were always at the Omega material level for tier VII

    I did it with Level 77 Jedi, just keep trying you will get there. Sorry but you are DEAD wrong, I did it without Barriss. I did it with Old Ben (L), QGJ, JC, Lumi Ahsoka. I have 7* Barriss but didn't need her.
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
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    DarthBalls wrote: »
    Bobdog87 wrote: »
    I beat tier 7 in 5 tries:

    Qgj (l): level 78, g10
    Lumi: level 78, g8
    Eeth: level 70, g8
    Mace: level 70, g8
    Jc: level 70, g8

    I landed a stun on yoda early using ek and won that round. It really wasn't that hard...

    You got extremely lucky. G10 QGJ probably didn't hurt either. But us mere mortals with our g8 toons... Are having a tougher time.

    G8 Barris, JC, Lumi, Ahsoka and QGJ defeated Yoda today, all level 75, after multiple tries. It's RNG, no option other than to try again and again. Use some of the tactics discussed on the forums and pray to RNGesus. Best of luck.
  • Jedi_Yoda
    928 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    that's what i'm saying, you need all the jedi healers that exist on the game if you wants to beat him now...
    2 months ago i beat 6* Yoda super easily with 1 try with Lumi, mace, QGJ, JC, EEth koth.

    And now it is just rubbish the way those jedi's works now and the fact that in addition yoda gots buffed...
    In one hand they Nerf all jedis, and in the other they buff the tier 7 Yoda... I just don't understand EA's Logic....

    I used 3 healers, it really wasn't that hard and I ignored the sidekicks
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
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    apexstag wrote: »
    i completed t7 with

    Bariss (L) 78 G8
    QGJ 79 G8
    Lumi 78 G8
    Ahsoka 76 G8
    JC 73 G8

    Yoda had mace and old ben

    I just hit yoda, healed with bariss on basic and special, ahsoka healed herself, and basic with lumi, basic/speical with qgj/jc.
    did it 2nd attempt first time yoda has kit and lumi, didnt get close.

    Yeah kit is tough, had to wait until I got Eth and Barriss.. Barriss had a couple of heals on Yoda it was tense there for a minute.
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    Agreed -- I beat it yesterday after about 25-30 tries as well. I used Ben lead, lumi, jc, qgj, and mace. Barriss and eeth with him. I killed eeth then got barris in red then she used the equalizer. Switched to yoda and saved barriss for last.

    I killed Yoda first, but I have basically same team except I used Ahsoka instead of Mace.
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    Secondly: The change in the foresight mechanics and the way it interracts with QGJ assist.
    Yeah, but if you got QGJ's basic up to 8 for the turn meter reduction that will work through foresight. In other words, Yoda won't take damage but he might lose turn meter and will lose foresight.

  • Bobdog87
    31 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Double post.
  • Bobdog87
    31 posts Member
    DrewPowerz wrote: »
    Bobdog87 wrote: »
    I beat tier 7 in 5 tries:

    Qgj (l): level 78, g10
    Lumi: level 78, g8
    Eeth: level 70, g8
    Mace: level 70, g8
    Jc: level 70, g8

    I landed a stun on yoda early using ek and won that round. It really wasn't that hard...

    i have the same team, had 5 hours of tries yesterday and 1 hour today so far, can't even get him to red health, who did he had as his sidekicks? (maybe i can try to find same combo)

    His sidekicks were old ben and ima gun di.
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    With as hard as the Yoda event is and the characters you need to invest in to get him I wish he was a little bit more powerful.
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    Yoda event used to be hard... 5 months ago when this thread was actually relevant. Then the event was made embarrassingly easy, then soon after Yoda was nerfed... now we all get a mediocre character for an easy event :(
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    I beat the event first try on auto. Not even close to fully modded or geared team.

    OB (L)
    Eeth Koth

    EK and JC were prob level 60. No one was even level 80 when I did it. Way too easy.

    I wouldn't mind if they reopened if after you beat it. I would like to get that 2* on Tier V to 3* haha
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    @LRMoser you gotta stop necroing threads.
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