Battling the same line up over and over and over again



  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    edited May 2016
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  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Toukai wrote: »
    Hey buddy, just wanted to let you know that @Timitock is a total troll in every discussion he posts in. We like to call him Timi the Turtle. He contributes nothing of value, so it's probably best just to ignore him :)

    This constitutes a personal attack and is a troll post in itself.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Telaan wrote: »
    Toukai wrote: »
    Hey buddy, just wanted to let you know that @Timitock is a total troll in every discussion he posts in. We like to call him Timi the Turtle. He contributes nothing of value, so it's probably best just to ignore him :)

    Yea timiboy is pretty well known to troll and cause drama. But thanks for the heads up. :)

    This is also considered a personal attack and provides nothing to the discussion.
    The only people trolling here are you two.
  • Apoc
    172 posts Member
    Eh, I don't have problems at all against those cookie cutter teams as of right now. My shard is extremely diverse, and if you're running just Rey, RG, QGJ, Gs, and Old Ben. Then you're going to get mowed down. I think people really need to start thinking outside of the box. Cookie cutters become a huge problem, because no one tries to put in time to counter them. It's not difficult to counter them as long as you're willing to play around with different character match ups such as I did.
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    Yeah but there is a trend. People see those teams and scout forums looking for "what's working" and focus farming those exact heroes.

    You know the line about mimicking is the sincerest form of flattery, it's happening with teams.
    I have a theory that as the players have more time to build up their rosters, we'll start to see more variation in teams. There are quite a few viable teams out there now, but that doesn't mean people will use them.

    The true blame lies with those dudes who start and post in the threads title "Best Arena Team" and "Who should I use?" Lots of people are taking the advice and/or copying what they see above themselves in arena.

    The battle isn't against the unbalanced force of the heroes, it's against the trendiness and psyche of the humanoids.

    If you play with GQJ, Rey, Royal G, GS, Old Ben... you have actually given in to the Dark Side.

    ...and some of us are okay with it.
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
  • Teague
    939 posts Member
    Slewfoot wrote: »
    There are 60 total enemies in GW and nearly 100 toons in the game. Id like to see a limit of seeing each individual enemy only twice per GW run. It would be so nice to face characters that you rarely get to see like Tusken Shaman, or URURURURURUR, or Cad Bane or something. It would make the GW run alot more fun and interesting.

    I'm just quoting this so people can read it again.
  • BobAFeet
    147 posts Member
    That's a a great idea... I mean, they are all out there... It would be fun to face some night sisters, empire squad, rebel squad, etc. instead of the same old stuff day after day. Today I only faced 5 Royal Guard//QGJ//Rey squads... Bonus!
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    BobAFeet wrote: »
    That's a a great idea... I mean, they are all out there... It would be fun to face some night sisters, empire squad, rebel squad, etc. instead of the same old stuff day after day. Today I only faced 5 Royal Guard//QGJ//Rey squads... Bonus!

    People are already having trouble with mixed teams, full synergy teams might be too much.
  • Gungnir75
    718 posts Member
    I think if they just reverse the "balancing" we will see much more diversity. Everyone has discovered that other characters just can't compete after the blanket nerfing.
  • Apoc
    172 posts Member
    Gungnir75 wrote: »
    I think if they just reverse the "balancing" we will see much more diversity. Everyone has discovered that other characters just can't compete after the blanket nerfing.

    Oh yes they can. I've wrecked cookie cutter teams with my Ackbar/Leia squad. I've also got a buddy who very often takes first with his clone army squad. He's one of the toughest components as of late.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Apoc wrote: »
    Gungnir75 wrote: »
    I think if they just reverse the "balancing" we will see much more diversity. Everyone has discovered that other characters just can't compete after the blanket nerfing.

    Oh yes they can. I've wrecked cookie cutter teams with my Ackbar/Leia squad. I've also got a buddy who very often takes first with his clone army squad. He's one of the toughest components as of late.

    I am holding top 10 with full Jedi. These things do happen.
  • Apoc
    172 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Apoc wrote: »
    Gungnir75 wrote: »
    I think if they just reverse the "balancing" we will see much more diversity. Everyone has discovered that other characters just can't compete after the blanket nerfing.

    Oh yes they can. I've wrecked cookie cutter teams with my Ackbar/Leia squad. I've also got a buddy who very often takes first with his clone army squad. He's one of the toughest components as of late.

    I am holding top 10 with full Jedi. These things do happen.

    I can definitely see that. Aayla plus Gear 10 QGJ can be absolutely beastly if that's what you're running with.
  • Options
    Timitock wrote: »
    Apoc wrote: »
    Gungnir75 wrote: »
    I think if they just reverse the "balancing" we will see much more diversity. Everyone has discovered that other characters just can't compete after the blanket nerfing.

    Oh yes they can. I've wrecked cookie cutter teams with my Ackbar/Leia squad. I've also got a buddy who very often takes first with his clone army squad. He's one of the toughest components as of late.

    I am holding top 10 with full Jedi. These things do happen.

    I am running a Jedi squad gear 8 lvl 77 on my shard and have trouble holding 200, I'm I to low over gear, lvl, or wrong toons?
  • Gungnir75
    718 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Apoc wrote: »
    Gungnir75 wrote: »
    I think if they just reverse the "balancing" we will see much more diversity. Everyone has discovered that other characters just can't compete after the blanket nerfing.

    Oh yes they can. I've wrecked cookie cutter teams with my Ackbar/Leia squad. I've also got a buddy who very often takes first with his clone army squad. He's one of the toughest components as of late.

    I am holding top 10 with full Jedi. These things do happen.

    I also take 1st most every day with Jedi.

    Yes it can be done numerous people on this thread are doing it. But what we here are able to do and what most face in arena everyday are very different.

    Many are afraid to change and well, the cost of making a new team during a crazy high cost lvl cap increase is nuts.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Apoc wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Apoc wrote: »
    Gungnir75 wrote: »
    I think if they just reverse the "balancing" we will see much more diversity. Everyone has discovered that other characters just can't compete after the blanket nerfing.

    Oh yes they can. I've wrecked cookie cutter teams with my Ackbar/Leia squad. I've also got a buddy who very often takes first with his clone army squad. He's one of the toughest components as of late.

    I am holding top 10 with full Jedi. These things do happen.

    I can definitely see that. Aayla plus Gear 10 QGJ can be absolutely beastly if that's what you're running with.

    No, my Aayla is only 5*, so not Arena ready.

    My team is:

    Old Ben (L) G9, 7*, no Omegas, lvl 78
    Yoda G9, 7*, Omega basic, lvl 78
    QGJ G8, 7*, Omega basic, lvl 78
    Luminara G8, 7*, no Omega, lvl 78
    Ahsoka G8, 7*, no Omega, lvl 78

    It is effective mostly because of the Foresight/Evasion Up/TM gain synergy, along with late match heals. It seems to be just annoying enough on defense to bypass regularly. It does not rely on Yoda's BM being the first move, so the AI plays it well. 3 TM manipulators, a dispel, a stun, an AoE, 2 Ability blocks, Tenacity Up, Offense Up, and a boosted Assist help as well.

    I am unsure who I would replace with Aayla if I had her starred...
  • Options
    Play any game. be it console, mobile, even chess, the best characters will always be the best and you will always see them.

    Call of duty- you see the same guns being used over and over, because they are good.

    Chess- the queen wrecks that's what she does, people don't complain about that.

    Same thing with this game, you see the same characters over and over for a reason. Because they obviously work or you wouldn't see people using them.

    I don't get the argument? Use what you like, or use what wins, it's usually the same for me.
  • Teague
    939 posts Member
    Rmtomasin wrote: »
    Play any game. be it console, mobile, even chess, the best characters will always be the best and you will always see them.

    Call of duty- you see the same guns being used over and over, because they are good.

    Chess- the queen wrecks that's what she does, people don't complain about that.

    Same thing with this game, you see the same characters over and over for a reason. Because they obviously work or you wouldn't see people using them.

    I don't get the argument? Use what you like, or use what wins, it's usually the same for me.

    Not so. Look at well balanced games like Street Fighter. The level of character selection diversity is truly amazing, because they actually balance their game and make almost every character viable at high level play. Just look up Street Fighter 4 professional play and look at the character diversity.
    There's no reason why this game can't get that way one day. Don't get me wrong, I think EA is trying to balance things. The recent buffs to Ackbar, for instance. But unfortunately, they still have a very, very long ways to go.
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    People pick the best meta team and start working on that.
    With the credit crunch and with the unobtainable gear it has only gotten worse (diversity wise). Imagine if a toon is being nerfed now when you just put 15 omega mats, got it to gear X & max level.

    No things aren't looking bright for this game. The first nerf update will be the update where a lot of players will just leave.
    If they just buff other useless toons to a point where they either get viable or at least have more use, it will get better.

    Nerfing was a good idea pre update, now with all these paywalls nerfing will destroy the game.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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