Ewok Bugs - Multiple issues (Current Count: 3)



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    KeyMan64x wrote: »
    I thought EA actually fixed something with Ewok Elder but today he failed to REVIVE a character in Part 1 of a T7 Raid 3 times in a row. He is supposed to revive 100%.

    Also, Phasma's Victory March took Teebo out of Stealth 100% of the time. Yet another bug. Please help!


    Did Teebo lose stealth before or after he took action?

    Also, calling out EA is against the forum ToS.
  • scuba
    14176 posts Member
    The Ewok Elder resurrection still fails intermittently on P1 of raid (without the deathmark related deaths). He will fail the 100% resurrection, but eventually the 30% resurrection on the heal raised the toon, but annoying nonetheless.

    Victory march isn't taking Teebo out of stealth by the way. When Teebo is Stealth from Scramble Tactics... Anytime he has a turn there is a 55% chance he will proc Guerilla warfare, which breaks the stealth from scramble tactics without restealthing him. Thus, with victory march it is just a false association with a known bug. A bug I might add I have a thread on and there are other threads on as well. I will stop talking now.

    One day, maybe on the one year anniversary of the game the teebo bug will be fixed, but I highly doubt it. It seems the programming is either to complicated for this development team, or not enough money to be made for them to fix it. There is more important things to fix, like making sure Asajj is the only one that does not benefit from the Dorr drop. I have move on to the assumption that with teebo lead, scramble tactics will only allow one chance at TM removal.
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