The Guild Raiders - T5 Raids 4 Days per Week - CURRENTLY RECRUITING! (49/50)



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    thank you very much :)
    I think he already accepted your ally invite.

    He just want to wait until his current raid is finished...already p4 20% and he's 3rd so he really want to have the rewards :)

    I'm gonna write you when he left his guild...should be in a few hours ..I hope that there's is still a place for him :)
  • evergoo
    175 posts Member
    Thanks for the followup @Sagefire :)

    In the meantime, please keep me up to date. We'll be raiding in a couple of hours, so he should benefit from 2 raids in the same day.
  • YubNub81
    148 posts Member
    @Evergoo accepted your friend request and left my current guild. Hope a spot is still open
  • YubNub81
    148 posts Member
    Doh! Looks like I was too slow
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    he should be rdy in 30min :)
  • evergoo
    175 posts Member
    @YubNub81 and @Sagefire

    We have two spots left. Please leave your guilds and look up "The Guild Raiders." :)
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    Still got spots?
  • evergoo
    175 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Still got spots?

    Yes, 1 spot.

    Tell me more about your playing habits, please. :)
  • evergoo
    175 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    - This is our 3rd week as a 45+ guild and our numbers are very consistent: 4 Raids per week, 150k+ Weekly Guild Bank Coins, 25k+ Light/Dark/Hard Battles, T7 GWs and Challenges, and T5 Cantina.
    - Please make sure to follow the 1500 weekly GBC and 3-days-of-no-activity-your-out rules. Guild Officers will give reminders, but it is each guild member's responsibility to plan ahead and support the team.
    - Raids still reset at 1AM PST unfortunately. Nevertheless, raids will continue to occur at 6AM PST to help us transition to the future game update.
    - New raid poll is up! All forum discussions about raids and raid strategies go here (CLICK HERE) :smile:
    - Please register and sync your profile (CLICK HERE) :smile:, so we can prepare for T6 and T7 raids.
  • evergoo
    175 posts Member
    Still 1 spot. Currently doing T5 raid. Will do another Saturday and T6 on Sunday. :)
  • odatoyoda
    96 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Let's see if this works. Here's a link to screenshots or Lord Skunk's roster that I just took for @evergoo . He's on my arena server. We both started playing SWGOH in February.
  • evergoo
    175 posts Member
    - Two milestones were achieved last week: 5 raids in one week and our very first T6 raid!
    - We achieved 164,422 GBC. A record high for the week!
    - Top 5 Guild Contributors for the week: 1) evergoo, 2) Meezy, 3) Grakkos, 4) Gul Ski, 5) doggirl211
    - Monday Raids begin at 6AM PDT, Wednesdays at Noon PDT, Fridays at 6PM PDT, and Saturdays at 6AM PDT.
    - Three members were promoted to Guild Officer for their consistent contributions in the chat, guild currency, and guild bank coins: @Desparia, mike, and @odatoyoda. Congratulations! :)
    - Please make sure to follow the 1500 weekly GBC and 3-days-of-no-activity-your-out rules. Guild Officers will give reminders, but it is each guild member's responsibility to plan ahead and support the team.
    - Please register and sync your profile (CLICK HERE) :smile:, so we can prepare for T6 and T7 raids.
  • jag
    7 posts Member
    Hi everybody! I'm so sorry for not being as active as I would want in the guild chat... I'll try to be more active... I'm really short of time lately, and even It's being difficult for me completing daily objectives in the game. People here with child and self-employed, sure will understand... :)
    Evergoo, just want you to know that will be impossible to contribute more on guild activities, the reset activity time here in Spain is at 1:00AM and the guild activities reset at 4:00AM...
  • evergoo
    175 posts Member
    Thanks for explaining your situation @jag. As long as you meet the 1500 GBC (which is easy to do) and complete some Daily Guild Activities, you should be fine. Your raid contributions are always greatly appreciated.

    We all are busy parents, husbands/wives, and professionals. That is why the GOs and I have decided to set some fairly low requirements. :)
  • YubNub81
    148 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Anyone else having issues logging on right now?

    NVM Just saw the thread with everyone else having the same issue
  • evergoo
    175 posts Member
    We have 3 spots available! :)

    We are an active, friendly guild that loves to chat, raid, and support one another. If you are interested in joining, please do not hesitate to send me a PM! :D
  • Lcb12321
    188 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I'm sorry give me another chance

    It's DarthRonfar I understand.... I promise I'll contribute more I've just been busy...
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    Thank you for bringing me aboard evergoo. Obviously I'm new here, but I will do what's needed for the guild.
    Thanks again.
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    Welcome @jedifather73 ! Glad to have you :smile:
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