I now see what the galactic war is all about.

It's a cash grab. You aren't meant to be able to get through it with one team but many and in order to do that you have to spend spend spend and spend some more. I love this game. And I hate it. The RNG seems to be getting a lot worse which forces you to spend to upgrade a piece of gear because you need 50 of one piece and when you try to roll for it you get it at a rate of 1 in 10 tries. I understand they need to make money but this is just getting greedy now.

How about not being so greedy EA. I'd soend more money if you weren't. As it is I remain a f2p cause I just can't support greed at this level.


  • Hbk146
    215 posts Member
    If u r a new player it is totally normal to fail a few times in the beginning. When u have 2 decent healers leveled its a piece of cake, period.
  • John_Matrix1985
    2276 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Making the game easier and/or cheaper would mean the whales finish the game quicker and get bored and move on.

    By making the game challenging the whales spend big bucks to be at the top and the F2P either progress slowly which takes time or spends a bit to get over the hump. In thr current scenario the game continues on and on.

    Ive played mobile games that i have finished with no decent end game. I quickly get bored and move on. Not this game.
  • Sarryen
    474 posts Member
    Nope - you just need ewoks! I have completed my last 40 or so GWs with a full ewok (+ daka) team and have never had any problem. Most times, I never need to retreat and finish with full health. On the rare occasion that they lose on one of the later nodes, my big hitters can come in and clear up.

    It does take time though, typically about 40 mins as ewoks don't cause much damage!
  • Options
    I'm level 75 and haven't been able to complete a galactic war since I don't remember when. My team eventually gets decimated in one battle. Usually with Dooku who gets 8 attacks in one turn and does it a few times. Yep so very fair. So very encouraging for me to keep playing or think of spending money /sarcasm.
  • Yogi
    907 posts Member
    Level 73 and I can't remember the last time I failed to finish GW.
  • Options
    I haven't failed a galactic war in over 3 months. GW isn't the problem, your squad, synergie choices, skill at playing the game is your problem.
  • Arube
    1026 posts Member
    I haven't failed a galactic war in over 3 months. GW isn't the problem, your squad, synergie choices, skill at playing the game is your problem.

    A lot of people believe this at first. But in some cases it is impossible, and it will eventually get harder for you. No amount of synergy can beat some of the teams.
    The significance of Critical-Utopian Socialism and Communism bears an inverse relation to historical development.
  • Options
    Well my team is as follows,
    Leader: 7* Luminara
    7* Sideous
    5* Vader
    7* Phasma
    7* Asokha
    All are level 7-8 gear except Vader who is level 9
    And all are sitting at max level 75.

    My strategy is to usually try to take out Sideous first if he's there then the heavy hitters then healers.

    I get a little further past half way complete before I get decimated, usually in one turn and usually with a Dooku group where he gets 6+ attacks in one turn. Plus more than half my attacks are dodged. At level 75 I shouldn't feel so weak but I do.

    So if my team is wrong or my strategy is wrong what's the solution Bangs?
  • Options
    You need Bariss. Add her and Lumi and you can pretty much waltz through GW.
  • Options
    Yogi wrote: »
    Level 73 and I can't remember the last time I failed to finish GW.

    This is like saying you've been smoking since you were 13 and you still feel fine but you're currently 14.
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
  • Lcb12321
    188 posts Member
    Stun and heal are very important, if RNg isn't going well or u need to change squad reset..
  • Options
    I just keep my arena squad under 30,000. GW is a breeze still finish right around 100 in arena
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    DekeVader wrote: »
    It's a cash grab. You aren't meant to be able to get through it with one team but many and in order to do that you have to spend spend spend and spend some more. I love this game. And I hate it. The RNG seems to be getting a lot worse which forces you to spend to upgrade a piece of gear because you need 50 of one piece and when you try to roll for it you get it at a rate of 1 in 10 tries. I understand they need to make money but this is just getting greedy now.

    How about not being so greedy EA. I'd soend more money if you weren't. As it is I remain a f2p cause I just can't support greed at this level.
    What's your squad? It's normal to have trouble at first because your bench isn't deep enough, but after a little while you should be okay. I've only lost once since unlocking Luminara. True, I'm not level 80 yet, but that's not as important as people make it out to be--by the time you reach level 80 you dont really need Galactic War anymore. At least not as desperately as when you first unlock it.

    If you have Luminara, Phasma, and IG-86, then congrats! You've got the mashed potatoes, now the rest is just gravy.

    EDIT: FWIW, here's my squad. I can run most GWs (at my level) without a casualty.
    Luminara leader (Dodge really pays off the deeper you get into the war, and her passive heal doesn't hurt)
    Darth Sidious (Anyone with a heal debuff fills this role)
    Old Daka (Backup heal, but, more importantly a reliable stun)
    Royal Guard (Tank, reliable stun. Chewbacca is my backup, but he's too slow to taunt on time)
    Rey (You might not have her, so just use whoever has your best damage)

    Focus fire on the biggest threat, use stuns to neutralize secondary threats while you take care of the big one. (Alternatively, stun the biggest threat and deal with the minor threats, but it amounts to about the same)
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Maskarii
    851 posts Member
    DekeVader wrote: »
    I'm level 75 and haven't been able to complete a galactic war since I don't remember when. My team eventually gets decimated in one battle. Usually with Dooku who gets 8 attacks in one turn and does it a few times. Yep so very fair. So very encouraging for me to keep playing or think of spending money /sarcasm.

    Lead Chewie Gear 8 Stars 6 Level 80
    Lumi Gear 8 Stars 7 Level 80
    Rey Gear 9 Stars 7 Level 80
    Dooku Gear 8 Stars 7 Level 80
    Barış Gear 8 stars 6 level 70

    easy since the last 50 GW beat em all

  • Arube
    1026 posts Member
    Yogi wrote: »
    Level 73 and I can't remember the last time I failed to finish GW.

    This is like saying you've been smoking since you were 13 and you still feel fine but you're currently 14.
    Perfect analogy
    The significance of Critical-Utopian Socialism and Communism bears an inverse relation to historical development.
  • Maskarii
    851 posts Member
    Yogi wrote: »
    Level 73 and I can't remember the last time I failed to finish GW.

    This is like saying you've been smoking since you were 13 and you still feel fine but you're currently 14.

    1+ Hahahaha
  • Options
    Gw isn't that bad to get through with two or three decent teams. Takes a little longer then it should but isn't that bad.
  • Hangfire
    497 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Just to make things simple, if you are not at level cap with multiple high level toons, we know GW is easy to finish.
    Post edited by Hangfire on
  • Hangfire
    497 posts Member
    I just keep my arena squad under 30,000. GW is a breeze still finish right around 100 in arena

    I would rather have the 4 or 5 hundred crystals from Arena
  • Rhino
    15 posts Member
    Well, I am level 80, with a deep bench & I struggle, because the last half of GW is almost exclusively teams made up of level 80 Rey, RG & Dooku
  • Hangfire
    497 posts Member
    Rhino wrote: »
    Well, I am level 80, with a deep bench & I struggle, because the last half of GW is almost exclusively teams made up of level 80 Rey, RG & Dooku

    Yes, exactly, same here 40+ lvl 80, g9,g10,g11 , 38,000 on arena. It has nothing to do with roster depth, from about the 6th node on is an absolute grind. The ninth node is a brick wall. I could probably send a couple of teams in and get through it, but I got tired of that weeks ago. The game is designed that way, why would they give away free coin, when they know we will get tired of grinding and pay $
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    Hangfire wrote: »
    Rhino wrote: »
    Well, I am level 80, with a deep bench & I struggle, because the last half of GW is almost exclusively teams made up of level 80 Rey, RG & Dooku

    Yes, exactly, same here 40+ lvl 80, g9,g10,g11 , 38,000 on arena. It has nothing to do with roster depth, from about the 6th node on is an absolute grind. The ninth node is a brick wall. I could probably send a couple of teams in and get through it, but I got tired of that weeks ago. The game is designed that way, why would they give away free coin, when they know we will get tired of grinding and pay $

    Yeah, but, I mean... So what? Do you really need 10 more Crystals and 400 (600?) more Galactic War Bucks each day? One random shard, one purple Ability thing. The credits sure are nice, though...

    If you don't finish, you don't finish. Is it the end of the world? Nah...
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Hangfire
    497 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    NicWester wrote: »
    Hangfire wrote: »
    Rhino wrote: »
    Well, I am level 80, with a deep bench & I struggle, because the last half of GW is almost exclusively teams made up of level 80 Rey, RG & Dooku

    Yes, exactly, same here 40+ lvl 80, g9,g10,g11 , 38,000 on arena. It has nothing to do with roster depth, from about the 6th node on is an absolute grind. The ninth node is a brick wall. I could probably send a couple of teams in and get through it, but I got tired of that weeks ago. The game is designed that way, why would they give away free coin, when they know we will get tired of grinding and pay $

    Yeah, but, I mean... So what? Do you really need 10 more Crystals and 400 (600?) more Galactic War Bucks each day? One random shard, one purple Ability thing. The credits sure are nice, though...

    If you don't finish, you don't finish. Is it the end of the world? Nah...

    Wait, did you even read what you replied to?
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    I read it, sure. But I still think... So? I'm level 78 right now and can see level 80 on the horizon. I haven't lost a Galactic War since February. I've got about everything I need out of the Galactic War store. So what's the difference between 1200 and 800 currency when I don't have anything else to buy?

    Basically, the point I'm trying to make is, does it really matter if finishing it is hard if you don't really need anything from it anymore?
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • nematocyte
    421 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Making the game easier and/or cheaper would mean the whales finish the game quicker and get bored and move on.

    By making the game challenging the whales spend big bucks to be at the top and the F2P either progress slowly which takes time or spends a bit to get over the hump. In the current scenario the game continues on and on.

    Ive played mobile games that i have finished with no decent end game. I quickly get bored and move on. Not this game.

    This is really spot on. We all wish there was a way to scale the game for everyone to keep all levels of players perpetually fixated, but in this game model, either that isn't an option or the vast majority of developers have yet to figure out the formula.

    This game is doing a great job of maximizing income and keeping F2P or minor spenders on board. Now, remove this boring as F dodge meta so I will spend a few more dollars.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    The point is that you send in those bench teams.
    If you do not bother to use the tools you have at hand, you have no room to complain.

    You send in those teams, they weaken the enemy, and then die.
    If you have 40 7* g9+, then that is 6 full suicide squads, enough to kill protection on nodes 6-12, with your A-Team mopping them up.
    Your tedium is my strategem. It is time-consuming, to be sure.
  • Arube
    1026 posts Member
    NicWester wrote: »
    I read it, sure. But I still think... So? I'm level 78 right now and can see level 80 on the horizon. I haven't lost a Galactic War since February. I've got about everything I need out of the Galactic War store. So what's the difference between 1200 and 800 currency when I don't have anything else to buy?

    Basically, the point I'm trying to make is, does it really matter if finishing it is hard if you don't really need anything from it anymore?

    GW is mainly done for the cash reward.
    The significance of Critical-Utopian Socialism and Communism bears an inverse relation to historical development.
  • Options
    I'm level 80 and I think I've only failed to complete GW once, at least since they changed it some time back. I also rarely lose more than one toon. I've spent a bit of money but am nowhere near a whale. I see these threads all the time and honestly cannot understand why people have such trouble with GW, I'm usually able to auto the first 6 or so nodes and just play strategically from there on out. I have to believe that it has to do with the toons you chose to farm.
  • Options
    I haven't failed a galactic war in over 3 months. GW isn't the problem, your squad, synergie choices, skill at playing the game is your problem.

    Total codswallop except for the 'squad' portion of your comment. GW requires about as much skill as throwing dice around hoping your number comes up. GW is an exercise in avoiding bad RNG against the dodge meta and retreating until you get favorable results.

    Obviously, not each player deals with GW on the same level given the comments here.
  • Rhino
    15 posts Member
    I'm level 80 and I think I've only failed to complete GW once, at least since they changed it some time back. I also rarely lose more than one toon. I've spent a bit of money but am nowhere near a whale. I see these threads all the time and honestly cannot understand why people have such trouble with GW, I'm usually able to auto the first 6 or so nodes and just play strategically from there on out. I have to believe that it has to do with the toons you chose to farm.
    Well, my starting team is all level 80 with 9* gear. Barris, Luminara, Kit, Fives & Geo. all I care about finishing is for the Vader shards
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