If GW isn't going to get 2-3x easier, make the rewards 2-3x better

2761 posts Member
At level 80 with a competitive arena team (I mean top 5 not top 50), you will probably have a reasonably difficult time in GW. From node 4-5 on you will be facing level 80 teams and from 6 on those teams will be gear 10 and 11 QGJ, RG, STHan, Rey and some times evasion leads. I understand it is meant to be hard and I am ok with that. I have completed over 130 GWs. My issue is that over those 130 GW there has been 2 level cap increases, protection added, many skill changes, TM carrying over (this was good btw) but one thing that hasn't changed is the rewards. If you change the rewards to be 2-3x higher than what they are so when you complete it you get 1.2M credits, 6-9 purple mats, and a bunch of other stuff, it may be worth the effort. So EA/CG you can either keep it as is and just increase the rewards or make it more aligned with the rewards making it 2-3x easier. It should be the next thing that is done really.
☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV


  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Making it easier is not a solution.
  • Options
    I am level 78 and I have been FTP. I haven't had to even send in a suicide squad since in weeks. I hover about 50 in arena. Serisouly though, GW is about depth and strategy. I switch my team many times throughout the 12 nodes. I run different characters depending on opponents. IE Dooke gets the call against teams made of mostly Jedi. But GW has been easy and I haven't had trouble completing in in a month now.
    If you can't beat GW it's because of 2 reasons. Either 1) You have no depth beyond your arena team, or 2) you stink at strategy.
  • MBL_66
    2465 posts Member
    You don't need to make it easier, just make it faster
  • Options
    I am level 78 and I have been FTP. I haven't had to even send in a suicide squad since in weeks. I hover about 50 in arena. Serisouly though, GW is about depth and strategy. I switch my team many times throughout the 12 nodes. I run different characters depending on opponents. IE Dooke gets the call against teams made of mostly Jedi. But GW has been easy and I haven't had trouble completing in in a month now.
    If you can't beat GW it's because of 2 reasons. Either 1) You have no depth beyond your arena team, or 2) you stink at strategy.

    lmao I was like lmao

    when are these sub 80 kids gonna stop talking like they know the game most of us have been 80 for weeks.

    Come back when you are at 38k arena power

    GW is not hard - it is a chore
    GW underpays exponentially.
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    The problem seems to be that the harder to get raid gear made it where most can only have their arena team and possibly a few at high gear levels. Most don't include healers in the top of the arena so they're left out in the cold, and lower gear toons won't cut it against max arena teams that are thrown in. Many in our rosters are no longer viable for the GW.

    Doing away with enemy protection would make things a lot more bearable IMO.
  • Options
    I think the OP is saying to make the rewards better. Difficulty is an individual experience. GW is long, tedious and annoying, with the credits being the only valuable reward.
    2761 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    I am level 78 and I have been FTP. I haven't had to even send in a suicide squad since in weeks. I hover about 50 in arena. Serisouly though, GW is about depth and strategy. I switch my team many times throughout the 12 nodes. I run different characters depending on opponents. IE Dooke gets the call against teams made of mostly Jedi. But GW has been easy and I haven't had trouble completing in in a month now.
    If you can't beat GW it's because of 2 reasons. Either 1) You have no depth beyond your arena team, or 2) you stink at strategy.

    Sorry, If having 24 level 80 7 star gear 8-10 characters is not having depth, I am not sure what else would be required to get "depth". Now that we established that my depth isn't a problem, it must be because you are better at strategy than I am huh? Ok. I say it is still easy for you BECAUSE you are level 78, not competitive in arena and probably don't have a super deep squad yourself. Why don't you come back and tell me how you feel about GW when you have almost 5 full teams of toons that you lose over half of to complete a GW and when you are level 80, get 1st every day in the arena and have a 37000+ arena power.

    ETA: My post isn't about beating GW anyway. I have beat it 132 out of the last 134 days. I don't want it any easier, I want the rewards to scale. If that doesn't happen, it needs to be much shorter (like the last 6 nodes only) or, easier (to be more aligned with the rewards).
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
    2761 posts Member
    You don't need to make it easier, just make it faster

    I agree, and I am fine with the difficulty, the rewards just need to scale up to match the hassle.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
  • Options
    absolutely agree. we need reward based on level/difficulties

  • GOfish52
    222 posts Member
    Quit complaining... But if like more rewards. It isn't hard just get better!
  • GOfish52
    222 posts Member
    @RAYRAY I'm level 80, it must be your strategy because I can clear these bad boys in 20 minutes or less. And I have like 16 7* lvl 80 toons
  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    I dont understand why there is post after post of gw being too tough to complete... yes it used to be tricky... the odd retreat but honestly I dont find it hard at all and its done in 20-30 mins

    Im lvl 80 the team i take in are all 7* with 8 or 9 lvl gear and a few omega abilities...

    Rather than moan how tough it is why not just work on chars/lvls/gear so its not so tough anymore ?

    But yes rewards suck... have done for a while.. adding a shiny omega at the end would be nice
  • Nervi
    57 posts Member
    IT would be ok if they didn't just add 200% RNG odds to the teams you face in the last 6 nodes, where dooku and old ben leads effectively give 80% dodge.
  • SithAuno
    39 posts Member
    I am about to leave this game because GW is sick. Confronting level 80 gear X toons since node 6 is not right. I wont spend all my daily free time in this boting grind.
  • Sysy
    307 posts Member
    I don't think anyone short of 37k in arena are qualified to comment on the GW of the OP, or that of anyone who have 37k+ arena power. I have 38k/top 5 at payout and I do feel the pain in GW. It would be great if the devs can either do something about it or upscale the rewards along with the difficulty.
  • SithAuno
    39 posts Member
    Saraleb wrote: »
    I dont understand why there is post after post of gw being too tough to complete... yes it used to be tricky... the odd retreat but honestly I dont find it hard at all and its done in 20-30 mins

    Im lvl 80 the team i take in are all 7* with 8 or 9 lvl gear and a few omega abilities...

    Rather than moan how tough it is why not just work on chars/lvls/gear so its not so tough anymore ?

    But yes rewards suck... have done for a while.. adding a shiny omega at the end would be nice

    Good for you, you have the right characters.

    Maybe people is working in other characters but with the game as it is today it takes months to have one max level rooster.

    Considering some people are fighting level 80 gear X roosters from node 6, and they came fully protected, its not even enough.
  • Options
    I agree, it does currently take too long. Let's also remember that they did recently make GW easier by allowing TM to transfer from battle to battle.
  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    My point was we have all been there... i was where u were X amount of weeks months ago

    Just takes some grind
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    If you have a 38k power arena team, and cant field at least 3 semi-decent B teams, your roster is unbalanced, and you will suffer in GW for not diversifying.

    Dont blame the game, especially when you complete most times anyways.
  • QuiteDrunk
    188 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    just past the 37k mark and now GW is fraking IMPOSSIBLE, you people at EA just don't give a toss. out to make a fast buck with this short lifespan game and screw over your customers for as much money as you can before they quit, you don't give a flying frak about your player base or long term customers, just as long as your making money hand over fist right?

    so please tell me @EA_Jesse @anyothermonkey how am i supposed to make credits now? once past the 37k mark from node 5 onwards you get nothing but full level 80 gear 10/11 cookie cutter Rey, GS RG teams that put out so much damage it is fraking impossible to complete with my roster, team after team with full shields, pre crafted gear and still 8 nodes to finish. IMPOSSIBLE.

    so not only are the rewards for GW a complete fraking joke, still rewarding players with level 60 rewards which have not been updated for level 80 players, (don't even get me started on this subject, you can re-balance the Yoda event for level 80 but not the GW rewards? this is by design to slow us down, crap on the people that pay your wedges).

    so after playing for MONTHS spending in game currency to unlock new heroes i have now along with MANY MANY others hit a wall I can not overcome, GW was the source of 90% of my daily credits and without them the game is pretty much at a stand still for me.

    unless you have a deep roster with 12-16 fully levelled and upgraded heroes GW is impossible past 37k.

    time and time again you screw over your player base, no wonder EA has been in the top 10 most HATED company's in the US for the last 6 years, the way you treat your long term customers is a fraking disgrace, no other business would get away with bleeding their customers dry like this and I have no idea why so many of us put up with it, I am guessing most of the player base is too young to know any better.

    enough is enough, I am so angry when I play this game that it has almost brought me to tears, I have been playing solid since October every single day like a junkie and what do i get for my time effort and money? a big frak you.

    my daily passion has become a daily wind up to frustration and anger, after 3 months i FINALLY get an arena team that can consistently get me in the top 10 only to find out that in doing so will gimp any prospect of completing GW resulting in the loss of 90% of my daily income.

    how am i supposed to react to this, i have nothing but contempt for EA right now.
    Post edited by QuiteDrunk on
  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    Yet you still play :)
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    RAYRAY wrote: »
    ETA: My post isn't about beating GW anyway. I have beat it 132 out of the last 134 days. I don't want it any easier, I want the rewards to scale. If that doesn't happen, it needs to be much shorter (like the last 6 nodes only) or, easier (to be more aligned with the rewards).

    So let me get this straight. Title says you want it to be easier, then you say you dont want it easier, that you want more rewards.

    You have the audacity to tell those of us not 37K in the arena we have no business saying anything...

    This coming from the guy who banks 500 crystals a day from the arena, has a massive deep army, and the ability to dominate anything. And you want it easier or a bunch more stuff? Come on man. If I got 500 Crystals a day, I would't complain about anything. I would be able to buy so many refreshes and gear pieces that it wouldn't be funny. Dude, all I here from you is bellyaching.

    It's obvious your problem is strategy. You have been able to buy up everything you want, and just steamroll through everything. You never had to actually play trough GW legit, without just rolling on auto with your plethora of toons. Now that GW actually has teams that rival you, you don't know how to beat that many in a row. Poor you man...

  • Options
    I am level 78 and I have been FTP. I haven't had to even send in a suicide squad since in weeks. I hover about 50 in arena. Serisouly though, GW is about depth and strategy. I switch my team many times throughout the 12 nodes. I run different characters depending on opponents. IE Dooke gets the call against teams made of mostly Jedi. But GW has been easy and I haven't had trouble completing in in a month now.
    If you can't beat GW it's because of 2 reasons. Either 1) You have no depth beyond your arena team, or 2) you stink at strategy.

    lmao I was like lmao

    when are these sub 80 kids gonna stop talking like they know the game most of us have been 80 for weeks.

    Come back when you are at 38k arena power

    GW is not hard - it is a chore
    GW underpays exponentially.

    GW gets tougher.once your in the top 10 daily. I have 25+ 7 star toons and I can beat it but at at node 6-7 I start playing level 80 highly geared toons. I have one team that is highly geared, the rest of my 7 stars are gear 8 maybe 9.

    I can best it, but I want more rewards. 480k is chump change now. You can get one character from one level to the next
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    See the problem is, you guys are whining about having to battle through GW. The rest of us have to battle through GW, and we get like 300 LESS crystals per day than you do. You can buy all the credit packs you want. So you not only have the ability to get the $ from GW, you also get tons more crystals.

    Would you give up the extra 300-400 crystals a day to have an easier GW?


    Then you really have no place to complain. You just want it handed to you.

  • isreal
    200 posts Member
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    The rewards need to increase, period.

    I'm not anywhere near 37k yet, but I'm rapidly approaching 80 (78 soon) and frankly, I've seen some of the Arena death teams others face. I'm not looking forward to it. I used to coast through the last node and not lose a main toon but today I lost 2 main toons on the last node. I know it gets worse from here.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • Options
    See the problem is, you guys are whining about having to battle through GW. The rest of us have to battle through GW, and we get like 300 LESS crystals per day than you do. You can buy all the credit packs you want. So you not only have the ability to get the $ from GW, you also get tons more crystals.

    Would you give up the extra 300-400 crystals a day to have an easier GW?


    Then you really have no place to complain. You just want it handed to you.

    in a heartbeat, i would go back to around 35k power if i could, at 35k i could easily complete GW and still get in the top 20 in arena, i would happily lose 150 crystals a day to be able to finish GW, the difference is not 500 crystals a day like you suggest as i was consistently getting in top 20 with 35k power.

  • Options
    Gw should not be made easier but the rewards do need to go up. I do it only because of the credits and I almost quit today after 5 level 80 teams with RG in a row. I won but that was long and grueling. I do not look forward to doing that day after day. I am level 80 around 50 in arena and have a 35000 team. The future does not look good.

    CG really needs to increase the credits by 2 or 3 times and add an omega at the end to make it worthwhile in the future. Especially as the level cap has been reached by many and eventually we will face level 80 teams start to finish

  • Thrain
    82 posts Member
    I'm not sure why people are objecting so vociferously to a call for better rewards!

    Also, those who don't have an arena team at 38k will not appreciate what GW is like at that level. Nothing wrong with that, but please believe me when I say your arguments dismissing the strategy of others comes across as, to put it politely, misinformed. It's not necessary, and you will not be persuading anyone.

    Well, for the record, here's one vote for increased rewards, and it's coming from someone who is currently ftp, who has an arena team above 38k, who completes GW every day, and who finds it increasingly not worth the hassle.

  • MBL_66
    2465 posts Member
    See the problem is, you guys are whining about having to battle through GW. The rest of us have to battle through GW, and we get like 300 LESS crystals per day than you do. You can buy all the credit packs you want. So you not only have the ability to get the $ from GW, you also get tons more crystals.

    Would you give up the extra 300-400 crystals a day to have an easier GW?


    Then you really have no place to complain. You just want it handed to you.

    Most of our complaints are not that GW is too hard but that the rewards aren't worth it. When the game first started the credits required to max a toon was from 1 to 60 was just over 1 million, then when the cap went up to 70 it was 2.3 million and now it's 4.6 million but you know we still get the same amount of credits everyday

    It's not just in guild war though, the challenges are still giving out very low credit counts. When you're level 40 you can earn 79k every time you clear the credit challenge but now we get 93k, that's **** insane.
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