Who are you bringing to the Female only event?


  • Harmonica
    541 posts Member
    Phasma, Daka, Rey, Leia and Ahsoka. Lumi, BO and Aalya as backups.
    Team iNstinct -- teaminstinct.net
  • McPot45
    133 posts Member
    Rey, Lumi, Ahsoka, Daka, Phasma
  • Options
    7* Ventress, Initiate, Lumi, Phasma
    4* Talia, Ahsoka, Guardian
  • Zanhaep
    358 posts Member
    Ahsoka, Lumi, Daka, Initiate, Barriss
  • Naugrin
    686 posts Member
    First we get jobs, then we get the khakis, THEN we get the girls.
  • DevTore
    174 posts Member
    Hobnob wrote: »
    Ugnaughts twin sister is Susan Boyle


    "No Hassle" guild, for those who want star wars, not drama wars!
  • Gankak
    226 posts Member
    Soundwave wrote: »
    You guys are totally missing the point of this event. How about:
    Hillary Clinton
    Angela Merkel
    Madeline Albright
    Sandra Day O'Conner
    Ruth Bader Ginsburg?

    With this team you have 4 solid characters and a traitor. You might win but at the last second Clinton would refuse to help....retreat and blame the loss on a movie.
  • Options
    An all-Jedi squad:
    Ahsoka, Luminara, Barriss and for the lead position, obviously, Jedi Knight Anakin
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
  • Options
    Arya Stark
    Danerys Stormborn
    Briene of Tarth
    Yara Ironborn
    Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
  • Mythov
    97 posts Member
    Phasma rey leia aayla daka all maxed g/7*.

    I have barriss lumi snips talia available as back up too
  • Options
    Phasma, Rey, Lumi, Daka, and maybe Resistance Pilot (finally, we'll know if she really is a she, or actually a feminine he!) And if not, maybe Talia or NSI.
  • Snake2
    1455 posts Member
    Jawa, GS, JE, RP, RG.
  • Tuln
    48 posts Member
    Always thought RP was male...
  • brunokj
    22 posts Member
    7* Phasma gear VIII
    7* Luminara gear VIII
    7* Rey gear VIII
    7* Old Daka gear IX
    7* Asajj Ventress gear VIII
  • Options
    7* Elle Macpherson
    7* Paulina Porizkova
    6* Kathy Ireland
    6* Stephanie Seymour
    5* Cindy Crawford

    I hit puberty in which decade? ;)
  • Options
    7* Elle Macpherson
    7* Paulina Porizkova
    6* Kathy Ireland
    6* Stephanie Seymour
    5* Cindy Crawford

    I hit puberty in which decade? ;)
    Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
  • Options
    7* Elle Macpherson
    7* Paulina Porizkova
    6* Kathy Ireland
    6* Stephanie Seymour
    5* Cindy Crawford

    I hit puberty in which decade? ;)

    Like '86 but you're in the right era!
  • Sysy
    307 posts Member
    I will bring Phasma, Barriss, Daka, Rey and RP with Lumi and Ventress as cheerleaders.
  • Eleiem
    334 posts Member
    Phasma L, Leia, Rey, Lumi, Daka (or RP, we'll see lol)
    All of them at full.
  • Options
    Arya Stark
    Danerys Stormborn
    Briene of Tarth
    Yara Ironborn

    Except Brienne really is in this game. Try again.
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
  • Valent_Antona
    1034 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Arya Stark
    Danerys Stormborn
    Briene of Tarth
    Yara Ironborn

    Except Brienne really is in this game. Try again.

    I mean the actress that played both is represented by Phasma... But ... I feel dumb even trying to explain that fantasy characters are completely separate from the actors that portray them
    Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
  • Options
    7* level 80 Phasma gear VIII
    7* level 80 Luminara gear X
    7* level 80 Rey gear IX
    7* level 80 Old Daka gear VII
    7* level 72 Nightsister Initate gear VII
  • Options
    Arya Stark
    Danerys Stormborn
    Briene of Tarth
    Yara Ironborn

    Except Brienne really is in this game. Try again.

    I mean the actress that played both is represented by Phasma... But ... I feel dumb even trying to explain that fantasy characters are completely separate from the actors that portray them

    I know, right? I always get the same feeling when I have to explain sarcasm on the internet... :sunglasses:
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
  • Amnor
    116 posts Member
    Does it even matter? If the event is to be even easier than rebel one, any combination of 3* or better, lvl 50 or higher females will do
  • kalidor
    2125 posts Member
    • 7*: Phasma, Lum, Asajj
    • 6*: Ahsoka, RP, Talia
    • 5*: Rey
    • 4*: Barriss
    Who I decide to field sort of depends on the enemies I'll be facing, if they're tough. Otherwise it'll likely be Phasma, Lum, Asajj, Ahsoka, RP. My Rey's still a WIP.
    Jedi Knight Guardian is benched. What an awful hero.
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - swgoh.gg kalidor-m
  • Options
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • Big_Boss
    2326 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    So Royal Guard isnt a female?
    I just realized i might be gay, the mistery behind the red robe drove my imagination wild.

    Noooooooooooo(vader voice)
    Fight it you must(yoda voice)
    All I know is they better follow up with a male only event after this female only event or they are a discriminatory organization.

    After political correctness ruined ghostbusters Ive made it a mission to make sure males get equal treatment as the world panders to feminists.
    Jajaajajajajajajjaa lol Hi donald I didn't know you played star wars well nice meeting you I hope you lose the elections
    P.S when you called Clinton on the phone that was hilarious.
  • Big_Boss
    2326 posts Member
    Patman6632 wrote: »
    DarkWingGlee (L)





    Holyyyyy snap he went there
    Lol and please were a bulletproof vest from now on
  • CatoNines
    423 posts Member
    Soundwave wrote: »
    You guys are totally missing the point of this event. How about:
    Hillary Clinton
    Angela Merkel
    Madeline Albright
    Sandra Day O'Conner
    Ruth Bader Ginsburg?

    At least two of those aren't women. Just ask Bill "Who wears the pants?" in his house.
  • Options

    7* Elle Macpherson
    7* Paulina Porizkova
    6* Kathy Ireland
    6* Stephanie Seymour
    5* Cindy Crawford

    I hit puberty in which decade? ;)

    Like '86 but you're in the right era!

    Lets add olivia newton john and christy brinkley if we are doing team puberty
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