Raid Reward System is Unfair



  • Asic
    1146 posts Member
    T1EFighta wrote: »
    Christian wrote: »
    Rewards should be for all contributing members who have contributed guild bank coins even if you didn't participate in raid due to time constraints or whatever. It's ok if the top ones still get the most rewards, but everyone should get at least something.

    For the lower level players, this is a ** very good ** point that guild bank coins should be "taken into account" toward the reward system. I see lower level players in my guild "contributing" to the guild bank coins but getting "very few" of the guild reward b/c the top players simply annihilates P1-P4 w/the right squads/toons which the lower level players don't have. It's a guild "discipline/rule" to some respect but can be ***** easily mitigated if the reward hierarchy takes into account how much guild bank coin is contributed by the player, especially those guild hoppers who randomly surf guilds to find the one that is most likely to start a raid soon ***** ... that destroys guild unity b/c you contributed to the guild bank to only see some "stranger" comes in and wreck the reward and then disappear two days later ...

    Can't possibly disagree with the accuracy of how aweful this guild systems. I bow down to you good sir.
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    Asic wrote: »
    Is it unfair? This is the first I've heard about raid rewards being unfair.

    Maybe you aren't listening then. The "unfair"' sentiment is the uneven rewards within the ranking system. There are posts around t7 being too easy which are the same issue. All of a sudden everyone ranking 20-40 are grappling up for a higher mark and ends up finishing the raid too quickly.

    Some argue "needs more guild discipline" - makes guilds more of a chore
    Some argue "even rewards" - I don't fully agree as you do need some benefit for trying harder but stats seem to show there isn't much more benefit of full gear for top ranked members other than more Han shards.
    Some argue "expI...." - not worth discussing here.

    The overall point of complaints is valid. The system is very poorly designed, but this is what we got when people asked for guilds.

    It was sarcasm. This point has been discussed hundred of times. I was insinuatingthat this thread is redundant as it has been completely discussed in depth on many occasions, another discussion will accomplish nothing.

    The devs don't care.

    bit harsh of you - that dude's new to the forum.


    The funny thing, cosmic turtle, is you often make yourself out to be a helpful contributor to the forum, which could not be further from the truth. You are just a bit of j3rk, with a rent-a-cop ego to boot.

    But whatever.

    I've been reading forums for 20 years and this is the most spot on description of a poster I've ever read. Nice job.
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    Idk I mean some of my guild mates have gotten full crafted gear ranking at 40, while I get salvage at 15. Sure top gets more credits and guild currency but it's still RNG if you get decent rewards or not
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    I don't know about you but I think the raid rewards are totally unfair, aren't guilds and raids about team work? How is the first three people getting more gear, and credits fair, and why do we get a whole bunch of useless gear? Do you think they should change the system? Comment what you think and why.

    Yeah, totally agree. In current system you dont choose allyes, with who you will fight together; you choose enemies who you fight against in raid dmg ladder.
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    Ooh, I forgot about this thread.

    Firstly, I use the forum on my phone. On the mobile site.

    On this mobile version you cannot see how many posts someone has made. (I don't even know how many I've made.) To check how many posts I have made I would have to go into desktop mode, which I don't.

    So, when I saw this thread it could have been the OP's first post or one thousandth post. My sarcasm wasn't directed at a new member, because I didn't know he was new.

    Now, to my main point, which I have to make for the second time, why is everyone so offended when I make a post they don't like?

    I'm not held to a higher standard because of my post count. I am no better than anyone else. My post count doesn't mean I have to be kind or helpful or welcoming or anything.

    I have received more warnings than probably anyone else on the forum, so why is everyone so up in arms when I do something they don't like? Are you surprised that I offended you? Because I probably offend a few people every day, so what on earth makes this thread so special?

    Once again, if you think my posts are against the Terms of service then report me. But I have just as much of a right to post pointless drivel, argumentative posts or helpful guides as every single one of you.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
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    We have a thread at the slug cave where everyone posts their warnings from the forums. I can assure you that you aren't even in the running. We have a couple guys that get them on an almost daily basis. Or at least the did...
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    We have a thread at the slug cave where everyone posts their warnings from the forums. I can assure you that you aren't even in the running. We have a couple guys that get them on an almost daily basis. Or at least the did...

    12 warnings on one account. Never been banned. I was in jail once for a few minutes.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
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    Our old leader had at least 5 in one day. Wish I could copy and paste that thread. You would laugh until you cried.
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    I'd kinda like the same prize box would be rewarded to all simply because of participation. And that the reward based on rank should be in guild coins, gold and shards.
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